1、精益生产的工作环境的创造性张力对物流企业和工人的影响J.deHaan,F.NAUN,Mover boom Tilburg University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Organization and Strategy, P.O. Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands蒂尔堡大学经济与工商管理学院组织和战略部,邮政信箱90153,5000乐蒂尔堡,荷兰摘 要在本文中,我们使用的概念“创造性张力”是从精益生产的理念调和需要的附加值,控制物流成本
12、力,但更大的样本会有助于我们的结果可靠性和有效性的结构有关。另一个限制是,我们的回归分析是基于由仓库工人提供的数据。因此,我们不能肯定的推广我们的研究结果的所有物流公司。尽管有这些限制,但是,我们认为,创造性张力的概念提供了巨大的潜在的未来的研究能够更好地了解和探讨精益生产实践对工人健康和组织的有效性。未来研究的一个引人注目的建议已经由法里斯等。(2009)的人认为,这是运营管理和工业工程的社会责任,帮助企业更好地了解改善活动。因此,一个有前途的研究将探讨改善活动确实可以引发的想法和做法,导致平滑过程的工人的创造性,从而也有助于创造更多的潜力由经验丰富的工人。Creative tension
13、in a lean work environment: Implications for logistics firms and workersJ. de Haan, F. Naus n, M. Overboom Tilburg University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Organization and Strategy, P.O. Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The NetherlandsABSTRACTIn this paper we use the c
14、oncept of creative tension from the lean production philosophy to reconcile the need for added value and cost control in logistics. Due to thin profit margins, a managerial orientation on logistics employees as a source of costs rather than a source of added value prevails. However, to foster employ
15、ee well-being and organizational effectiveness, a fit is needed between the job characteristics influenced by the need for process control, and workers need for autonomy and creativity in their jobs. The fit hypothesis was tested across two logistics service providers. Results from both studies indi
16、cated that challenging and enabling workers to creatively use their talents and skills in daily work will most likely lead to positive results.1. IntroductionLogistics is a highly competitive industry and logistic service providers (LSPs) generally tend to get small margins on their activities. When
17、 market conditions do not allow for an increase in revenues, a strong focus on costs prevails (Johnson et al., 1999). Since the cost of labor is the major cost component of logistics, a managerial perspective has developed to see labor as a source of costs that needs to be disciplined and controlled
18、, rather than a source of added value that needs to be nourished. As a consequence, work pressure is high, pay is relatively low, and the motivating potential of jobs may suffer. The lean production (LP) philosophy to do more with less has been embraced as a managerial panacea for cost control, and
19、has accordingly been criticized in the scientific literature for its purported effects on workers well-being. In this paper we argue that the concept of creative tension (Womack et al., 1990, pp. 102) from the lean production philosophy may provide a way to reconcile the need for cost control and wo
20、rker well-being and satisfaction in a lean production environment.The purpose of this paper is to counterbalance the claim that lean jobs cannot be intrinsically motivating (de Treville and Antonakis, 2006) by investigating whether lean can actually overcome the misfit between workers growth need ex
21、pectations and job characteristics, thereby enhancing employees personal and organizational outcomes. Section 2 discusses the market perspective of LSPs and how this affects the work environment of logistics employees. In Section 3 we discuss the perspective on the effects of lean production on empl
22、oyees that has evolved in the literature. In addition, we offer a new lens to observe the effects of lean on personal and organizational outcomes. In Section 4, we present empirical data obtained from two Dutch LSPs, suggesting that lean practices can actually help to create a fit between job charac
23、teristics, worker demands, and company requirements.2. Market requirements and worker needs in logistics Logistics creates value by bridging gaps in time, place, and quantity. This is accomplished by means of storage, transport, and the handling of goods in inbound- and outbound processes. LSPs perf
24、orm these activities on behalf of shipping firms (Stefansson, 2006), and they work within the framework of the shippers buyersupplier relationships and the outsourcing contract, thereby facing the immediate consequences of the shippers last minute crises. LSPs also represent shippers in their contac
25、ts with customers, and any mistake made by the LSP is a mistake made by the shipper in the eye of the buyer. As a consequence, LSPs are required to maintain a high service level, while facing a number of uncertainties and constraints.Although logistics is a core process, shippers are able to negotia
26、te low prices. Hence, LSPs face small margins on their activities, as shown in Table 1. In essence this is because LSPs arecaptive suppliers (Bensaou, 1999), as they have to invest substantially to adapt to their customers needs. The shippers will and need not adapt, because mostly they can choose b
27、etween multiple LSPs. In summary, LSPs carry out shippers primary processes at a high service level, but at the lowest price possible.Consequently, they cannot make a trade-off between low cost and flexible service, but have to pursue both simultaneously to satisfy and retain their clients. In the c
28、ost structure labor costs are dominant. In the Netherlands, hourly wages for people employed by LSPs are lower than in comparable jobs. These differences in labor costs enable LSPs to outperform internal logistics departments even if they would be less efficient. However, it is argued that an LSPs e
29、xcessive emphasis on cutting labor costs to the bare minimum may have repercussions for the shipper, because it may cause labor problems that can result in operational risks, such as poor quality, low productivity, unfilled or incomplete orders, and high turnover, that may eventually threaten the gl
30、obal supply chains performance. Finally, reputational risks for the shipper may occur (Jiang et al., 2009). Thus, due to an excessive emphasis on cost cutting, both the shipper and the LSP may find themselves caught up in a vicious circle.Given these developments in market conditions and human resou
31、rce management, it should not come as a surprise that turnover rates for LSPs are very high, not only for truckers but also for warehousers. This problem has been recognized by researchers in the area of logistics, who have taken up the challenge to investigate the relationship between logistics wor
32、kers and their employing organizations. Autry and Daugherty (2003) report that at least 20% and in some cases as much as 75% of warehouse workers will leave their job within one year after they were hired, while the costs of replacing lost employees are excessively high (pp. 184). Using a sample of
33、employees from seven different warehouses and distribution centers, they studied the relationship between personorganization fit, satisfaction, and ways to cope with unpleasant feelings in the work environment. Results indicated that employees who have realistic expectations about their company and
34、about supervisor characteristics are more likely to be satisfied with their employment. More satisfied employees exhibit behavior that benefits themselves and the company, whereas dissatisfied employees attempt to escape the situation by leaving the company or, worse, by behaving counterproductively
35、. In short, personorganization fit is positive for both the employee and the company. In a study aimed at identifying factors that account for warehouse employee turnover, Min (2007) found that job security was one of the most important factors for retaining employees, whereas monetary incentives ha
36、rdly influenced turnover. He also found that the larger thecompany, the higher the turnover was because of lack of personal attention.3. Lean management and worker outcomesIn the previous section we have described a managerial dilemma faced by many firms in logistics. On the one hand, margins under
37、high pressure invite managers to develop a myopic obsession with cost cutting, to improve or at least maintain company results. On the other hand, empirical studies indicate that these practices may have a negative impact on the work experience and work attitude of the labor force and that this may
38、be one of the reasons why turnover in logistics is excessively high. Thus, excessive cost cutting drives good people away and replacing them is very expensive, which has a negative impact on company results. This invites another round of cost cutting, exacerbating the problem even further. A classic
39、al example of a vicious circle.In the present study we argue that for logistic service providers, a way to maintain or even improve their service level through strict process control in an attractive work environment is to adopt an image of workers as a source of added value, rather than of costs. T
40、his requires a managerial reorientation on human resources as a decisive factor in a customer-orientated enterprise (Bullinger et al., 1995). It also reminds one of a shift from McGregors theory X, saying that the average worker has an inherent dislike of work, prefers to avoid responsibility, and n
41、eeds to be directed and controlled, to theory Y saying that the ordinary worker does not inherently dislike work, will exercise self-direction and self-control, and learns to not only accept but also seek responsibility (McGregor, 1960). This shift will help logistics firms break the vicious circle
42、and we claim that the lean production (LP) philosophy (in short lean) helps to accomplish just that. It would also be in line with the concept of organizational learning, assigning a key role in the learning process to employee development in a supportive organizational culture (Antonacopoulou, 1999
43、; Pool, 2000).4. DiscussionThe creative tension concept offered by Womack et al. (1990) to describe the interaction between workers and the characteristics of a lean work environment has so far been neglected in the lean literature. In this paper we have argued that this concept offers a lens to not
44、 only study the effects of lean practices on worker well-being, but also to suggest improvements to make lean jobs more motivating and effective. Based on person organization fit theory, we developed a modified version of Hackman and Oldhams (1976) well known Job Characteristics Model to investigate
45、 the effects of a fit between need and potential for autonomy and creativity on workers psychological states and important outcomes.Our empirical results support the efficacy of the creative tension concept for research on the effects of lean. Our results indicate that our respondents, all working i
46、n logistics, were actually very much satisfied with the potential for autonomy in their work. Because the potential for autonomy was shown to be the most important predictor of satisfaction, motivation, and turnover, this finding has important implications. Contrary to de Treville and Antonakis (200
47、6) claim that lean will bring about a massive reduction in autonomy, it suggests that this organizations efforts to implement lean practices do not inhibit employees to perceive a high degree of autonomy in their work. A second important finding is that the potential for creativity in the job offere
48、d room for improvement, because it did not meet the personal need for creativity. One of the primary fundamentals of lean is the bottom-up strategy to get workers involved in continuously identifying sources of waste and making suggestions to eliminate these, for instance by tapping their creativity
49、 in kaizen events. Our study suggests that indeed this will likely have a positive effect on job satisfaction and turnover. Moreover, as satisfied employees perform better than dissatisfied employees and they are less inclined to leave the organization, more potential for creativity may also be expected to enhance organizational effectiveness. A third important finding from this study is that the relationships between job characteristics and outcomes were co