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1、Unit 8Wed like to check in.第1页Look at the picture and discuss:Look at the picture and discuss:1.Where are they?1.Where are they?2.What are they doing?2.What are they doing?第2页Youll be able to:1.get or offer services in hotels;2.talk about hotel services.第3页Warming up听录音,将以下词语与图片匹配。听录音,将以下词语与图片匹配。Lis

2、ten and match.1meeting room guest room gift shop front desk gymbar Key sentences:第4页Warming up front desk前台,服务台前台,服务台第5页Warming up gym 健身房,体育馆健身房,体育馆第6页Warming upgift shop礼品店礼品店第7页Warming upguest room 客房客房第8页Warming upmeeting room 会议室会议室第9页Warming upbar 酒吧酒吧第10页2.The gym is free of charge.1.The fron

3、t desk is just over there.前台就在那边。前台就在那边。健身房是无偿。健身房是无偿。第11页2Look and match.看图,将以下词语与图片匹配。看图,将以下词语与图片匹配。double room suitesingle room twin room Warming up第12页suiteWarming up套房套房第13页single roomWarming up单人间单人间第14页double room Warming up(有一张双人床)双人房间(有一张双人床)双人房间第15页twin roomWarming up(有两张单人床)双人房间(有两张单人床)双人

4、房间第16页Listening and Speaking1听录音,了解酒店一些工作岗位。听录音,了解酒店一些工作岗位。Listen and learn.bellboy desk clerk cleanerwaiter n.n.行李员行李员前台服务员前台服务员n.n.清洁工人清洁工人n.n.男服务员男服务员第17页2Listen and practice.听录音,练习预订房间。听录音,练习预订房间。Clerk:Hello,Grand Hotel.May I help you?Mr.Smith:Hello,Id like to book a room.Clerk:What kind of room

5、 would you like?Mr.Smith:A suite,please.Clerk:May I have your name,sir?Mr.Smith:John Smith.参考译文参考译文Listening and Speaking第18页 服务员:您好,格兰德饭店。我能够帮您吗?服务员:您好,格兰德饭店。我能够帮您吗?史密斯先生:您好,我想预订一个房间。史密斯先生:您好,我想预订一个房间。服务员:请问您想要什么样房间?服务员:请问您想要什么样房间?史密斯先生:请给我订个套间。史密斯先生:请给我订个套间。服务员:能告诉我您姓名吗,先生?服务员:能告诉我您姓名吗,先生?史密斯先生:约翰

6、史密斯先生:约翰 史密斯。史密斯。第19页Listening and Speaking3Listen again and act.再听录音,依据提醒为以下再听录音,依据提醒为以下S1:Hello,Grand Hotel.May I help you?S2:Hello,wed like to book a room.S1:What kind of room would you like?S2:A twin room,please.S1:May I have your names,please?S2:Sue Smith and Mary Brown.two girls/twin room用户推荐房

7、间。用户推荐房间。第20页 double room和和twin room都是双人间,但二者还是有都是双人间,但二者还是有区分。前者是指有一张双人床双人间,后者是指有两张单区分。前者是指有一张双人床双人间,后者是指有两张单人床双人间。人床双人间。第21页Listening and SpeakingS1:Hello,Grand Hotel.May I help you?S2:Hello,Id like to book a room.S1:What kind of room would you like?S2:A single room,please.S1:May I have your name,

8、sir?S2:Jack Brown.a salesman/single room3Listen again and act.再听录音,依据提醒为以下再听录音,依据提醒为以下用户推荐房间。用户推荐房间。第22页4Listen and practice.听录音,练习办理入住手续。听录音,练习办理入住手续。Clerk:Hello,may I help you?Mr.Smith:Yes.Id like to check in,please.My name is John Smith.Clerk:Just a moment.Yes,Mr.Smith,youve booked a suite.Mr.Smi

9、th:Thats right.Clerk:Heres your key card.Enjoy your stay.Mr.Smith:Thank you.Listening and Speaking参考译文参考译文第23页礼貌用语很主要礼貌用语很主要,注意学习使用以下礼貌用语:,注意学习使用以下礼貌用语:May I help you?Enjoy your stay.第24页 该句是现在完成时态,用于表述发生在过去,到该句是现在完成时态,用于表述发生在过去,到现在为止已经完成或仍在连续动作或状态。现在为止已经完成或仍在连续动作或状态。比如:比如:We have finished the homew

10、ork.第25页 服务员:您好,我能够帮助您吗?服务员:您好,我能够帮助您吗?史密斯先生:是,我想办理入住手续。我叫约翰史密斯先生:是,我想办理入住手续。我叫约翰 史密史密 斯。斯。服务员:请稍等。好,史密斯先生,您预订了一个服务员:请稍等。好,史密斯先生,您预订了一个 套间。套间。史密斯先生:是。史密斯先生:是。服务员:这是您钥匙卡,祝您在这儿过得愉快!服务员:这是您钥匙卡,祝您在这儿过得愉快!史密斯先生:谢谢。史密斯先生:谢谢。第26页5Listen again and act.再听录音,依据以下场景演出对话。再听录音,依据以下场景演出对话。Listening and SpeakingS1

11、:Hello,may I help you?S2:Yes.Wed like to check in,please.My name is Peter Brown.S1:Just a moment.Yes,Mr.Brown,youve booked a double room.S2:Thats right.S1:Heres your key card.Enjoy your stay.S2:Thank you.a couple/double rooma couple/double room第27页5Listen again and act.再听录音,依据以下场景演出对话。再听录音,依据以下场景演出对

12、话。Listening and SpeakingS1:Hello,may I help you?S2:Yes.Wed like to check in,please.My name is David White.S1:Just a moment.Yes,Mr.White,youve booked a suite.S2:Thats right.S1:Heres your key card.Enjoy your stay.S2:Thank you.a family/suitea family/suite第28页将以下词语与图片匹配。将以下词语与图片匹配。Read and match.1Readin

13、g and Writing gardenswimming poolgym playroom sauna 第29页 restaurant饭馆饭馆Reading and Writing 第30页 garden花园花园Reading and Writing 第31页swimming pool 游泳池游泳池Reading and Writing 第32页 gym 健身房,体育馆健身房,体育馆Reading and Writing 第33页playroom 游戏房游戏房Reading and Writing 第34页sauna 桑拿室桑拿室Reading a

14、nd Writing 第35页Reading and Writing 2Read and underline.读下文,在文中标出这家读下文,在文中标出这家Dear guests,Welcome to our hotel.You can enjoy many services here.On the first floor,we have a gym,a swimming pool and a sauna.We also have a playroom for kids here.The restaurant is on the second floor,and the bar is there

15、,too.Outside,we have a tennis court and a garden with lovely flowers and trees.Please enjoy your stay here!参考译文参考译文 Welcome to Grand Hotel酒店服务设施。酒店服务设施。第36页欢迎来到格兰德饭店欢迎来到格兰德饭店尊敬用户,尊敬用户,欢迎光临本饭店。您在这里能够享受到各种服务。欢迎光临本饭店。您在这里能够享受到各种服务。在一层,我们配置有健身房,游泳馆和桑拿室,还在一层,我们配置有健身房,游泳馆和桑拿室,还为孩子们准备了游戏房。餐厅位于饭店二层,酒吧也在为孩子们

16、准备了游戏房。餐厅位于饭店二层,酒吧也在那里。那里。饭店外面是网球场和花园,花园里种着各种鲜花和饭店外面是网球场和花园,花园里种着各种鲜花和树木。树木。敬请您享受在这里高兴时光。敬请您享受在这里高兴时光。第37页3Read again and discuss.再读前文,讨论再读前文,讨论Reading and Writing 以下人员各自喜欢设施。以下人员各自喜欢设施。Mr.Smith/exercisingMr.Smith/exercisinggym第38页3Read again and discuss.再读前文,讨论再读前文,讨论Reading and Writing 以下人员各自喜欢设施。

17、以下人员各自喜欢设施。Mrs.Smith/flowersMrs.Smith/flowersgarden第39页3Read again and discuss.再读前文,讨论再读前文,讨论Reading and Writing 以下人员各自喜欢设施。以下人员各自喜欢设施。Leo/swimmingLeo/swimmingswimming pool第40页3Read again and discuss.再读前文,讨论再读前文,讨论Reading and Writing 以下人员各自喜欢设施。以下人员各自喜欢设施。Lily/toysLily/toysplayroom第41页3Reading and W

18、riting 4Read and act.读以下对话,猜一猜对话发生地点,读以下对话,猜一猜对话发生地点,May I help you?Yes.Id like a cup of coffee.One moment,please.2 May I help you?Yes.I want to have a swim.OK.This way,please.1 What can I do for you,sir?I need my shirt washed.OK.Fill in the laundry list,please.123并演出对话。并演出对话。第42页Reading and Writing

19、 May I help you?Yes.Id like a cup of coffee.One moment,please.我能够帮您吗?我能够帮您吗?是,我想要一杯咖啡。是,我想要一杯咖啡。请稍等。请稍等。4Read and act.读以下对话,猜一猜对话发生地点,读以下对话,猜一猜对话发生地点,并演出对话。并演出对话。第43页Reading and Writing May I help you?Yes.I want to have a swim.OK.This way,please.我能够帮您吗?我能够帮您吗?是,我想游泳。是,我想游泳。好,这边请。好,这边请。4Read and act.

20、读以下对话,猜一猜对话发生地点,读以下对话,猜一猜对话发生地点,并演出对话。并演出对话。第44页Reading and Writing What can I do for you,sir?I need my shirt washed.OK.Fill in the laundry list,please.先生,能为您做些什么吗?先生,能为您做些什么吗?我衬衫需要洗了。我衬衫需要洗了。好,请您填写这张洗衣单。好,请您填写这张洗衣单。4Read and act.读以下对话,猜一猜对话发生地点,读以下对话,猜一猜对话发生地点,并演出对话。并演出对话。第45页5Read and learn.读以下三家酒

21、店介绍。读以下三家酒店介绍。Reading and Writing Tianshan HotelIn the downtown area;Television,hot water,air conditioning,Internet access;Business centre,shops,restaurants,bars,swimming pool,gym,laundry;Price:600 yuan per double room参考译文参考译文第46页天山酒店天山酒店位于市区;位于市区;房间提供电视,热水,空调和上网服务;房间提供电视,热水,空调和上网服务;酒店设有商务中心,商店,餐厅,酒

22、吧,游泳池,酒店设有商务中心,商店,餐厅,酒吧,游泳池,健身房和洗衣房。健身房和洗衣房。价格:价格:600600元元/双人标间双人标间第47页5Read and learn.读以下三家酒店介绍。读以下三家酒店介绍。Reading and Writing Garden HotelIn a scenic area;Television,hot water,air conditioning;Chinese restaurant,laundry,childcare;Price:360 yuan per double room参考译文参考译文第48页花园酒店花园酒店位于景区;位于景区;房间提供电视、热水

23、和空调;房间提供电视、热水和空调;酒店设有中式餐厅,洗衣房,提供儿童看护服务;酒店设有中式餐厅,洗衣房,提供儿童看护服务;价格:价格:360360元元/双人标间双人标间第49页5Read and learn.读以下三家酒店介绍。读以下三家酒店介绍。Reading and Writing Youth HotelA 30-minute drive to the city centre;Television,hot water,Internet access;Price:50 yuan per bed in a shared room with four beds参考译文参考译文第50页青年酒店青年

24、酒店距离市中心距离市中心3030分钟车程;分钟车程;房间提供电视,热水和上网服务;房间提供电视,热水和上网服务;价格:四人间,每个床位价格:四人间,每个床位5050元元第51页6Read again and fill.再读上文,为以下用户推荐再读上文,为以下用户推荐Reading and Writing 酒店并说明理由。酒店并说明理由。guestguesthotelhotelreasonreasona family of four,with two a family of four,with two small childrensmall childrentwo students on tra

25、veltwo students on travela man on a business tripa man on a business tripin the downtown area with business centreThe price is the cheapest.Youth HotelTianshan HotelchildcareGarden Hotel第52页More Activities1Read and practice.读对话,练习怎样回应用户要求。读对话,练习怎样回应用户要求。Clerk:Room Service,how can I help you?Mr.Smith

26、:Could I have another blanket,please?Clerk:Of course,sir.Your room number,please?Mr.Smith:808.Clerk:It will be there in five minutes.Mr.Smith:Thanks a lot.参考译文参考译文第53页 服务员:客房服务部,能为您做点儿什么吗?服务员:客房服务部,能为您做点儿什么吗?史密斯先生:能再给我拿一条毯子吗?史密斯先生:能再给我拿一条毯子吗?服务员:当然能够,先生。请问您房间号是多少?服务员:当然能够,先生。请问您房间号是多少?史密斯先生:史密斯先生:80

27、8808。服务员:五分钟后送到。服务员:五分钟后送到。史密斯先生:非常感激。史密斯先生:非常感激。第54页2Read again and act.再读对话,依据提醒演出对话。再读对话,依据提醒演出对话。More ActivitiesS1:Room Service,how can I help you?S2:Could I have another towel,please?S1:Of course.Your room number,please?S2:703.S1:It will be there in five minutes.S2:Thank you.another towel第55页2R

28、ead again and act.再读对话,依据提醒演出对话。再读对话,依据提醒演出对话。More ActivitiesS1:Room Service,how can I help you?S2:Could I have another cup,please?S1:Of course.Your room number,please?S2:206.S1:It will be there in five minutes.S2:Thank you.another cup第56页Around the World参考译文参考译文 This hotel was a prison once.All the

29、 rooms in the hotel are former cells,with bars on the doors and on the windows.第57页 这家酒店原来是座监狱。酒店内全部房间以前都是这家酒店原来是座监狱。酒店内全部房间以前都是单人牢房,门窗上都装有栏杆。单人牢房,门窗上都装有栏杆。第58页 The hotel is built with lots of ice and snow.It has 36 rooms,a nightclub and a bar.But please book soon,because the hotel closes when the w

30、arm weather returns.Around the World参考译文参考译文第59页 这家酒店由大量冰和雪建成,有这家酒店由大量冰和雪建成,有3636个房间,还个房间,还有夜总会和酒吧。一定要尽早预订哦,因为天气转有夜总会和酒吧。一定要尽早预订哦,因为天气转暖时,酒店就关门歇业了。暖时,酒店就关门歇业了。第60页Around the World Beer lovers of the world unite here for a full-immersion experience:drinking by day and sleeping in a giant beer can by

31、night.参考译文参考译文第61页 啤酒兴趣者在这家酒店会有一个全新体验:白天啤酒兴趣者在这家酒店会有一个全新体验:白天能够畅饮啤酒,晚上能够睡在巨大啤酒罐里。能够畅饮啤酒,晚上能够睡在巨大啤酒罐里。第62页Fun Time 1Tongue Twisterstoy/A spoiled boy destroyed A spoiled boy destroyed a toy for joy.a toy for joy.boat /I dont know why Joan I dont know why Joan showed a yellow coat to showed a yellow co

32、at to the goat in the snow.the goat in the snow.第63页Fun Time 2A Joke参考译文参考译文 Clerk:Good morning.Grand Hotel.May I help you?Guest:Yes,Id like a room,please.Clerk:Single,sir?Guest:Yes,but I am engaged.第64页职员:早上好,这里是格兰德饭店。我能为您做些什么吗?职员:早上好,这里是格兰德饭店。我能为您做些什么吗?客人:我想订一间房。客人:我想订一间房。职员:是单人间吗?职员:是单人间吗?客人:是单人间

33、,不过我已经订婚了。(我不是单身。)客人:是单人间,不过我已经订婚了。(我不是单身。)笑话第65页My Progress CheckI can get or offer services in hotels with:bellboy cleaner waiter suite garden restaurant gym playroom sauna desk clerk twin room double room key card swimming poolMay I help you?What kind of room would you like?Enjoy your stay.One moment,please.第66页Great!I want to learn more!第67页

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