5、公司有权不接受被保险人对受损财产的委付。(四)任何属于成对或成套的项目,若发生损失,本公司的赔偿责任不超过该受损项目在所属整对或整套项目的保险金额中所占的比例。(五)发生损失后,被保险人为减少损失而采取必要措施所产生的合理费用,本公司可予以赔偿,但本项费用以保险财产的保险金额为限。(六)本公司赔偿损失后,由本公司出具批单将保险金额从损失发生之日起相应减少,并且不退还保险金额减少部分的保险费。如被保险人要求恢复至原保险金额,应按约定的保险费率加缴恢复部分从损失发生之日起至保险期限终止之日止按日比例计算的保险费。(七)被保险人的索赔期限,从损失发生之日起,不得超过两年。 五、被保险人的义务被保险人
10、规定相冲突,则以下列特别条款为准。 财产保险单保险单号码:鉴于本保险单明细表中列明的被保险人向保险公司(以下简称“本公司”)提交书面投保申请和有关资料(该投保申请及资料被视作本保险单的有效组成部分),并向本公司缴付了本保险单明细表中列明的保险费,本公司同意按本保险单的规定负责赔偿在本保险单明细表中列明的保险期限内被保险人的保险财产遭受的损坏或灭失,特立本保险单为凭。保险公司授权签字签发日期:年月日签发地点:明细表保险单号码:一、被保险人名称和地址:二、保险财产地址:三、营业性质:四、保险项目及保险金额项目保险金额(一)保险财产建筑物(包括装修):机器设备:装置、家俱及办公设施或用品:仓储物品:
11、其他:(二)附加费用清除残骸费用:灭火费用:专业费用:其他费用:总保险金额:五、每次事故免赔额:六、保险期限:共个月。自年月日零时起,至年月日二十四时止。七、保险费率:总保险费:八、付费日期:九、司法管辖本保险单受中华人民共和国的司法管辖十、特别条款财产险保单明细表保险公司 PROPERTY INSURANCE CLAUSES Whole Doc.I. THE PROPERTY INSUREDThe property insured shall refer to all properties andexpensesspe-cified in the Schedule of this Polic
12、y.Unless specifically agreed upon in writing between the Insured and theCompany and appraised and value-established by professionals or assessors,the following articles and the expensesrelevanttheretoshallnotbecovered under this Policy:1. gold, silver, pearls, diamonds, precious stones and jades;2.
13、antiques, articles of virtue,ancientcoins,ancientbooksandancient paintings;3. works of art or postage stamps;4. advertisements, aerials, neon, pieces of solar energy apparatusetc. on buildings;5. computer system records or its making and copying costs.Under no circumstances shall the following artic
14、lesrelevanttheretobe covered hereunder:1. guns, ammunition or explosives;2. banknotes, securities, bills, documents, files,accountbooksordrawings;3. animals, plants and agricultural crops;4. mobile phones, portable computers, removablephotographapparatusor other precious articles;5. vehicles license
15、d for general transport use. II. SCOPE OF COVERThe Company shall indemnify the Insured inrespectofthephysicalloss of or damage to the insured property stated intheScheduleduringthe period of insurance directly arising from the following perils:1. fire;2. explosion;but not including explosion ofaboil
16、erorotherpressurereliefdevices;3. lightning;4. hurricane, typhoon and tornado;5. storm, tempest and flood;but not including loss or damage causedbychangeinnormalwaterlevel or inundation from sea water or water escapeorleakagefromthenormal confines of any natural water course, lake or reservoir,canal
17、ordam as well as loss of or damage to the insured property caused bystorm,tempest or flood while being stored in the open or covered by orunderashed thatched with reeds, tarpaulins,straw,asphaltfelt,plasticornylon sheet;6. hailstorm;7. landslide, rockslide, avalanche;8. volcanic explosion;9. subside
18、nce of ground;butnotincludinglossordamageresultingfrompiledriving,groundwork or excavation;10. crashing aircraft and parts or articles falling from aircraftandother flying objects;11. bursting of water tank or pipe;but not including bursting of water tank or pipe due to rust.III. EXCLUSIONSThis Comp
19、any shall not be liable for:1. loss of or damage to the insured propertyorexpensescausedbyintentional act or gross negligence of the Insured or his representative;2. loss of or damage totheinsuredpropertycausedandexpensesincurred by earthquake or tsunami;3. depreciation, loss of market, loss of use
20、andotherconsequentiallosses of any description;4. loss of or damage to theinsuredpropertyorexpensesincurredarisingfromwar,warlikeoperation,hostilities,armed conflicts,terrorism, conspiracy insurrection, coup detat, strike, riot,andcivilcommotion;5. confiscation, requisition, destruction or damage by
21、 anyactionororder of any government de jure or de facto or by any public authorities;6. loss of or damage to insured property directly or indirectly causedor expenses incurred by nuclear fission, nuclear fusion,nuclearweapon,nuclear material, nuclear radiation and radioactive contamination;7. loss o
22、r damage caused and expenses incurredbypollutionofanykindordescriptionwhatsoeversuchasatmosphere,landandwaterpollutions but this does not include loss or damagecausedbypollutionarising from PERILS specified in Article II the Policy;8. the deductibles stated in the Schedule to be borne by the Insured
23、;9. loss or damage arising from any other perils not listed inArticleII of this Policy. IV. TREATMENT OF CLAIM1. The Company shall at its option, indemnify the Insuredinrespectof loss or damage falling within the ScopeofCoverofthePolicybyeither:1.1 paying the amount of the actual valueofthepropertyl
24、ostordamaged or;1.2 paying the necessary cost of repairing orrestoringthedamagedproperty to its nearest condition immediately preceding the damage or;1.3 repairing or restoring the damaged property to a condition near toother property of like kind and quality.2. Indemnity under this Policy shall be
25、based uponthesoundmarketvalue of the property prevailing at the time of loss. If the soundmarketvalue of the damaged property islowerthanthesuminsuredofsuchproperty, the claim shall be settled on its marketvalue;Ifthesoundmarket value of the property is in excess of the sum insured, theCompanyshall
26、only be liable for such proportion of the claim as thesuminsuredof the damaged property bears to its sound market value.Iftheinsuredproperty enumerated in the Schedule is more than one item,theprovisionof this clause shall apply to each thereof.3. If a claim for loss of or damage to the insured item
27、 is settledona total loss basis, the salvage value of such item shall be deductedfromthe indemnity payable by the Company. TheCompanymay,atitsoption,decline the abandonment of any damaged property by the Insured.4. In the event of loss of or damage toanyequipmentiteminsuredforming part of a pair or
28、set, the Company shall not be liable inrespectof each of such item lost or damaged for more than its proportionatepartof the sum insured on the complete pair or set.5. In the event of any loss occurrence, the Company shall also pay theInsured for the expenses reasonably incurred for taking necessary
29、 measuresto minimize loss or damage to the least extent, but in no case shallsuchexpenses referred hereto exceed the sum insured of the insured property.6. Upon settlement of a claim, an endorsement shall be issuedbytheCompany to reduce the sum insured corresponding to thepropertylostordamaged by th
30、e amount so settled from the date ofloss,andnopremiumshall be refunded for the amount so reduced. If reinstatement ofthesuminsured is required by theInsureduponsettlementoftheclaim,anadditional premium for the reinstated amount shall be charged at an agreedrate, and be calculated on pro rata daily b
31、asis from the date oflosstothe expiry of the insurance.7. The time of validity of a claimunderthisinsuranceshallnotexceed a period of two year counting from the date of loss.V. INSUREDS OBLIGATIONSThe following Obligations shall be strictly fulfilled bytheInsuredand his representative:1. The Insured
32、 and his representative,whenapplyingforinsuranceshall make true answers or descriptions to the questions intheProposaland Questionnaire or to any other questions raised by the Company.2. The Insured and his representative shall pay to the Company induecourse the agreed premium in the manner as provi
33、ded intheScheduleandEndorsements.3. During the period of this insurance, the Insured shall athisownexpense takeallreasonableprecautions,includingpayingsufficientattention to and putting into practice the reasonablerecommendationsofthe Company, prudently selecting the workmen and employeesandcomplyin
34、gwith all statutory regulations and safety operation procedures.4. In the event of any occurrence which gives or might give rise toaclaim under this Policy, the Insured or his representative shall:4.1 notify the Company immediately and within seven (7)daysoranyfurther period as may be agreed bytheCo
35、mpanyinwriting,furnishawritten report to indicate the course, probable reason and extent oflossor damage;4.2 take all necessary measures to avoid aggravation ofthelossordamage and minimize it to the least extent; 4.3preservethespotaffectedanddefectivepartsbeforeaninspection is carriedoutbyarepresent
36、ativeorsurveyorfromtheCompany;4.4 furnish all suchinformationanddocumentaryevidenceastheCompany may require for supporting the claim. VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS1. Policy EffectThe due observance and fulfilment of the terms and conditions ofthisPolicy in so far as they relate to anything to be done or co
37、mplied with bythe Insured shall be a condition precedent to any liability of the Companyunder this Policy.2. Policy VoidanceThis Policy shall bevoidableintheeventofmisrepresentation,misdescription or non-disclosure made by the Insured or his representativein any material particular in respect of thi
38、s insurance.3. Policy TerminationUnless its continuance be admitted by theCompanyinwriting,thisPolicy shall be automatically terminated if:3.1 the insurable interest of the Insured is lost;3.2 the risk of loss or damage is increased.After termination of the Policy, the premium shall be refunded toth
39、eInsured calculated on pro rata daily basis for the period from the date oftermination to the date of expiry.4. Policy CancellationThis Policy may be canceled at any time at the request of theInsuredin writing or at the option of the Company by giving a fifteen(15)daysprior notice to the Insured. In
40、 the former case the Company shall retain apremium calculated on short term rate basis for the timethePolicyhasbeen in force while in the latter case such premium shall be calculated onpro rata daily basis.5. Forfeit of BenefitIf the claim is in any respect fraudulent, or if any fraudulentmeansor de
41、vices are used by the Insured or hisrepresentativetoobtainanybenefit under this Policy or if any loss or damage isoccasionedbytheintentional act or in the connivance of the Insured or his representative,then in any of these cases, all the rights andbenefitsoftheInsuredunder this Policy shall be forfeited, and allconsequentlossesarisingtherefrom including the amount