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1、油田生产事业部专业英语题库(初级部分)油田生产事业部专业英语题库(初级部分)一一 专业词汇专业词汇英汉互译英汉互译:1.Crane Operator 吊车司机 2.elevator 吊卡 3.Roustabout 甲板工 4.bail 吊环 5.jar 震击器 6.Deck Pusher/Head of Roustabout 甲板长 7.fishing nipple 打捞公锥 8.Floorman/roughneck 钻工 9.fishing spear 打捞矛 10.Derrickman 井架工 11.float shoe 浮鞋 12.Assistant Driller 副司钻 13.ham

2、mer 锤子 14.Driller 司钻 15.high pressure line 高压管线 16.Junior Toolpusher 值班队长 17.hook 大钩 18.Senior Toolpusher 高级队长 19.casing 套管 20.Rig Manager 平台经理 21.joint 接头 22.Safety Supervisor 安全监督 23.junk sub 打捞杯 24.Captain 船长 25.kelly bushing 方补心 26.active tank 循环池 27.kelly cock 方钻杆考克 28.liner 缸套 29.adjusting bol

3、t(刹把)调整螺栓 30.mouse hole 小鼠洞 31.admission pipe 进气管 32.mud pump 泥浆泵 33.agitator 搅拌器 34.nozzle 水眼,喷嘴 35.air line 气管线 36.pin 公扣 37.blow-out preventer/BOP 防喷器 38.quick connection 迅速联结 39.bit 钻头 40.rotary table 转盘 41.box 母扣 42.safety clamp(slips)安全卡瓦 43.brake level(brake handle)刹把 44.safety-strap(belt)安全带

4、 45.bridge plug 桥塞 46.setback 立根盒 47.casing bowl 套管打捞筒 48.shale shaker 振动筛 49.casing elevator 套管吊卡 50.slide tongs 管钳 51.casing head 套管头 52.casing scraper 刮管器 53.stabilizer 扶正器 54.casing shoe 套管鞋 55.swivel 水龙头 56.cement plug 水泥塞 57.tong 大钳 58.cementing pump 固井泵 59.valve 阀门 60.choke line 阻流管线 61.well-

5、head equipment 井口装置 62.clutch 离合器 63.back off 倒扣,卸扣 64.crown block 天车 65.bit type 钻头类型 66.dead line anchor 死绳固定器 67.casing size 套管尺寸 68.degasser 除气器 69.crown block saver 天车防碰装置 70.draw works 绞车 71.drifting 通径 72.drift mandrel 通径规 73.kelly down 方入 74.drill pipe 钻杆 75.kick 井涌 76.slip 卡瓦 77.drilling li

6、ne 钻井大绳 78.pump efficiency 泵效 79.run casing 下套管 80.setting slip 坐卡瓦 81.shut-in 关井 82.side tracking 侧钻 83.spud in 开钻 84.sticking 卡钻 85.trip 起下钻 86.wait on cementing 候凝 87.weight on bit 钻压 88.BOP drill 防喷演习 89.towing line 拖缆 90.lead-tong man 外钳工 91.gun perforate 射孔 92.evening tour 夜班 93.graveyard(morn

7、ing)tour 白班 94.dope 丝扣油 95.drill collar 钻铤 96.nipple 短接 97.single 单根 98.total depth 总深 100.accumulator 储能器 二二 专业词汇专业词汇汉英互译汉英互译:1.井涌 well kick 2.团体精神 teamwork 3.安全措施 safety provisions 4.安全帽 hard/safety hat 5.滑轮 blocks 6.立管 standpipe 7.石油 petroleum 8.柴油机 diesel engine 9.出口 outlet 10.telephone 11.变压器 t

8、ransformer 12.救生衣 life jacket 13.lifeboat 救生艇 14.护丝 thread protector 15.油毛毡 asphalt felt/oil absorbent 16.老虎钳 bench vise 17.扫把 besom 18.链钳 chain tong 19.扁铲 chisel 20.手套 glove 21.护目镜 goggles 22.砂轮机 grinder 23.榔头 hammer 24.安全帽 hard hat 25.梯子 ladder 26.螺帽 nut 27.油漆刷 paint brush 28.撬杠 pinch bar 29.管钳 pi

9、pe wrench 30.安全带 safety belt 31.拖把 swab 32.卷尺 tape measure 33.对讲机 walkie-talkie 34.灭火器 extinguisher 35.钢圈 ring gasket 36.安全卡瓦 safety slips 37.卡环 shackle 38.绳套,吊索 sling 39.提丝 lifting plug 40.提高短节 lifting sub 41.棕绳 manila rope 42.通径规 drift mandrel 43.卡瓦牙 slip insert 44.钻井绞车 drawworks 45.转盘 rotary tabl

10、e 46.补心 bushing 47.顶驱 top drive system(简 TDS)48.水龙头 swivel 49.天车 crown block 50.游车 traveling block 51.大钩 hook 52.井架 derrick 53.涡磁刹车 elmagco brake 54.钻柱 drill string 55.动力大钳 power tong 56.气动绞车 air winch(或 air tugger)57.防碰天车 crown-O-matic 或:crown saver 58.泥浆泵 mud pump 59.振动筛 shale shaker 60.除泥器 desilt

11、er 61.除沙器 desander 62.除气器 degasser 63.离心机 centrifuge 64.泥浆搅拌器 mud agitator 65.离心泵 centrifugal pump 66.管汇 standpipe manifold 67.水龙带 rotary hose 68.吹灰系统和灰罐 bulk air system and tank 69.闸板防喷器 ram type preventer 70.万能防喷器 annular type preventer 71.防喷器组 BOP stack 72.闸阀 gate valves 73.阻流压井管汇 choke and kill

12、manifold 74.远程控制面板 remotely operated panel 75.阻流控制面板 choke control panel 76.转喷器 diverter 77.通风口、通气口 vent 78.通讯设备 communication equipment 79.升降系统 jacking system 80.井架滑移系统 skidding system 81.锚机 windlass 82.锚 anchor 83.浮标 buoy 84.柴油机 diesel engine 85.应急发电机 emergency generator 86.造淡机 water maker(或 desal

13、inization unit)87.空气压缩机 air compressor 88.锅炉 boiler 89.空调系统 air-conditioning system 90.海水供应系统 sea water service pump 91.管汇系统 piping system 92.发电机 generator 93.变压器 transformer 94.直流马达 DC motor 95.交流马达 AC motor 96.消防控制系统 fire control system 97.火情探测系统 fire detection system 98.二氧化碳系统 CO2 system 99.移动灭火器

14、 portable extinguisher 100.消防设备 fire-fighting equipment 二、专业句型英译汉:二、专业句型英译汉:1.Carry out drilling operation in accordance with the drilling program.按钻井程序进行钻井作业。2.Make up bottom hole assembly(BHA).组合下部钻具。3.Check and reset crown-saver on every tour.每个班都要检查并重新调成天车防碰装置。4.Dont drill faster than 15 minutes

15、 for 1 stand.钻进速度别超过 15 分钟 1根立柱。5.Lay down 57 joints of 5”drill pipe.甩 57 根 5”钻杆。6.Whats the make-up torque?上扣扭矩要多大?7.The tong angle is too small.大钳旳角度太小了。8.Set the single into the mouse hole.把这个单根放进鼠洞。9.Can we break out the pipe with rotary table?可用转盘卸扣吗?10.Put the pipe wiper on the string.装上钻杆刮泥器。

16、11.Secure the safety clamp.上紧安全卡瓦。12.How much weight on bit is required?要加多少钻压?13.Keep the rotary speed at 120-140 RPM.转速保持 120-140转/分。14.The pump pressure has increased.泵压升高了。15.What is the hook load?悬重多少?16.Make sure all alarms are on.保证所有旳警报信号都开着。17.Move string every 2 hours.每 2 小时活动钻具一次。18.Keep

17、area around shaker clean.保持震动筛区域洁净。19.Check power tongs and spinning rope are on drill floor.检查动力钳和尾绳与否在钻台。20.What is the weight on bit(简 WOB).钻压是多少?21.Latch the elevator.扣吊卡。22.Lock the hook pin.锁紧大钩销子。23.Connect kill and choke line.接上压井和放喷管线。24.Dont dump the mud into the sea.不要把泥浆排放到海里。25.Make eve

18、rything ready for running 7”casing.做好下 7”套管旳准备。26.Set cement plug from 2940 to 2790m.在 2940到 2790米井段打水泥塞。27.Clean and dry 20”casing threads with rags.清洁并擦干 20”套管丝扣。28.There is a lot of junk in the hole.井下有诸多落物。29.Stop drilling for coring.停钻准备取芯。30.What type of core bit is it?这是什么型号旳取芯钻头?31.The down-

19、hole problems are very complicated.井下状况很复杂。32.The mud returns have decreased.返出泥浆减少。33.Plug the well for side tracking.打水泥塞侧钻。34.The stand pipe pressure is 10 kg/cm2.立管压力 10公斤/厘米2。35.The casing pressure is 25 kg/cm2.套压 25公斤/厘米2。36.Get a Work Permit before you can start the hot work.办理作业许可证才能进行动火作业。3

20、7.Put on your(safety)helmet.戴上安全帽 38.The repairing is under way.正在检修。39.Keep your hands clear!或:Keep you hands off、Do not touch!不要乱动(或:不要触摸!)40.Wear and secure your safety belt.戴上并系好安全带。41.Life jacket must be worn when working outboard or overhead.舷外或高空作业要穿救生衣。42.Have your breathing apparatus near y

21、ou.保持防毒面具有附近。43.This is a fire drill.这是消防演习。44.Check the expiry date for all foam extinguishers.检查所有泡沫灭火器旳过期时间。45.Safety procedure shall be followed at all the times.在任何时间都应遵守安全程序。46.The helicopter will land on rig soon.直升习机很快就要在平台降落。47.Adjust the brake band equalizer beam properly.合适调整刹带平衡梁。48.Func

22、tion test the anti-freefall brake on monthly basis.每月对天车防碰装置进行功能试验。49.Have BOP ram opened up for internal inspection.打开防喷器闸板进行内部检查。50.We need a 48”pipe wrench.我们需要一把 48”旳管钳。51.Maintain the hoisting system.保养提高系统。52.This clutch needs repair.这台离合器需修理。53.Slip 6 meters of the drilling line.滑移钻井大绳 6米。54.Check the pump liners and pistons.检查(泥浆)泵缸套和活塞。55.Dont overrun your equipment.不要超负荷运转。

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