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1、Unit 1 Half a Day Naguib Mahfouz About the authoreducation and backgroundimportant workshow he pictures the world Text appreciationstructure analysistopic discussion Language understandingsentence paraphraseword study&phrasesAssignment第1页Naguib Mahfouz纳吉布纳吉布马福兹马福兹 第2页Naguib MahfouzEducation&Backgrou

2、ndNaguib Mahfouz was born on the 11th Dec.1911 in an old quarter of Cairo,the youngest son of a merchant.He studied philosophy(哲学)哲学)at King Faud I(now Cairo)University,graduating in 1934.He worked in university administration(行政部门行政部门)and then in 1939 he worked for the Ministry of Islamic Affairs.H

3、e was later Head of the State Cinema Organization at the Ministry of Culture(文化部)文化部).He also worked as a journalist(记者(记者).第3页Although widely translated,his works are not available in most Middle Eastern countries because of his support of Sadats Camp David initiative.In 1994 he survived an assassi

4、nation(暗杀)(暗杀)attempt by Islamic extremists(极端主义分子)极端主义分子).He is married,has two daughters and lives in Cairo.Naguib MahfouzEducation&Background第4页Camp David Accords:popular name for the historic peace accords in 1978 between Israel and Egypt.The official agreement was signed on Mar.26,1979,in Washi

5、ngton,D.C.by Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin(比金比金)and Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat(沙達沙達特特),with U.S.President Jimmy Carter signing as a witness(证人)(证人).Under the pact,which was denounced(公开指责)(公开指责)by other Arab states,Israel agreed to return the Sinai(西奈西奈(半岛半岛)to Egypt,a transfer(转移;转让)

6、(转移;转让)that was completed in 1982.In a joint letter the two nations also agreed to negotiate(谈判)(谈判)Palestinian(巴勒巴勒斯坦)斯坦)autonomy(自主)(自主)measures in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip(加沙(加沙(西南亚地中海西南亚地中海岸港市岸港市,巴勒斯坦一部分巴勒斯坦一部分,1967年被以色列占领年被以色列占领),but in fact no progress was made on this iss

7、ue before Sadats assassination(暗杀)暗杀)in Oct.,1981.第5页Naguib MahfouzEducation&BackgroundGuessThis is 第6页Naguib Mahfouz important worksNaguib Mahfouz was the first Arab to win the Nobel prize for literature,in 1988.He has been described as“a Dickens(迪更斯迪更斯1812-1870,英国著名英国著名现实主义小说家现实主义小说家)of the Cairo

8、cafs”and“the Balzac(巴尔扎克巴尔扎克1799-1850,法国小说家法国小说家)of Egypt.He is now the author of no fewer than 30 novels,more than 100 short stories,and more than 200 articles.Half of his novels have been made into films which have circulated(流通;传输)(流通;传输)throughout the Arabic-speaking world.第7页Naguib Mahfouz impo

9、rtant worksMahfouz began writing when he was 17.His first novel was published in 1939 and ten more were written before the Egyptian Revolution of July 1952,when he stopped writing for several years.One novel was republished in 1953,however,and the appearance of The Cairo Trilogy(三部曲)(三部曲)in 1957 mad

10、e him famous throughout the Arab world as a depictor(描写者)(描写者)of traditional urban(城市)(城市)life.第8页Naguib Mahfouz important worksThe Cairo Trilogy(published 1955-1957)is a tale of the lives of a Muslim family and spans(跨过)(跨过)the first half of the 20th century.Each book in the trilogy was named after

11、 a suburb of Cairo.The first,Palace Walk was set during the British occupation of Egypt early in the century.The second,Palace of Desire covered the changing times of the 1920s.The third book,Sugar Street brings the family into the mid 20th century.In this final part the head of the family is now ol

12、d and frail(weak).He surveys the world while the main story centers on the grandsons.第9页Naguib Mahfouz important works第10页Naguib Mahfouz important worksCairo 第11页Naguib Mahfouz important worksWorks of his second writing period:The Children of Gebelawi(1959)The Thief and the Dogs(1961)Autumn Quail(19

13、62)Small Talk on the Nile(1966)Miramar(1967)several collections of short stories.第12页Naguib Mahfouz how he pictures the worldThe picture of the world as it emerges(出现)(出现)from the bulk(大量)大量)of Mahfouzs work is very gloomy(暗淡;阴沉;令人沮丧)(暗淡;阴沉;令人沮丧)indeed,though not completely disappointing.It shows th

14、at the authors social utopia(乌托邦;理想国)乌托邦;理想国)is far from being realized.Mahfouz seems to conceive o f(构思;想象)(构思;想象)time as a force of oppression.His novels have consistently shown time as the carrier of change,and change as a very painful process,and very often time is not content until it has dealt

15、 his heroes the final blow of death.第13页Naguib Mahfouz how he pictures the world To sum up,in Mahfouzs dark description of the world there are only two bright spots(点点).These consist of mans continuing struggle for equality on the one hand and the promise of scientific progress on the other;meanwhil

16、e,life is a tragedy.第14页Text Appreciation Structure of the textPart 1(para.1-)about:Part 2(para.)about:Part 3(para.)about:7The boys misgivings about school8-16How the boy felt about school.17-20Walking out of the school,he found time had changed everything.第15页Text Appreciationfor group discussion i

17、n classPlot of the story:Setting of the story:Protagonist v.s.Antagonists:Drama of the story lies in:Writing technique:(Have you ever read a story using the similar technique?)Theme of the story:第16页Text Appreciationfor group discussion in classThe following are a few possible understandings of the

18、message the story conveys.Which one do you agree with?Argue with your group partners.q Time and tide wait for no man.q Life is a tragedy.There is nothing permanent in life but change.q Education can never keep up with changes in society.q Life is short and time is precious.q Life is a dream.Do not t

19、ake anything seriously.第17页Text Appreciationfor group discussion in classRead the following suggestions made by the father.Which ones do you agree with and which ones not?Have you ever been given some suggestions by your parents when entering the university?List them out.qSchool is a place that make

20、s useful men out of boys.qDont you want to be useful like your brothers?qPut a smile on your face and be a good example to others.qBe a man.qToday you truly begin life.q_q_第18页Text Appreciationfor group discussion in classFrom the description between Para.8 and Para.16,we can see different aspects o

21、f school life.Try to list as many aspects as possible in the following table.第19页Text Appreciationfor group discussion in classIn the last part of the text,the boy walked out of the school to find that the outside world had changed beyond measure.How might he feel about the changes?List exact words

22、that support your choice.He was _ frightened surprised angry puzzled excited satisfied delighted sad indifferent criticalSupporting words startled,第20页Text Appreciationfor after-class thinkingwho has formed an Arabian narrative art that applies to all mankind”After reading“Half a Day”,how do you und

23、erstand the comment on Naguib Mahfouz?第21页Text Appreciationfor after-class thinkingGreat works never fail to reveal the common human experience.After reading the story,do you feel emotionally or spiritually touched?Why or why not?第22页Language Understanding sentence paraphrase1.I walked alongside my

24、father,clutching his right hand.alongside:side by side,next toclutching his right hand:present participle as adverbial modifierlist other examples from the text:My mother stood at the window watching our progress.第23页Language Understanding sentence paraphrase2.They did not make me happy,however,as t

25、his was the day I was to be thrown into school for the first time.What does“they”refer to?What does the narrator imply by using“to be thrown into school”?But I wasnt happy as I usually was when I had new clothes to wear because it was the day I started school.第24页Language Understanding sentence para

26、phrase3.My mother stood at the window watching our progress,and I turned towards her from time to time,hoping she would help.What does“progress”mean here?What kind of help could his mother offer?What does the sentence tell us about the boys relationships with his parents?Slow and difficult movement

27、towards the school.第25页Language Understanding sentence paraphrase4.We walked along a street lined with gardens a street where there are gardens along both sideslined with:past participle phrase used here to modify“a street”.It can be regarded as a relative clause cut short,eg.a novel(that was)writte

28、n by Charles Dickenspersonal computers(that are)made in China第26页Language Understanding sentence paraphrase5.“Why school?”I asked my father.“What have I done?”elliptical question&rhetorical questionPlease give more examples.“Why do I have to go to school?I dont think Ive done anything wrong to be pu

29、nished like this.”第27页Language Understanding sentence paraphraseelliptical question&rhetorical questionA:Headmaster:We want you to go and tell the boys parents the news.B:Teacher:Why me?Father:Well go to Tianjin this weekend.Daughter:What for?/Why this weekend?/Why Tianjin?Dont you want to be useful

30、 like your brothers?Cant you see Im busy?(Dont disturb me!)What good is a promise for an unemployed worker?Does nothing ever worry you?第28页Language Understanding sentence paraphrase6.I did not believe there was really any good to be had in tearing me away from my home and throwing me into the huge,h

31、igh-walled building.There is no good to be had in doing sth.It is no good/use doing sth.I didnt think it was useful to take me away from home and put me into that building with high walls.第29页Language Understanding sentence paraphrase7.we could see the courtyard,vast and full of boys and girls.vast

32、and full of boys and girls:adjective phrase as an attributive modifierMore examples:Theres nothing wrong with the computer.Can you recommend some books easy for freshmen to read?第30页Language Understanding sentence paraphrase8.You will find me waiting for you when its time to leave.Ill come to fetch

33、you when school is over.Ill be waiting for you here at the gate.“waiting for you”as object complementfind+obj+v-ingeg.They found the lost child _ in the cave.As I walk down the familiar routes on campus,I find myself _ a lot of soul-searching and reminiscing.第31页Language Understanding sentence parap

34、hrase9.A lady came along,followed by a group of men.followed by a group of men:an adverbial modifier of mannereg.(combine,give,guide)_ by the teachers,all the students are studying very hard._ enough time,Ill complete the job in time._ with practice,theory may be learned easily.第32页Language Understa

35、nding sentence paraphrase10.The men began sorting us into ranks.The men began arranging us into lines/rows.第33页Language Understanding sentence paraphrase11.We were formed into an intricate pattern in the great courtyard.We were made to stand in different places to form regular lines or shapes in the

36、 big courtyard.第34页Language Understanding sentence paraphrase12.from each floor we were overlooked by a long balcony roofed in wood.on one side of the courtyard was a building with a long wood-roofed balcony on each floor where we could be seen.Or from the balcony on each floor of the building peopl

37、e could see the pattern into which we formed.第35页Language Understanding sentence paraphrase13.Well,it seemed that my misgivings had had no basis.Well,perhaps my doubt,worry and fear about what school would be like were all groundless.OrWell,it seemed that I was wrong to think that school was a dread

38、ful place.第36页Language Understanding sentence paraphrase14.It was not all a matter of playing and fooling around.What we did at school wasnt just playing and wasting time doing nothing useful.all:completelya matter of sth.:a situation that involves sth.to fool around:to waste time instead of doing s

39、th.that you should be doingLearning is a matter of seeing much,suffering much and studying much.第37页Language Understanding sentence paraphrase15.In addition,the time for changing ones mind was over and gone and there was no question of ever returning to the paradise of home.There is no question(of d

40、oing):there is no possibilityBesides,it was impossible for us to quit school and return to the good old days when we stayed home playing and fooling around all day.Our childhood was gone,never to come back.第38页Language Understanding sentence paraphrase16.Nothing lay ahead of us but exertion,struggle

41、,and perseverance.nothing but:onlyWe would have to do our best and keep working very hard until we finished school.This is what I imagined our school days would be like.Or The kind of life that was waiting for us at school would be full of exertion,struggle and perseverance.第39页Language Understandin

42、g sentence paraphrase 17.Those who were able took advantage of the opportunities for success and happiness that presented themselves.to present itself/themselves:(formal)to appear,happenIf there came opportunities,capable students would seize them to achieve success and happiness.第40页Language Unders

43、tanding sentence paraphrase18.How did these hills of rubbish find their way to cover its sides?How did the street come to be covered with so much rubbish on both sides?Where did they come from?to find ones way:to arrive or get to a place第41页Language Understanding sentence paraphrase19.here and there

44、 stood conjurers showing off their tricks,or making snakes appear from baskets.an inverted sentenceConjurers stood everywhere.They were showing off their tricks or making snakes appear from baskets.More examples:There are some exceptions to this reaction.Were there no air on the earth,there would be

45、 no life on it.In no case should we waste our time.There goes the bell.Away hurried the customers.第42页Language Understanding sentence paraphrase20.Then there was a band.,with clowns and weight lifters walking in front.More examples:He stood there with a stick in his hand.(with+n.+prep.)Paul soon fel

46、l asleep with the light still burning.(with+n.+participle)She cant go out with all these dishes to wash.(with+n.+to do.)He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on.(with+n.+adv.)第43页Word StudyWord Studyband1.a group of musicians a jazz band2.flat,thin material for fastening things together or fo

47、r placing round an object to strengthen it papers kept together with a rubber band3.group of persons doing sth together under a leader and with a common purpose a band of robbers Band of Brothersbrand 商标;商标;牌子牌子brand-new 崭新崭新 bandage 绷带绷带第44页Word StudyWord Studyconvince convince sb of sth/that make

48、sb feel certainI couldnt him of his mistake.I am convinced of his honesty.a convincing argument第45页Word StudyWord Studydaze V.make sb feel stupid or unable to think clearly 使茫然使茫然If someone gave you a heavy blow on the head,you would probably feel d.dazzle 使眼花;使目眩使眼花;使目眩dazzlingdazzling sunshine第46页

49、Word StudyWord Studyexertexert on/upon 发挥;利用发挥;利用 exert pressure on sb exert all ones strength/influence to do sth打工对大学生个性培养和今后生活都含有深远影响。For college students to do a part-time job will exert a profound influence on their personality and life.exert oneself:make an effort exert oneself to arrive early

50、第47页Word StudyWord Study intricatean intricate plot情节复杂情节复杂,错综复杂情节错综复杂情节complexcomplicatedsophisticated第48页Word StudyWord Studylift:raise sth to a higher level or positionlift articles in a shopshopliftelevator(America):box-like apparatus in a building for taking people up or down to another floor 第

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