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1、Unit 8Unit 8第1页apple shakestrawberry shake第2页Today,lets make a banana milk shake together第3页How do you make a banana milk shake?第4页First _ the bananas.peel第5页And _the bananas.cut up第6页Next _the bananas and ice cream into the blender.putblender果汁机果汁机第7页Next _the milk into the blender.pour第8页Then _the

2、 blender.turn on第9页Finally _the milk shake.drink第10页How do you make a banana milk shake?First,peel.And,cut up.Next,put.into.Next,pourinto.Then,turn onFinally,drink第11页 我任务任务:读以下单词,写出相关短语。turn on 打开打开 cut up 切碎切碎 drink 喝喝peel 剥剥 pour 倾倒倾倒 put 放放 turn off 关上关上 turn up/down 调大,调小调大,调小 in turn 依次地;依次地;b

3、y turn 轮番地轮番地第12页peelcut upputpourturn ondrink第13页_ Turn on the blender._ Cut up the bananas._ Drink the milk shake._ Pour the milk into the blender._ Put the bananas and ice cream into the blender._ Peel three bananas.123456任务:将图片中几句话排序第14页重点语法重点语法第15页spoon 勺;调羹勺;调羹watermelon 西瓜西瓜yogurt 酸奶酸奶blender

4、 搅拌机搅拌机 shake 摇动;抖动摇动;抖动peel 剥皮;去皮剥皮;去皮pour 倒出;倾出倒出;倾出honey 蜂蜜蜂蜜pot 锅锅add 加加milk shake 奶昔奶昔turn on 打开;接通打开;接通salt 盐盐finally 最终;最终最终;最终第16页 Three(apples)How many apples can you see?第17页 Four(bananas)How many bananas can you see?第18页A glass of water.water can you see?How much第19页Two cups of coffee.How

5、 much coffee can you see?第20页谁能找出其中奥秘?谁能找出其中奥秘?How manyHow many 和和How muchHow much之间之间有什么联络?有什么联络?小小发觉家小小发觉家 第21页Leading:two glasses of water four spoons of yogurt 1、How many+可数名词可数名词 复数复数+普通疑问句普通疑问句2、How much+不可数名词不可数名词+普通疑普通疑问句问句(注:回答不可数名词量多少时,数词后一定注:回答不可数名词量多少时,数词后一定要有容器量词要有容器量词)eg.a glass of wat

6、er a spoon of yogurt第22页Summary(aims)How do you make a banana milk shake?First AndNextNextThenFinallyHow do you make fruit salad?First NextThenFinallyingredients:banana,milk,apple,watermelon,honey and yogurtPhrases:a cup of/a teaspoon of 第23页4.putinto把把放进放进Put your book into your bag.把把译成译成Put the s

7、entences into English.3.pour.into把把倒进倒进.里里 Pour the milk into the cup.第24页1.turn on turn off ;turn upturn downeg.Turn on the light.You watchTV too long,turn it off.The radio is too loud,turn it down.重点短语重点短语turn on 打开(电器)Its dark,please turn on the light.天黑了,请打开灯。记住由turn 组成短语:turn off关掉turn down关小tu

8、rn up 开大;turn on 打开;in turn 依次地;by turn 轮番地第25页add v.加;增加;加添加;增加;加添If you add 3 to 5,you get 8.五加三等于八。短语:add.to.把加到上If you _5_1,you get six.A.put;into B.mix;upC.add;toD.add;up第26页一翻译一翻译1 剥剥,削削 _ 2把把倒入倒入里里3 打开打开_4 一份香蕉奶昔一份香蕉奶昔 _5 一勺酸奶一勺酸奶 _二二 下面是制作香蕉奶昔过程下面是制作香蕉奶昔过程,按先后次序按先后次序 填入正确动词或短语填入正确动词或短语.1 _ t

9、hree bananas.2 _ the bananas.3 _ the bananas and ice cream into the blender.4 _ the milk into the blender.5 _ the blender for about three minutes.peelpourintoturn ona banana milk shakea spoon of yogurtPeelCut up PutPourTurn on 第27页exercisesv依据括号内所给单词适当形式填空 1.How _(many)yogurt do we need?2.He can dri

10、nk three cups of _ (juice).3.How many _(watermelon)do you want?4.Lets _(make)banana and apple milk shake.5.How many people _(be)there in your town?6.He often _(turn)the TV when he comes home.muchjuicewatermelonsmakeareturns on第28页v句型转换 1.There is an apple in the picture.(提问)_ _ in the picture?2.Ther

11、e is an apple in the picture.(提问)How _ _ _ there in the picture?3.This book is five dollars.(提问)_ _ is this book?What ismany apples areHow much第29页单项选择单项选择1 Can you help me cut _ the potatoes?A to B into C for D up2 Please bring me _.A two cup of coffee B two cup of coffees C two cups of coffees D t

12、wo cups of coffee 3 First,_three oranges.A peeling B peel C peels D to peel4 Can the girl _ a salad by herself?A make B makes C making D made5 The children ran _ the classroom at once.A on B into C in D of6 I want to make a banana milk shake.Please tell me,_ milk do I need,and _ bananas do I need?A how much;how many B how many;how many C how much;how much D how many;how much第30页Make your own milk shake or fruit salad at home,and share with your family.(制作自己喜爱制作自己喜爱Milk shake或或fruit salad,并与你家人分享。,并与你家人分享。)第31页

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