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1、2022年北京怀柔县桥梓中学高二英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. _deep down in the earth, the dead forests rotted away and became coal.A. Burying B. Buried C. To bury D. Being burying 参考答案:B2. Just like spoken language, body language from culture to culture. A. changes B. varies C. exchanges D. appears参考答案:B3. Great Britain _ fou

2、r main partsEngland, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.Amakes up of Bconsists ofCcomposes of Dis consisted of参考答案:Bconsist of“由组成;由构成”,其主语为整体。make up“组成,构成”,其主语是部分;题干句中整体作主语,C项应改为be composed of。4. Success and wealth _ his character. As a result, his friends left him one after another.A. translate

3、d B. transported C. transplanted D. transformed参考答案:D5. Ive been taking these pills for three days, but so far theyve had no _.A. answer B. effect C. help D. work参考答案:B6. It doesnt make any _ now what he saysits too late for apologies.Adifference Beffect Cprogress Ddevelopment参考答案:A7. One advantage

4、of living in the city is its great _. A. convenience B. importance C. possibility D. attraction参考答案:A8. I felt very _and out of place at the beginning. After all, never before had I been invited to such a formal party. A. guilty B. sensitive C. cautious D. awkward参考答案:D9. Nobody could believe what T

5、om says because he is _ changing his mind. A. regularly B. steadily C. suddenly D.constantly 参考答案:D10. His appreciation of potential dangers of writing about the bad sides of society didnt stop the novelist from writing his novels, exposing abuses of powers, corruption of high officials and so on, w

6、hich _ great appreciation from a large number of readers. A. arose B. raised C. aroused D. rose out 参考答案:C11. The design of the modern architecture concentrates on usefulness _ decoration. A. rather than B. more than C. other than D. instead 参考答案:A略12. The students in Ningbo University urged that th

7、e library _ open during the vacation so that they could use it then.A. was keptB. keptC. be keptD. keep参考答案:C略13. He lifted the receiver as soon as the telephone rang but it on the table at once.A. lay B .lied C. laid D. lain 参考答案:C14. Although she is _ me _ two years, she has more working experienc

8、e. A. junior than, by B. younger than, with C. senior to, by D. junior to, by参考答案:D试题分析:考查介词。be junior to sb. by比某人年少-岁,根据句意可知选D。【知识拓展】15. It is_ who_going to Beijing tomorrow. A. me; is B. me; am C.I; am D.I; is参考答案:C 16. How did you like Nicks performance last night?To be honest,his singing didnt

9、_to me much.AappealBbelong Crefer Dattempt参考答案:A17. _ you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to knowAIf only B.As far as C. So long as D. Only if参考答案:D18. The earth became so that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.Agenuine Bviolent Cpoisonou

10、s Dbeneficial参考答案:B二、 短文改错19. 短文改错(本题共10分;每小题1分,满分10分)请在答题纸相应位置作答。每句中只有一处错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2 格式错误不得分。No body language can be more attractive than smiling. Not only can a beautiful smile makes us happy, but

11、 it can enable other to feel delighted. Sometimes a smile is such powerful that it gives people suffered from disasters great courage. A little boy named Lang Zheng, for example , impressed and encouraged a great many people while a serious earthquake happened in Wenchuan. Right before he was rescue

12、d by the soldiers from the ruins, he saluted and smiled to them. His smile like sunshine which warmed people who were in the sadness. We can clear see that without smile our life would be color1 less and difficult. His story suggests that we smiled as much as possible in our daily life.参考答案:20. 短文改错

13、(满分10分) 假如英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 要求你在错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。 增加:在缺词处写一个漏字符号(), 在其下面写上该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线, 在该词下面写上修改后的词。 注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。例如:It was very nice to get your invitation to spend weekend with you. Luckily I thewas completely

14、 free then, so Ill say “yes”. Ill arrive in Bristol at around 8 pm in Fridayam onevening. Last Saturday I went to the library as usually. At about noon, I was enjoying my reading near a lake while suddenly I hear someone crying for help. I went up to see what was happened I was shocking to find a li

15、ttle child struggling in the water in the distance while many peoples were standing by without doing anything. Without any hesitation, I had pushed through the crowd as I took off my coat, but jumped into the water quickly. I managed to reach him and carried him back to safety. To his great relief,

16、the kid was saved. I was proud what I had done. I hope everyone can give a hand when someone else is in need. 参考答案:Last Saturday 1 went to the library as usually. At about noon, I was enjoying my reading usualnear a lake while suddenly I hear someone crying for help. I went up to see what was happen

17、ed. I when heard happeningwas shocking to find a little child struggling in the water in the distance while many peoples were shocked peoplestanding by without doing anything. Without any hesitation, I pushed through the crowd as Itook off my coat, but jumped into the water quickly. I managed to rea

18、ch him and carried him back andto safety. To his great relief, the kid was saved. my I was proud what I had done. I hope everyone can give a hand when someone else is in ofneed.略三、 阅读理解21. Poets,songwriters and leftwing politicians hate the idea,but for decades,opinionpoll evidence has been clear: m

19、oney buys happiness and the richer you are,the more likely you are to express satisfaction with your life.Until now,a survey of 43 countries published on October 30th by the Pew Research Centre shows that people in emerging markets are within a whisker of(一步之遥)expressing the same level of satisfacti

20、on as people in rich countries.It is in line with the standard view of happiness and income seen so far.According to the survey,in 2007,57%of respondents in rich countries regarded themselves as happy;in emerging markets the share was 33%; in poor countries only 16%a classic expression of the standa

21、rd view. But in 2017, 54% of richcountry respondents counted themselves as happy,whereas in emerging markets the percentage jumped to 51%.The sharp increase happened thanks to huge improvements in countries such as Indonesia (+35)and Pakistan(+22).In 12 of the 24 emerging markets,half or more people

22、 rate their life satisfaction in the top of the ladder.This is not to say the link between income and satisfaction has been snapped. Poor countries still lag behind:only a quarter of the people there count themselves as happyhalf the level of the other two groups.There is also a clear link between h

23、appiness and income growth.Chinas GDP rose at an annual average rate of 10% in 20072017 and its happiness level rose 26 points.Within countries,richer people express more satisfaction than their poorer neighbors.The study divided respondents into categories with higher and lower incomes and fewer an

24、d more household goods.In every country in every group, richer folk with more goods expressed higher levels of happiness.So at a personal level,money does buy happiness.And if you ask people about different aspects of their liveshealth,family life,religion,standard of livingit turns out that satisfa

25、ction with living standards still has the biggest influence on happiness.24. Whats the standard view of happiness and income?A. Income is not closely related to happiness.B. Happiness does not depend on how much you earn.C. The higher your income is, the more likely you will feel satisfied.D. The mo

26、re you are satisfied, the more you can earn every month.25. What contributed to the increase of happiness in emerging markets?A. Their rapid development.B. Investment in emerging markets.C. Economic downturn.D. More cooperation with rich countries.26. Whats the purpose of the writer by mentioning Ch

27、inas GDP?A. To prove that Chinas GDP growth led to the happiness of people in Asia.B. To remind readers of the progress that China has made.C. To express the authors concern about the development of emerging markets.D. To show that there is a link between happiness and income growth.27. What is the

28、authors attitude to the standard view of happiness and income?A. Disappointed.B. SkepticalC. Supportive.D. Indifferent.参考答案:24. C 25. A 26. D 27. C【分析】本文是一篇议论文。文章论述的是幸福和收入之间的关系。几十年来,民意调查的证据已经很清楚:金钱能买来幸福,你越富有,就越有可能对自己的生活表示满意。【24题详解】文章概要题。由第一段“opinion-poll evidence has been clear: money buys happiness

29、 and the richer you are, the more likely you are to express satisfaction with your life.”“ 民意调查的证据已经很清楚:金钱能买来幸福,你越富有,就越有可能表达对生活的满意。”可知,你的收入越高,你就越有可能感到满足。故选C项。【25题详解】细节推断题。由第三段 “But in 2017, , whereas in emerging markets the percentage jumped to 51%.”“ 但在2017年,而在新兴市场,这一比例跃升至51%。”和第四段 “But the converg

30、ence happened thanks to huge improvements in countries such as ”“但这种融合的发生得益于一些国家的巨大进步,比如”可推知,“他们的快速发展促进了新兴市场的幸福水平的提高”故选A项。【26题详解】目的意图推断题。由文章倒数第二段“There is also a clear link between happiness and income growth.”“ 幸福和收入增长之间也有明显的联系。”可知,作者提到中国GDP的目的是为了证明幸福和收入增长之间存在联系。故选D项。【27题详解】观点态度题。根据最后一段中的“at a pers

31、onal level,money does buy happiness.” 以及“the biggest influence on happiness.”可知,作者对幸福和收入的标准观点持“支持”的态度。故选C项。【点睛】推理判断题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定的推理判断,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理判断题所涉及的内容可能是文中的某一句话,也可能是某几句话,所以,推理题的答案只能是根据原文表面文字信息一步推出的答案:即对原文某一句话或某几句话所作的同义改写或综合。推理判断题的题干中通常含infer,suggest,imply,conclude indicate等标志性词

32、语。 这种题型主要包括细节判断题、态度观点推断题、写作意图推断题、文章出处判断题和猜测想象推断题。本题第3小题,由文章倒数第二段“There is also a clear link between happiness and income growth.”“ 幸福和收入增长之间也有明显的联系。”可知,作者提到中国GDP的目的是为了证明幸福和收入增长之间存在联系。故选D项。22. Almost two-thirds of children want their parents to spend more time reading to them before bed, and most pre

33、fer Mums storytelling to Dads, researchers said.They conducted a study that showed younger children aged 3-4 were most hungry for more stories, with over three-quarters saying they wished their parents read to them more often.More than half of all children aged 3-8 said story time was their favourit

34、e pastime with their parents.The results of our research confirm the traditional activity of storytelling continues to be a powerful learning and emotional resource in childrens lives, said child psychologist Richard Woolfson.Storytelling ranked higher than television or video games among pastimes f

35、or kids, and 82 percent said reading a story with their parents helped them sleep better, according the survey of 500 children aged 3-8 in Britain.The best storytellers were mothers who used funny voices to illustrate different characters or made their own special sound effects to keep the story mov

36、ing, researchers said.When mum and dad are not at hand, celebrities will do: over 30 percent of children said they would like to hear a bedtime story from Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe, with teen idols Zac Efron, Miley Cyrus and Emma Watson.It can be very difficult for parents to find the time

37、to read with their children, but these moments can help build strong bonds and play a vital part in their childs development, said Woolfson.60The underlined word “pastime” in the passage mot probably means . Aold time Bentertainment Cemotion Dcharacter61The author develops the passage mainly by . Ap

38、ointing out similarities and differences Bfollowing the natural time order Ccomparing opinions from different fields Dproviding examples and statistics62Reading a story with their parents helped most kids aged 3-8 . Agrow stronger Bbecome more emotional Csleep better Dbecome more powerful参考答案:60-62BDC略

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