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1、第1页第2页*As we all know,When we go to tourism,it is important to learn to how to ask the way.*And it is meaningful to help those who need to ask the way.第3页1 Excuse meWhere is the nearest post of office,please?打搅了,请问最近邮局在什么地方?2 Excuse meHow can I get to the nearest post office?请问,我怎样能到最近邮局?3 Could/Can

2、 you tell me the way to the nearest post office?你能告诉我去最近邮局路吗?第4页4Which is the way to the nearest post office?哪条路到最近邮局?哪条路到最近邮局?5Is there a post office near here?这附近有邮局吗?这附近有邮局吗?6 Could/can you show me the way to the nearest post office?你能指给我去最近邮局路吗?你能指给我去最近邮局路吗?第5页第6页The pay phone is the library.nex

3、t to第7页 The pay phone is the post office and the library.between第8页The pay phone is the library.across from第9页straight onturn rightturn left zebra crossingRoad signs第10页traffic lightsatYou must wait.You can cross the road.第11页向前向前在左边在左边在右边在右边紧靠紧靠旁边旁边,贴近贴近,最靠近最靠近在在后面后面 go straight on the left on the

4、right behind in the neighborhood near here Translate the following into Chinese.第12页在在前面前面在在上面上面在在下面下面在在里面里面在在与与之间之间在在对面对面麻烦您麻烦您/请问请问非常感激非常感激.不用谢不用谢.You are welcome.Thanks a lot.Excuse me.Thank you very much.opposite/across from between and .in under in front of on 第13页在十字路口在十字路口在交通处在交通处斑马线斑马线过马路过马路

5、at the crossroads intersectionat the traffic lightszebra crossingcross the road go/walk across the road第14页沿着新街往前走沿着新街往前走.在桥街向左转在桥街向左转.在右边有一个银行在右边有一个银行.银行就在右边银行就在右边.第第3个路口右转个路口右转 Go straight down New Street Turn left at Bridge Street.There is a bank on the right.The bank is on the right.Turn right a

6、t the third crossroads第15页Go/Walk along the road,take the first turning on the left/right.Its about one hundred meters along on the left/right.它在左它在左/右前方一百米远处。右前方一百米远处。Its about five minutes walk from here.离这儿步行约五分钟。离这儿步行约五分钟。Itll take you about five minutes to get there.你到那儿大约需要五分钟。你到那儿大约需要五分钟。沿着这条

7、路走沿着这条路走,在第一个转弯处在第一个转弯处向左向左/右转右转第16页第17页Tram stop Bus stopUnderground station Subway stationterminal/terminusPublic transport interchange第18页_ ,_in the first intersection.You can see the hospital _the hotel.The school is _the hotel.Go Go straightturn rightacross fromnext to第19页第20页第21页初学英语人,惯用初学英语人,

8、惯用expense来表示一切来表示一切“费用费用”。其实。其实expense 主要是主要是“花费花费”、“开支开支”之意,如之意,如current expenses“日常开支日常开支”,selling expenses“销售费用销售费用”,travelling expenses“旅费旅费”等等。等等。第22页In real life,there are different expression about all kinds of expenses.Here are some of the more common classification about expenses.第23页一、一、ad

9、mission(n.)指入场费。如:指入场费。如:1.admission by ticket only 2.凭票入场凭票入场2.How much is admission for the concert?Admission free.这场音乐会门票要多少钱?无偿入场。这场音乐会门票要多少钱?无偿入场。3.The man at the gate said we had to pay admission.门卫说我们得付入场费。门卫说我们得付入场费。第24页二、二、charge(n.)“原价、要价原价、要价”。惯用复数,主要用于一次性劳务所收取费用,如惯用复数,主要用于一次性劳务所收取费用,如服务费

10、、行李超重费、旅馆费等等。如:服务费、行李超重费、旅馆费等等。如:1.The charge to repair the shoes is ten dollars.补一双鞋要十元。补一双鞋要十元。2.What are the charges in the hotel?这家旅馆收费多少?这家旅馆收费多少?3.How much luggage am I allowed?What are the charges for overweight?我能够带多少行李?超重费是多少?我能够带多少行李?超重费是多少?第25页三、cost(n.)其本义为“成本”、“原价”,经常用来表示对已取得货物或劳务所支付费用。

11、如:1、I sold you this coat at cost.这件大衣我是按成本价卖给你。这件大衣我是按成本价卖给你。2、The cost of seeing a movie is seven dollars.看一场电影要花七美元。看一场电影要花七美元。3、What is the cost of this car?这辆车价钱是多少?这辆车价钱是多少?第26页四、四、fare(n.)指旅客乘公共汽车、出指旅客乘公共汽车、出租车、火车、轮船、飞机等所支付费用。租车、火车、轮船、飞机等所支付费用。如:如:1、a uniform fare of one Yuan for any distance不

12、论远近一律一元车票不论远近一律一元车票2、All fares,please.(公共汽车售票员用语)(公共汽车售票员用语)请买票。请买票。3、Mary and I took a taxi to home from the party and split the fare.玛丽和我一起从晚会上乘玛丽和我一起从晚会上乘出租车回家,车费平摊。出租车回家,车费平摊。4、Whats the train fare to Beijing?第27页五、五、fee(n.)医生、律师或其它专门职医生、律师或其它专门职业佣金及会费、手续费、停车费等。如:业佣金及会费、手续费、停车费等。如:1、The doctor c

13、harged me a fee.医生向我医生向我收了诊疗费。收了诊疗费。2、My lawyers hourly fee is 130 dollars.我律师佣金是每小时我律师佣金是每小时130美元。美元。3、John paid the parking fees.约翰付了停约翰付了停车费。车费。5、The membership fee of the swimming club is 200 dollars a year.这个游泳俱乐部会费这个游泳俱乐部会费是每年是每年200美元。美元。第28页六、六、freight(n.)运费运费,指海运、空运、,指海运、空运、陆运费用。如:陆运费用。如:1、W

14、ho will pay the freight on this order?谁支付这批定货运费?谁支付这批定货运费?2、What is the freight on the last shipment of grain?上批谷物轮船运费是多少?上批谷物轮船运费是多少?3、The freight must be added to the cost of the goods,thats why the prices are higher.运费必须加到货物价格里面,这就是为何这些运费必须加到货物价格里面,这就是为何这些货物价格比较高原因。货物价格比较高原因。第29页七、七、postage(n.)指指 邮费。邮费。1、How much postage do I need to send this package?寄这个包裹须付多少钱?寄这个包裹须付多少钱?2、Ill ask at the post office what the postage is on a letter to the United States.我去邮局问一下,寄往美国信要多少邮费。我去邮局问一下,寄往美国信要多少邮费。第30页Please close your note book!第31页You all done a great job!clap your hands!第32页

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