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1、Unit 4 What would you do?Section A(1a-2c)平度市试验中学 尚宗贤第1页 in the tigers cage第2页What are they?They are millions of money.第3页give it to charity(Project Hope)第4页 give it to medical research 医学研究医学研究第5页Number the pictures.243第6页A:What A:What wouldwould you do if you you do if you had had a a million dolla

2、rs?million dollars?B:B:If I had a million dollars,I would give it to the charity.What about What about you?you?A:A:第7页Larry 2a.Listen and circle the reasons第8页 2b.Listen again.Check the four things Larrys sister says to him.第9页Why is Larry nervous?1.I dont know _.2.I dont have a _ .What if everyone

3、_?3.What if _?what to wearpresentbrings a presentI dont know anyoneWhat if=What will happen if假如将会怎么样第10页Larry:Im going to Toms party.Sister:Lucky you!Larry:But I feel nervous.I dont know what to wear.Sister:If I were you,I would/wouldnt.Larry:Make a conversation between Larry and his sister.Make a

4、conversation between Larry and his sister.第11页WorriesI dont know how to deal with my problems.Suggestions If I were you,I would learn to forget.Now you are studying in Grade Three,maybe you have some problems or worries in your life or in your study.So please say out and ask the others to help you.第

5、12页Summary 虚拟语气用于条件状语从句中,从句虚拟语气用于条件状语从句中,从句用普通过去时,主句用过去未来时。用普通过去时,主句用过去未来时。Example:1.What would you do if you had a million dollars?2.If I were you,I would wear a shirt and tie.第13页-1.What would you do if you _ on the moon?(step)-2.What would you do if you _ lost on your way home?(get)-3.What would

6、you do if you _ your parent?(be)steppedgotwereFill in the blanks,then answer the questions.第14页Homework Write a short passage about your dreamjob.You can write about what you want to be;what you want to have or what you want to do.Please use the drill“If I were/had,I would”字数:80-100字第15页Thank you,goodbye!Please give me your advice!第16页

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