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1、2022年广东省汕尾市双坑中学高三英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. They were thirsty, so they went _ something to drink.A. searching for B. in search for C. searching D. in their search of参考答案:A2. They felt _ it was high tax and low income _ contributed to the extreme misery of the working people at the bottom of the ladder.A./;th

2、at B. that; which C. that; what D. /; which参考答案:A3. Eyes are known a powerful part of human body.A. being B. having been C. to be D. to have been参考答案:C 4. Can I use your phone?_A By any meansB My pleasureC With pleasureD Feel free参考答案:D5. You dont seem to be quite yourself today. Whats wrong? Oh, Im

3、 suffering from a cold. Nothing serious, _. A. yet B. though C. indeed D. anyway参考答案:B6. The happy news quickly _ through the whole village. A. was spread B. were spreading C. spread D. had been spread参考答案:C7. -More rice?-No, _, thanks.A. Im OK B. Im fine C. Im full D. Im all right.参考答案:C 8. That co

4、mpany wants to reduce prices to increase its market share, and this is _ we differ from it.A. what B. which C. where D. why参考答案:C9. It was not until 12 oclock in the evening the experiment. A.did he finish B.when he finishedC.that he finished D.that did he finish参考答案:C10. Although Yang Yan is a youn

5、g, she has a large company to _. A. work B. watch C. make D. run 参考答案:D11. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase(花瓶) , _ was very reasonable.A. which price B. the price of which C. its price D. the price of whose参考答案:B12. Can I ask for another two days off, Mr. Zhang?_. Youve missed many lessons

6、 already.A. That all depends B. Forget it C. Never mind D. No problem参考答案:A试题分析:句意:张老师,我可以再请两天假吗?休想。你已经缺了很多课了。Forget it 不可能,休想。That all depends视情况而定;Never mind没关系,不用担心;No problem没问题。因此选A项。13. _how others react to the book you have just read creates an added pleasure. A. Hearing B. Hear C. Having hea

7、rd D. To be hearing参考答案:A 略14. If the doctor is _ this afternoon, I will take my little daughter to him for a thorough checkup. A. accessible B. available C. convenient D. handy参考答案:B15. He commanded that all the gates_to search for the spy. A.should shut B.would be shut C.be shut D.shut参考答案:C16. Th

8、e boy spent as much time playing video games as he _ studying.A. doesB. had beenC. was D. did参考答案:D17. Many working people agree that _ knowledge of computer is a must in _ everyday life today A. a; 不填 B. the; an C. the; the D. 不填; the参考答案:A试题分析:该题考查冠词运用。knowledge再此并非作“知识”解释,其深层意义相当于understanding,“a

9、 knowledge of computer”应理解为“熟练计算机”,这也可以说是约定俗成的。另外,“the knowledge of computer ”则表示“计算机知识”这一概念。“日常生活”属泛指,前面不用冠词。18. -The weather is changeable here. Please take more clothes.- .AIts a pleasure BWell, it just depends CTake your time DOK, just in case参考答案:D 二、 短文改错19. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。

10、文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。The InternationalVolunteer Day approaching,somevolunteers of our school are organized to assist the policemen with traffic control in our cit

11、y. At 8 oclock on the morning of last Sunday, we gathered at the school gate. One of our teachers was in the charge of this activity but he divided us into four groups.Then we went todifferentcrossings near our school. The police officers told us that we should do and how to protect themselves from

12、danger.We spent the whole morning keep the streams of traffic flowing smooth.With a red banner in our hands, we stopped some road user running the red light.Some citizens praised us our good deeds.Because we were very tired that morning, we were proud to have offered service to our society.参考答案:The

13、InternationalVolunteer Day approaching,somevolunteers of our school are organized wereto assist the policemen with traffic control in our city. At 8 oclock on the morning of last Sunday, we gathered at the school gate. One of our teachers was in the charge of this activity but 去掉 andhe divided us in

14、to four groups.Then we went todifferentcrossings near our school. The police officers told us that we should do and how to protect themselves from danger.We spent the what ourselveswhole morning keep the streams of traffic flowing smooth.With a red banner in our hands, keeping smoothlywe stopped som

15、e road user running the red light.Some citizens praised us our users forgood deeds.Because we were very tired that morning, we were proud to have offered service Thoughto our society.试题分析:1.are organizedwere organized 根据后面的内容可知用一般过去时态的被动语态,故把are organizedwere organized。5.themselvesourselves 句意:警官告诉我

16、们应该做什么,怎样保护自己。故把themselvesourselves。6.keepkeeping 固定搭配:spend-(in )doing sth.,故把keepkeeping。7.smoothsmoothly 副词修饰动词,故把smoothsmoothly。8.user users 根据前面的some可知后面的名词用复数形式,故把user users。9.us后加for 固定词组:praise- for-,因-而称赞-。故在us后加for。10.BecauseThough / Although 句意:尽管我们很累。此处表示让步,而不是原因,故把BecauseThough / Althou

17、gh。【知识拓展】in + 名词 of” 短语在中学教材中有很多, 现归纳如下:1. in advance of在之先, 胜过2. in behalf of 代表, 为了的利益3. in case of 如果发生, 如遇到;in the case of 就来说, 至少4. in charge of 看护, 管理 ;in the charge of由管理5. in course of 正在之中 ;in the course of 在期间, 在的过程中6. in consequence of 的结果, 由于7. in defence of 保卫, 为辨护8. in favour of 赞成, 有利

18、于9. in fear of 担心, 害怕16. in need of 需要 17. in search of 寻找, 寻求18. in sight of 能看得见, 在看得见的地方 19. in spite of 尽管20. in view of 鉴于, 由于 21. in support of 支持, 支援22. in praise of 赞扬23. in terms of 就来说, 根据, 用话来说20. 下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线

19、,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Tom is one of my best friends at high school. We spent a lot of time together every day. We share a lot common. For example, we both work hardly and love sports. Although I am not so smart as her, we both do very well at school. Toms favor

20、ite subjects is history and Chinese, and he also speaks excellent English. I am used to be bad at English. Thank to his help, I have made a great progress in it. Yesterday, our English teacher said she decided to hold an English speech contest next week. I think a good chance to improve my English.

21、Both Tom and I are looking forward to show our potential in the speech contest!参考答案:Tom is one of my best friends at high school. We spent a lot of time together every day. We spend share a lot common. For example, we both work hardly and love sports. Although I am not so in hardsmart as her, we bot

22、h do very well at school. Toms favorite subjects is history and Chinese, and he him arealso speaks excellent English. I am used to be bad at English. Thank to his help, I have made a great 去掉 Thanks 去掉progress in it. Yesterday, our English teacher said she decided to hold an English speech contest n

23、ext week. I think a good chance to improve my English. Both Tom and I are looking forward to show it showingour potential in the speech contest!6. 去掉am 考查固定结构。句式used to do sth过去常常做某事;be used to do sth被用来来做某事;句意:我过去不擅长英语。三、 阅读理解21. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。IMAGINE if there was a device that

24、 could do everything for you wake you up every morning, chat with you and type your e-mails. The piece of technology in question would be smart, able to tell you about the weather and where the nearest restaurants are. The good thing is you no longer need to wonder, because something like this alrea

25、dy exists. And its name is Siri. Siri is a voice recognition application designed for Apple products and the concept has been around for almost a year. When Siri first came out it could only speak English, but now it has “learned” lots of new languages, including Chinese, Cantonese and Taiwanese, re

26、ported The Wall Street Journal. So, you can give it orders in your mother tongue. But how could a cell phone or a computer “hear” what you are saying and understand it? This is all because of voice recognition technology. When you speak, your voice creates vibrations (振动) in the air a bit like waves

27、 in the water when you throw a rock into the lake. The microphone receives the vibrations and the computer changes them into digital data that is then divided into many parts. They are analyzed one by one to see what pronunciations each part stands for. The computer then puts these pronunciations to

28、gether into possible words according to its built-in dictionary. But figuring out the words is far from enough; building words into meaningful sentences is the most difficult part. The computer has to compare what it hears to a large library of known phrases and sentences to determine what the user

29、is saying. However, people dont always talk in the most standard way and sometimes make grammatical mistakes. This is why traditional voice recognition software always requires you to remember keywords and to speak in a certain way. Fortunately, Siri isnt like that. Its not just “voice recognition”;

30、 its “natural language understanding (NLU)”. You can ask it things like “Do I need an umbrella today?” and it will know that you are asking about the weather, according to ABC News. “The key thing is NLU understanding what you mean and what you want,” Neil Grant from Nuance, a software company in th

31、e US, told The Guardian. “Historically, you had to learn a huge long list of commands . As NLU progresses, you can say what you want in a way thats natural to you.” 71. What is the function of the first two paragraphs?A. To show that invention usually results from need.B. To clear doubts about voice

32、 recognition technology.C. To introduce something that offers these helpful services.D. To show how the voice recognition works.72. Which step is the most complicated in the process of voice recognition according to the article?A. Changing the received vibrations into digital data.B. Analyzing the d

33、igital data to see what pronunciations it represents.C. Putting the pronunciations together into possible words.D. Figuring out meaningful sentences based on the words.73. How can you get Siri to respond according to the article?A. You can speak in a natural way as you would to a person.B. You can o

34、nly speak English and Chinese.C. You have to say things in a certain way.D. You have to remember keywords and speak specific commands.74. What can be concluded from the article?A. Siri can record and save what you say frequently into a computer dictionary.B. Siri will fail to understand what you say

35、 if you make grammatical mistakes.C. The biggest advantage of Siri is that its NLU is rather than just voice recognition.D. Since first applied to Apple products a year ago, Siri has made great improvements.75. The text is mainly about _.A. the convenience of future life.B. an introduction to the Ap

36、ple products.C. the working system of voice recognitionD. the introduction to Siri参考答案:CDACD22. From James Dean to Growing Pains, Hollywood has long had a love affair with the relationship between teens and their parents. As the fascination with this relationship attests, parents play a crucial role

37、 in the development of their childrens personalities. Teenagers learn by closely observing what people around them do. Parents are literally their first teachers and serve as role models. From hygiene to habits, from time management to personal manner, parents form the foundation of their childrens

38、characteristics. These tiny individual factors on our everyday behavior collectively constitute who we are. A second influence occurs at the spiritual level. Parental treatment of children is reflected in childrens relationship with others. For example, my dad was quite angry with my study habits a

39、few years back and lost his temper.I clearly remember that I too would easily lose my cool and shout at people, often saying things I later regretted, in those difficult days. Parents of my fellow classmates often tend to be anxious about the studies of their children, which can lead to a lack of co

40、nfidence in their children. If we are boats weathering a storm as we navigate toward maturity, then parents should be our captains. It is as easy to lead us to shipwreck as is to take us ashore safely. To be fair, the guidance and influence of our parents are not the sole factors in molding us. Ther

41、e are numerous examples of teens forging their own paths and becoming something of which their parents never dreamed. Even so, parents must be a fundamental force that positively influences their children. At their best, they can help to solve teenage problems with a respect for their childrens thou

42、ghts.53. James Dean and Growing Pains in the first paragraph are described as follows EXCEPT . A. they are about love affairs in family life B. they are mentioned at the beginning of the passage to introduce the topic C. they reflect a very important role parents play in childhood development D. the

43、y are typical presentations of the relationship between teens and their parents54. If parents are worried about the studies of their children, their children will . A. easily lose their temper B. lack self-confidence C. follow their own paths D. tend to shout at people55. We can conclude from the passage that . A. teens will always be what their parents expect them to B. parents behavior influences their children both physically and mentally C. the guidance and influence of parents are the only factor in molding teens D. parents should be

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