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1、外宣翻译 1 外宣翻译定义1.完成对外宣传材料的翻译任务为基本内容的翻译实践活动的总称。在我国,外宣翻译的主要任务就是要将中文译成英文,或者是其他外文,向世界传播来自中国的声音。2.把有关中国的各种信息从中文翻译为外文,通过图书,期刊,报纸,广播,电视,互联网等媒体及国际会议,对外发表和传播。这就是外宣翻译。3.对外宣传翻译包括政治经济,国防科技,文化教育等发展状况的对外介绍,各级政府的相关政策公告及对外交流活动的信息通告,或与各地市政建设宣传,招商引资与旅游宣传,各种国际活动及行业展览活动宣传,或公司与乡镇企业的对外宣传及产品介绍等。2 4.大外宣:在对外开放的形式下,各行各业几乎都有对外宣

2、传的任务和要求,几乎涵盖了所有的翻译活动,包括政治,经济,文化等各个方面的翻译工作。5.狭义的外宣翻译包括各种媒体报道,政府文件公告,政府及企事业单位的介绍,公式语等实用文体。3 外宣翻译的翻译translation for external propagandatranslation for foreign propaganda C-E translation for international publicity C-E translation for global communication translation for Chinas global communication fore

3、ign-oriented publicity translation external publicity translation translation of materials for international publicity 4 对外宣传与对外传播communication or proganda publicity 5 对外宣传的原则外宣三贴近原则:贴近中国发展的实际,贴近国外受众对中国信息的需求,贴近国外受众的思维习惯。外宣翻译的ABC原则:accuracy 准确性,brevity,简洁度clarity 清晰感 6 旅游资料宣传旅游资料还具有感召功能,即通过对旅游景点的细致描写


5、言直观、词语朴实,因此翻译中文材料时应注意内外有别,注重译文的实用性和特殊性由于英美读者对旅游英译本的期待与本国读者不同,汉英篇章上也存在极大差异,以下面两篇旅游宣传资料为例:7 以下例子分别取自于中国和美国的旅游宣传资料:例1:泰山拔起于齐鲁丘陵之上,主峰突兀,山势险峻,峰峦层叠,形成“一览众山小”和“群峰拱岱”的高旷气势。泰山多松柏,更显其庄严、巍峨、葱郁;又多溪泉,故而不乏灵秀与缠绵。缥缈变幻的云雾则使它平添了几分神秘与深奥。它既有秀丽的麓区、静谧的幽区、开阔的旷区,又有虚幻的妙区、深邃的奥区;宛若一幅天然的山水画卷。8 例2Central America boasts of volca

6、noes,rain forests and beachesAnd various mountain ranges are surrounding fertile valley where most of the population lives.The unique hospitality of its people,the gorgeous nature of the entire isthmus and the mystique of several different cultures will inspire your senses 9 评析中英旅游宣传资料中的用词不同主要受两种思维方

7、式和审美标准的影响,中国人重整体,偏重综合性思维,英美人重个体,偏重分析性思维,这使得中国人在用词造句上崇尚和谐对称,给人一种视觉美和听觉美,如现代词语中有大量的四字词语,它们在语音上平仄相间,在语义上相同、相对或相反,这一点在旅游宣传资料中尤为突出多运用抽象、夸张、华丽的词藻,对仗工整的诗句、对联或典故等来描述景观,渲染气氛,如“旖旎秀美”、“扑朔迷离”等等。但对于西方人而言,他们更偏向于简洁、清楚而平实的语言,以便于读者能获取更多信息,少用空洞不实、过分华丽的形容词及复杂的句型。10 由此可见,中文的旅游资料更重视感召的功能,善用同义形容词的排比来增加景观的美感,用主观词语加深印象,但有时

8、在浮华辞藻的堆砌下又显得华而不实,让人期望值过高,相比之下,英文的宣传更看重信息功能,即便用到修饰词,也是常用的,文字简单平实,易于理解。因而翻译中文宣传资料时,不能逐字逐句,一一对等,如果照搬中文模式,会在景色细节上给人华而不实之感,引起读者的反感和怀疑。11 翻译以下内容,注意信息的删减1.崂山,林木苍翠,繁花似锦,到处生机盎然,春天绿芽红花,夏天浓荫蔽日,秋天遍谷金黄,冬天玉树琼花。其中更不乏古树名木。景区内,古树名木有近300株,50以上为国家一类保护植物,著名的有银杏、桧柏等。2.黄山自古云成海,云流动在千峰万壑之中,浩瀚天际,壮丽非凡。峰尖浮海,犹如孤屿,时隐时现,似见非见,瞬息万

9、变,气象万千。变幻莫测的云海与朝霞、落日相映,色彩斑斓,壮美瑰丽。12 参考译文Laoshan Scenic Area is thickly covered with trees of many species,which add credit for its scenery Among them over 300 are considered rare and precious,half of which are under State top level protection The most famous species include gingko and cypress 13 The

10、 clouds float over the mountain like a sea in which the peaks from time to time appear and disappear,of ten in the twinkling of a moment,like isolated small islandsThe cloud sea is even more splendid at sun rise and sunset 14 lecture 2 review of tourism translation中国有句俗话,赶得早不如赶得巧,敢上地坛庙会那也是巧。这里蕴含着浓郁的

11、京味文化,叫北京人与外地人都喜爱。15 review of tourism translation 中国有句俗话,赶得早不如赶得巧,敢上地坛庙会那也是巧。这里蕴含着浓郁的京味文化,叫北京人与外地人都喜爱。The Earth Temple Fair is the kaleidoscope/mirror/exhibition/collection of Beijing culture,an allure to local people and strangers.16 the primary tactics:edited translation to translate the tourism t

12、ext,translator should take the essential information bout the scenic spot as the priority,keeping the fowllowing tips 1.delete the information unreadable to the target text reader owning to cultural connotation2.delete the modified information 2.keep the essential,simple,and clear information about

13、the scenic spot17 practice 在我国最早的典籍中,既有关于这条河的记载,尚书禹贡:漆沮即从,沣水攸同,诗经大雅:沣水东注,维禹之绩。说明沣水在远古就是一条著名的河流。18 this river has been recorded in the earliesst chinese classics,which has proved that Feng River has been well-known since ancient times.19 缩译(Condensedtranslation)在不影响目的语读者掌握源语整体信息的前提下,译者可酌情对原文进行压缩,删掉或省

14、略一些不符合目的语表达习惯的内容,这种“缩译”法在旅游汉英翻译中运用非常普遍。至于什么内容能够缩减,什么内容能够保留,一般由目的语读者的交际目的来决定。20 practice华清池内有一贵妃池,相传是杨贵妃当年沐浴的地方,唐朝诗人白居易的长恨歌有:“春寒赐浴华清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂”的诗句。21 Inside the Huaqingchi Spring,there is a bathing pond called Guifeichi which is said to have been the bathing place of Yang Guifei,concubine of the Tang

15、Emperor.22 practice把下列内容翻译为中文材料:At present,Jingshan is the best place to get a birds eye view of inner city of Beijing 23 参考译文:景山是北京内城全景的最佳观赏处。傍晚时分在景山最高处的万春亭俯瞰北京:近处,紫金城金碧辉煌,气势恢宏;远方,高楼大厦鳞次栉比,气象万千。24 增译(Supplementarytranslation)这种译法是在源语基础上再补充必要的词语,使译文能够把原文深层结构中的含义完整地表达出来。由于中西文化的差异,有些词语成份对汉语读者来说是不言而喻的,

16、在源语的表层结构中往往予以省略,但西方读者对此有可能知之甚少或一无所知,如照字面直译会造成译入语的词汇和文化缺损,因此,采用“增译”法可消除目的语读者的这种文化障碍。25 林边有一个洞,叫白龙洞,传说白蛇传的白娘子增在这里修炼。26 Near the forest is the White Dragon Cave which is said to be the very place where Lady White,the legendary heroine of the story of the White Snake whose love story with a mortal has b

17、een spreading ever since ancient time,cultivated herself according to Buddist doctrine.27 秦始皇:28 Qinshihuang,the first emperor of China,in 221 B.C 29 编译练习(Editedtranslation)改动,删除,增添原文的某些内容,使之更符合目的语读者心理需求的内容。译者在编译时,一般的程序是:(1)通读原文;(2)理解原文并掌握主题信息;(3)按照某一特定要求或主旨,对原文进行压缩或裁减。编译过程中,译者在满足特定编译目的或要求的前提下,应做到既保

18、留源语主题思想,又要使译入语通俗流畅。30 具有三千多年建城史的北京,是中国传统文化的典型代表,奥运会如在这里举行,将使东西方文化在世界人口五分之一的国度中交融。一个在改革开放进程中蓬勃发展的新北京,将以古典与现代合璧的姿态,把自己悠远深厚的文化底蕴,兼容并蓄的宽广胸怀,谦和礼貌的功德素养,奋发有为的进取精神展现给全世界,为世界奉献一届与众不同的新奥运,为奥林匹克运动在新世纪的发展带来新的动力,促使这一运动真正成为跨文化,跨民族,跨国度的世界文化体系。31 Beijing,with more than 3,000 years of history as a city,is a model of

19、 traditional chinese culture.If the olympiad is held here,the eastern and western culture will have a chance to integrate.Beijing,with its new prosperous look as a result of the countrys reform and opening-up drive,will present the world with a unique olympaid so that the event can truly become a gl

20、obal culture communication transcending national characeteristics.32 近年来,王府井发展更快,从南口北京饭店入街北行,只见牌匾高悬、店铺林立、人头攒动,从早到晚每天进入这条街的中外顾客多达百万人次。街上数百家著名的店面经营着品种各异的商品,有日用百货、服装鞋帽、针纺织品、名贵药材、风味肉食、钟表眼镜、照相器材、文化用品、现代家电、室内家具、风味小吃等。难怪有人说:“王府井大街商品多,日进斗金不费难”。寸土寸金的王府井大街上汇聚了上百家知名的国内商号和海外名牌,当真是中外游客必来之处。33 In recent years,Wan

21、gfujing area has been developing very rapidly,with more than one million customers shopping in various shops and malls engaging in general merchandise,costume,shoes and hats,textiles,famous herbs,clocks,watches,glasses,camera devices,cultural articles,flavored meat,modern domestic electronic applian

22、ces,indoor furniture and local delicacyHundred of well-known domestic and foreign merchandisers welcome customers abroad and home.34 I think there are two reasons contributing to the adults new years twist between joy and sadness.New year means another economic burden on them.What s more,the speedin

23、g time casts the shadow on them.The children cheer up“one year older with new year,”,while the elder sign“one year older“.35 New year means that the children are marching to the more prosperous time,while the adult descends to the decaying age with the new year.36 The reasons for the eldersmixed fee

24、lings about the New Year,I think,come down to the following two ones.On the one hand,celebrating the New Year means a great expense to them.On the other hand,the fleeting time exerts considerable pressure on them.Kids may say excitedly that they begin another year in their life after the New Year;37 while,elders may sigh,“Well,Ive become one year older!”For the kids,the New Year means that they are making progress in the most brilliant part of their life.On the contrary,for the elders,its an indication that they are sliding into their declining 38

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