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1、希望英语希望英语 (第二版)(第二版)综合教程综合教程 1 1 希望英语希望英语 (第二版)(第二版)综合教程综合教程 4 4 外语教学与研究出版社外语教学与研究出版社外语教学与研究出版社外语教学与研究出版社Unit 2 Culture希望英语(第二版)综合教程希望英语(第二版)综合教程 4 4 Unit 2 CultureCultureSpeakingReading AListeningWritingReading B&Reading CSpeakingTask 1Task 2Task 3Work in groups.Discuss and list some information on“

2、the three great events of life”in Chinese culture.(e.g.birth of a baby,admission to college,wedding)Speaking Task 1Work in groups.Discuss and list some information on“the three great events of life”in Chinese culture.(e.g.birth of a baby,admission to college,wedding)Speaking Task 1Clues for topics W

3、ork in pairs.Take turns asking your partner some questions about culture shock.Organize his/her answers and make a report to the class.Speaking Task 21.What is your understanding of culture shock?Have you ever experienced any culture shock before?Whats it?2.When does culture shock occur?What are com

4、mon symptoms of culture shock?3.What suggestions do you have for dealing with culture shock?Suggested Expressions:homesickness,language,culture,custom,concept,understanding,surroundings,living habits,eating habits,table manners,the relationship among people,etc.Mini-drama.Two students are asked to a

5、ct in a mini-drama about a foreigner who meets with some troubles during his/her visit to China because of culture differences.Speaking Task 3Reading ATask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5Task 7Task 8Task 9Task 6Reading A Task 1Give brief answers to the following questions.Then ask your partner about his/h

6、er answers and take notes.1.What troubles do strangers usually meet in a new place?2.What are the main troubles a freshman usually has?Strangers to a new place often cannot understand the local language and thus have trouble communicating with the local speakers.A freshman may feel homesick because

7、of the first time away from his parents and has no one to depend on;he may not be able to take care of himself,and may also lose control of himself,become sleepless and feel helpless,etc.Reading A Task 1Give brief answers to the following questions.Then ask your partner about his/her answers and tak

8、e notes.3.Can you still remember your homesickness in the first term at college?4.How did you cope with your homesickness?Give some suggestions to the newcomers.A freshman may cry secretly,fall ill,miss parents and make phone calls to complain,etc.He can participate in all kinds of activities,exchan

9、ge ideas with classmates,friends,as well as his teachers.Try to make new friends and study hard,etc.Reading A Task 2 TextCulture Shock:A Fish Out of Water1.1.Whenever Whenever we we travel travel overseas overseas we we are are like like“a“a fish fish out out of of water”.water”.Like Like the the fi

10、sh,fish,we we have have been been swimming swimming in in our our own own culture culture all all our our life.life.Our Our culture culture helps helps to to shape shape our our identityidentity.Many Many of of the the cues cues of of interpersonal interpersonal communication communication are are d

11、ifferent different in in different different cultures.cultures.One One of of the the reasons reasons that that we we feel feel like like a a fish fish out out of of water water when when we we enter enter a a new new culture culture is is that that we we do do not not know know all all of of the the

12、 cues cues that that are are used used in in the the new culture.new culture.Read the following passage.Summarize the main idea of thepassage and then compare them with your partners.Reading A Task 2 Text2 2 Psychologists Psychologists tell tell us us that that there there are are five five distinct

13、distinct phasesphases (or(or stages)stages)of of culture culture shock.shock.Its Its important important to to understand understand that that culture culture shock shock happens happens to to all all people people who who travel travel abroad,abroad,but but some some people people have have much mu

14、ch stronger stronger reactions than others.reactions than others.Reading A Task 2 Text3 3 During During the the first first few few days days of of a a persons persons stay stay in in a a new new country,country,everything everything usually usually goesgoes fairly fairly smoothlysmoothly.The The ne

15、wcomer newcomer is is excited excited about about being being in in a a new new place place where where there there are are newnew sights sights and and sounds,sounds,new new smells smells and and tastes.tastes.The The newcomer newcomer may may have have some some problems,problems,butbut usually us

16、ually accepts accepts them them as as just just part part of of the the newness.newness.They They may may find find that that“the“the red red carpet”carpet”hashas been been rolled rolled out out and and they they may may be be taken taken to to restaurants,restaurants,movies movies and and tours tou

17、rs of of the the sights sights byby their their hospitable hospitable hosts.hosts.The The new new acquaintancesacquaintances may may want want to to take take the the newcomer newcomer out out toto many many places places and and“show show them them offoff”.”.This This first first stage stage of of

18、culture shock is called the“culture shock is called the“honeymoonhoneymoon phase”.phase”.Reading A Task 2 Text4 4 Unfortunately,Unfortunately,this this honeymoon honeymoon phase phase often often comes comes to to an an end end fairly fairly soon.soon.The The newcomer newcomer has has to to deal dea

19、l with with transportation transportation problems,problems,shopping shopping problems problems oror communication communication problems.problems.It It may may start start to to seem seem like like people people no no longer longer care care about about youryour problems.problems.They They may may

20、help,help,but but they they dont dont seem seem to to understand understand your your concern concern over over what what theythey see see as as small small problems.problems.You You might might even start to think that the people in the host countryeven start to think that the people in the host co

21、untry dont like foreigners.dont like foreigners.Reading A Task 2 Text5 5 This This may may lead lead to to the the second second stage stage of of culture culture shock,shock,known known as as the the“rejection“rejection phase”.phase”.The The newcomer newcomer may may begin begin to to feel feel agg

22、ressiveaggressive and and start start to to complain complain about about the the host host culture/culture/country.country.This This phase phase is is a a kind kind of of crisis crisis in in the the“disease”“disease”of of culture culture shock.shock.It It is is called called the the“rejection“rejec

23、tion phase”phase”because because its its at at this this point point that that the the newcomer newcomer starts starts to to reject reject the the host host country,country,complaining complaining about about and and noticing noticing only only the the bad bad things things that that bother bother t

24、hem.them.At At this this stage stage the the newcomer newcomer either either gets gets stronger stronger and and stays,stays,or or gets gets weaker weaker and and goes home.goes home.Reading A Task 2 Text6 6 If If you you dont dont survive survive stage stage two two successfully,successfully,you yo

25、u may may find find yourself yourself moving moving into into stage stage three:three:the the“regression“regression phase”.phase”.In In this this phase phase of of culture culture shock,shock,you you may may spend spend much much of of your your time time speaking speaking your your own own language

26、,language,watching watching videos videos from from your your home home country,country,eating eating food food from from home home and and moving moving around around campus campus or or town town with with a a group group of of students students who who speak speak your your own own language.langu

27、age.You You may may spend spend most most of of the the time time complaining complaining about about the the host host country/culture.country/culture.Reading A Task 2 Text7 7 Also Also in in this this phase,phase,you you may may only only remember remember the the good good things things about abo

28、ut your your home home country.country.Your Your homeland homeland may may suddenly suddenly seem seem marvelously marvelously wonderful;wonderful;all all the the difficulties difficulties that that you you hadhad there there are are forgotten forgotten and and you you may may begin begin wondering

29、wondering why why you you ever ever left.left.You You may may now now onlyonly remember remember your your home home country country as as a a wonderful wonderful place place in in which which nothing nothing ever ever went went wrong wrong forfor you.you.However,this is an illusion created by your

30、culture shock“disease”.However,this is an illusion created by your culture shock“disease”.Reading A Task 2 Text8 8 If If you you survive survive the the third third stage stage successfully,successfully,you you will will move move into into the the fourth fourth stage stage ofof culture culture shoc

31、k shock called called the the“recovery“recovery phase”.phase”.In In this this stage stage you you become become more more comfortable comfortable withwith the the language language and and the the customs customs of of the the host host country.country.You You still still have have problems problems

32、 with with some some ofof the the social social cues cues and and you you may may still still not not understand understand everything everything people people say say(especially(especially idioms).idioms).However,However,you you are are now now 90%90%adjusted adjusted to to the the new new culture

33、culture and and you you start start to to realize realize that that nono country country is is that that much much better better than than anotherits anotherits just just different different lifestyles lifestyles and different ways toand different ways to deal with the problems of life.deal with the

34、 problems of life.Reading A Task 2 Text9 9With With this this complete complete adjustment,adjustment,you you accept accept the the food,food,drinks,drinks,habitshabits and and customs customs of of thethe host host country,country,and and you you may may even even find find yourself yourself prefer

35、ring preferring some some things things in in the the host host countrycountry to to those those at at home.home.You You have have now now understood understood that that there there are are different different ways ways to to live live youryour life life and and that that no no way way is is really

36、 really better better than than another,another,just just different.different.Finally,Finally,you have becomeyou have become comfortable in the new fortable in the new place.1010Its Its important important to to remember remember that that not not everyone everyone experiences experiences all all th

37、e the phases phases of of cultureculture shock.shock.Its Its also also important important to to know know that that you you cancan experience all of them at different times.experience all of them at different times.Reading A Task 2 Text11 11 Much Much later,later,you you may may find find yourself

38、yourself returning returning to to your your homeland homeland andandguess guess what?what?You You may may find find yourself yourself entering entering the the fifth fifth phase phase of of culture culture shock“reverse shock“reverse culture culture shock”.shock”.You You have have been been away aw

39、ay for for a a long long time,time,becoming becoming comfortable comfortable with with the the habits habits and and customscustoms of of a a new new lifestyle lifestyle and and you you may may find find that that you you are are no no longer longer completely completely comfortable comfortable in i

40、n youryour home home country.country.Many Many things things may may have have changed changed while while you you were were away away and and it it may may take a littletake a little while to become at ease with the cues of your home culture.while to become at ease with the cues of your home cultur

41、e.Reading A Task 2 Text12 12 There There is is a a risk risk of of sickness sickness or or emotional emotional problems problems in in many many of of the the phases phases of of cultureculture shock.shock.Remember Remember to to be be kind kind to to yourself yourself all all the the time time when

42、 when you you are are overseas,overseas,and and when when youyou get get home.home.Give Give yourself yourself time time to to adjust.adjust.Be Be your your own own best best friend.friend.If If you you do do these these things things youyou will will be be a a much much stronger stronger person and

43、 you will be a citizen of the world.person and you will be a citizen of the world.Reading A 文化休克:离开了水的鱼儿文化休克:离开了水的鱼儿1 1 1 1 每每每每当当当当人人人人们们们们在在在在海海海海外外外外旅旅旅旅行行行行时时时时总总总总觉觉觉觉得得得得像像像像“鱼鱼鱼鱼儿儿儿儿离离离离开开开开了了了了水水水水”。就就就就像像像像鱼鱼鱼鱼儿儿儿儿活活活活在在在在水水水水里里里里一一一一样样样样,人人人人们们们们一一一一生生生生都都都都生生生生活活活活在在在在自自自自己己己己的的的的文文文文化化化化


45、我们们们们对对对对新新新新的的的的文文文文化化化化背背背背景景景景之之之之下下下下的的的的信信信信号号号号含含含含义义义义还还还还没没没没完完完完全全全全了解。了解。了解。了解。Reading A 2 2 2 2 心心心心理理理理学学学学家家家家告告告告诉诉诉诉我我我我们们们们文文文文化化化化休休休休克克克克有有有有五五五五个个个个独独独独特特特特的的的的阶阶阶阶段段段段(时时时时期期期期)。所所所所有有有有到到到到国国国国外外外外旅旅旅旅行行行行的的的的人人人人都都都都会会会会产产产产生生生生文文文文化化化化休休休休克克克克,但但但但是是是是,有有有有些些些些人人人人的的的的反反反反应应应应

46、会会会会比比比比其其其其他他他他人人人人要要要要稍稍稍稍强强强强烈烈烈烈一一一一些。明白这一点是非常重要的。些。明白这一点是非常重要的。些。明白这一点是非常重要的。些。明白这一点是非常重要的。Reading A 3 3 3 3 初初初初到到到到一一一一个个个个国国国国家家家家开开开开始始始始的的的的几几几几天天天天里里里里,一一一一切切切切通通通通常常常常都都都都进进进进展展展展得得得得很很很很顺顺顺顺利利利利。初初初初来来来来乍乍乍乍到到到到者者者者对对对对周周周周围围围围的的的的一一一一切切切切感感感感到到到到新新新新鲜鲜鲜鲜,对对对对看看看看到到到到的的的的、听听听听到到到到的的的的、闻


48、观观观观光光光光。新新新新近近近近结结结结识识识识的的的的人人人人们们们们会会会会带带带带他他他他们们们们参参参参观观观观很很很很多多多多地地地地方方方方,以以以以他他他他们们们们来来来来向向向向别别别别人人人人炫炫炫炫耀耀耀耀。这这这这是是是是文文文文化化化化休休休休克克克克的的的的第一个阶段,叫第一个阶段,叫第一个阶段,叫第一个阶段,叫“蜜月期蜜月期蜜月期蜜月期”。Reading A4 4 4 4 不不不不幸幸幸幸的的的的是是是是,这这这这种种种种蜜蜜蜜蜜月月月月期期期期很很很很快快快快就就就就会会会会结结结结束束束束。新新新新来来来来者者者者不不不不得得得得不不不不应应应应付付付付诸诸诸


50、道道道道国国国国的人不喜欢外国人。的人不喜欢外国人。的人不喜欢外国人。的人不喜欢外国人。Reading A 5 5 5 5 接接接接下下下下来来来来可可可可能能能能就就就就会会会会是是是是文文文文化化化化休休休休克克克克的的的的第第第第二二二二个个个个阶阶阶阶段段段段,即即即即“排排排排斥斥斥斥期期期期”。新新新新来来来来者者者者可可可可能能能能会会会会产产产产生生生生敌敌敌敌对对对对心心心心理理理理,开开开开始始始始抱抱抱抱怨怨怨怨东东东东道道道道国国国国的的的的文文文文化化化化和和和和这这这这个个个个国国国国家家家家本本本本身身身身。这这这这个个个个阶阶阶阶段段段段是是是是出出出出现现现现

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