1、2023美国建模比赛-详表(2023-2-7)MCM:The Mathematical Contest in ModelingMCM:数学建模竞赛ICM:The InterdisciplinaryContest in ModelingICM:交叉学科建模竞赛ContestRules, Registration and Instructions比赛规则,比赛注册方式和参赛指南(All rules and instructions apply to both ICM and MCMcontests, except where otherwisenoted.)(所有MCM的说明和规则除特别说明以外都
2、合用于ICM)To participate in a contest, each team must be sponsoredby a faculty advisor fromits institution.每个MCM的参赛队需有一名所在单位的指导教师负责。Team Advisors:Please read these instructions carefully. It is yourresponsibility to make sure that teams are correctly registered and that all ofthe following steps requir
3、ed for participation in the contest are completed:Please print a copy of these contest instructions forreference before, during, and after the contest.Clickhere for the printer friendly version.指导老师:请认真阅读这些说明,保证完毕了所有相关的环节。每位指导教师的责任涉及保证每个参赛队对的注册并对的完毕参与MCM/ ICM所规定的相关环节。请在比赛前做一份参赛指南的拷贝,以便在竞赛时和结束后作为参考。C
4、OMAP is pleased to announce a new supplement to the MCM/ICMcontest. Click here to read more details.组委会不久乐宣布一个新的补充赛事(针对MCM/ICM比赛的视频录制比赛)。点击这里阅读详情!I.BEFORE THE CONTEST BEGINS:A. RegistrationB. Choose your team members1.竞赛前A注册B选好参赛队成员II.AFTER THE CONTEST BEGINS:A. View the contest problems via the con
5、test web siteB. Choose a problemC. Teams prepare solutionsD. Print Summary Sheet and Control Sheet2.竞赛开始之后A通过竞赛的网址查看题目B选题C参赛队准备解决方案D打印摘要和控制页面III.BEFORE THE CONTEST ENDS:A. Send electronic copy of Solution Paperby email3.竞赛结束之前A.发送电子版论文。IV.WHEN THE CONTEST ENDS:A. Prepare Solution PacketB. Mail Solut
6、ion Packet4.竞赛结束的时候,A. 准备论文邮包B邮寄论文V.AFTER THE CONTEST IS OVER:A. Confirm that your teams solution was receivedB. Check contest resultsC. CertificatesD. Prizes5.竞赛结束之后A. 确认论文收到B核算竞赛结果C发证书D颁奖IMPORTANTNOTES:重要注释: COMAP isthe final arbiter of all rules and policies, and may disqualify or refuseto regist
7、er any team that, in its sole discretion, does not follow thesecontest regulations and procedures. COMAP拥有对所有规则和制度的最终解释权,有权不受理任何不符合竞赛规则和程序的参赛申请。 If a teamis caught violating therules, the faculty advisor will not be permittedto advise another teamfor one year, and the advisors institution willbe put
8、 on probation for one year. 假如参赛队伍违反竞赛规则,该指导老师一年之内将不能指导其他队伍,该参赛单位将被留作观测一年。 If a teamfrom the sameinstitution is caught violating the rules a secondtime, then that school will not be allowed to compete for a period of atleast one year. 假如一个队第二次违反了规定,该学校将最少被禁赛一年 All timesgiven in these instructions ar
9、e in terms of Eastern Standard Time (EST).(COMAP islocated in the U.S. Eastern Time zone.) COMAP位于美国东部时区,本指南中所涉及的所有时间均指的是美国东部时间。 I. BEFORE THE CONTEST BEGINS:(竞赛前)A.RegistrationAll teams must be registeredbefore 2PM EST on Thursday,February 6, 2023.Werecommend that all teams complete theregistration
10、 process well in advance,since the registration system will notaccept any new team registrations afterthe deadline. COMAP will not accept lateregistrations for MCM/ICM 2023under any circumstances.NO EXCEPTIONSWILL BE MADE.A.注册所有的参赛队必须在美国东部时间2023年2月6号(星期四)下午2点前完毕注册。届时,注册系统将会自动关闭,不再接受新的注册。任何未在规定期间内注册的
11、参赛队都没有参与2023年MCM/ICM的资格。不存在例外情况。1.Register your team online via the contest web site:Go to.1参赛队通过下面的网站在线注册:a. If you areregistering your first team for this years contest, click onRegisterfor 2023 Conteston the left-hand side of the screen. Enterall the required information, including your email add
12、ress and contactinformation.IMPORTANT:Be sure to use a valid and current email address sothat we can use it to contact you at any point before, during, and after thecontest, if necessary.a.假如您刚刚开始注册竞赛的第一个参赛队,请点击网页左边的Register for2023 Contest 。输入所有需要的信息,涉及邮箱地址和联系方式。特别注意:必须输入一个可用的、对的的E-mail地址!以便竞赛组委会与各
13、参赛队在赛前、赛中和赛后都能保持联系。b. If you havealready registered a team for this years contest and want to register a secondteam, click onAdvisor Login, then log in with the same emailaddress and password that you used when you registered your first team. Onceyoure logged in, click onRegister Another Teamnear th
14、eupper right corner of the page, then follow the instructions there.New: Thereis no longer a restriction on the number of teams an advisor can register.b. 假如您已经注册过一个参赛队而想为此外一个参赛队注册,请点击 Advisor Login,打开页面后请您使用在注册第一支参赛队时使用的E-mail地址和密码进行登录。登入之后请点击网页右上角的 Register Another Team 链接,按照我们的指南进行下一步。新消息:不再有一个指导
15、教师指导队数的限制。2.Registration FeeA $100 registration fee per team is required.For anadditional $100 fee per team, you can receive a Judges Commentarywritten specifically about your teams paper.We accept payment with Mastercard or Visa only via oursecure web site. We cannot accept other forms of payment.
16、Our secure site willprocess your credit card payment, so your credit card number is protected. Oursystem will not store your credit card number after it processes your payment.2注册费用每个参赛队报名费是100美元。假如参赛队额外交100美元,可以收到一个专门为你们的论文写的评委评论。我们仅通过Mastercard 或者 Visa收取注册费,费用的收取通过我们的安全网络进行。我们不接受其他方式的付款。我们会保护你信用卡的
17、账号安全,系统在付账之后不会存储你的账号信息。3. After we receive approval from your financial institution(this takes only a few seconds), the system will issue a control number foryour team. Your team is not officially registered until you have received ateamcontrol number.Print the page that displays your teamcontrol nu
18、mber: It is your only confirmation that your team has beenregistered.This page also lists the email address and password thatyou entered when registering; you will need this information to complete thecontest procedures.You willNOTreceive an emailconfirmation of your registration.3. 一旦我们收到了您的信用卡机构的确
19、认(这往往只需要数秒钟),我们的系统将为您的参赛队自动生成一个控制编号。参赛队在没有收到控制编号以前都是没有完毕参赛注册的。请将给出参赛队控制编号的网页打印出来:这是您已经注册的唯一的证明。该网页同时也包含了你注册时所提供的 E-mail 和密码的提醒,您在完毕比赛的整个过程中将会用到它们。您将不会收到Email形式的确认注册邮件。4、If you need to change any of the information(name,address, contact information, etc.) that you specified when you registered, youca
20、n do so at any point before or during the contest by logging in to thecontest web site with the same email address and password that you used whenregistering (click on theAdvisor Loginlink on the left side ofthe screen). Once logged in, click on theEdit Advisor or InstitutionDatalink near the upper
21、right corner of the page.4. 假如需要在赛前或是赛中改变任何您在注册时所填写的参赛信息(姓名、地址、联系资料等)时,你可以点击页面左边的 Advisor Login链接并使用你的 E-mail 和密码登入竞赛网站。登陆以后点击页面右上角的 Edit Advisor or Institution Data链接进行修改。5.Check the contest web site regularly for any updatedinstructions or announcements about the contest. Except in extreme circums
22、tances,COMAP will not send any confirmation, reminders, or announcements by email. Allcommunication regarding the contest will be via the contest web site.5.经常性地访问竞赛网站查看更新的比赛说明或与竞赛有关的告知。除非在极特殊的情况下,COMAP是不会通过 E-mail发出任何确认、提醒或是告知。所有与竞赛相关的消息将通过竞赛的网站发布。6.You will return to the contest web site during th
23、econtest to enter and confirm information about your team, and to print out yourteams Control Sheet and Summary Sheets, which you will use when preparing yourteams solution packet. Details on these steps follow in the instructionsbelow.6. 返回组委会的网站,登陆并确认所有与您的队伍相关的资料,打印出您的队伍的控制和摘要页面,这些将在您们准备参赛队的题目解决方案
24、的邮包时用到。请仔细阅读这些环节的具体说明。B. Choose your team members:1. You must choose your team membersbefore thecontest begins at 8PM EST on Thursday February 6, 2023. Once the contestbegins you may not add or change any team members (you may, however,remove ateam member, if he or she decides not to participate).2.
25、 Each team may consist of a maximum of three students.3. Each student may participate on only one team.4. Team members must be enrolled in school at the time ofthe contest, but they need not be full-time students. Team members must beenrolled at the same school as the advisor and other team members.
26、选择参赛队成员:1您必须在在美国东部时间2023年2月6日(星期四)晚上8点大赛开始以前选择好您的参赛队的队员。一旦比赛开始,您将不能增长或是改变任何一个参赛队队员(但是假如参赛队员本人决定不参与比赛,您可以把他/她从队员名单中删除)。2每个参赛队最多都只能由3名学生组成。3一个学生最多只能参与一个参赛队。4在比赛时间段内,参赛队成员必须是在校学生,但可以不是全日制学生。参赛队成员和指导教师必须来自同一所学校。II.AFTER THE CONTEST BEGINS:A. View the contest problems via the contest web site:Teams can v
27、iew the contest problems via thecontest web sitewhen the contestbegins at 8PM EST on Thursday February 6, 2023:1. Thecontest problems will become available precisely at 8PM EST on ThursdayFebruary 6, 2023; team members can view them by visiting. No password will be needed to view theproblems; simply
28、 go to the contest web site at or after 8PM EST on Thursday,February6, 2023and you will see a link to view the problems.2. The contestproblems will become available precisely at 7:50PM EST on Thursday February 6,2023 on the following mirror sites:If you cannot access any of the sites,there may be a
29、problem with your local Internet connection. Contact your localInternet service provider to resolve the issue.2.竞赛开始之后A.通过网站的得到赛题! 美国东部时间2023年2月6日(星期四)晚上8点竞赛开始时,可以通过竞赛网站得到题目。1.赛题会于美国东部时间2023年2月6日(星期四)晚上8点公布:所有的参赛队员可以通过访问.得到赛题。无须任何密码,仅通过网页链接就可以得到赛题。2、美国东部时间2023年2月6日晚7点50分,比赛题目也会同步发布于一下镜像网站:假如以上网页都不能访
30、问,说明您的本地internet链接有问题,请与您的Internet服务提供商联系。B. Choose a problem:Each team can choose any one of the three problemchoices: MCM teams choose either ProblemA or Problem B; an MCM team may submita solution to only one of the problems. (MCM teams should NOT choose ProblemC.) ICM teams choose Problem C.Ther
31、e is no choice for ICM teams. (ICM teamsshould NOT choose Problem A or Problem B.)B选题每个参赛队可以从三个题目中任选一个题目作答:MCM的参赛队可以选择赛题 A 或 B;MCM的参赛队只要提交两个问题之一的解决方案就可以。MCM参赛队不得选择赛题C。ICM的参赛队可以选择赛题C。ICM参赛队除了赛题C别无其它选择,不能选择赛题A或者B。C. Teams prepare solutions:1. Teams may use any inanimate source of data or materials:com
32、puters, software, references, web sites, books, etc. ALL SOURCES USED MUSTBE CREDITED. Failure to credit a source will result in a team being disqualifiedfrom the competition.C参赛队准备解决方案:1. 参赛队可以运用任何非生命提供的数据和资料涉及计算机,软件,参考书目,网站,书籍等,但是所有引用的资料必须注明出处,如有参赛队未注明引用的内容的出处,将被取消参赛资格。2. Teammembers may not seek
33、help from or discuss the problem with their advisor oranyone else, except other members of the same team. Input in any form fromanyone other than student team members is strictly forbidden. This includesemail, telephone contact, and personal conversation, communication via web chator other question-
34、answer systems, or any other form of communication.2.参赛队成员不允许向指导教师或者除了本团队成员以外的其别人寻求帮助或讨论问题。与除本团队成员以外的人的任何形式的接触都是严格严禁的。这涉及通过E-mail联系、电话联系、私人交谈、通过网络聊天联络或是其他的任何问答系统,或者其他任何的交流方式。3. Partialsolutions are acceptable. There is no passing or failing cut-off score, andnumerical scores will not be assigned. Th
35、e MCM/ICM contest judges are primarilyinterested in the teams approach and methods.3.部分解决方案是可接受的。大赛不存在通过或是不通过的分数分界点,也不会有一个数字形式的分数。MCM /ICM的评判重要是依据参赛队的解决方法和环节。4. SummarySheet:The summary is an essential part ofyour MCM/ICM paper. The judges place considerable weight on the summary, andwinning papers
36、are often distinguished from other papers based on the qualityof the summary.To write a good summary, imagine that a reader willchoose whether to read the body of the paper based on your summary: Yourconcise presentation in the summary should inspire a reader to learn about thedetails of your work.
37、Thus, a summary should clearly describe your approach tothe problem and, most prominently, your most importantconclusions.Summaries that are mere restatements of the contestproblem, or are a cut-and-paste boilerplate from the Introduction are generallyconsidered to be weak.4.摘要摘要是 MCM 参赛论文的一个非常重要的部分
38、。在评卷过程中,摘要占据了相称大的比重,以至于有的时候获奖论文之所以能在众多论文中脱颖而出是由于其高质量的摘要。好的摘要可以使读者通过摘要就能判断自己是否要通读论文的正文部分。如此一来,摘要就必须清楚的描述解决问题的方法,显著的表达论文中最重要的结论。摘要应当可以激发出读者阅读论文具体内容的爱好。那些简朴反复比赛题目和复制粘贴引言中的样板文献的摘要一般将被认为是没有竞争力的。Besides the summary sheet as described each paper shouldcontain the following sections:除了摘要页以外每篇论文还需要涉及以下的一些部分:
39、lRestatement and clarification of theproblem:State in your own words what youare going to do.再次重述或者概括问题用你自己的话重述你将要解决的问题。lExplain assumptions and rationale/justification:Emphasize the assumptions thatbear on the problem. Clearly list all variables used in your model.对于基本原理以及证明的假设着重陈述在解决问题中提出的假设,清楚的列出
40、所有在模型中应用到的变量。lInclude your model design and justificationfor type model used ordeveloped.对于已经用过的或者应用到的模型的构建与证明。lDescribe model testing and sensitivityanalysis,including error analysis, etc.模型的测试与灵敏度分析,涉及误差分析等。lDiscuss the strengths and weaknessesof your model or approach.关于模型或求解方法的优缺陷讨论5. The judges
41、will evaluate the quality of your writing in the Solution Paper:Concisenessand organization are extremely important.Keystatements should present major ideas and results.Present aclarification or restatement of the problem, as appropriate.Present aclear exposition of all variables, assumptions, and h
42、ypotheses.Present ananalysis of the problem, including the motivation or justification for themodel that is used.Include adesign of the model.Discuss howthe model could be tested, including error analysis and stability(conditioning, sensitivity, etc.).Discuss anyapparent strengths or weaknesses in y
43、our model or approach.5.评委对于论文写作的评判重要考虑以下几个方面:简明扼要、有组织是极为重要的。文章正文必须给出重要的解决方案构想和结果。需适当的简化或重申问题。 一个清楚的变量和假设的列表需涉及如何通过调整使得模型付诸于实际应用这个问题的分析。需涉及模型的设计方案。讨论如何进行模型测试,涉及误差分析与稳定性(合用条件,灵敏度等)。讨论模型及求解方法的显著优缺陷。6. Papers must be typed in English , single or double sided with a readable fontof (11 or 12).6.论文需按规范的格
44、式用英文书写,单面或者双面,用可读的字体,字号为11或12。7. Thesolution must consist entirely of written text, and possibly figures, charts, orother written material, on paper only. No non-paper support materials such ascomputer files or disks will be accepted.7.整个解决方案必须由正文主体部分、必要的图形、图表或其他类型的材料组成且只能以论文形式递交。不是论文形式的材料如计算机文献或磁盘等
45、将不被接受。8.The Solution paper must display the team controlnumber and the page number at the top of every page; for example, use thefollowing page header on each page:Team #321 Page 6 of 138.解决方案的每一页的顶部都需要有参赛队的控制编号以及页码。我们建议在每页上使用页眉,例如: Team #321 Page6 of 139. The namesof the students, advisor, or insti
46、tution should NOT appear on any page of theprint solution or electronic solution. The solution should not contain anyidentifying information other than the team control number.9.参赛队的成员名单、指导教师名单以及学校名称均不能出现在解决方案的任何一页上。整个赛题解决方案不能包具有除了参赛队控制编号以外的任何身份辨认信息。10.Failure to adhere to any preparation rule is gr
47、oundsfor team disqualification.10.任何不遵守以上规则的参赛队将被取消参赛资格。D. Print Summary Sheet and Control Sheet:D.打印摘要和控制页面After the contest begins at 8PM EST on Thursday February6, 2023, and while the teams arepreparing their solutions, the advisor should:在美国东部时间2023年2月6日(星期四)晚上8点大赛开始以后:当参赛队研究他们的赛题解决方案时,指导老师需完毕以下几步:1. Login tothe contest web site (go to. Click onAdvisor Login, thenenter your email address and password).1登陆大赛网站(访问然后点击Advisor