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1、Muscles of upper limb 上肢肌上肢肌系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第1页Muscles of shoulder上肢带肌上肢带肌qComponents:Deltoid 三角肌三角肌Supraspinatus 冈上肌冈上肌Infraspinatus 冈下肌冈下肌Teres minor 小圆肌小圆肌Teres major 大圆肌大圆肌Subscapularis 肩胛下肌肩胛下肌三角肌三角肌大圆肌大圆肌小圆肌小圆肌系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第2页Major muscles of upper limbDeltoid 三角肌三角肌Origin:lateral third of clavicle,a

2、cromion,and spine of scapulaInsertion:deltoid tuberosity of humerus Action:abducts the arm,anterior fibers flex and medially rotate arm;posterior fibers extend and laterally rotate arm系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第3页Major muscles of upper limb Teres major 大圆肌大圆肌Origin:dorsal surface of inferior angle of scapulaInsert

3、ion:crest of lesser tubercle of humerusAction:medially rotates and adducts arm系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第4页Major muscles of upper limbqTrilateral and quadrilateral foramina 三边孔和四边孔三边孔和四边孔Between the subscapularis/teres minor and teres major,there is a long triangular space whose lateral side is surgical neck of hu

4、merus.The long head of triceps brachii subdivides this space into a medial trilateral foramen and a lateral quadrilateral foramen.Circumflex scapular a.and v.旋肩胛动、旋肩胛动、静脉静脉pass through the trilateral foramen Axillary n.腋神经腋神经,Posterior humeral circumflex a.旋肱后动、静脉旋肱后动、静脉 pass through the quadrilater

5、al foramen系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第5页Muscles of armqAntererior groupBiceps brachii 肱二头肌肱二头肌Coracobrachialis 喙肱肌喙肱肌Brachialis 肱肌肱肌qPosterior group Triceps brachii 肱三头肌肱三头肌Biceps brachiiCoracobrachialisBrachialisTriceps brachii系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第6页Major muscles of upper limb Biceps brachii 肱二头肌肱二头肌Origin:llong head:supra

6、glenoid tubercle;lshort head:coracoid processInsertion:radial tuberosityAction:flexor of elbow joint,supinator of forearm,weak flexor of should joint系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第7页Major muscles of upper limb系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第8页Major muscles of upper limb Triceps brachii 肱三头肌肱三头肌Origin:llong head:infraglenoid tuberclellate

7、ral head:above groove for radical n.lmedical head:below groove for radical n.Insertion:olecranon of ulnaAction:extends elbow joint;long head can extend and adduct shoulder joint系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第9页Major muscles of upper limb系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第10页Muscles of forearm Antererior group(9)qFirst(superficial)layer(5)Br

8、achioradialis 肱桡肌肱桡肌Pronator teres 旋前圆肌旋前圆肌Flexor carpi radialis 桡侧腕屈肌桡侧腕屈肌Palmaris longus 掌长肌掌长肌Flexor carpi ulnaris 尺侧腕屈肌尺侧腕屈肌系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第11页Muscles of forearm Pronator teres 旋前圆肌旋前圆肌Origin:medial epicondyle of humerus,coronoid process of ulna and deep fascia of forearmInsertion:middle of lateral

9、surface of radiusAction:pronation of forearm and flexion of elbow系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第12页Muscles of forearm Antererior group(9)qSecond(superficial)layer(1)Flexor digitorum superficialis 指浅屈肌指浅屈肌qThird layer(2)Flexor digitorum profundus 指深屈肌指深屈肌Flexor pollicis longus 拇长屈肌拇长屈肌qFourth layer(1)Pronator quadratus

10、 旋前方肌旋前方肌qActions:flex radiocarpal joint and fingers,pronate forearm系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第13页Muscles of forearm系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第14页Muscles of forearm Posterior group(10)qSuperficial layer(5)Extensor carpi radialis longus 桡侧腕长伸肌桡侧腕长伸肌Extensor carpi radialis brevis 桡侧腕短伸肌桡侧腕短伸肌Extensor digitorum 指伸肌指伸肌Extensor digit

11、i minimi 小指伸肌小指伸肌Extensor carpi ulnaris 尺侧腕伸肌尺侧腕伸肌桡侧腕长伸肌桡侧腕长伸肌尺侧腕伸肌尺侧腕伸肌系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第15页Muscles of forearm Posterior group(10)qDeep layer(5)Supinator 旋后肌旋后肌Abductor pollicis longus 拇长展肌拇长展肌Extensor pollicis brevis 拇短伸肌拇短伸肌Extensor pollicis longus 拇长伸肌拇长伸肌Extensor indicis 示指伸肌示指伸肌qAction:extend radioc

12、apral joint and fingers,and supinate forearm旋后肌旋后肌系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第16页Major muscles of upper limb Supinator 旋后肌旋后肌Origin:lateral epicondyle of humerus and upper part of lateral border of ulnaInsertion:upper third of anterior surface of radiusAction:supination of forearm系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第17页Muscles of handqLate

13、ral groupthenar 鱼际鱼际(4)Abductor pollicis brevis 拇短展肌拇短展肌Flexor pollicis brevis 拇短屈肌拇短屈肌Opponens pollicis 拇对掌肌拇对掌肌Adductor pollicis 拇收肌拇收肌qAction:flex,abduct,adduct and oppose thumbqMedial grouphypothenar 小鱼际(小鱼际(3)Abductor digiti minimi 小指展肌小指展肌Flexor digiti minimi brevis 小指短屈肌小指短屈肌Opponens digiti m

14、inimi 小指对掌肌小指对掌肌qAction:flex,abduct,and oppose little finger系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第18页Muscles of handqIntermedial groupLumbricales(4)蚓状肌蚓状肌 flex fingers at MP joints;extend fingers at IP jointsPalmar interossei(3)骨间掌侧肌骨间掌侧肌 adduct fingers towards middle finger at MP jointsDorsal interossei(4)骨间背侧肌骨间背侧肌 abduct

15、fingers away from middle finger at MP joints 系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第19页Muscles of lower limb 下肢肌下肢肌系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第20页Muscles of lower limbThe muscles of lower limb are divided into:qMuscles of hip髋肌髋肌qMuscles of thigh大腿肌大腿肌qMuscles of leg 小腿肌小腿肌qMuscles of foot足肌足肌系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第21页 Muscles of hip qAnterior groupIli

16、opsoas 髂腰肌髂腰肌lIliacus 髂肌髂肌lPsoas major 腰大肌腰大肌Psoas minor 腰小肌腰小肌Tensor fasciae latae 阔筋膜张肌阔筋膜张肌Psoas majorTensor fasciae lataeIliacusIliotibial tract系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第22页Muscles of hip Iliopsoas 髂腰肌髂腰肌Origins:lPsoas major:transverse processes and lateral surface of bodies of lumbar vertebraelIliacus:iliac

17、fossaInsertion:lesser trochanter of femurAction:flexes the thigh at hip joint when the trunk is stabilized and flexes the trunk against gravity when the body is supine;lateral rotation of thigh系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第23页Muscles of hipqPosterior groupGluteus maximus 臀大肌臀大肌Gluteus medius 臀中肌臀中肌Gluteus minimus 臀小肌

18、臀小肌Piriformis 梨状肌梨状肌Obturator internus闭孔内肌闭孔内肌Obturator externus闭孔外肌闭孔外肌Quadratus femoris股方肌股方肌臀大肌臀大肌臀中肌臀中肌臀小肌臀小肌梨状肌梨状肌闭孔内肌闭孔内肌股方肌股方肌系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第24页臀大肌臀大肌臀中肌臀中肌臀小肌臀小肌梨状肌梨状肌闭孔内肌闭孔内肌股方肌股方肌系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第25页Muscles of hip Gluteus maximus 臀大肌臀大肌Origin:gluteal surface of ilium and dorsal aspect of sacrumIns

19、ertion:gluteal tuberosity of femur and iliotibial tractAction:lextends and laterally rotates thigh at hip joint;lraises trunk when the lower limb is fixed系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第26页Muscles of hip Piriformis 梨状肌梨状肌Origin:anterior surface of sacrumInsertion:greater trochanter of femurAction:laterally rotates thig

20、h at hip joint;abducts thigh at hip jointqSuprapiriform foramen 梨状肌上孔梨状肌上孔qInfrapiriform foramen 梨状肌下孔梨状肌下孔系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第27页Muscles of thigh Anterior groupqSartorius 缝匠肌缝匠肌qQuadriceps femoris 股四头肌股四头肌Rectus femoris 股直肌股直肌Vastus lateralis 股外侧肌股外侧肌Vastus medialis 股内侧肌股内侧肌Vastus intermedius 股中间肌股中间肌qBloo

21、d supply:femoral arteryqNerve supply:femoral nerve缝匠肌缝匠肌股四头肌股四头肌系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第28页Muscles of thigh Sartorius 缝匠肌缝匠肌 Origin:anterior superior iliac spineInsertion:upper medial surface of tibiaAction:flexes hip and knee joints;rotates flexed knee medially系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第29页Muscles of thigh Quadriceps femoris

22、 股四头肌股四头肌Origin:lRectus femoris:anterior inferior iliac spinelVastus medialis:medial lip of linea asperalVastus lateralis:lateral lip of linea asperalVastus intermedius:anterior surface of femurInsertion:tibial tuberosity via patellar ligamentAction:extends leg at knee joint;rectus femoris also flex

23、es thigh at hip joint系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第30页系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第31页Muscles of thigh Medial groupqPectineus 耻骨肌耻骨肌qAdductor longus 长收肌长收肌qGracilis 股薄肌股薄肌qAdductor brevis 短收肌短收肌qAdductor magnus 大收肌大收肌Action:adduct thigh at hip joint耻骨肌耻骨肌长收肌长收肌股薄肌股薄肌短收肌短收肌大收肌大收肌系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第32页Muscles of thigh Posterior groupqBiceps f

24、emoris 股二头肌股二头肌qSemitendinosus 半腱肌半腱肌 qSemimembranosus 半膜肌半膜肌 ActionFlex the leg at knee joint Extend the thigh at hip joint股二头肌股二头肌半腱肌半腱肌半膜肌半膜肌系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第33页 Muscles of leg Anterior groupqTibialis anterior 胫骨前肌胫骨前肌qExtensor hallucis longus 拇长伸肌拇长伸肌qExtensor digitorum longus 趾长伸肌趾长伸肌qPeroneus terti

25、us 第三腓骨肌第三腓骨肌qBlood supply:Anterior tibial a.qNerve supply:Deep peroneal n.胫骨前肌胫骨前肌拇长伸肌拇长伸肌趾长伸肌趾长伸肌系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第34页Muscles of leg Tibialis anterior 胫骨前肌胫骨前肌Origin:lateral surface of tibiaInsertion:medial cuneiform and base of 1st metatarsal Action:dorsiflexes and inverts foot系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第35页Muscles of

26、 leg Lateral groupqPeroneus longus 腓骨长肌腓骨长肌 qPeroneus brevis 腓骨短肌腓骨短肌 qAction:plantar flex and evert the footqBlood supply:branches from the peroneal arteyqNerve supply:superficial peroneal n.腓骨长肌腓骨长肌腓骨短肌腓骨短肌系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第36页Muscles of leg Posterior group qSuperficial lagerTriceps surae 小腿三头肌小腿三头肌 lGa

27、strocnemius 腓肠肌腓肠肌lSoleus 比目鱼肌比目鱼肌qDeep layer Popliteus 腘肌腘肌Flexor digitorum longus 趾长屈肌趾长屈肌Tibialis posterior 胫骨后肌胫骨后肌Flexor hallucis longus 拇拇长屈肌长屈肌趾长屈肌趾长屈肌胫骨后肌胫骨后肌拇长屈肌拇长屈肌系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第37页Muscles of leg Triceps surae 小腿三头肌小腿三头肌Origin:lGastrocnemius:medial and lateral condyles of femurlSoleus:soleal

28、 line of tibia and upper third of fibulaInsertion:calcaneum via tendo calcaneusAction:flexes knee joint and plantar flexes foot at ankle joint;steadies leg on foot during standing 系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第38页Muscles of leg Tibialis posterior 胫骨后肌胫骨后肌Origin:posterior surface of tibia and fibula and interosseous m

29、embraneInsertion:tuberosity of navicular bone,all cuniformsAction:plantar flexes and inverts foot系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第39页Muscles of footqMuscles on dorsum:趾短伸肌趾短伸肌 extensor digitorum brevis拇短伸肌拇短伸肌 extensor hallucis brevis系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第40页Muscles of footqMuscles in sole:Medial groupl拇展肌拇展肌 abductor hallucisl拇短

30、屈肌拇短屈肌 flexor hallucis brevisl拇收肌拇收肌 adductor hallucisLateral groupl小趾展肌小趾展肌 abductor digiti minimil小趾短屈肌小趾短屈肌 flexor digiti minimi brevis intermediate groupl趾短屈肌趾短屈肌 flexor digitorum brevis l跖肌跖肌 plantarisl蚓状肌蚓状肌 lumbrical musclel骨间足底肌骨间足底肌 Plantar interosseous musclesl骨间背侧肌骨间背侧肌 dorsal interosseous muscles系统解剖学上肢肌英文版第41页

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