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1、2023年江苏省一般高校“专转本”统一考试大学英语第I卷(共100分)Part I Reading Comprehension (共20小题,每题2分,共40分)Passage 1Vegetable gardening is the relaxing art and science of turning a love for growing plants into a meaningful activity. Having vegetables in the backyard makes home gardening appealing for many people. In addition

2、, vegetable gardening provides exercise and fun for both urban and suburban families.Vegetable gardeners agree that many home-grown vegetables are superior to those purchased from markets. Form spring through late fall, a well-planned and well-kept garden can provide a supply of fresh vegetables, th

3、us increasing the nutrition of the family diet.Freezers make it possible to keep some of the vegetables to be enjoyed at a later date. Other vegetables can be stored for a few months in a cool area.Although the money spent for a garden may be little, one cannot escape the fact that gardening require

4、s hard work and time. Many of the gardening tasks must be performed at times that are most inconvenient. Not doing jobs that should be done on a regular basis may result in failure and a negative feeling toward gardening.One should not plant a garden that is too large for him to care for. A small, w

5、ell-kept garden is more enjoyed and profitable than a large neglected one. Vegetables do well in full sunlight and need at least five or six hours of sun during the middle of one day. Too much shading results in poor plants and few vegetables. If possible, the garden should be near the house, so the

6、 garden can work in it whenever they are free.Soils for vegetables be easily broken up and porous (多孔旳) for quick water drainage and good aeration (透气) . Usually the home owner has little choice in the soil type he can choose. Fortunately, many vegetables can be frown on poor soils if the soils are

7、properly prepared.1. Many people find home gardening A. expensive and boringB. interesting and enjoyableC. time-consuming and inconvenientD. neither interesting nor enjoyable2. A well-planned and well-kept garden can provide a supply of fresh vegetables A. all year roundB. whenever you need nutritio

8、us foodC. for a greater part of the yearD. throughout spring3. The amount of money you spend on your garden A. can be largeB. must be largeC. can not be largeD. must not be small4. Which of the following statements is true?A. Vegetables need to have as much shading as possible.B. A small garden is m

9、uch better than a large one.C. Homeowners can freely choose the soil for their vegetable garden.D. Whenever possible, the vegetable garden should be close to your home.5. From the passage we can conclude that A. vegetables need little care while growingB. vegetables can be grown on almost any kind o

10、f soilC. vegetable gardening is an indispensable part of life for urban and suburban peopleD. vegetable gardening is a good pastime for retired peoplePassage 2In old days, when a glimpse of stocking was looked upon as something so shocking as distract the serious work of an office, secretaries were

11、men.Then came the First World War and the male secretaries were replaced by women. A mans secretary became his suits to the dry-cleaners; telling lies on the telephone to keep away people he did not wish to speak to; and, of course, typing and filling and taking shorthand.Now all this may be changin

12、g again. The microchip (芯片) and high technology is sweeping the British office, taking with it much of the routine clerical (文书旳) work tat secretaries did.“Once office technology takes over generally, the status of the job will rise again because it will involve the high-tech workand then men will w

13、ant to do it again.”That was said by one of the executive (male) of one of the biggest secretarial agencies in this country. What he has predicted is already under was in the U. S.Once high technology has made the job of secretary less routine (乏味旳) , will there be a male takeover? Men should be car

14、eful of thinking that they can walk right into the better jobs. There are a lot of women secretaries who will do job as well as mennot just because they can buy negligees (女士长睡衣) for the bosss wife, but because they are as efficient and well-trained to cope with word processors and computers and com

15、puters as men.6. Before 1914 female secretaries sere rare because they A. were less efficient and less trained than menB. were looked down upon by menC. would have disturbed the other office workersD. wore stocking and were not as serious as men7. A female secretary has been expected, besides other

16、duties, to A. be her bosss memoryB. do everything her boss asks her to doC. clean her bosss clothsD. telephone the bosss wife8. Secretaries, until recently, had to do a lot of work now done by A. machinesB. other staffC. servantsD. wives9. A secretary in the future will A. have more work to doB. be

17、better paidC. have higher statusD. have less work to do10. The writer believes that before long A. both men and women can act as secretariesB. men will be better than machinesC. men will take over womens jobs as secretariesD. women will operate most office machinesPassage 3Humanity is new experiment

18、 on plant Earth. For most of its history, life on Earth was restricted to the sea. Living things began to popular the land slightly over 400 million years ago, and humans have existed for no more than 3 million years.One way to represent the evolution of life is to compress the 4.6-billion-year hist

19、ory of Earth into a 1-year-log film. In such a film, earth forms as the film begins on January 1, and through all of January and February it cools and is cratered (变成坑状) and the first oceans form. But those oceans remain lifeless until sometimes in March or early April, when the first living things

20、develop. The 4-million-year history of Precambrian (前寒武纪) evolution lasts until the film reaches mid-November, when primitive ocean life begins to evolve into complex organisms such as trilobites (三叶虫) .If we examine the land instead of the oceans, we find a lifeless waste. But once our film shows p

21、lant and animal life on the land, about November 28, evolution proceeds rapidly. Dinosaurs, for example, appear about December 12 and vanish by Christmas Eve, as mammals (哺乳动物) and birds flourish.Throughout the 1-year-run of our film there are no humans, and even during the last days of the year as

22、the mammals rise and dominate the landscape, there are no people. In the early evening of December 31, vaguely human forms move through the grasslands, and by late evening they begin making stone tools. The Stone Age lasts until shout 11:45 pm, and the first signs of civilization, towns and cities,

23、do not appear until 11:45 pm. The Christian era begins only 14 seconds before the New Year, and the Declaration of Independence is signed with 1 second to spare.11. In comparing all of Earths geological evolution to one calendar year, the author shows A. just how recently humanity has arrived on the

24、 sceneB. just how simple it is to understand the history of EarthC. just how early humanity appears on planet EarthD. just how difficult it is to understand the history of earth12. According to the passage, primitive ocean life begins to evolve into complex organisms A. in the middle of DecemberB. w

25、hen Earth is crateredC. at the beginning of NovemberD. when the land is still a lifeless waste13. It is indicated in the passage that A. Earth id cool at firstB. Earth id hot at the beginningC. There are oceans at the beginningD. There is life in the ocean in late February14. In the one-year-long fi

26、lm dinosaurs A. die out on December 25B. appear after December 25C. die out on December 24D. appear on December 2415. In the compressed history of Earth the Declaration of Independence is signed A. a long time before the New YearB. immediately after the New Years DayC. just one second before the New

27、 YearD. right on the New Year DayPassage 4 (非英语类考生必做)Internet-addicted job seekers may be partly the cause of the fact that it is taking the unemployed 23% longer to find a new position than it took during the recession (经济萧条) , when the “benefits” of online job searching were unavailable. “A growin

28、g number of unemployed Americans waste time browsing (浏览) the estimated 4,000 to 5,000 online job sites, filling them with resumes, and then waiting for replies. It is common for long-time joblessness,” argues Professor John A. Challenger. Although the Internet has the potential to be very useful fo

29、r job seekers and it has become the primary tool for many, Challenger believes that it should be considered secondary to be traditional technique of meeting would-be employers in person.In addition to slowing job search efforts, the Internet is making the hiring process longer for the employer. In a

30、 survey of 5,000 hiring managers by an online resume site, 72% said that a majority of the resumes they received in response to an online job posting did not match the positions description.“The more unrelated resumes managers have to go through in order to select the few to bring in for interviews,

31、 the longer it takes to fill the position,” points out Challenger. “One result of this has been the increased use of screening software by employers. This will make it even more difficult for job seekers get their resumes in front of the hiring executive for an interview.”“All of this is not to say

32、that the Internet has not revolutionized job hunting. It has certainly made it easier for someone in San Francisco, for example, to search for job opening in Miami. In addition, the ability to conduct keyword searches have reduces the amount of time it takes to find the type of position a person is

33、seeking.”“Job seekers must learn how to use the Internet as a tool, rather than just replying on it as a means for submitting electronic resumes,” concludes Challenger.16. According to the passage, the coming of online job searching brings .A. longer waiting time for the unemployedB. longer computer

34、 technology training for the job searchersC. more unemployment throughout the U.S.A.D. more job opportunities in the Internet world17. Professor Challenger thinks should be considered more important by the unemployed.A. browsing the Internet job sitesB. sending resumes by mailC. going to a tradition

35、al training centerD. meeting the potential employers in person18. The internet is making the hiring process longer for the employer because .A. the speed of the Internet is not fast enoughB. there is a lot of false information on the NetC. the hiring position cannot be fully described in the NetD. i

36、t has drawn many unfitting resumes19. It can be inferred that “screening software” in Paragraph 3 is used to .A. draw more job seekers to the websitesB. get rid of more unrelated resumesC. serve as bridge between the job seekers and the employersD. provide the job seekers and the employers20. Accord

37、ing to the passage, the Internet has revolutionized job hunting by .A. changing the recession cycleB. opening more chances for job seekersC. improving the employment situationD. reducing the interview time(英语类学生必做)A new World Bank report warns that children who do not get enough good food in the fir

38、st two years of life suffer lasting damage. They may be underdeveloped or underweight. They may suffer from poor health or limited intelligence. In addition, poorly nourished children are more likely to drop out of school and earn less money as adults.The report notes that too little food is not the

39、 only cause of poor nutrition. Many children who live in homes with plenty of food suffer for other reasons. For example, the study says that mothers often fail to give their newly born babies their breast milk. This milk-like substance is called colostrums (初乳). It is full of nutrients that improve

40、 a babys abilitys to fight infections and disease.The study also links malnutrition (营养不良) to economic growth in poor countries. A lack of nutrition in early childhood can cost developing nations up to three percent of their yearly earning. Many of these same countries have economies that are growin

41、g at a rate of two to three percent yearly. The study suggests that poor countries could possibly double their economic growth if they improved nutrition.Africa and South Asia are affected the most by poor nutrition. The study says about half of all children in India do not get enough good food. The

42、 World Bank study also notes that rates of malnutrition in South Asia are almost double those in central and southern Africa. Other parts of the world are also severely affected, including Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Guatemala and Peru.The study recommends that developing countries change their po

43、licies to deal with malnutrition. Instead of directly providing food, the study suggests educational programs in health and nutrition for mothers with young babies. It also recommends cleaner living conditions and improvements in health care.World Bank nutrition specialist Meera Shekar said the peri

44、od of life between pregnancy and two years is extremely important. Governments with limited resources should take direct action to improve nutrition for children during this period.16. Whats the main topic of the passage?A. Poor nutrition in developing countries.B. World Bank research.C. Economic gr

45、owth rate.D. Ways to fight malnutrition in developed countries.17. It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that children who get sufficient food might suffer malnutrition because .A. they eat too much rubbish food everydayB. they take little physical exerciseC. they are lacking in some kinds of necessar

46、y nutrientsD. their mothers do not have time to take care of them in the day18. If a poor country managed to provide enough food for children, the yearly economic growth rate would .A. dropB. not changeC. riseD. exceed 2 percent19. According to Paragraph 4, nearly 50 percent of children suffer malnu

47、trition in .A. UzbekistanB. South AsiaC. South AfricaD. India20. Meera Shekar believes that poor countries should help malnourished children by .A. providing food directlyB. educational programs in health and nutritionC. improvement living conditionD. improving health carePart II Vocabulary and Stru

48、cture (共40小题,每题1分,共40分)Directions: In this part there are forty incomplete sentences. Each sentence is followed by four choices. Choose the one that best completely the sentence and then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.21. The earth revolves a little more rapidly it is closer to the sun.A. whetherB. whereasC. althoughD. when22. The number of members in the club to two hundred.A. were

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