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1、Book 7 words第1页Module 1Dream team talentedStar professionalForward complicatedDefend holdGuard titleReferee centreCourt scorerAssociation valuedLeague in the history ofTop-class grow up第2页Attend shipyardWith an average of variousAverage entirePer immediateGold medal theres no doubt thatMotivation de

2、serveTie outstandingSteak generationAlongside popularityAwesome live第3页Commentary instantHalf hitOvertime nationwideCoach if necessaryCommentator be rude toRely dominateQuarter be used toSelfish draw ones attentionAll the time wrestlingNature boxing第4页Upwards abruptAngle accelerateCollision bouncePa

3、rallel tournamentAdequate intervalSock appoint Sneaker typicalAbsorb slimBound stoutVest belly第5页Obtain howlCircuit bleedBoundary cheekControversial pulseAside confirmDip dizzyCommit bandageSuspension blanketPenalty ambulanceTake possession of considerate第6页Apologise be based onSniff versionWeepFrus

4、trationTeamworkScarOvalGymnasiumPolebasis第7页Module 2Highlight rentChart its a great pity thatPeer dinner jacketForever enormousLook back at/on sloganSettle attractHave fun photography Competitive keenElect issue suit as far as Im concernedIn my view after-school第8页Consider institutionBe considered a

5、s sew Develop woollenActivity suitcaseAbility luggageOutdoor innocentWater skiing pillow Be likely to do quiltTradition wornBoading armchairNurseryRecitealphabet第9页Shabby multiplyCushion algebraKettle geometryDecoration conceptCurtain cubicWashroom acreBasin gramBathtub dynamic Sob bachelorArithmeti

6、c botanical第10页Microscope routineRegulation mailboxPunctual mummyT-shirt airmailWeekday fortnightCatholic certificateIrritate scholarshipUpset cheerleadingPolish cheerleaderZipper cheer Button course第11页Module 3Novelist healthyScene in astonishmentCruel supportFeed in a voicePot no sooner thanServe

7、seizeEager hangAppetite lockWhisper workhouseDesperate reward 第12页Scream weddingCollar intendRough illegallyDrag repayNaughty castOrphan distributeConvict chapterEscape filthyPrison sparrowrascal seagull 第13页Pipe concernSmog taxpayerChoke compassSwallow anchorRag innDustbin carrierAttain accumulateN

8、utrition corporationStarvation navyWelfare pile第14页Paperwork accomplishTrial ambassadorPump humbleFountain pedestrianPub lanternMaid mournBunch a huge amount ofMistressBring sth.to the attention of sb.第15页Module 4Soul music be bored withBlues discoSophisticated declineHip hop take advantage ofMicrop

9、hone backing trackRap rapperMovement emergeTechnique rather thanSide by side touchVocal in orderapproach第16页Try out blouseArise slacksOffshore neatBoom momFriction consensusHarmony makeoverVirtue budgetBe blessed with chequeConventional consultantFancy vainbonus第17页DVD part-timePace devoteTight be d

10、evoted toSchedule swapSpokeswoman superDeadline yell Otherwise begCome out beg forAllowance pensionFar from quit第18页RefreshingPioneerSoloSatchelMake an impression on sb.ProtestMigranthumorous第19页Module 5Ethnic inheritMinority propertyRainforest customDiverse apronNative in useBright-coloured hatchBe

11、lt pineappleVaried bucketMaze splashRun apparentlycobbled第20页Have a population of tyreCrop firmOpera jungleMaize soulFarm in the distanceFish oxHammer spearFoolish garmentLame sleeveHop necklace第21页Jewellery toolSet off chickArch rooster Rigid foldFramework adjustFasten furnishLoose matFibre teapotC

12、orn bareSpade waist第22页WidowNephewGarageAwkwardPierceRainbowAboriginegatherer第23页Module 6Preserve relationAgreement limestoneInvest spanDivert fossilPrehistoric beastRemains sharpenArchaeologist list Primitive evolutionItem exposureExistence weed第24页Cement of vital importanceContribute catastropheMa

13、intain estimateEndangered lengthRecommend requestAwareness apart fromPropose waterproofFund marvellousAssistance imperialPrecious tangible第25页Intangible statusDelegate virusMonument malariaInhabitant compromiseMankind remind sb.Of sth.Directory seminarBid symbolic ambassador Enlarge epicDiscrimination agendaGo through mercyadvocate第26页At the mercy of guidanceUndertake ignoreAbsence honourSubjective be honoured forDiplomacy journalismThoroughBureaucraticIn returnAutonomyfederal第27页

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