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1、Afternoon, sir. Where to? A. Please get me to the airportAmi, Id like this report typed today. A. Itll be really in the afternoon, sirAmi,I want this report typed today.Ill be ready in the afternoon,sir.Are there any good shows on TV tonight? B. Titanic is the movie channelAre you feeling better tod

2、ay, Mrs. Silver? D. Yes, thanks doctor. But I still fell dizzyAre you getting a new flat this year? B. You must be joking. I cant afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new flatAre you on holiday here? C. No, we arent. We live hereAre you sure about that? (D)D. Oh, yes. Im absolutely positive Can I

3、 help you to get it down? (C) Thanks. Its so nice of youCan I take your oder now?Just a moment.Two friends are coming.Can you go to the concert with us this evening ? B. Id love to , but Im busy tonightCan you help me clear up the mess? D. No problemCan you tell me where I can park the car? C. Well,

4、 just over there.Congratulations ! You won the first prize in todays speech contest . C. Thank youcould I borrow your car for a few days ? C. sure , here your are . Enjoy your journeyCould I speak to Don Watkins , please ? C. Speaking , pleaseCould I talk to Prof. Lee? A. Yes, speaking.Could you be

5、so kind as to turn down that rock “n” roll? I am preparing for tomorrows exam. C. Sure. Sorry to disturb youCould you please tell me how to get the nearest bus stop? C. its on the right corner just aheadCould you tell me where Mr. Lake is? B. At the officeDavid injured his leg playing football yeste

6、rday. Really?_ C. How did that happen?David, youve been losing your temper over nothing lately. C. Im sorry. I shouldnt have blown up like thatDo you know who telephoned me?I heard it was Sally.Do you like watching football matches? D. Football? No. Its a waste of timeDo you mind if I read newspaper

7、 on the table? B. Go ahead, pleaseDo you mind my smoking here? B. yes, I doDo you think the exam will be put off? C. Not likelyDoctor, I dont feel well. C. Whats the matter?Dont take too long at the coffee shop.Its 14:15.I see.We have 30 minutes left.Everyone knows where the shop is,but whos the own

8、er?Steve.Excuse me , but can you tell me the way to the post office ? B. Sorry , I am a stranger hereExcuse me , how much is the jacket ? Its 499 YuanExcuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office? D. Mm. let me think _ Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You cant

9、 miss it.Excuse me, does this bus go to the bookstore? C. No. youd change at the next stopExcuse me, I didnt mean to bother you. C. Thats quite all rightExcuse me, when is the next flight from London due to arrive? A. In half an hourExcuse me, which bus goes to the city museum? B. You can take No. 1

10、02 busExcuse me, which is the express train to Tokyo? D. On your right. Itll leave in 5minutesExcuse me, would you lend me your calculator?(A) Certainly. Here you areExcuse me,dose this bus go to the bookstore?No.youd better change at the next stop.Excuse me,how far is the airport from here?Its abou

11、t thirty miles.Excuse me,I didnt mean to bother you.Thats quite all right.Excuse me,when is the next flight for London due to arrive?In half an hourExcuse me,which is the express train to Tokyo?On your right.Its leave in 5 minutes.Excuse me,would you lend me your calcularor.Certainly.Here you are.Ex

12、cuse me. Is this table taken? C. Yeah. Im saving these seats for friendsGo that way and take a seat. B. Thanks, but Id rather standHave a nice holiday, Ted. C. Thank you, and you tooHave you ever been to Tokyo? B. no, but I hope to go there next yearHave you got a table for four,Waiter.Yes,sure.This

13、 way,please.Havent seen you for ages !What are you busy doing now ? D. I am working part time in a bookshop , you knowHello , I am Harry Potter . Hello, my name is Charles Green , but _ C. call me Charles Hows the movie? Interesting? C. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV Hurry up. The l

14、ecture begins at 2:00. A. Dont worry. Weve got 20 minutes Hello ,may I talk to the director now ? A. Sorry , he is busy at the momentHello, could I speak to Don please?(D)D. Whos speakingHello, Sally. Hows everything?(D) Just so-soHello,could I speak to Don please?Whos speaking.Hello.Can I get a sea

15、t on the 8 pm flight to Detroit?Im sorry,but its completely booked.Help yourself to the steak, Maggie. B. Thank you, Helen. Its been a nice dinnerHelp! Can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight to Detroit? C. Im sorry, but its completely bookedHey, Barbara. You look so pale. A. Im just getting over the fl

16、uHey, Tom, what is up? B. Oh, not muchHey,Barbara.You looks to pale.Im just getting over the flu. Hi , is Mary there , please ? A. Hold on . Ill get herHi , welcome back ! Had a nice trip ? A. Oh , fantastic ! Fresh air , and sunshine every dayHi ,tom ,how is everything with you ? B. Hm ,not too bad

17、 and how are youHow about going to dinner at the Mexican restaurant tonight ? C. That is great !How are you , Bob? B.I am fine. Thank you . Ted How are you feeling? Much better. _ A. Thanks for coming to see meHow are you this morning? C. Very well, thank you.How do I get to Cairo?You could catch th

18、e 9:30 flight and change at Paris.How do you do ? Glad to meet you . How do you do? Glad to meet you, tooHow long have you lived in London?My whole life.How long will you be away from Italy? B. About a monthHow much is it altogether? D. Its freeHow often do you go dancing ? Every other dayHow often

19、do you have listening classes in a week? D. Every Monday and FridayHow was the journey to London? A. It went very well.How was your trip to London , Jane ? A. Oh, wonderful indeedHows the movie? Interesting?(C) . Far from. I should have stayed home watching TVHows the moveie?Interesting?Far from.I s

20、hould have stayed home watching TVHurry up.The lecture begins at 2:00.Dont worry.Weve got 20 minutes. I think the Internet is very helpful.(A)A. Yes, so do I I wonder if you could help me. D. Of course Ive ordered pizza and salad. What else do you want? C. A beer is fine for me. Im not hungry yetI d

21、ont like the sports programs on Sundays B. Neither do I I dont think Im late. Excuse me, whats the time? A. It says 8:00. But its 5 minutes slowI dont like the sports programs one Sundays.Neither do I.I feel quite ill. B. Youd better have a restI have an appointment with Dr.Johnson.Please wait for a

22、 minute.He is busy now.I have got a pain in my neck. C. Im sorry to hear thatI havent seen Belly for 10 years.Neither have II heard your motorcar was stolen. D. Mine wasnt but Bills wasI hope the weather will stay fine tomorrow. B. I hope so tooI really enjoy pop music. Whats your favorite D. well,

23、actually I like classical musicI think the Internet is very helpful.Yes,so do I.I was worried about my maths , but Mr. Brown gave me an A . Congratulations! Thats a difficult courseI wish you success in your career. D. The same to youI wonder if Henry will come to the party at 8:00 sharp asDont worr

24、y.He always keeps his word.I wonder if I could use your computer tonight ? A. Sure, go ahead._Im not using it right now I wonder if Tim could control the situation. D. Well, if he cant control it, no one canI wonder if you could help me.Of courseId like to know if everybody is here. C. Everyone exce

25、pt TomIm sorry .I lost the key . A. Well , its OKIm sorry Ive returned your book late. D. Thats all rightIm sorry to be late. Thank you for waiting. B. Oh, I dont mind. Ive been here 10 minutesIm sorry. Bobs not in his office. A. Can you take a message for meIm terribly sorry that Ive spilled some c

26、offee on the carpet. B. It doesnt matterIm trying to call Marie, but theres no answer.(D). Really? Maybe shes outIve got 2 tickets for the match. Shall we go and watch it together? C. Why not? Lets goIve ordered pizza and salad. What else do you want? C. A beer is fine for me. Im not hungry yetId li

27、ke to know something about your life in paris.Ill tell you.If you like I can mail this letter for you? A. Thats very kind of youIm sorry to be late.Thank you for waiting.Thats ok.Im trying to call Marie,but theres no answer.Really?Maybe shes out.In my opinion, youd better take a couple of days off.

28、A. Ill take your adviceIs it possible for you to work late tonight? D. I think soIs my TV program disturbing you? C. Yes, Im trying to write my paperIs the toilet on the ground floor 2nd floor?On the ground floor.Is there a drugstore near here?Yes,there is a big one.Is there anything serious,doctor?

29、No.Just stay in bed and drink more water.Is this the motel you mentioned?(B) Yes, its as quiet as we expectedIt is a great race! Do you agree? D. Yes, its really excitingIts rathe r cold in here . Do you mind if I close the window ? B. No , go aheadIve ordered pizz and salad.What else do you want?A

30、beer is fine for me.Im not hungry yet.Jack,are you leaving now?Its 7:20.No.Ill set off in 30 minutes.Joe will come to the party at Jane ang lans,wont he?Yeah,hes bringing his cousin,sandyLet me help you carry this. A. Thats OK. I can manageLets take a walk. (A) Yes, lets Look, 25% off. The 2,500 cam

31、era is on sale today. Yeah, a surprising bargain. Ill buy itLets take a walk.Yes,lets.Linda,can you give me a life after work?No problem.We go the same direction.Look at the rainbow!What a view!Yes,How beautiful it is.Look,25% off.The $2500 camera is on sale today.Yeah,a surprising bargain.Ill buy i

32、t.Madam , do all the buses go downtown ? D. Sorry , I am new hereMarilyn , I am afraid I have to be leaving now . B. Oh , so early?May I give you a hand?Thank you.You are so kind.May I have a look at your photo album?Yes,of courseMay I help you, madam? D. Yes, Id like 2 kilos of oranges Must I do th

33、e washing-up tonight?(B) Leave it if youre exhaustedMay I help you,madam.Yes,Id like 2 lilos of oranges.May I know your address? A. Sure. Here you areMay I see your tickets , please ? C. sureMay I speak to Jack please? D. Im afraid youve got the wrong number.May I use your bike for a moment ? C. By

34、all meansMay I use your bike to go shopping? B. Certainly. There it is.Mrs. Johnson. Ive come to say good-bye. B. Have a pleasant journey. Ill miss youMust I do the washing-up tonight?Leave it if youre exhausted.Must I take a taxi ? No , you _ D. dont have to You can take my carMust we hand in our h

35、omework now?No,you neednt.My camera isnt working properly. A. Maybe theres something wrong with itNice weather, isnt it? C. Yes, it isNorthwestern Airlines. May I help you? A. yes, Id like some information about morning flights from Beijing to Detroit B. yes, Id like to have two pints of beer, pleas

36、eOh , sorry to bother you . A. Thats OkayOh, Betty, we will be having a buffer party next Saturday, and wed like you to join us. Id love to Susan. What is the occasion? What time do you want me to come?Oh, the box is too heavy. B. Can I help you to carry itOh,youre back at work?How was your holiday?

37、We had rain every day and stayed at the hotel most of Please help yourself to the seafood . D. Thanks, but I dont like the seafoodPaul , Oh, that is my father! And besides him ,my mother . B. who is talking over therePlease give me a hand, wont you? D. No problemPlease tell David not to drink too mu

38、ch. B. I seeSam, this is my friend, Jane. C. Glad to meet you, JaneShall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water ? A. Id rather stay here if you dont mind .So sorry to trouble you. A. Its a pleasureSusan is absent from todays writing class. How come? As far as I know, she has never

39、missed a classThank you for inviting me . C. Thank you for comingThanks a lot. Youve gone to so much trouble.(A) A. Its no trouble at allThanks for your help . A. My pleasureThat is a beautiful dress you have on ! A. Oh ,thanks .I got it yesterdayThe lecture given by professor Smith was really inter

40、esting.I couldnt agree with you more.There is an hour to go.Could we sit somewhere to have a drink?Sure.Theres a new cafeteria at the corner.Hou about Fine.But its my treat this time.This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs. B. Let me give you a handTomorrow is my birthday C. Many happy return

41、s of the day!Unbelievable ! I have failed the driving test again! B. Cheer upWait here and Ill get my car. We go there together. D. Why bother? Its within walking distance What do you think of his suggestion? B. Its hard to say, actually Whats the date today? D. The Second of July Whats the fare to

42、museum? D. Five dollars Whats the weather like in this area? B. its rainy Would you like to see the menu?(A) No, thanks. I already know what to order We are going to have a singing party tonight . Would you like to join us ?A. I am afraid not , because I have to go to an important meetingWell,Mary,h

43、ou are you?Im fine.What about another coffee? A. No, thank youWhat about going for a walk?Why not?A good idea.What can I do for you ? A. I want a kilo of pearsWhat do you think about this story?I like it very muchWhat if my computer doesnt work?(B)B. Ask Anne for helpwhat is your father _ He teaches

44、 physics in a schoolWhat kind of TV program do you like best?Its hard to say,actually.What should we have for dinner? C. How about fish? Its very freshWhat subjects are you studying?Im studying philosophyWhat time is the next flight to Washington? _ C. Its 1:45 pmWhat was your journey like? A. It wa

45、s terribly interestingWhat would you like, tea or coffee?(B) Coffee, pleaseWhats the best way to get to the Empire Hotel from here? B. Walking through the woodWhats the matter with you? C. I feel a bit sickWhats the problem,Harry?I cant remember where I left my glasses.Whats the weather like in your

46、 hometown?Its cold in winter and hot in summer.When does the next bus leave for Glasgow?They leave every hour.Where are you form?BritainWhere to?Im so thirsty.Why dont we enjoy some beer at that bar.Which language do you speak at home?(D) English, most of the timeWho has done your hair,Susan?That ha

47、ir stdylistWhos that speaking ? This is Tom C. speaking.Why are you so late? B. I came across an old friendWhy didnt you come to my birthday party yesterday ? DSorry ,but my wife had a car accidentWhy not have a glass of beer? A. Thats greatWill you go on a picnic with us tomorrow?Sorry.I have an appointment with Dr.Brown.Will you have some desert, Judy? A. No, thank you. Im on a dietWill you have some dessert,July?No,I dont mindWill you please turn down the TV?Sorry.I havent realized youre sleepingWould you like a tea

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