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1、中考总复习中考总复习固定搭配(固定搭配(1)1He used to _ in the sun,but now he is used to _at night.A.read,reading B.read,readC.reading,read D.reading,readingA-Im sorry.I forgot _(post)your letter on my way home.-Thats OK.I will do it myself this afternoon.2When I got home,I found my pet dog _(lie)on the floor,dead.34-W

2、ill you go to the net bar with me?-Sorry,my mother always tells me _ there.A.not go B.not to go C.go D.to goB5More and more people are busy_ about the Internet now.A.learn B.learningC.to learn D.learntBHe is _ to lift the heavy box.A.too weak B.weak too C.weak enough D.enough weak6 A7She prefers to

3、eat outside rather than _ at home.A.cookB.cooking C.to cook D.cooksA8-Jack,these are your socks,please _.-Ok,Mum.A.put it away B.put them awayC.put away them D.put away itB9My mother does some _(wash)at weekends.Im so sorry to keep you _(wait)for so long.Dont forget _(meet)me 2 years ago here?10Sinc

4、e you are _ trouble,why not ask _ help.A.in,forB.in,toC.with,forD.with,to A11My sister is busy _ a model plane.A.make B.makesC.made D.makingD12She eats _ food,so she is _fat.A.much too,too much B.too much,much tooC.much too,much too D.too much,too muchB13Mary was looking forward to _to Kates birthda

5、y party.A.invitingB.being invitedC.inviteD.be invitedB14-This suitcase is _ heavy for me to carry.Can you help me?-Sure.A.veryB.tooC.soD.much B15Look,its raining heavily outside,Youd better _ out.A.go B.not go C.dont go D.not to goB16Fang Fang is old enough _ to school.A.goesB.to goC.wentD.goB17-Why

6、 not swim in the river?-oh,no,Teachers told us _ here,Its dangerous.A.to swimB.not to swimC.to not swimD.swim notB18He looked sad.I realized there was something wrong with _(he)19-_,do you know how to get to the post office?A.By the wayB.In the wayC.On the wayD.At the wayA20So far,man-made satellites have been _ into space by many countries.A.opened upB.put upC.sent upD.set upC21-Shall we go shopping?-Sorry,I have lots of homework _.A.doB.to doC.doingD.doesB22-Whats _ with you?-I have a headache.A.the wrongB.wrongC.matterD.troubleB23All of us enjoy _soccer.A.to playB.playC.playingD.playedC

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