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1、2023年全国职称英语卫生类(A级)考试真题及答案人事考试教育网整顿人 事 考 试 教 育 网 2023-10-28 13:45【大 中 小】【我要纠错】 第1部分:词汇选择(第115题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有一种词或短语有下划线,请为每处划线部分确定一种意义最为靠近旳选项。 1. We tried to restrict our conversation to arguments relevant to the topic. A.put B.suit C.confine D.resort 2.There is a tendency to consider childless

2、 women as being hard and career-orientated. A.use B.make C.believe D.regard 3.The water in this part of the river has been contaminated by sewage. A.polluted B.darkened C.mixed D.blackened 4.Dont be so innocent as to believe everything the advertisements say. A.ignorant B.illiterate C.simple D.stupi

3、d 5.He comprehends the theory of relativity. A.learns B.teaches C.understands D.investigates 6.He donated 1,000 RMB to those flood victims last year. A.allocated B.distributed C.sacrificed D.presented 7.I was so excited to see snow that I was indifferent to the cold. A.careless B.unconcerned C.irrit

4、ated D.annoying 8.We have met with some unexpected difficulties. A.changed B.overcome C.solved D.encountered 9.John has always remained loyal to his family and friends. A.friendly B.faithful C.hostile D.objective 10.He maintained that the opinion was wrong. A.emphasized B.repaired C.insisted D.helpe

5、d 11.The dagger has penetrated his stomach through his coat. A.damaged B.went by C.wounded D.entered 12.In the darkness, the hunter perceived that something was moving in the bushes. A.discovered B.realized C.saw D.sensed 13.Is the clock in the tower accurate? A.correct B.new C.old D.wrong 14.He is

6、accustomed to working hard. A.anxious B.likely C.used D.willing 15.The mail was delayed for a week because of the flood. A.held down B.held in C.held off D.held on 第2部分:阅读判断(第1622题,每题1分,共7分) 下面旳短文后,列出了7个句子,请根据短文旳内容对每个句子作出判断:假如该句提供旳是对旳信息,请选择A;假如该句提供旳是错误信息,请选择B;假如该句旳信息文中没有提及,请选择C. Drugs Doctors, sixty

7、 years ago, could do little to help victims of polio. Serious cases usually ended in death. In 1955, a vaccine was developed that prevented the disease. Today, polio is no longer a major health problem. Many of the most important drugs that doctors prescribe today have been developed in the last 30

8、years. Modern drugs are complex, specific and powerful. People need to know more about drugs in order to use them safely. Early people discovered by accident that some of the plants growing around them seemed useful to heal sores, relieve pain or even cure diseases. These plants were the first drugs

9、. Now plants are still the source of some drugs. Quinine, for example, is a bitter-tasting drug used to treat the chills and fever of malaria and to reduce attacks of the disease. It is made from the bark of the cinchona tree, which grows in the Andes Mountains. The Indians of that region were the f

10、irst to use the bark as a medicine. The Spanish people probably brought it to Europe in the early 1600s. Chemists learned how to get the pure drug from the bark. And in 1944, it was made artificially in the laboratory. Other important drugs, such as hormones and vaccines, are obtained from animals.

11、But most of the modern drugs come from chemical combinations worked out by research scientists. Most people never see drugs in their simple form as chemicals. Instead, they are seen as tablets, capsules or liquids that contain the drug and other ingredients. People use drugs to get different results

12、. Some drugs attack the organism that causes a disease. They cure by killing the organism. Other drugs relieve what we call the symptoms of the disease: the headache, pain, fever, or chills, and make the patient more comfortable. These constitute most over-the-counter drugs. People can get them in d

13、rug stores. 16.The main idea of this passage is the development of drugs. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned 17.Today polio disappears in that polio is no longer a health problem. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned 18.It seems to the author that the medicine used by early people was probably effective. A.

14、Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned 19.The Spanish first learned how to used quinine as a medicine. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned 20.Hormones are obtained from animals. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned 21.People can use drugs in two aspects, such as curing cancer and relieving headache. A.Right B.Wrong C

15、.Not mentioned 22.The “over-the-counter drugs” are those that patients can get without doctors prescriptions. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned 第3部分:概括大意与完毕句子(第2330题,每题1分,共8分) 下面旳短文后有两项测试任务:(1)第23-26题规定从所给旳6个选项中为第2-5段每段选择1个最佳标题;(2)第27-30题规定从所给旳6个选项中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项。 The Processes of Immunity 1 Immunity c

16、an be defined as the power of an individual to resist or overcome the effects of a particular disease or some other harmful agent. Sometimes the words “immunity” and “resistance” are used interchangeably; but it is more accurate to think of immunity as a process which causes the effect of the invadi

17、ng bacteria to be unable to work before they have had a chance to set up an infection. 2 The chemical processes that produce immunity can be described briefly as follows. Every disease-producing bacterium that enters the body carries within itself a substance. 3 These antibodies destroy the poisonou

18、s substance of the disease-producing bacteria, or else act on them in a way that will make the bacteria more sensitive to the action of the white blood cells or other phagocytes. Antigens vary in their chemical structure and specific antigen will stimulate the body to produce only a specific antibod

19、y in response to it.职称英语考试 4 The antibody, then, will react only with the kind of antigen that caused its production and no other. This is the reason for the selective nature of immunity so that immunity to one disease does not necessarily cause a person to be immune to another. Indeed, it is possib

20、le to have immunity to one disease and sensitivity, its opposite, to a different disease. So it is useful to consider immunity as a selective process. This selective characteristic has a name; specificity. 5 There are two main groups of immunity: inherited immunity and acquired immunity. This second

21、 type may be acquired by natural or artificial means. In addition, an acquired immunity may be either active or passive. 23.Paragraph 2 _. 24.Paragraph 3 _. 25.Paragraph 4 _. 26.Paragraph 5 _. A.The Definition of Immunity B.The Process of Antibodies C.The Functions of Antibodies D.The Specific Chara

22、cter of Immunity E.Two Types of Immunity F.The Functions of Immunity 27.Antibodies were produced when _. 28.The antibody will react only with _. 29.Two main groups of immunity are _. 30.Natural or artificial means acquire _. A.inherited immunity and acquired immunity B.the antigen is introduced into

23、 the body C.acquired immunity D.specified immunity E.antigens vary in their chemical structure. F.The kind of antigen that caused its production and no other 第4部分:阅读理解(第3145题,每题3分,共45分) 下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每道题确定一种最佳选项。 第一篇 Blood Test May Detect Cancer Early转自环 球 网校edu24ol 转自环 球 网校edu24ol 转自环

24、球 网校edu24ol A new blood test may someday make it possible for doctors to diagnose cancer even before a patient develops symptoms. The new test, developed by Dr Jonathan W. Uhr of the University of Texas and his colleagues, is so sensitive that it can detect one cancer cell in a milliliter of blood.

25、“Cancer cells are shed from a primary tumor early in the life history of the tumor,” Uhr explained. “The shedding of these cells can be used as a screening test, potentially, for early tumors.” To identify epithelial cells cells associated with 80% of cancers among other cells in the blood, Uhrs tea

26、m mixed iron particles into blood samples. The particles were coated with substances that react with epithelial cells and caused them to separate from red and white blood cells. Then, under a laser beam, epithelial cells appeared to be a different color from other blood cells, and the researchers co

27、uld count them using a microscope. Uhr and his colleagues used this method to test blood from 30 patients with breast cancer, 3 patients with prostate cancer, and 13 healthy subjects. Samples from cancer patients showed significantly more epithelial cells than samples from healthy subjects. The rese

28、arch team found epithelial cells even in most cases of early disease, including samples from 12 of the 14 patients whose breast cancer had not spread beyond the breast. In a separate study, the investigators tested blood samples from eight patients with breast cancer, at various intervals over 1 to

29、10 months. It showed that the number of cancer cells is the blood fell or disappeared during chemotherapy and rose again if tumors grew again. “At this time, we believe the most important test of the usefulness of our method is to screen for early detection of cancers in the general population,” Uhr

30、s group concluded. “Another objective would be to be able to predict,” said Uhr. “We want to be able to determine when these tumor cells in the blood are aggressive, and treatment is needed, versus when this is a shedding that is harmless. But it will take many, many years and many patients to deter

31、mine that.” 31.Dr. Uhrs new test can be used to find the number of A.iron particles in a blood sample. B.epithelial cells in a blood sample. C.blood cells in a blood sample. D.tumors in a human body. 32.Uhrs team mixed iron particles into blood samples A.to identify red blood cells. B.to separate ep

32、ithelial cells from red and white blood cells. C.to identify white blood cells. D.to identify the color of cancers. 33.In another study, Dr. Uhr and his colleagues found that the patients epithelial cells A.would increase if these patients condition turned better. B.would decrease if these patients

33、condition turned better. C.didnt change in number. D.had nothing to do with chemotherapy. 34.For Dr. Uhr and his colleagues, at present, it is most important to A.detect breast cancer among women. B.detect prostate cancer among men. C.detect cancers in their early stage among people in general. D.fi

34、nd out how many people have been screened for possible cancers. 35.What Dr. Uhr said indicates that he and his colleagues are not sure yet A.how to kill aggressive tumor cells. B.how to tell an aggressive tumor cell from a harmless shedding. C.if aggressive tumor cells exist. D.if their method is us

35、eful. 第二篇 Do Patients Trust Doctors Too Much? Earlier this year, the American College of Surgeons, the national scientific and educational organization of surgeons, conducted a nationwide survey that found that the average patient devotes an hour or less to researching his or her surgery or less to

36、researching hi人事考试教育网s surgery or surgeon. While prospective patients worry about the costs or complications of an operation, they dont necessarily look for information that would address their concerns. In fact, more than a third of patients who had an operation in the last five years never reviewe

37、d the credentials of the surgeon who operated. Patients are more likely to spend time researching a job change (on average, about 10 hours) or a new car (8 hours) than the operation they are about to submit to or the surgeon who wields the knife. And many patients are satisfied with the answers they

38、 receive from their surgeon or primary care doctor, whoever those individuals happen to me. I felt curious about the survey, so I called Dr. Thomas Russell, executive director of the American College of Surgeons. “There is a tendency for patients not to get particularly involved and not to feel comp

39、elled to look into their surgery or surgeons,” he told me. There are consequences to that kind of blind trust. “Today, medicine and surgery are really team sports, Dr. Russell continued, and the patient, as the ultimate decision maker, is the most important member of the team. Mistakes can happiness

40、 and parents have to be educated and must understand what is going on. In other words, a healthy doctor - patient relation dose not simply entail good bedside manners and responsible office management on the doctor. It also requires that patients come to the relationship educated about their doctors

41、, their illness and their treatment. “If we are truly going to reform the health care system in the U.S.,” Dr. Russell said, “everybody has to participate actively and must educate themselves. That means doctors, nurses, other health care professional, lawyers, pharmaceutical companies, and insuranc

42、e companies. But most of all, it means the patient.” Trust is important. But as Sir Francis Bacon, who was among the first to understand the importance of gathering data in science, once observed, knowledge is power. 36.Patients do not seem to spend enough time A.researching job changes. B.researchi

43、ng new cars. C.researching their surgery or surgeons. D.researching the American College of Surgeons. 37.It appears that patients nowadays have A.little trust in their doctors B.too much trust in their doctors C.too much information about their doctors. D.a healthy relationship with their doctors. 3

44、8.The most important role in medicine and surgery should be played A.by pharmaceutical and insurance companies. B.by doctors and nurses. C.by lawyers. D.by patients. 39.Its a mistaken idea that a healthy doctor-patient relationship A.is a goal that can be achieved. B.is what the patient desires. C.i

45、s dependent just on the doctor. D.also entails efforts made by the patient 40.The author does NOT believe in A.Francis Bacon. B.blind trust. C.scientific data. D.the power of knowledge. 第三篇 Where the Jobs Are Over the past twenty years, many kinds of American small businesses have been growing very

46、fast. They have gradually replaced the millions of jobs which many large companies lost at their hard times. Today small companies employ more than 45 million people in the U.S. This creates more than 66 percent of all the new jobs and accounts for 39 percent of the total national product. In the past few years, small businesses have become

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