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1、Unit 5.Crossing Cultures第1页In this chapter,students will learnwTo talk about festivals and holidays in different cultureswTo analyze and explain cultural differences wTo discuss the differences on wedding culture第2页Part I holiday&festival第3页Activity 1Do you know these symbols?第4页QuestionswWhat diffe

2、rent ideals and traditions do these symbols express?wWhat other Chinese and American cultural symbols can you think of?wCan you use these cultural symbols to describe briefly the differences between the Chinese and the American cultures?第5页Sentence structurewIt is a symbol which stands forwIt symbol

3、izes wThis is a symbol representing.wIt marks.第6页Activity 2 Holidays in the USQuestion:Can you match the following holidays with correct dates,and explain how they are celebrated?第7页Part IwJanuary 1wThird Monday in JanuarywFebruary 12wThird Monday in FebruarywFebruary 22wIn April or close to April 2

4、2 or on that daywSecond Sunday in MaywLast Monday in MaywJune 14wThird Sunday in JunewMothers Day wGeorge Washingtons BirthdaywFathers Day wNew Years DaywArbor Day wMartin Luther King DaywAbraham Lincolns BirthdaywFlag Day wMemorial Day wPresidents Day第8页Part IIwJuly 4 wFirst Monday in September wSe

5、cond Monday in October wNovember 11 wFourth Thursday in November wDecember 25 wA Sunday between March 22 and April 25 wFebruary 14 wApril 1 wOctober 31 wApril Fools Day wThanksgiving Day wEaster wColumbus Day wLabor Day wChristmas Day wVeterans Day wHalloween wSt.Valentines Day wIndependence Day第9页C

6、hinese traditional festivalw春节 the Spring Festival(New Years Day of the Chinese lunar calendar)农历正月初一 元宵节(灯节)the Lantern Festival 农历正月十五 清明节 the Qing Ming Festival 四月五日前后 端午节 the Dragon-Boat Festival 农历五月初五 中秋节 the Mid-Autumn Festival(the Moon Festival)农历八月十五 重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival 农历九月初九 元旦(

7、1月1日)New Years Day 国庆节(10月1日)National Day 第10页How to describe holiday or festival?wTime/datewOrigin/background storywActivities Structure Structure wIt falls in/comes in June in lunar calendar.wIt falls on the 15th of August.wIt marks the beginning of wSth is a must for this festivalwPeople used to

8、celebrate it by,but now.wIt is getting popular withwIt is in memory of sb第11页Language bankwAsking about a holidaywWhat kind of holiday/festival is it?wHow do people celebrate it,why?wIs there anything special about it?wDescribing a holidaywIt is celebrated on(date).wIt all started from place)where w

9、On the day,people usually.(do certain things)wPeople celebrate it with第12页Pair work:wMake up a short dialogue about festivals.In the dialogue,you should mention:wOne of the main festivals in china or western countries.wWhat are they?wHow to celebrate,tell each other sth about the customs.第13页Part II

10、w culture difference第14页When in Rome,do as Romans do.wDo you think it is always an easy rule to follow?wHave you ever heard of the phrase“culture shock”?What is“culture shock”?wHave you ever experienced“culture shock”before?第15页Culture shockw A condition of confusion and anxiety affecting a person s

11、uddenly exposed to an alien culture.第16页Activity:(P28 word power and discussion)wIf you moved to a foreign country,what will be your major concerns?Why?wPlease talk about what you have found in other countries or regions.It could be its wedding customs,its diet/dressing characteristics,its national“

12、personalities”etc.第17页Useful expressionswOne thing Id definitely be fascinated by iswis sth Id really miss.wSth that would depress me is.wThe most uncomfortable thing would be.wId be uncertain about/worried about/nervous aboutwis a big headache to me第18页 Part III Wedding culturePart III Wedding cult

13、ure第19页Group discussionwWork in a group of 4,talk about wedding custom between China and America.try to find out as many differences as possible.第20页Glossary for western weddingwwedding anniversary wpastor/witness wGroomwBridewMaid of honorwBest manwUshers wFlower girlwRing bearerwhoneymoon wBouquet

14、wWedding dresswred carpetwWedding vowswBridal shower第21页Chinese wedding glossarywfatherly God-in-the-moonlight wThe Proposal/The BetrothalwRed head coverwDouble happinesswSpree in bridal chamberwbridal sedan chairw fetch the bridewBridal chamberwNewly-wedswregistry officewMarriage interviewwSuitwdow

15、rywBe engagedwBride pricewBetrothal giftwauspicious date wWedding feast第22页Role play:“Why did she/he leave at the wedding ceremony?”wToday is Carol and Davids wedding day.One hundred guests are waiting for them.Everyone is excited except Carol.She is nervous.In fact,she doesnt want to get marriage a

16、t all.She only has 5mintues to tell David why shes changed her mind and doesnt want to marry him.wWork in group of 4,one acts as bride,one groom,another two are bridal maids or best man.Try to make up a short play with following situations.第23页Role playwMake sure that each group has a different sett

17、ing.wGroup 1:Song Dynasty in ChinawGroup 2:21st century in the USwGroup 3:the present time in KoreawGroup 4:the year 3000 on the moon第24页Joke about table mannerswin china,they eat like Chinesewin America,they eat like everyone elsewin Japan,they eat with easewin England,they eat everythingwin the fa

18、r east,they eat and fightwin the middle east they eat less than they throwwin some countries in Africa,they have nothing to eatwin Thailand,they eat insectswin some countries,the insects eats themwin some countries in Europe,they eat each otherwhttp:/ IV Difference CustomswRefer to Activity 6 on pag

19、e 32.In a small group of 3 or 4 members,discuss the following questions.Use the following expressions if necessary.1)Does your culture follow any of these customs?2)Do any of these customs seem unusual to you?Explain.3)What other interesting customs do you know?Asking for opinions:Giving opinions:Wh

20、at do you think of?Its fine with me.How do you like?I find it a bit strange,Whats your opinion of?I dont mind it at all.What about?I dont like it at all.Do you like?I find it interesting.第26页DiscussionwIn pairs,discuss the question“What customs should a visitor to China know about”and have a dialogu

21、e.You may want to cover such different aspects as table manners,gift-giving,greetings and so on.wUse the expressions provided in exercise 8“Grammar Focus”on page 33.wPrepare to role-play it in front of the class.A is an overseas student,and B is a Chinese student.第27页Jokes about table mannersin chin

22、a,they eat like Chinesein America,they eat like everyone elsein Japan,they eat with easein England,they eat everythingin the far east,they eat and fightin the middle east they eat less than they throwin some countries in Africa,they have nothing to eatin Thailand,they eat insectsin some countries,the insects eats themin some countries in Europe,they eat each other第28页wWatch this cartoon:Europe and ItalywWhile you are watching,take mental notes of the content.wExchange the information about the cartoon with your partner.What is this cartoon trying to say?http:/ minutes)第29页w Thank you!第30页

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