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1、四川省广元市白驿中学2022年高二英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The thought _ he might fail in the exam worried him a lot. A. when B. which C. that D. what参考答案:C略2. As is known to all, success _three important factors: talent, diligence and luck. A. is consisting B. consists of C. is made up D. makes up参考答案:B3. I threatened to

2、report the taxi driver for illegally _ a passenger, but he pointed at his “Not for Hire” sign and drove away.A. infecting B. rejecting C. disposing D. imitating参考答案:B4. _you turn to me for help, I will do as well as possible. A. As long as B. As far as C. No longer D. No more参考答案:A 5. The rooms _ vi

3、deo cameras.A. are equipped with B. equip withC. equipped with D. are equipping with参考答案:A考查固定短语。句意:房间里装有摄像机。Be equipped with装备,配备。根据题意,故选A。6. So difficult _ it to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice. A. I did find B. did I findC. I have found D. have I found参考答案:B7. He was ask

4、ed to _the facts just as he remembered them. A. set down B. set out C. set up D. set about 参考答案:A8. All the preparations for the task_ , and were ready to start.A. completed B. completeC. had been completed D have been completed参考答案:D9. Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and .

5、A. I was neither B. neither was I C. I was either D. either was I 参考答案:B10. The words and deeds about Second World War from the Japanese leaders have seriously _ Chinese-Japanese relationship and the belief of each other, which tenses the whole Asia. A. impairedB. conductedC. annoyedD. divorced 参考答案

6、:A11. We are going to hold a sports meeting tomorrow. _ it rains?A. How about B. What if C. If only D. As if参考答案:B12. Higher temperatures turning the large ice sheet to water would cause _ rise in sea level worldwide and change _ weather on earth. A. a; / B. the; / C. a; the D. /; the参考答案:C13. My fr

7、iend showed me round the town, _ was very kind of him. A. where B. that C. which D. it参考答案:C14. His mother could do nothing but _ for the doctor to arrive. A. to wait B. waiting C. waited D. wait参考答案:D15. - David has made great progress recently .- _, and_ .ASo he has , so have you BSo he has, so yo

8、u haveCSo has he , so have you DSo has he, so you have参考答案:A考查倒装。句意:戴维最近取得很大的进步。他的确如此,你也是。so+助动词、情态动词、be动词+主语(主语与上文不一致,表示另一人也这样),而so+主语+助动词、情态动词、be动词(主语与上文内容一致,表示上文中提到的那个人,的确是这样)。故选A。16. It comes as no surprise that many parents walk along their young children _ their safety.A. in search of B. in pl

9、ace of C. for fear of D. for lack of 参考答案:17. The class_sixty-five students,believe it or not,of whom forty-nine are girls.Ais consisted of Bis consisting of Cconsists of Dare consisted of参考答案:C18. The police have found enough evidence _ the murderer did on the scene.A. what B. thatC. when D. how参考答

10、案:A【详解】考查名词性从句。句意:警方已经找到了凶手在现场所为的充分证据。分析句子可知,此句是同位语从句,从句the murderer did on the scene.来解释说明名词evidence。分析从句可知,从句动词did缺少宾语,故用what引导。故选A。【点睛】本题考查名词性从句,首先判断属于哪种名词性从句,再判断从句缺少什么成分,如果缺少主宾表,用what,不缺少成分和意思用that,缺少疑问词根据句意判断。本题属于同位语从句,分析从句可知,从句缺少宾语,从而判断用what引导。二、 短文改错19. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有

11、10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。In life people make many decisions, some of what are so important that they affect us greatly.My latest decision is made when I entered Senior 3 i

12、n Miss Zhangs class. Since I was not good in English, Miss Zhang asked me to listen attentive in class and put down some important notes. Therefore, I was never a good listener. I went on in my own way , ignore her suggestions completely until Miss Zhang had talk with me. He made me realize the impo

13、rtance of note-taking.From this experience, I have realized a good decision benefits from people. We should learn to take others advices and do the right things.参考答案:In life people make many decisions, some of what are so important that they affect us greatly. whichMy latest decision is made when I

14、entered Senior 3 in Miss Zhangs class. Since I was not good wasin English, Miss Zhang asked me to listen attentive in class and put down some important notes. at attentivelyTherefore, I was never a good listener. I went on in my own way , ignore her suggestions completely However ignoringuntil Miss

15、Zhang had alk with me. He made me realize the importance of note-taking. a SheFrom this experience, I have realized a good decision benefits from people. We should learn to 去掉take others advices and do the right things.advice试题分析:学会采纳别人的建议,制定自己的计划,做正确的事情。【知识归纳】以e结尾的形容词变成副词时,有的直接加ly ;有的把e去掉再加ly.possi

16、ble-possibly; simple-simply; gentle-gently; terrible-terribly; true-truly; flexible-flexiblyimmediate- immediately; brave-bravely; wise-wisely;active-actively20. 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。 文中共有10处语言错误。每句最多两处错误。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线

17、( )划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改正后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Last week, I visited Beijing. I always look forward to visit there.Therefore, I was so excitedly that I couldnt fall asleep on the night before I started. I got up early and pack for the journey. In my pack, I put camera,

18、some clothes, a mobile phone and so on. It spent me 8 hours to go there by train. I visited some place of interest. They are very beautiful. I enjoyed myself. I felt tired and excited because I learned a lot of about the history of the city. As long as I arrived home, I phoned my boyfriend and told

19、her about my journey.参考答案:略三、 阅读理解21. There was a time when a trip to the supermarket in the United States often ended with a seemingly simple question from the cashier: “Paper or plastic?” Well, which type of bag would you choose?While all types of bags have some influence on the environment, it ha

20、s long been supposed that paper bags are kinder. They are made from a renewable source, break down easily, burn without giving off thick smoke and can be recycled. However, the producing process behind paper bags uses more energy than that of plastic ones. How can this be true?Studies show that pape

21、r bag production requires four times as much energy as plastic bag production. And the amount of water used to make them is twenty times higher. Besides, the influence on forests is very serious. It takes about fourteen million trees to produce ten billion paper bags, which happens to be the number

22、of bags used in the United States yearly. In terms of recycling, the idea that paper bags are more environment-friendly than plastic ones can be quickly discarded. Research shows it requires about 98% less energy to recycle plastic than it does paper.Even though paper bags might be more harmful than

23、 plastic ones, plastic still seems to be considered by governments as the more harmful of the two. In Ireland, for example, a tax has been introduced to discourage the use of plastic bags. People have to pay 22 cents for every plastic bag, and as a result, their use has dropped quickly.Theres no dou

24、bt that it makes more sense to reuse these bags. However, we dont seem to be doing that at present. That may be because they fall apart quickly. If so, cloth bags are a better choice, but still, their production also has a bad influence on the environment. So what to do? How should we answer the que

25、stion of “Paper or plastic?” It seems that we first need to ask ourselves one more general question: “What can I do to help the environment?”12. The questions in Paragraph 1 are used to .A. express the authors doubtsB. tell readers how to save moneyC. introduce points for discussionD. show the kindn

26、ess of the cashier13. Compared with plastic bags, paper bags .A. need more water to produceB. require less energy to recycleC. take more time to break downD. have less influence on forests14. The underlined word “discarded” in Paragraph 3 probably means “ ”.A. shared B. given upC. discussed D. put f

27、orward15. Which question does the author probably hope the cashier will ask?A. Paper or cloth? B. Paper or plastic?C. A small bag or big one? D. A new bag or your own one?参考答案:12. C 13. A 14. B 15. D文章列举了一些数据来说明纸和塑料哪种更环保,研究显示,纸袋无论生产或回收都比塑料袋耗费更多的水,所以在售货员问要纸袋还是塑料袋,我们更应该想想我们能为环境做些什么。【12题详解】目的意图题。文章第一段说

28、到去超市购物,售货员最后问我们“用纸袋还是塑料袋”的问题,引出下文关于环保的讨论,故可知第一段的问题被用来引出下文要介绍的话题。故选C。【13题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段的数据Studies show that paper bag production requires four times as much energy as plastic bag production. And the amount of water used to make them is twenty times higher.(研究显示纸袋的生产需要塑料袋生产的四倍的能源。被用来生产纸袋的用水量比生产塑料袋用水量高

29、20倍。)可知,与塑料袋相比,纸袋的生产需要更多的水。故选A。【14题详解】词义猜测题。根据划线单词所在的句子In terms of recycling, the idea that paper bags are more environment-friendly than plastic ones can be quickly discarded. Research shows it requires about 98% less energy to recycle plastic than it does paper.(就回收而言,纸袋比塑料袋更环保的想法可以被很快的discard。研究显

30、示,回收塑料比回收纸节省98%的能源。)可知,这里discard的意思是“放弃”,故选B。【15题详解】推理判断题。根据文章最后的内容How should we answer the question of “Paper or plastic?” It seems that we first need to ask ourselves one more general question: “What can I do to help the environment?”(我们应该怎样回答“纸袋还是塑料袋”的问题呢?似乎我们首先需要问自己一个更常规的问题“我应该做什么来帮助环境呢?”可推知,作者希

31、望收银员问的问题是“新袋子还是自己的袋子?”,因为这样对环境有帮助,故选D。【名师点睛】细节理解题属于直接解答性问题,是阅读理解题中最简单的一种,多数属中低难度的送分题。但由于高考所占的比例很大,应特别引起注意。事实和细节题的命题特点是:把某词语、某个句子或某具体事实用不同于原文的另一方式或句型表达,即同义改写。比如文章第2题,首先根据题干中的Compared with与作比较,以及选项内容可知这里要找到关于纸袋和塑料袋关于能源消耗以及对环境影响作对比的内容,根据第三段的Studies show的内容可知,这里通过研究显示对比了塑料袋和纸袋的能源使用以及环保的问题,再结合句子的详细内容pape

32、r bag production requires four times as much energy as plastic bag production. And the amount of water used to make them is twenty times higher. Besides, the influence on forests is very serious. (纸袋的生产需要塑料袋生产的四倍的能源。被用来生产纸袋的用水量比生产塑料袋用水量高20倍。另外对森林的影响也是很严重的),可判断答案A(纸袋的生产需要更多的水)是用另一种方式表达了文章中的句子。故A正确。22

33、. In the year after my mother left us, my father was 42 and he knew that he wasnt going to make it to 43. He wrote a letter to me and hoped that something in it would help me for the rest of my life. Since the day I was 12 and first read his letter, some of his words have lived in my heart. One part

34、 always stands out. “Right now, you are pretending to be a time killer. But I know that one day, you will do something great that will set you among the very best.” Knowing that my dad believed in me gave me permission to believe in myself. “You will do something great.” He didnt know what I would b

35、e, and neither did I, but at times in my life when Ive felt proud of myself, I remember his words and wish he were here so I could ask, “Is this what you were talking about , Dad ? Should I keep going?” A long way from 12 now, I realize he would have been proud when I made any progress. Lately, thou

36、gh, Ive come to believe he would want me to move on to what comes next: to be proud of , and believe in somebody else. Its time to start writing my own letters to my children. Our children look to us with the same unanswered question we had. Our kids dont hold back because theyre afraid to fail. The

37、yre only afraid of failing us. They dont worry about being disappointed. Their fear - as mine was until my fathers letter- is of being a disappointment. Give your children permission to succeed. Theyre waiting for you to believe in them. I always knew my parents loved me. But trust me: That belief w

38、ill be more complete , that love will be more real, and their belief in themselves will be greater if you write the words on their hearts :“Dont worry; youll do something great .”Not having that blessing from their parents may be the only thing holding them back.61. We learn from the text that the a

39、uthor_. A. lost his father when he was young B. worked hard before he read his fathers letter C. asked his fathers permission to believe in himself D. knew exactly what great thing his father wanted him to do 62. What does the author tell us in the 3rd paragraph? A. Children need their parents lette

40、rs. B. Children are afraid to be disappointed. C. His childrens fear of failure held them back. D. His fathers letter removed his fear of failing his parents. 63. Which of the following is true of the author? A. He got no access to success. B. He wrote back to his father at 12. C. He was sure his parents loved him. D. He once asked his father about the letter.64. The main purpose of the text is to . A. describe childrens thinking B. answer some questions children have C. stress the importance of communication D. advise parents to encourage their children参考答案:ADCD略

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