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1、你一定要坚强,即使受过伤,流过泪,也能咬牙走下去。因为,人生,就是你一个人的人生。=中英文对照施工方案目 录Contents1. 工程概况 General2. 编制依据 References3. 施工顺序 Construction Sequence4. 施工方法 Construction Method5. 安全与环境保护施工措施 HSE6. 劳动力计划 Manpower Mob. Schedule7. 机具计划 Equipment/Tools Mob. Schedule8. 施工作业计划 Construction Schedule1. 工程概况General该项目为珠海PTA二期工程,本方案主

2、要是为PTA二期变电所结构而编制的施工技术措施。主体结构三层钢筋砼框架,局部为二层钢筋砼框架结构,变压器区域采用钢筋砼墙体。This method statement is compiled to describe the substation structure construction method of Zhuhai PTA No.2 Project, which major structure is three-layer reinforced concrete frame and partial structure is two-layer reinforced concrete f

3、rame and transformer area is reinforced concrete wall.2. 编制依据References2.1. 施工图纸 Construction Drawings REV.2 6092-BCO.01-DW-1741-01 to 25 2.2 工程测量规范Code for Engineering Surveying GB50026-93 2.3 混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范 Code for Quality Acceptance for Concrete Structure GB50204-20022.4 混凝土泵送技术规程 Technical Cod

4、es for Concrete Casting by Concrete Pump JGJ/T10-952.5 建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准 Unified Standard for Construction Quality Acceptance of Construction GB50300-20012.6 钢筋焊接及验收规程 Code for Acceptance of Re-bar Welding JGJ18-20032.7 建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范 Safety Technical Code for Work at Height During Construction JGJ80-9

5、12.8 施工现场临时用电安全技术规范 Electricity Safety Technical Code for Temporary Power Supply on Construction Site JGJ46-882.9 混凝土强度检验评定标准 Assessment and Acceptance for Concrete Strength GBJ107-873. 施工顺序 Construction Sequence4. 施工方法 Construction Method 4.1脚手架工程Scaffolding work4.1.1 框架外的双排脚手架由架业公司搭设。Double scaffo

6、ld outside the structure will be built by scaffolding company.4.1.2梁和板底搭设满堂脚手架。脚手架立杆基土应平整、密实,且所有立杆底部应加设宽度大于200mm,厚度大于50mm,长度4m的垫木。Full scaffold shall be used for beam and slab bottom. Pole foundation soil shall level and dense, and size more than 4m(L)200mm(W)50mm(T) wood block shall be set for all

7、pole bottom。4.1.3满堂脚手架的立杆间距1.2m,横杆间距为1.6m。每隔12m设置一道剪力撑。搭设方法见下图。立杆与纵、横向扫地杆连接固定,纵横向立杆应在同一条直线;纵、横杆搭接接头不要大于50,即杆件接头要错位搭接。立杆搭设时应通过吊垂线保证其垂直度,垂直误差不得大于20mm。 Spacing between poles of full scaffold is 1.2m, and set cross bridging for every 12m, and method please see following sketch. Poles shall be erected as

8、 per the location, and fasten the poles with longitudinal and transverse bottom pole, and longitudinal and transverse poles shall be at the same straight line. Overlap junctions of longitudinal and transverse poles shall be not more than 50%, that is, pole junctions shall be overlapped staggered. Ve

9、rticality shall be ensured by plumb line when, and tolerance of verticality shall be not more than 20mm.4.1.4端头各设置一道剪刀撑,每道连接不少于4根立杆,纵向轴线除两端各设置一道剪刀撑外,按间距12m设置剪刀撑;剪刀撑接长必须用搭接,且搭接长度不小于1m,转扣不少于3个,每组剪刀撑的宽度不小于4跨,且不小于6m,斜杆与地面的夹角4560 Cross bridging shall be installed at the ends of transverse axis, and each

10、connection shall be not less than four poles. Besides cross bridging installed at the ends of the longitudinal axis, it also installed as per 12m spacing. Overlap must be used for cross bridging spreading, and overlap length shall be not less than 1m, and rotary button shall be less than three, and

11、each cross bridgings width shall be not less than four spans and shall be not less than 6m. Separation angle between diagonal pole and ground is 4560.4.1.5 脚手架平面布置及上下通道平面位置见附图1。 Make the sketch for detail plane of scaffolding including access way. Please see sketch No.-脚手架搭设好后,必须经过IPMT/CFCS/H

12、SSE验收合格后方可投入使用。 After completion of scaffolding work, it must be inspected and accepted by IPMT/CFCS/HSSE. 4.2模板工程 Formwork4.2.1梁、柱和墙板采用=18mm的胶合模,板采用组合钢模板。48*3.5的标准脚手架钢管加固。模板安装前,应将模板面残留砼清理干净、且在钢模板上均匀涂刷隔离剂。 =18mm plywood form shall be used for beam, column and wall, and combined form shall be used fo

13、r base slab, and reinforced by 48*3.5 scaffold steel pipe. Forms shall be cleaned and remove the residual concrete, and also separant shall be painted on the steel form evenly before form installation.4.2.2柱模板Column form 1)安装顺序:柱轴线投点、放支模线搭设柱四周井字架控制标高绑扎柱钢筋、墙拉结筋、安放钢筋保护层垫块拼装柱模板柱模板校正并加固Installation sequ

14、ence: mark out the column axis and form linebuild “井” shape rack around the columncontrol elevationcolumn rebar work, wall binding rebar work, install the cushion blockinstall the column formcolumn form adjustment and reinforcement2)将柱轴线、标高线复测投点,弹出柱支模线,将柱脚支模处用1:2 水泥砂浆找平,每根柱周围搭设井字架,在井字架上抄测标高控制线。Resur

15、vey the column axis and elevation line, and mark out the column form line, 1:2 cement mortar will be used to leveling at the column bottom. “井” shape rack will be set around each column, and mark elevation control line on it.3)绑扎柱筋,垫保护层垫块,安放埋件、墙拉结筋。Column rebars and cushion block work, install the s

16、teel inserts and wall binding rebar.4)经检查合格并办理隐蔽检查记录后拼装柱模。柱根部留设清扫口。柱与梁的模板安装如附图1所示。Column form will be installed after inspected & accepted and got the concealed work inspection record. Cleanout shall be set at the bottom of column bottom. Details of the column and beam form installation please see a

17、ttached sketch No.-1.5) 柱箍采用48*3.5双钢管背棱,柱箍间距400mm;柱底及柱顶均应设置柱箍,柱加固图见附图2。用钢管与脚手架有效连接并固定、校正。柱底部用1:2水泥砂浆堵缝防止漏浆。 48*3.5 double steel pipe heel will be used for the column hoop, and spacing between column hoop is 400mm. Steel pipe shall be used to connect the scaffold and fixing and aligning. 1:2 cement m

18、ortar will be used to seal the column bottom to prevent leakage. Column hoop shall be installed at the column bottom and top, details about reinforcing please see attached sketch No.-2. 6)柱模安装基本完毕后对断面尺寸、轴线、标高、垂直度等进行全面检查校正后再进行固定,并将各柱井字架之间连成一体,形成稳定整体结构。After column form installation, overall inspectio

19、n and aligning shall be done for the cross dimension, axis, elevation and verticality, and then connect each column “井” shape rack as overall stable structure. 4.2.3梁、板模板Beam and slab form1)安装顺序:抄测量控制标高搭梁底模双排架及板底满堂脚手架安装梁底模绑扎梁钢筋、安放垫块安装梁侧模校正加固模板拼装板底模绑扎板钢筋Installation sequence: mark out the control ele

20、vation double scaffold of beam bottom form and full scaffold of slab bottom beam bottom form installation beam rebar and cushion block work beam side form installation form adjustment and reinforcement slab bottom form installation slab rebar work2)在梁模下搭设双排钢管立柱承重架,钢管立柱采用48钢管,立杆纵向间距为750mm。Pole bearin

21、g rack with double steel pipe shall be built under the beam form, 48 steel pipe will be used for the pole, and longitudinal spacing between poles is 750mm. 3)梁高在800mm1000mm的梁中部设对拉螺栓一道,梁高为1200mm的梁设置两道对拉螺栓。对拉条安装方法见附图3,在模板拆除对拉螺栓拿出后,采用微膨胀水泥砂浆封堵。1200mm高梁模板支设计算书附后。One set pull bolt shall be installed at t

22、he middle of beam while the beam is 800mm to 1000mm, and two sets pull bolt will be installed while the height is 1200mm. Details about the installation please see attached sketch No.-3. Expended cement mortar shall be used for sealing after form dismantled and pull bolts removed. For 1200mm height

23、beam shall calculate the support system and make detail support. Please see attach.4)按控制标高安装梁底承重水平横杆(梁长L4000mm时按0.20.3%起拱)时备双卡,梁底模铺放时与之固定。Bearing horizontal pole (when beam length L 4000mm, following 0.2%-0.3% arch rising) of beam bottom shall be installed according to control elevation and prepare

24、double clamp, and fastened with it while laying the beam bottom form.5)绑扎梁筋,垫保护层垫块,安放埋件、插筋、预留孔胎模等,经检查合格后扣梁侧模。Beam side form shall be installed after all work inspected and accepted such as beam rebar work, cushion block laying, steel inserts installation, steel doweling and pocket molding bed, etc.6

25、)梁与柱、梁交接处用木模板制成定型模板,以保证接头处模板平整。 Wooden form will be made as type form for the connection where beam and column, and beam and beam to ensure leveling of connection form.7)板模板采用组合钢模,在组拼时模板缝间夹海绵条。Combined steel form will be used for slab form, and sponge strip shall be used for the form joint during ma

26、tching. 4.2.4墙板模板 Wall form墙板模板安装见附图4。在模板拆除对拉螺栓拿出后,采用微膨胀水泥砂浆封堵。Wall form installation please see attached sketch No.-4. Expended cement mortar shall be used for sealing after form dismantled and pull bolts removed. 4.2.5模板工程质量允许偏差及检测方法 Allowable Tolerance and Control Method of Formwork Quality混凝土结构工

27、程施工质量验收规范GB 50204-2002 (表4.2.6, 4.2.7)Code for Quality Acceptance for Concrete Structure GB50204-2002 (see table 4.2.6, 4.2.7)项目Item 允 许 偏 差 (mm)Allowable Tolerance(mm) 检 验 方 法Checked by.截面内尺寸Dimension inside Formwork +4,-5 Steel ruler钢尺检查轴线位置Axis position 5 水准仪Level instrument测量工 surveyor预留洞Anchor

28、pocket 中心线位置Centerline 10 水准仪Level instrument测量工 surveyor4.2.6柱及梁侧模板在混凝土浇筑48小时后拆除,浇水自然养护不得少于7天;梁底模板必须28天或砼强度达到100方可拆除(做同条件砼试块测试),并浇水养护7天。Column and beam side forms will be dismantled 48 hours after concrete casting, and watery curing shall not less than 7 days. Beam bottom slab form can be dismantle

29、d after 28days or concrete strength reached 100%(make block sample in same condition), and water curing 7 days. 4.3钢筋工程Rebar work4.3.1所用钢筋必须具有出厂质量证明书,试验报告单,且钢筋表面清洁,无损伤。All re-bars must have quality certificates and test reports when leaving the factory, and keep re-bar in tidy condition and no damag

30、e.4.3.2 所有钢筋在进场时必须按同一牌号、同一炉批号、同一规格、同一交货状态且重量不得大于60t为一批,任选2根分别在每根上切取拉力、冷弯试件。All re-bars shall be stored by brand, heat number, specification separately. At the same time, one group of sample (2 pieces) every 60t or fraction of 60tons for each batch shall be sent to laboratory to pull resistance inten

31、sity and cold bending intensity.4.3.3原本材料必须分规格堆放,且挂牌标识。钢筋应在预制场集中加工成型,分规格、型号堆放并配上钢筋规格标示牌。Raw material should be sepaAll re-bars shall be fabricated in the prefabrication area and piled together as per the specification, type and piled with tags.4.3.4梁板横向钢筋采用搭接,在同一连接区段内钢筋搭接接头面积配筋百分率应不大于50%。Transverse

32、rebar shall be overlapped in priority, in the same section of overlap area, proportion of overlapped rebar connections shall not be more than 50% of total quantity of re-bar. 4.3.5柱纵向钢筋按图纸要求焊接连接。长度必须要施工的柱净高四分之一,高度要500,连接长度35d。Mechanical connection will be adopted for column rebar according to constr

33、uction drawings. Connection length should be more than or equal to one quarter of the column net height, and height shall be more than or equal to 500mm, and connection length shall be more than or equal to 35d.4.3.6按图纸要求在梁侧面、柱侧面钢筋上绑扎带插有22#铁丝的砂浆垫块,在板及梁底用同砼配比的砂浆垫块,垫块的尺寸为40mm40mm40mm。40mm40mm40mm ceme

34、nt block with embedded 22# steel wire will be bound on the re-bars of beam side and column side according to the construction drawings. Cement block shall be made by concrete with the same mix ratio of concrete except stone.4.3.7 板双层钢筋网片采用12钢筋制作的“几”字型马凳支撑,马凳间距为1000mm。“几” shape support made of12 reba

35、r will be used for double rebar net of slab, and spacing between supports is 1000mm.4.3.8钢筋加工工程质量允许偏差及检测方法 Allowable Tolerance and Control Method for Rebar Work混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范GB 50204-2002(表5.3.4)Code for Quality Acceptance for Concrete Structure GB50204-2002 (see table 5.3.4)项目Item 允 许 偏 差 (mm)Allo

36、wable Tolerance(mm) 检 验 方 法Check/Accept.受力钢筋顺长度方向全长的净尺寸Length of load bearing re-bar along strength direction 10 钢尺检查Steel ruler弯起钢筋的弯折位置Bending location of re-bar 20 钢尺检查Steel ruler箍筋内净尺寸Inner Dimension of Stirrup Bar 5 钢尺检查Steel ruler4.4 混凝土工程 Concrete Casting 4.4.1本工程砼均采用商品砼,砼罐车运输, 泵车浇筑。浇筑路线及泵车就位

37、布置根据现场具体情况确定。Commercial concrete and concrete truck and pump truck will be used for this construction. Concrete casting route and pump truck allocation will be according to the site conditions. 4.4.2 砼浇筑前用塑料薄膜对上部柱筋及螺栓丝扣进行保护,防止砼污染钢筋。Prior to concrete casting, upper column rebar and anchor bolt thread

38、 shall be wrapped by plastic sheet to prevent contamination from concrete.4.4.3柱和墙板砼浇筑前必须在接缝处应事先铺设一层与原砼成份相同的去石子砂浆50mm厚。There must pre-lay one layer of 50mm thickness mortar (except stones) which ingredients are same with the original concrete for the joint before column and wall concrete casting.4.4

39、.4 砼振捣采用插入式振动棒,在振捣上一层时,应插入下层50mm,相邻插点间距不超过300mm,且距离模板以100150mm为宜;振捣应密实,以砼表面水平不再显著下沉、表面泛浆、不冒泡为宜,严禁漏振、过振。Insert type vibrating rod will be adopted for vibrating of foundation concrete. While vibrating current layer, vibrating rod shall be inserted 50mm deep into last layer, and distance between two ad

40、jacent vibrating points shall not be over 300, and 100-150mm shall be suitable for the distance from form. Vibrating work shall continue till that no obvious sinking can be observed, and no bleeding and no foam appear on the surface of concrete. It shall be forbidden that the concrete is over vibrat

41、ed, vibrating points are not sufficient or vibrating time is not long enough.4.4.5施工缝留设:水平施工缝留置于板顶面。下一次砼浇筑前,人工凿除松动的石子20mm,清洗干净并浇水养护,浇筑下一次砼前用水冲洗润湿。Horizontal construction joint shall be set at the top of the slab. Just before next concrete casting, loose concrete shall be chipping off minimum 20mm ma

42、nually and cleaning with water and water curing. 4.4.6砼浇筑过程中应派专人看模板、看钢筋,发现异常及时处理,待整改合格后方可继续进行砼浇筑。During concrete casting, special person shall be assigned to observe the status of re-bar and form, work shall be stopped and continue after rectification if abnormal phenomena appear. 现浇结构尺寸允许偏差及检测方法All

43、owable Tolerance and Control Method of casting structure混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范GB 50204-2002 (表8.32-1)Code for Quality Acceptance for Concrete Structure GB50204-2002 (see table 8.32-1)项目Item 允 许 偏 差 (mm)Allowable Tolerance(mm) 检 验 方 法Check/Accept. by轴线位置Axis position 8 水准仪Level instrument测量工 surveyor平面外形尺寸C

44、oncrete surface size 5 钢尺检查Steel ruler标高Elevation 层高Layer height 5 水准仪Level instrument 全高Full height 20 垂直度Verticality 层高Layer height 5m 8 经纬仪 Theodolite 5m 10 经纬仪Theodolite 全高 H/1000且30 经纬仪Theodolite预埋设施中心线位Centerline positionof embedded facilities 预埋件Embedded parts 6 水准仪Level instrument测量工 surveyo

45、r5. 安全与环境保护施工措施 HSE见JHADetails please see attached JHA.6. 劳动力计划 Manpower Mob. Plan序号No. 工种Type of worker 人数Qty 备注Remarks1 木工Carpenter 30 2 HSSE 人员HSSE 2 3 管理人员Supervisor 14 4钢筋工 Re-bar worker 20 5 普工Common worker 20 6 架子工Scaffold worker 10 7 电工Electrician 2 8 电焊工Welder 3 9 测量工 Surveyor 2 10修理工Repairman 2 11 砼工Concrete worker 4 合计Total 109 7. 机具计划 Equipment/Tools Mobilization ScheduleNo.序号 Equip. Name设备名称 Qty数量 Spec. 规格 Remarks备注1

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