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1、Unit 2第1页Words minimum pole overhead offshore outwardsecuremagneticadj.最小最小;最低最低n.地极地极;柱柱;杆杆adj.在头上在头上adv.在头顶上在头顶上;在空中在空中adj.离岸离岸;海面上海面上adj.外面外面;向外向外adv.向外向外;在外在外adj.安全安全;可靠可靠adj.磁磁;有磁性有磁性第2页awkwardreference precise simplify portable shortcoming updatedtendency reliableadj.难使用难使用;拙笨拙笨n.参考参考adj.准确准确;

2、准确准确vt.单一化单一化;简单化简单化adj.轻便轻便;手提手提n.缺点缺点;短处短处vt.更新更新n.趋向趋向;倾向倾向adj.可靠可靠;可信赖可信赖第3页1 What is a navigator?2 What is the difference between a navigator and an explorer?In pairs discuss these questions:A navigator explores new routes acrossthe sea.A navigator explores the sea;an explorer discovers new pla

3、ces on land.第4页3 Look at these famous people.Are they navigators or explorers?What do you know about them?第5页Zheng He,in the year between 1405 and 1433,seven large treasure fleets sailed westwards on voyages of trade and exploration.Under the command of Zheng He,the fleets set sail from the South Ch

4、inaSea across the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea,and then traveled further south,discovering the eastern coast of Africa.He renewed relations with the Kingdoms of the East African.第6页When Marco Polo was still very young,he decided to travel together with his father.It took them more than three years to

5、 travelto China.After nearly seventeen years travel in the East,Marco and his father wanted to return home.Marco PoloMarco Polo was born in Venice in 1254.He was the most famous foreigner to visit Asia during the Middle Ages.第7页James Cook(1728-1779)was the greatest Britain navigator.Cook enlisted in

6、 the Royal Navy in 1755.In 1768 he was promoted and sent to the Pacific where he surveyed Tahiti,NewZealand,and Australia.On his famous 2nd expedition(1772-75)he explored Antarctica.In 1776 in his third and final voyage,heexplored the West coast of North America and discovered the Hawaiian Islands.第

7、8页SAILING THE OCEANSNow read about what navigation was like before modern instruments were used.第9页1 What is the use of a bearing circle,astrolabe,quadrant or sextant?()What is the use of a compass?()A to set the course of the ship B to measure the position of the ship C to measure the speed of the

8、ship D to tell the timeBA1 Read the passage and answer the following questions.第10页SAILING THE OCEANSUsing nature tokeep alongsidecoastline Part1Using navigationalinstruments to helpPart 2Using celestial bodiesUsing the wildlifeFinding longitudeUsing the seaFinding latitudeUsing the weather第11页3 Wha

9、t would you do if you came across the following problems during your voyage?Read the chart below and fill in your plans of action to deal with them.What would you do if:Plan of action You were far from land and a storm arose.wait till the storm is over,and then find your new position and return to y

10、our original course 第12页You knew your latitude but didnt know your longitude.You were blown off-course.use knots to find your speed and work out your approximate longitude use the compass and the astrolabe,quadrant or sextant to find out your position,return to your former course 第13页You were offsho

11、re but you needed more food and water.You wanted to keep a straight course.follow nesting birds to shore;look for special cloud formations or fog over streams to find land use a compass 第14页You were lost with no land in sight.measure your position using the sun or stars;look for sea birds,cloud form

12、ations,fog or seaweed to show that land is nearby 第15页1To find the ships position at sea a sailor2 used the North Star and the sun.4Read the passage again and use the information to analyse the navigational skills.Write the answers in your own words.Using nature第16页 2 A sailor knew that land was nea

13、rby if he saw _ _.3 Sailors used _ _ to increase their speed.fresh seaweed,nesting birds returninghome in the evening or fogsea currents or tides andwinds第17页 Using instruments 4 There were two methods to find longitude:1 _ 2 _ _.measuring time and speedcompass and complicated mathematical tables 第1

14、8页 5 Write down the working principles of the following instruments:Beating circle:_ _.Astrolabe:_ _.to compare the height of the sun now with the position of the sun at middayto compare the position of the ship in relation to some stars or the sun第19页Quadrant:_.a more precise form of the astrolabe,

15、to measure how high stars are above the horizon,and compare that measurement with previous measurements(using the ship as one of the fixed points to find its position)第20页Sextant:_.an updated version of the quadrant and so it was more accurate,to measure the angle between two fixed points outside th

16、e ship(using two mirrors to find the ships position)第21页5 Imagine you are on a boat with twenty-nine other people.You have a small box for your personal things but it can only hold ten items.What would you need for a weeks journey across the North Sea to England?第22页CategoryItemsCategoryItemsClothes

17、ShoesHygieneToolsBeddingMedicinesGamesBooksshirt,trousers waterproof bootssoapscissors,knifeblanketsea-sick tablets,cold medicinecards,chessnovels,essay collections 第23页1.at the mercy of 听任听任摆布,在摆布,在面面前无能为力前无能为力They were lost at sea at the mercy of wind and weather.have/show mercy on sb.宽恕或怜悯某人;宽恕或怜

18、悯某人;without mercy 毫不容情地毫不容情地第24页Avoid(making)any reference to hisillness.千万别提起他病。千万别提起他病。2.reference n.提到提到;说到说到;包括包括 附注附注;旁注旁注 check your references 要查对引证资料要查对引证资料第25页【知识拓展】【知识拓展】refer v.提到,说起,包括;参考,提到,说起,包括;参考,查询,常与查询,常与to 连用。连用。When I said some people are stupid I wasnt referring to you.当我说某个人很当我

19、说某个人很愚蠢时候,我没有提到你。愚蠢时候,我没有提到你。If you dont know what this means,please refer to the dictionary.假如你不知假如你不知道这是什么意思,请查看字典。道这是什么意思,请查看字典。第26页She simplified the instructions so that the children could understand them.她简化了指令方便于儿童了解。她简化了指令方便于儿童了解。3 simplify v.简化简化;使单纯使单纯That will simplify my task.那可简化了我工作。那可

20、简化了我工作。第27页1.The data should be updated once a week.这些数据应该每星期更新一次。这些数据应该每星期更新一次。2.Maps need regular updates.地图需要经常修订。地图需要经常修订。3.I updated the committee on our progress.我向委员会汇报了我们进展情况。我向委员会汇报了我们进展情况。4 update v.更新更新;补充最新资料补充最新资料第28页S subject 主主语语P predicate 谓谓语语O object 宾宾语语Att attribute 定定语语Adv adver

21、bial 状状语语Com complement 补补语语Pre predicative 表表语语C clause 从从句句Short forms 缩略语缩略语第29页Difficult sentences analysis1 The number of knots that were counted during a fixed period of time gave the speed of the ship in nautical miles per hour一定时段得出绳节数显示航船海哩时速。一定时段得出绳节数显示航船海哩时速。S Att CPOAdv第30页2.Later,when s

22、eamen began to use the compass in the 12th century they could calculate longitude using complicated mathematical tables以后到了十二世纪海员开始使用指南以后到了十二世纪海员开始使用指南针时候,他们就能够借助复杂数针时候,他们就能够借助复杂数学表格计算出航行经度了。学表格计算出航行经度了。using complicated mathematical tables 是现在分词短语作状语,表示伎俩。是现在分词短语作状语,表示伎俩。第31页3.The earliest,the astr

23、olabe,was a special all-in-one tool for telling the position of the ship in relation to the sun and various stars which covered the whole sky最早,那些古代星盘,是一个单一最早,那些古代星盘,是一个单一形式工具,用来确定船舶与太阳和形式工具,用来确定船舶与太阳和太空星辰相对位置。太空星辰相对位置。第32页in relation to(=concerning)this matterIts brain is small in relation to(=compared with)its body.Little of what he said has any relation to fact.in relation to 是复合介词短语是复合介词短语,作状语。作状语。第33页第34页

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