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1、Dear Sir/ Madam,Re: Non-Disclosure DeclarationWhereas I have accepted translation work and material for editing from “*,” and as “*” agreed to submit written material to me to be translated, subject to my declaration and undertaking in this document:Therefore I declare and undertake herewith to keep

2、 the document, including but not limtied to all information, programs, plans, inventions, discoveries, innovations, improvements, upgrades and research and also scientific, technical, economic, commercial or other developments (hereinafter: “the information”) that was submitted to me, directly or in

3、directly, by you confidential.Without prejudicing the above-mentioned, I undertake:1. Not to disclose the information to any person, directly or indirectly, in any manner.2. Not to exploit the information for my own purposes or for others.3. To take all reasonable measures to keep the information se

4、cret and to prevent its delivery, seizure or reaching, directly or indirectly, any person not specifically authorized as such by “*”4. Not to produce copies of the information in any fashion or form, to the exclusion of myself or any person who has been authorized to so do by “*”5. To remove any dou

5、bt, my undertaking applies to drawings, etchings, drafts, and copies in any fashion of the information.6. I am informed and know that the information that has reached me or will reach me is the exclusive property of “*” and I hereby undertake to return it to *, by personal remission per their stipul

6、ation, any and all material whatsoever, including the information, whether written or not, or in any other format, of which I am currently in possession thereof or will be in the future.I know that, should I breach this above-specified undertaking or any part thereof, that is liable to cause “*” damages, then I will be responsible for full payment, in addition to “*” right to take steps against me through any legal means.In witness hereof, I hereto set my hands:Date:Name:

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