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1、试卷一第1题题目类型:单项选择题题目:About 40,000 years ago, the sea was _ 40 meters below todays level.可选答案:1.about only2.only about3.about much4.much about第2题题目类型:单项选择题题目:Do you often wait for a long time _the bus stop?可选答案:1.in2.on3.at4.under第3题题目类型:单项选择题题目:Do you think you have talked too much? What you need now

2、is more action and _ talk.可选答案:1.less2.little3.fewer4.few第4题题目类型:单项选择题题目:Hardly _ on stage _ the audience started cheering.可选答案:1.he had come/than2.he had come/when3.had he come/when4.had he come/than第5题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-I think he is a good lecturer. -_.可选答案:1.Sorry, it doesnt matter2.So do I3.Yes. Its

3、 a good idea4.I dont mind.第6题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-How is your mother these days? -Oh_.可选答案:1.She is good2.She is not very well3.Never mind4.Thats all right.第7题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Well done, Jim, You did very well in the high jump. -_.可选答案:1.Im glad to hear that2.Thats right3.Thank you4.The same to you第8题题目类型:单项选

4、择题题目:-What can I do for you? -_.可选答案:1.I want a kilo of pears2.You can do in your own way3.Thanks4.Excuse me. Im busy第9题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Merry Christmas! -_.可选答案:1.I hope so2.Really3.Thank you4.The same to you第10题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Would you mind changing seats with me? -_.可选答案:1.Yes, you can2.Of course, I

5、like to3.No, I dont mind4.Certainly, please do试卷二第1题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Areyougoingonholidayforalongtime?-_可选答案:1.It was a long time2.Two weeks ago3.No. Only a couple of days4.Not long time ago第2题题目类型:单项选择题题目:Do you know the man _under the apple tree?可选答案:1.lay2.lain3.lying4.laying第3题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Which s

6、weater do you like better? - _.可选答案:1.Good idea2.Yes, it s nice3.Yes, please4.I cant decide第4题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Hey, Tom, whats up? -_.可选答案:1.Yes, definitely2.Oh, not much3.What is happening in your life4.You are lucky第5题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Would you like some more rice? -_, but Im quite full.可选答案:1.Thats ver

7、y kind of you2.Certainly not3.I need no more4.I like some第6题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Is it possible for you to work late tonight? -_.可选答案:1.I like it2.Ill do that3.Id love to4.I think so第7题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-I cant repair your recorder until tomorrow, Im afraid. -Thats OK, theres_.可选答案:1.no problem2.no wonder3.no d

8、oubt4.no worry第8题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Thank you for helping me. -_.可选答案:1.Dont thank me2.You are welcome3.Dont worry4.Im glad to do it第9题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Will you please give me the note to him? -_.可选答案:1.Certainly, Ill give it to him2.No, please not3.Sorry, I dont4.Yes, please do第10题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Would you l

9、ike another slice of Christmas cake? -_Im full.可选答案:1.Yes, please2.No more, thanks3.Why not?4.Nothing more.试卷三第1题题目类型:单项选择题题目:Either the shirts or the sweater _ a good buy.可选答案:1.is2.has3.are4.was第2题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Whos that speaking? -This is Tom_.可选答案:1.speaks2.spoken3.speaking4.saying第3题题目类型:单项选择题题

10、目:-Lets go to a movie after work, OK? -_.可选答案:1.Not at all2.Why not?3.Never mind4.Who is it?第4题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Why not join us in the game? -_.可选答案:1.OK! Im coming2.No, you do the same3.Oh, thats all right4.Dont mention it第5题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Would you like to go to the party with me? -_.可选答案:1.Im afraid

11、so2.No, Im sorry not3.Im afraid not4.Its my pleasure第6题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-May I see your tickets, please? -_.可选答案:1.No, they are mine2.No, you cant3.Sure4.Yes, you can第7题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Would you like some more coffee? -_.可选答案:1.Yes. I would2.No, I wouldnt3.No, thank you4.Ive had enough.第8题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Co

12、uld I use your bike for a moment? -_.可选答案:1.Its well2.It doesnt matter3.By all means4.I have no idea.第9题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Dont watch TV too much on Sundays. -_.可选答案:1.Yes, I wont2.No, I will3.No, I wont4.Yes, I do.第10题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Congratulations!You won the first prize in todays speech contest. -_.可选答

13、案:1.Yes, I beat the others2.No, no, I didnt do it well3.Thank you4.Its pleasure试卷四第1题题目类型:单项选择题题目:As they cant afford to let the situation get worse, they will take some necessary _.可选答案:1.decisions2.sides3.directions4.steps第2题题目类型:单项选择题题目:Equipped with modern facilities, todays libraries differ gre

14、atly from _.可选答案:1.those of the past2.the past3.which of the past4.these past第3题题目类型:单项选择题题目:Every year thousands of lives _in road accidents because of careless driving.可选答案:1.lose2.lost3.have lost4.are lost第4题题目类型:单项选择题题目:Every morning Mr. Smith takes a _to his office.可选答案:1.20 minutes walk2.20 mi

15、nutes walk3.20minutes walk4.20minute walk第5题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Must I be home before seven? -_?可选答案:1.No, you neednt2.No, you mustnt3.Yes, you will4.No, you wont第6题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Its rather cold here. Do you mind if I close the window? -_.可选答案:1.Yes, please2.No, go ahead3.Sure, please4.I dont like it第7题题目

16、类型:单项选择题题目:-How clever your little son is! - _.可选答案:1.I dont think so2.In fact he isnt3.Thank you4.You are not true第8题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Must I take a taxi? -No, you_. You can take a car.可选答案:1.had better to2.dont3.must not4.dont have to第9题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-What is your eldest sister like? -_.可选答案:1.She is h

17、appy2.She is ill3.She is tall4.She is at home第10题题目类型:单项选择题题目:-Your dress is very beautiful. -_. I bought it yesterday.可选答案:1.Oh, no2.Oh, really?3.Just so-so, I think4.Thank you试卷五第1题题目类型:单项选择题题目:As it was going to rain, she was _ to leave as soon as possible.可选答案:1.hurried2.anxious3.worried4.nervou

18、s第2题题目类型:单项选择题题目:As a primary school teacher, one should be _ with children. This is the first standard for being a good teacher.可选答案:1.patient2.positive3.negative4.peaceful第3题题目类型:单项选择题题目:As the busiest woman there, she made _her duty to look after all the other peoples affairs in that town.可选答案:1.

19、this2.that3.one4.it第4题题目类型:单项选择题题目:At that time, she_ on a journey with her friends.可选答案:1.is2.was3.has been4.is being第5题题目类型:单项选择题题目:After the Minister of Education had finished speaking at the press conference, he was made_ all sorts of awkward questions.可选答案:1.answer2.answering3.answered4.to answ

20、er第6题题目类型:单项选择题题目:After walking hurriedly for half an hour, I wanted to drink_.可选答案:1.something cold2.cold something3.something with cold4.something to be cold第7题题目类型:单项选择题题目:Fish cant live_water.可选答案:1.with2.without3.in4.on第8题题目类型:单项选择题题目:He is interested _ football, but not good at it.可选答案:1.at2.in3.on4.of第9题题目类型:单项选择题题目:Its high time that he settled down in the country and _ a new life.可选答案:1.start2.started3.to start4.starting第10题题目类型:单项选择题题目:I thought that honest _ the best policy.可选答案:1.was2.is3.were4.be

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