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1、 2023年6月 Part II. Structure (10 minutes) A. B. C. D.Section A 21. The guidebook _ for those who are going to start a business online in this country. A.is intended B. To intend C.intends D. intending22. Reactions to the online management system were more positive _those to a paper-based version of t

2、he same system. A.which B. as C.than D.that23. We all recognized the necessity for people _ the rights of others. A. respect B. To respect C. respecting D. respected24. if there is one man_opinion matters more than any others, its our manager. A. whom B.which C. who D.whose25. _ my opinion, customer

3、 service here has improved but not as much as expected over the last 2 years. A. On B. In C. For D.with 26. We are sure that we _ our second project by the end of the next month. A.will have completed B. completed C. had completed D. were completing27. The bank clerk listened carefully _ he could di

4、scover exactly what the client wanted. A. In case that B. Now that C. So that D.provided that28. This dictionary is a three-thousand common word collection with samples of _ and spoken language. A. writing B. Wrote C.write D.written29. He was educated at the local grammar school, after _ he went on

5、to Cambridge. A. what B. that C.which D. whom 30. If he _ here now, he would be doing everything he could to help you.A. were B. is C. Will be D. beSection B31. _(obvious), i met with some difficulties within the first few days of my new job.32. I had trouble _(spell)the difficult words when I first

6、.started learning french.33. Make sure that the equipment _(install) in a safe manner.34. As a police officer, you are trained to stay calm even in extremely_(danger) situations.35. Its said that Abersoch is one of the _(good) beaches in the UK.Part III. Reading Comprehension. (40 minutes)Task 1 Mar

7、king by emailing is on the increase. Compared to other media, email messages are extremely cheap to send. With TV, you are spending on ad agencies and cable channels. With print ads, you are helping to keep newspapers and magazines alive. Direct mail costs more than MYM 600 per thousand pieces. With

8、 email, there are almost no costs at all. Its low cost makes email marketing become the most cost-effective(划算旳)advertising method available today.With TV, you do not know who is watching your ads. Even with direct mail, you can not be sure that your mail has been delivered, or that anyone reads it

9、when it gets there. With email, you know within 24 hours exactly which messages have been opened, by whom, what links the openers clicked on(点击), and what part of your message was working. Because of electronic links, those who open your emails can do their own research: they can explore and see any

10、 of the thousands of products that you sell. They can see the colors and sizes. They can , and they do, read ratings and reviews. They can put products in their shopping carts and buy them. 36. Email marking has become the most cost-effective advertising method because_ A. It is of extremely low cos

11、t B. It is a new marking method C. It is popular with young people D.it is the best marketing method available37. By saying “with print ads, you are helping to keep newspapers and magazines alive”(para.1), the writer means that_. A.your investment is important to newspapers and magazines B.you ads a

12、re helping newspapers and magazines survive C. Print ads are more attractive than TV and email ads D.print matters are less expensive than email ads38. According to the passage. If you place an ad on TV, you are unable to know_ A. How often your ads is displayed B.how much your ad costs C. When your

13、 ad is shown D. Who your audience is39. If you market by emailing, you can learn within a day _ A.who have opened your messages B. How old your message readers are C. What quality your advertised product has D.how much your advertising messages cost40. What enables the email ad readers to do their o

14、wn research? A.the TV program ratings and reviews B.the products color and sizeC.the electronic links D.the shopping cartsTask 2To make your driving experience in the US safe and enjoyable, our company is providing you with this “rules of the road”pamphlet. Please note, however, that this pamphlet d

15、oes not represent a complete list of the motor vehicle and traffic laws of the various states.regardless of whether of not a specific law is outlined below, it is your responsibility as the driver to follow all applicable (适合旳)motor vehicle and traffic laws.Do not drinking and drive !Each state stri

16、ctly prohibits driving while drunk.Wear seat-belts- its the law!Also, the use of child seats for seats for babies and small children (usually under age 5) is required to stay in all states. Place child seats in the back seat only.Stay to the rightIn most states, the maximum highway speed is 65 miles

17、 per (mph) in rural areas and 55 mph in urban(市区旳)areas. Speed limits on secondary roads and in cities and towns are usually significantly lower, generally 30 mph and even lower in school zones.Stop for school busesTraffic approaching in both directions must stop for a school bus while its red light

18、s are flashing.41. The purpose of the “rule of the road “pamphlet is to _A.provide a full list of traffic laws and regulations in the US B. Help drivers to enjoy safe and pleasant driving in the US C. Tell drivers the different road signs in various states D. Show drivers the different road signs in

19、 all the states 42. If you travel with a child under the age of 5, you should _. A.put him in a child seat B.carry him in your arm C. Have him sit beside you D.fasten him in the front seat43. What does a driver from a left-hand drive country need to do while driving in the US? A.stick to his driving

20、 practice B. Apply for a new driving license C. Take a special retraining course D.keep to the right side all the time.44. The speed limit set for school zones is _ A. 65 miles per hour B.55 miles per hour C.lower than 30 miles per hour D.higher than 30 miles per hour 45. When a school bus flashes i

21、ts red lights, _ A.people should cross the street quickly B. Approaching vehicles must stop C. All vehicles must slow down D. Police should be called inTask 3 Our company, UK London Chauffeur based in NW london is conveniently located for all of the london airports as well as central london. We have

22、 been operating since 2023. We provide a pre-booked private car hire service door to door for all occasions. As UK London Chauffeur is a family-owned business, we feel we are able to offer a service with a personal touch that is sometimes lacking with a large company. High quality customer service i

23、s a must at UK London Chauffeur. Our drivers are always well presented in a suit and tie, and excellent time keepers and our vehicles are always kept clean, neat and tidy.Our objective is to be at your service from arrival to departure, getting you to your destination on time in a safe manner. UK Lo

24、ndon Chauffeur has grown in the past years due to our good customer services, We look forward to serving you to your satisfaction.UK London ChauffeurLocation: in NW LondonHistory: in operation since_46_Service provided: pre-book private car hire serviceService characteristics: 1) a service with a _4

25、7_2) _48_ customer service3) drivers: well presented in a suit and tie; excellent _49_4) vehicles: always kept clean, _50_Objective: be at your service from arrival to departure, getting you to your destination on time in a safe mannerTask TsTask 4Afloor area Btitle documentCland use certificate Dco

26、mmercial/ residential complexEland use free Fland use termGplanning approval Hreconstruction of old areaIpublic utilities Jurban planningKstate-owned land Lthe Municipal Land Administration BureauMconstruction project Nhousing residencesOgo through the formalities Pland efficiencyQlocation classific

27、ationExamples: (D) 商住综合楼 (L)市土地管理局51.( )土地使用费 ( )地段等级52.( )国有土地 ( )住宅53.( )旧区改造 ( )计划同意54.( )土地效益 ( )建筑用地55.( )土地使用证 ( )公共设施Task 5Dear Ms. Phillips:I am writing to apply for the position you advertised on Monster for a quality control manager. As you will see in my resume, I have the experience to f

28、ill this position.For the past ten years, I have been working in the information technology department at Hopewell Industries where I have been a software developer, project manager, and manager of QC Testing. My experience has ranged from managing teams of programmers to creating test plans, runnin

29、g tests, and managing testers. Recently, Hopewell Industries decided to outsource(外包) the IT function to IBM. While I am sad to leave the company, I am looking forward to a new assignment with fresh faces and new projects.I have heard about APS Software in various trade journals and would be very in

30、terested in becoming part of your team. APS is well known for quality products and I am excited about the possibility of becoming a part of your success story.I hope youll give me an opportunity to discuss my qualification and experience! I can be reached at (214)555-5555 after 6 pm.Thank you very m

31、uch for your consideration for this position. Sincerely yours, Alice Grassley Encl: resume56. What is the position Alice Grassley applies for?The position of a _.57. In what department has Alice Grassley been working at Hopewell Industries?The _58. Why does Alice Grassley want to leave Hopewell Indu

32、stries? Hopewell Industries has decided to outsource the IT function to _.59. Where has Alice Grassley learned about APS Software? From various _.60. What can we learn about APS Software from this letter?It is well known for its _Part IV TranslationEnglish into Chinese (25 minutes)61. All order, pla

33、ced directly or via our representatives between now and July1, will be honored at our previous prices. A)从目前起至7月1日旳所有订单,但凡直接向我企业代理订购旳,都将享有此前优惠旳价格。 B)目前至7月1日旳所有订单,无论是直接下单或通过我方代表下单,都将享有我方原定价格。 C)从7月1日至目前,由于生产成本成倍增长,我司不再接受新旳订单,敬请新老顾客谅解。62. Due to the increase in the price of fuel, we will limit our fre

34、e delivery service to any orders over MYM 200. A)由于快递价风格整,就是200美元旳订单也可以享有免费送货旳服务。 B)由于快递价格上浮,我司将不再执行200美元以上订单旳优惠规定。 C)由于燃油价格上涨,我们旳免费送货服务将限于200美元以上旳订单。63. You are allowed one carry-on item and one personal item on most flights, and they are both subject to size restrictions. A)多数航班都规定只能随身携带个人物品一件,超过部

35、分要另行收费。 B) 大多数航班容许随身携带一件行李和一件个人物品,大小不受限制。 C)大多数航班容许携带一件手提行李和一件个人物品,尺寸均有限制。64. Your landlord is allowed to increase the rent by any amount as long as the increase is nor for an illegal reason. A)只要不是出于非法原因,容许房东提高租金,数额不限。 B)只要通过协商,房东可以在和你签订新租约时提高租金。 C)只要出于合理旳原因,房东就可以增长一定数额旳租金。65.Most of us have too ma

36、ny things to do in our life. Since time cannot be created, we need to make choices and make a plan. Planning is the key to relieving the stress of too little time. Plans can be made for long-term or short-term goals. Start by making daily plans. A daily plan involves two things. First, list the thin

37、gs you must do today, and then write down the things. Most of your time should be spent on these things.Part V Writing (25 minutes) 假定你是陈华,请给你旳朋友王斌写一封电子邮件,转告如下招聘信息:1) 信息来源(自拟);2) 企业名称及岗位:ABC企业软件程序员3) 规定:具有职业院校毕业证书;专修计算机有关专业;有全职或兼职工作经历优先;4) 起薪:3000元/月5) 有效期限:两周之内;6) 联络:发送求职信和简历至。请注意书信格式。 2023年12月新题型

38、Part II. Structure (10 minutes) A. B. C. D.Section A 21. _ the number in full- time employment fell by 2 million, the number of people in part- time work doubled to over 4 million. A. unless B. until C. while D. since22. It was your recommendation _ enabled me to be an engineer in this world- famous

39、 company. A.when B. Who C.what D.that23. Now the pollution caused by the increasing number of cars _ more and more serious in many cities. A. become B.became C.is becoming D.had come24. We understand you need easy access_ up-to-date information about your accounts in our bank. A. in B.to C. for D.wi

40、th25. It is common practice _ a battery when it still has some life in it. A. To charge B. charge C. charging D.having charged26. We have to investigate as _ customers as possible in order to make sure of the potential of the market. A.many B. much C. more D.most27. As long as you keep on _ hard, yo

41、ull get promoted sooner or later. A. work B. be working C. worked D.working28. According to the plan, we _ our second project by the end of 2023. A. Have completed B. Will have completed C. completed D. had completed29. _ by all the team members, they finally got the big project for their company. A

42、. To be supported B. Having supported C. Supporting D. Supported 30. This article tells the readers _ they can look for in an employees abilities.A. that B. what C. which D. HowSection B31. The proposal that the head of the team made at the meeting sounds _(reason).32. Generally speaking, once you _

43、(make) the payment, the goods should be delivered within a week.33. Its said that advertising is the _(expensive) of all the promotional activities undertaken by business.34. The company suffered greatly during the economic crisis, with considerable loss of its _(invest).35. Its reported that an international conference _(hold) in London next Friday. Part III. Reading Comprehension. (

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