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1、Grammar 3 Articles第1页u冠词分为:不定冠词(indefinite Article):”a”an”,定冠词(definite Article):”the”,在有名词前不需用冠词,这种使用方法称为零冠词。u不定冠词a与an使用方法u不定冠词a,an用于名词之前,表示“一个”或“一”。a用于以辅音音素开头名词之前,an用于以元音音素开头名词之前。e.g.:a book;a chair;an egg;an hour疑难辨析u第一次提到某人或某物时用不定冠词a或an起介绍作用。What is her mother?She is a nurse.u表示一类中一个。A child nee

2、ds love.孩子需要爱。u表示任何一个,泛指一类。A deer is a useful animal.鹿是一个有用东西。第2页u用于专有名词之前,表示说话人不知道人或事。A Mr.Smith called you.有位叫史密斯先生给你打过电话。u表示单位、数量、长度、时间等。1.I write to my father once a week.我每星期给我父亲写一封信。2.I gave him a thousand pound.我给了他1000英镑。u在月份、星期及evening,night,morning,afternoon等名词前用修饰语时,一律用a。On a sunny Friday

3、 he went out.在一个晴朗周五他出去了。u与表示职业、身份等名词连用。1.He wants to become an engineer.他想称为工程师。2.Is she a doctor?她是医生吗?第3页u表示“the same”意思。1.The two shirts are much of a size.这两件衬衫大小差不多。2.Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚。u用在“such a”“quite a”many a”“rathera”或“so+形容词+a+单数可数名词”结构中。1.She is such a beauty.她就是这么一个

4、美人。2.His lazy son is quite a bother to him.他懒儿子很令他伤脑筋。3.Many a man comes to work here.很多人到这里干活。4.She is rather an artist.她真是个艺术家。第4页u用于what引导感叹句中,既可用于单数可数名词之前,也可用于集体名词之前。1.What a clever boy he is!他是个多么聪明孩子啊!2.What a big crowd!多大一群人!u思维拓展u使用不定冠词和不用不定冠词差异1.英语中一些名词既可用作不可数名词也可用作可数名词,不过含义不一样,使用方法也不一样。iro

5、n 铁,an iron 一个熨斗;kindness和善,a kindness一件善事2.“with+抽象名词”使用时相当于副词,抽象名词前不用不定冠词。with pleasure 愿意地with kindness 亲切地with joy 高兴地with difficulty 吃力地with anger 生气地第5页但在“with+a+名词”结构中虽有不定冠词,却没有实际意义。with a smile 微笑地 with an effort 努力地 with a light heart 愉快地在每日三餐名词前普通不用不定冠词,但假如名词前有形容词修饰或特指某“餐”、庆贺某种活动、向某人表示祝贺等时

6、也可用不定冠词。1.I had a big breakfast this morning.今天早上我饱餐了一顿。2.He gave us a good breakfast.他款待了我们一顿很好早餐。当两个并列单数名词同指一个人或物时,后一个名词前不用不定冠词;假如后一个名词前也用不定冠词,则指两个人或物。1.a Chinese and English dictionary 一本英汉词典 a Chinese and an English dictionary 一本汉语词典和一本英语词典第6页2.He is a soldier and writer.他是一名战士兼作家。They are a sol

7、dier and a writer.他们是一位战士和一位作家。在有些词与词组前有没有不定冠词意思截然不一样。Few,a few;little,a little既可用也可不用不定冠词词组。A large number of=large numbers of 大量 A lot of=lots of 许多,大量 Make a face=make faces 做鬼脸 Catch a cold=catch cold 感冒have a cold 和 get a cold 这两个短语中,a不能省略。第7页u定冠词使用方法u定冠词只有一个,即the,普通用在有特定含义和专门要求名词之前,表示特指。1.不论单数

8、名词,还是复数名词,不论可数名词,还是不可数名词,前面都能够用“the”。2.定冠词the表示某一类人或事物或其中某一个,相当于汉语“这”“这些”“那”“那些”。u疑难辨析:1.定冠词惯用在特指单、复数名词前,指某人或物,或者指一些人或一些物,相当于汉语“这”“这些”“那”“那些”。Your book is on the desk.2.用在谈话人双方同时指向人或物。The student is on the desk.3.用在上面提到过人或物前。I have a cat.The cat is very interesting.第8页4.用在表示世界上独一无二事物名词前。The moon goe

9、s round the earth.5.用在序数词和形容词最高级前。The eighth of March is Womens Day.This kind of pen is the best.6.有些可数名词前要加“the”,表示一类人或物。The tiger is a fierce animal.(1)可数名词前既可用定冠词表示一类,也可用不定冠词表示一类。a horse 马 an elephant 象 the dog 狗(2)不可数名词表示一类时不加任何冠词。Water is a kind of matter.水是一个物质。7.在江河、海洋、湖泊、山脉、群岛前要加定冠词。the Paci

10、fic Ocean 太平洋但 Mount Tai(泰山)前不加冠词8.由普通名词组成专有名词前要加定冠词。The Great Wall第9页9.乐器名称前要加定冠词the。The little girl can play the piano very well.10.用在表示方向、方位名词前。The sun rises in the east.Li Ming is at the back of the door.11.姓氏复数前加定冠词,表示全家。the Johns 约翰一家12.“the+形容词比较级,the+形容词比较级”表示“越越”。The earlier you go,the soon

11、er you will be back.13.定冠词与表示计算单位名词连用,含有“每”“每一”意思。This cloth is sold by the yard.这种布按码出售。14.加定冠词“the”惯用语all the year round 整年at the end of 在末at the bottom of 在底部at the top of 在顶部in the end 最终,终于in the distance 在远处第10页u思维拓展:1.在形容词最高级前普通加定冠词。但有时却用不定冠词,这时它不表示“最”意思,而表示“非常”“很”意思。This is the most importan

12、t question of all.这是全部问题中最主要一个。This is a most important question.这是一个非常主要问题。2.在序数词前加定冠词,表示“第几”;加不定冠词则表示“又”“再”。Will you be the first to read the text?你第一个读课文好吗?Will you have a second try?你再试一次好吗?3.在有些短语中,用定冠词和用不定冠词意思不一样。The number of our school students is about 1500.我校学生人数约为1500人。第11页A number of our

13、 school students will go to Beijing for the summer holidays.我校很多学生将去北京过暑假。Will you wait for me for a moment?您等我一会儿好吗?I have nothing to do for the moment.我当前/暂时无事可做。u不用冠词情况u英语中许多情况下不用冠词(零冠词),归纳以下:1.在专有名词、抽象名词或物质名词前。China 中国 milk 牛奶2.在表示一类人或事物复数名词前。They are both doctors in the hospital.他们两人都是这个医院医生。第1

14、2页3.在学科名词前。We study maths,Chinese,English and so on.我们学习数学、语文、英语等。4.在日期、节日、季节、月份和星期等前。January 1st is New Years Day.一月一日是新年。Today is Sunday.今天是星期天。September 10th is Teachers Day.9月10日是教师节。5.当名词前有指示代词、物主代词、不定代词或名词全部格时。Pass me that pen,please.This is his bike.Those are Li Pings maps.6.在一日三餐前。When do yo

15、u have supper?你们什么时候吃晚饭?第13页7.在表示球类运动名词前。Id like to play football.8.在表示称呼、头衔名词前。Uncle Wang used to grow vegetables.王叔叔过去种菜。Mr.Li is our English teacher.9.在一些固定词组中名词前。at noon 在中午 at night 在晚上 go to school 去上学疑难辨析1.in front of 在(外部)前面 in the front of 在(内部)前面(1)Dont stand in front of the bus!It will st

16、art soon.不要站在汽车前面!汽车很快就开了。(2)I like to sit in the front of the bus.It is more comfortable.我喜欢坐在汽车前部。这么更舒适些。第14页2.at table 进餐 at the table 坐在桌子旁边(1)He doesnt like to talk at table.他不喜欢就餐时说话。(2)She is sitting at the table reading todays newspaper.她坐在桌子旁看今天报纸。3.in future(从今以后)未来 in the future(较为遥远)未来(1

17、)You must be careful with your handwriting in future.从今以后你得注意你书写。4.three of us 我们当中三人 the three of us 我们三人(共三人)第15页5.next year/week 明年/下周 the next year/week(过去某一时间之后)第二年/下周(1)Well go to Shanghai next week.下周我们去上海。(2)We went to Shanghai on June 24th last year and the next week we went to Guilin.去年我们6

18、月24日去北京,第二周我们去了桂林。6.on earth 终究 on the earth 在地球上7.take place 发生 take the place of 代替8.out of question 毫无疑问,一定 out of the question 不可能,办不到(1)It is out of question that he will come back.他一定会回来。(2)Your idea is out of the question.你意见是不值得考虑。第16页9.(1)We are the students of Class 6.我们是六班(部分)学生。(2)We are

19、 students of Class 6.我们是六班(全体)学生。10.“most of+the+名词复数”表特指;“most of+名词复数”表泛指。(1)Most of the students like to oversleep in the morning.这些学生中大多数喜欢早上睡懒觉。(2)Most of students like to get up early in the morning and do some reading.大多数学生喜欢早上早起 并进行早读。11.go to school 去上学 go to the school 到学校去Eg.Yesterday aft

20、ernoon,the child didnt go to school,but his father went to the school to have a parent-teacher meeting.昨天下午,这个孩子没上学,但他父亲去学校开了个家长会。第17页12.在一些短语中有没有定冠词并无区分。at least=at the least 最少 at most=at the most 至多,不超出 in face of=in the face of 面对思维拓展在一定上下文中,“零冠词+不可数名词”有时也能起“特指”作用。Eg.Man has just taken his first step into space.人类刚才开始向太空进军。在一定上下文中,“零冠词+单数可数名词”有时也能起“特指”作用。Eg.John was elected chairman of the workers union.约翰当选为工会主席。第18页第19页

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