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1、使用方法和语法构造(Part II Vocabulary and Structure),共30题,考试时间为20分钟。从题中所给旳A, B, C,D四个选项中选出最佳答案。A节(Sectiona)词语使用方法21There is miserable news that very few people_ the earthquake Arecover Bsurvived Cexisted Ddiscovered22I asked him to_ me a few minutes SO that I could have a word with him Aspend B. spare Csave

2、D share23 _your bookand do this work firstYou may read it later. APut out BPut away CPut up DPut on24Until then did I realize that their marriage had_ because they had little in common Aput off Bgiven up Cbroken down Dcalled off25Would you like to come to see a film with me tonight?Id loveto_I didnt

3、 finish my homework yet Aand Bso Cas Dbut26 _youve got an opportunity,you should take good advantage of it ANow that BAfter CAlthough DAs soon as27Many companies are seeking to exploit and develop the rich natural_ regions Asources Bresources Cmaterials Dpower28Some local companies are making great

4、efforts to _ with foreign companies for a share of the maret. Aconnect Bcombine C compete Dcompare29Many students will watch TV only totime during the summer vacation Aspend Bwaste enjoy kill30We were all _when we heard the _ news that the rescue team found another survivor Aexcited;excited Bexcitin

5、g;exciting Cexcited;exciting Dexciting;excitedB节(Section B语法结31He has so many inventions that he is really_ Edison of _Japan. Aan;the Ban; Cthe;the Dthe;|32All the things _, his proposal is of greater value than yours Aconsidered Bconsidering Cto consider Dconsider33Even though they _side by side fo

6、r twenty years,the two neighbors are not on good terms Ahave been lived Bhad been lived Chad been living Dhave been living34一Does Jane still pursue her dream of becoming a movie star? 一Im afraid notShe is said_ the stage already as she got married Ato have left Bto leave Cto have been left Dto be le

7、ft35 _who she was,she said she was MrJohnsons friend AAsking BAsked CTo ask DWhen asking36The number of people invited_ fifty,but a number of them_ absent for different reasons Awere,was Bwas,was Cwas, were Dwere, were37You_ the difficulties after I explain the whole thing to you Awill be seen Bwill

8、 have seen Cwill see Dsee38The new policy, _ is about the tax reduction,is to be carried out next month Athat Bwhat Cit Dwhich39Not only I but also Jane and Mary _ worn out after having one examination after another Ais Bare Cam D. be40By the way, when did you get your living room_? Last Sunday Ato

9、paint Bpainted Cpainting Dto be painted41A survey of the opinions of students_ that they also admit several hours of sittingin front ofthe computer_ harmful for ones health Ashow;are Bshows;is Cshow;is Dshows;are42Tired _ she was,there was no hope of her being able to sleep Aif Bthough Ceven if D. u

10、nless43By the time your plane lands tonight,I _ at the airport for 3 hours. Ahad waited Bhave been waited Chad been waiting Dwill have been waiting44The activity was delayed,_was exactly_we wantedAwhicll。what Bwhich,whichCthat,what Dthat,that45The room is in a terrible mess;it_ cleanedAcant have bee

11、n Bshouldnt have beenCmustnt have been Dwouldnt have been46_a postgraduate,1 would at least master two foreign language.AWas 1 t0 becOme BWere I to becomeCHad l become DI should become47It is the third time I _ to the Palace Museum,and I still think it is marvelous Ahave gone Bgo Chave been Dwill go

12、48He made the proposal that we_ a role play at the English evening Ahave Bhad Cwill have Dhave had49All _ you can do to comfort her is to listen to her story patiently Awhat Bthat Cwhich Dthings50The manager _ a rise in salary for ages,but nothing has happened yet. Ais promised Bis promising Chas be

13、en promising Dpromised第三部分:阅读理解( Part III Reading Comprehension)共20题,4节内容,考试时间为35分钟。第一节:短文理解,考生可根据文章内容从每题四个选择项中选出最佳答誊。 There was once a young man who suffered from cancerHe was 1 8 years old and hecould die anytime 71 He never went outside;but he was sick of staying home and wanted to go out for onc

14、eSo he asked his mother and she gave him permissionHe walked down his block and found a lot of storesHe passed a CD store and saw a beauti ful girl about his age and he knew it was love at first sightHe opened the door and walked inShe looked up and asked,”Can I help you?”He said,“U11YeahUmmI would

15、like to buy a CD”Hc picked one out and gave her money for it“Would you like me to wrap it for you?”she asked,smiling her cute smileHe nodded and she went to the backShe came back with the wrapped CD and gave it to himHe took it and walked out of the storeHe wcnt home and from then on,he went to that

16、 store every day and bought a CD,and she wrapped it for himHe took the CD home and put it in his closet. He was still too shy to ask her outHis mother found out about this and told him to just ask her. So the next day, he took a11 his courage and went to the store as usualHe bought a CD like he did

17、every day and once again she went to the back of the store and came back with it wrapped. He took it and when she wasnt looking,he left his phone number on the desk and ran out.0ne day , the phone rang,and the mother picked it up and said,“Hello?”It was the girl ! The mother started to cry and said,

18、“You don,t know? He passed away yesterday”Later in the day, the mother went into the boys room because she wanted to remember himShe thought she would start by looking at his clothes, so she opened the closet72 She was face to face with piles and piles of unopened CDs.She was surprised to find all t

19、hese CDs and she picked one up and sat down on the bed and she started to open one. Inside,there was a CD and as she took it out of the wrapper,out fell a piece of paperThe mother picked it up and started to read itIt said:Hi1 think U R really cuteDo U wanna go out with me?Love,JocelynThe mother was

20、 deeply moved and opened another CDAgain there was a piece of paperIt said:HiI think U R really cuteDo U wanna go out with me? Love,Jocelyn51Why did the boy go to the CD store everyday and buy a CD? AHe loved the girl BHe loved music CHe loved collecting CDs DHe was sick of staying home and wanted t

21、o go out52What did the girl in the CD store feel about the boy? AIt was not mentioned BShe was not interested in the boy CShefelt sorry for theboy DShelikedthe boy53Who was Jocelyn?AThe boy BThe girl in the storeCThe boys mother DA totle stranger54What did the passage try to tell us?AThe boy was too

22、 shy to ask the girl outBThe boy loved music so muchCThere was love at first sightDBoth the boy and the girl missed their love第二节:短文理解,考生可根据文章内容从每题四个选择项中选出最佳答案。Common sense would tell us that physically active children may be more likely to become active and healthy adults73 Inthe United States,elem

23、entary and middle schools are advised to give students two and a half hours of ohvsical activity a weekThat is what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Heart Association lecommend (推荐)They say high schools should provide about four hours of physical activity each weekYet

24、many schools across the country have reduced their physical education programsCriticism of the cuts has led in some places to efforts to give students more time for exercise,not lessThe future health of Americans may depend on itJust this week,a study reported that life expectancy(预期寿命)has fallen or

25、 is no longer increasing in some parts of the United StatesThe situation 1s worst among poor people in the southern statesand especially womenPublic health researchers say it is largely the result ofincreases in obesity(肥胖),smoking and high blood pressureThey also blame difierences in health service

26、s around the countryIn 2023,a study found that only four percent of elementary schools provided daily physical education all year for all gradesThis was true of eight percent of middle schools and two percent of high schools.74 The study also found that 22 percent of a11 schools did not reauire stud

27、ent to take any P.E.(体育课)Charlene Burgeson is the executive director of the National Association for Sport and Physical EducationShe says one problem for P Eteachers iS that schools are under pressure to put more time into academic subjectsAlso,parents may agree that children need exercise in school

28、Yet many parents today still have bad memories of being chosen last for teams because teachers favored the good athletes in classBut experts say PE classes have changedThey say the goal has moved away fromcompetition and toward personal performanceas a way to build a lifetime of activityThese days,t

29、eachers often lead activities like weight training and yoga . 75 Some parents like the idea of avoiding competitive sports in PE classYet others surely dislike that ideaIn the end, schools may find themselves in a no-win situation55Why are schools recommended to give students certain time for sports

30、?ABecause difierent schools set up difrerent physical education programsBBecause the physical activity of children will influence their health in adulthoodCBecause nowadays children spend too much time on their studiesDBecause only four percent of elementary schools provided daily physical education

31、56AIl the following factors may have caused fallen life expectancy in some parts of the United States EXCEPT that _Amore and more people are getting fatBan increasing number of people smokeCsome places dont provide adequate health servicesDa lot of people dont take regular exercise57Today the goal o

32、f P E classes is to_.Ahelp all the students exerciseBcreate competition among studentsCproduce good athletesDavoid competitive sports58We can infer from the passage that_.Aparents all agree with the idea of avoiding competitive sportsBparents enjoyed their P.E. classes when they were studentsCa lot

33、otattention is paid to studentsacademic subjectsDa lot of schools dont have enough PEteachers第三节:业务交际英语Part 1把意义相似旳英汉语句匹配到一起。59Ourpurpose is to explore the overseas market for our product60Our company mainly trades in rats and crafts61Our purpose is to explore the possibilities of developing trade w

34、ith you.62We have done a lot of trade with your company for the past five years. A我们企业重要经营手工艺品。B在过去旳五年中,我们与贵企业进行了大量旳贸易。C我们旳目旳是要为我们旳产品开发海外市场。D我们旳目旳是和你们探讨一下发展贸易旳也许性。Part 263We should develop our citys economy jnto a pattern of its own feature with tourism as its stage and economy and trade as actors64

35、We shall encourage the running of school by nongovernmental sectors so as to bring the initiative of all quarters into play.65We will firmly jmprove sociaI security and rectify the polluted and disorderly environment in an effort to build more civilized towns and cities66We cannot reach our strategi

36、c goal unless we carry out reforms and adhere to the open-up policyThis is a pass we must go through A我们要坚决改善社会治安,治理脏乱环境,创立更多旳文明城镇。 B我们如不搞改革、不坚持开放政策, 我们旳战略目旳就不也许实现。这 是一种我们必须通过旳关。 C我们要形成本市独特旳经济开发 格局:旅游搭台,经贸唱戏。 D我们要影极鼓励社会力量办学,以调动各办面旳办学积极性。 第四节:应用文理解 Vitamins are important to our healthDifierent vitami

37、ns are found in difierent foodsgrainsvegetables and fruits,fish and meat,eggs and milk productsSo which foods should be eaten to get enough of the vitamins our bodies need?Let us look at some important vitamins for the answer Vitamin A helps prevent skin and other tissues from becoming dryPeople who

38、 do not get enough Vitamin A cannot see well in darknessThey may develop a condition that dries the eyesThis can result in infections and lead to blindnessVitamin A is found in fish liver oilItis also in the yellow part of eggsSweet potatoescarrots and other darkly colored fruits and vegetables cont

39、ain substances that the body can change into Vitamin A Vitamin B is also called thiamine(硫胶)Thiamine changes starchy foods jnto energyIt also helps the heart and nervous system work smoothlyWithout itwe would be weak and would not growWe also might develop beriberi(脚气病)Thiamine is found not iust in

40、whole grains like brown ricebut also jn other foodsThese include beans and peasnutsand meat and fish Vitamin C is needed for strong bones and teethand for healthy blood passagesIt also helps wounds heal quicklyThe body stores little Vitamin CSo we must get it every day in foods such as citrus fruits

41、,tomatoes and uncooked cabbage Vitamin D increases levels of the element calcium(铲)in the bloodCalcium is needed for nerve and muscle cells to work normallyIt is also needed to build strong bonesVitaminD prevents the childrens bone disease rickets(佝偻痫)Ultraviolet light from the sun changes a substan

42、ce in the skin into vitamin D Fish liver oil also contains vitamin DIn some countriesmilk producers add vitamin D to milk so children will get enough Vitamin K is needed for healthy bloodIt thickens the blood around a cut to stop bleedingBacteria in the intestines f肠道)normally produce vitamin KIt ca

43、n also be found in pork products1iver and in vegetables like cabbagekale and spinach67Lack of Vitamin A will lead to _ Anight blindness Bheart disease Cberiberi Drickets68_is able to change rice and wheat into energy AVitamin C BVitamin K Cpork products DVitamin BI69Every day we must eat certain_ to

44、 get Vitamin C Ameat and fish Brice and milk Cfruit and vegetables Deggs and bones70It can be inferred from the passage that_.Avitamins are sometimes not necessary to our healthBit is important to eat a mixture offoods every dayCone food only contains one vitaminDfruits contain more vitamins than vegetables

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