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1、大学英语B(2)综合性大作业任选一种主题作为论文题目,围绕主题写一篇800字论文提交(中英文均可)。1.从节日看中西文化差异2.从中英文动物比方旳不一样看中西文化差异3.论中英文中颜色隐喻旳差异及其文化本源4.论跨文化交际中旳中西餐桌礼仪5.从跨文化交际旳角度解读中西方礼貌准则和方略6.中西方茶文化差异作业规定:1. 主题明确,构造清晰,内容饱满,充足论述中西文化差异;2. 请勿抄袭!江苏开放大学综合性大作业 学 号20姓 名苏文龙课程代码020234课程名称大学英语B(2)评阅教师分 数评 语标题中西方茶文化差异正文Differences between Chinese and wester

2、n tea cultures Tea originated in China, and the earliest written records date back to the 2nd century BC and then spread to the west. However, there are different customs for drinking tea in different cultural backgrounds. Heres a look at some of the differences between Chinese and western tea cultu

3、res that have been carefully sorted out for you.(1) different ways of drinking.There are two types of Chinese tea drinking, one is clear drink, without adding any harmful ingredients to the original flavor of the tea, and only drink with water bubbles. The other is mixed drink, which means adding sa

4、lt, sugar and milk to tea according to personal taste. Currently, this method is mainly concentrated in ethnic minority areas.Britons add milk and sugar to their tea to remove theophylline and turn bitter tea into sweet drinks that suit their tastes. In addition, the English have reformed the tea it

5、self. Packaged, instant tea scraps replace pieces of tea, and Chinese people tend to keep the whole leaf in boiling water.Western tea can be added milk, sugar, lemon slices and honey, etc., but it is important to note that tea should be poured first, followed by other condiments, in an order that ca

6、nnot be reversed. After adding the seasonings, stir with the spoon to avoid making too much noise when stirring the tea. Put the spoon on the back of the bowl after stirring.(2) the use of tea sets is differentChinas tea wares are mostly ceramic products, and there are also purple sandboxes for pu e

7、r tea. The purple sand teapot is breathable, and the pu-erh tea is brewed. The water temperature must be very high.And westerners have a special liking for silver, so most western tea wares are made of silver.The use of tea filters is differentIn China, the chip off a fine cup of tea, such as aged p

8、u-erh tea, need to use iron pot as tools to boil water, then water into the teapot and tea, pour out the first time after water, then add boiled water into the teapot in let stand until the bubble tea, just take a small sample.As is known to all, Chinese people are quite particular about the tea cer

9、emony. In fact, westerners also have a set of etiquette when drinking tea. For example, western teas use a tea strainer, which is placed on a teacup and poured into the cup until it is three-quarters full, so it doesnt spill over the saucer and make a mess.(4) differences in tea drinking etiquette.I

10、n the eyes of most Chinese, tea can be drunk at any time. The British are much more tea - loving and tea - respecting. A typical British family drinks tea at least five times a day. When you wake up in the morning, the host will lean on the bed and drink a cup of morning tea to refresh your mind. If

11、 there are guests, morning tea is the best way to greet them. Around 11 o clock in the morning, black tea with tea; Drink milk tea at lunch; Around five o clock in the afternoon is the famous afternoon tea. Drink farewell tea before going to bed at night. In addition, there are many famous tea banqu

12、et, garden tea party and so on.(5) differences in the spirit of tea ceremony.Harmony, tranquility, grace and truth are the four noble truths of Chinese tea ceremony. Harmony is the core of Chinese tea culture philosophy and the soul of tea ceremony. Quiet is the only way to practice Chinese tea cere

13、mony. Just is the spiritual feeling in the practice of Chinese tea ceremony practice. True is the ultimate pursuit of Chinese tea ceremony. Chinese people often drink tea as a spiritual inspiration and emotional sustenance. Unlike the Chinese tea ceremony, the British taste tea more lively and socia

14、l, emphasizing an elegant style.Oriental tea wares are mostly ceramic products, while western tea wares are mostly silver.Oriental people pay attention to tea ceremony, westerners also have a set of tea ceremony, such as to use a tea filter, to pour tea into the cup to three-quarters full.Chinese te

15、a is the purest flavor of the tea without adding any flavoring to it. Western tea is added milk, sugar, lemon slices and honey, the tea should be poured before adding other condiments, the order cannot be reversed.Tea is not required to be served in the east, but it is often accompanied by tea in the west. The most common ones are Scottish cream biscuits, Victorian muffins and muffins.

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