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1、A a a for apple 第1页B b b for banana第2页ApplePearOrangeBananapineapple第3页C c c for cat第4页D d d for dog第5页E e e for ear第6页F f f for face第7页eyeearnosemouthface第8页第9页第10页G g g for goose第11页H h h for horse第12页第13页goose chickduckcowhorse鹅鹅小鸡小鸡鸭子鸭子奶牛奶牛马马第14页I i i for ice cream第15页J j j for jelly第16页Ice crea

2、mhamburgerjellypiepizza第17页K k k for kangaroo第18页L l l for lion第19页kangarookangarooelephant第20页liontigergiraffe第21页M m m for morningGood morning 早上好!早上好!第22页N n n for night Good night!晚晚 安!安!第23页afternoonmorning第24页nightevening第25页幼儿英语苹果篇 完!第26页英语字母一起读A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X

3、Y Z 幼儿启蒙英语字母一起读A B C D E F G H a b c d e f g h I J K L M N O P Q I j k l m n o p qR S T U V W X Y Z r s t u v w x y z幼儿启蒙英语字母一起读幼儿启蒙英语字母一起读英语字母一起读A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 幼儿启蒙英语字母一起读A B C D E F G H a b c d e f g h I J K L M N O P Q I j k l m n o p qR S T U V W X Y Z r s t

4、u v w x y z幼儿启蒙英语字母一起读幼儿启蒙英语字母一起读第27页apple苹果ant 蚂蚁athlete 运动员bear 小熊bollon 气球baby 宝贝第28页apple 苹果ant 蚂蚁athlete 运动员bear 小熊bollon 气球baby 宝贝第29页A,a is for apple.(苹果)Apple,apple,I love apples!B,b is for bear.(熊)Bear,bear,a brown bear.一只灰色熊第30页catcarcakeDuck 小鸭doctor医生dog第31页C,c is for cat.猫Cat,cat,a cute

5、 cat.一只可爱猫D,d is for duck.小鸭Duck,duck,quack,quack,quack.第32页eggelbow 肘empty 空fishflower 花fox 狐狸第33页E,e is for egg.鸡蛋Egg,egg,its my egg.这是我鸡蛋F,f is for fish.鱼Fish,fish,I like fish.我喜欢鱼 第34页Girl小女孩Goat山羊Goose 鹅HorseHouse房子Hat帽子第35页G,g is for girl.女孩Girl,girl,go to school.女孩去学校H,h is for horse.马Horse,h

6、orse,in the house.马在房子里第36页Ice 冰块ice creamJuice果汁Jug茶壶Kite风筝Key钥匙第37页I,I is for ice cream.Ice cream,ice cream,yummy,yummyJ,j is for juice.Juice,juice,in the jug.果汁在壶里面 K,k is for kite.Kite,kite,flying high.风筝飞得很高第38页Lion 狮子Lamp 台灯Laugh大笑Milk牛奶Monkey猴子Mouse老鼠第39页L,l is for lion.狮子Lion,lion,roar,roar,

7、roar!M,m is for mouse.老鼠Mouse,mouse,small mouse.一只小老鼠第40页Nose鼻子Nut坚果Nurse护士Orange橙子Ostrich鸵鸟Ox公牛第41页N,n is for nose.Nose,nose,I have a nose.我有一个鼻子O,o is for orange.Orange,orange,fell in the box 橙子掉进箱子里第42页Pear梨Pencil铅笔Pillow枕头女王queen被子quilt平静quiet第43页P,p is for pear.梨Pear,pear,peel a pear.削一个梨Q,q is

8、 for queen.女王Queen,queen,youre My queen.你是我女王第44页兔子rabbit尺子ruler饭rice太阳sun微笑smile天空sky第45页R,r is for rabbit.兔子Rabbit,rabbit,loves carrots.兔子爱胡萝卜S,s is for sun.太阳Sun,sun,the smiling sun.微笑太阳第46页Tiger老虎Table桌子叔叔uncleUmbrella雨伞Vest背心vase花瓶第47页T,t is for tiger.老虎Tiger,tiger,with a long tail.老虎有一条长长尾巴U,u

9、 is for uncle.叔叔Uncle,uncle,under the tree.叔叔在树下V,v is for vest.Vest,vest,a nice vest.一件好看背心第48页水water洗wash狼wolf 盒子 box 斧头 ax 六 six第49页W,w is for water.水Water,water,drink some water 喝点水X,x is for box.盒子Box,box,a fox in the box.一只狐狸在盒子里第50页溜溜球yo-yo黄色yellowyolk蛋黄斑马zebrazoo动物园 zip 拉链第51页Y,y is for yo-y

10、o.Yo-yo,yo-yo,a yellow yo-yo.一个黄色溜溜球Z,z is for zebre.斑马Zebre,zebre,in the zoo.斑马在在动物园里第52页完!第53页Zreo 0 One 1 Two 2 Three 3Four 4 Five 5 Six 6 Seven 7Eight 8 Nine 9 Ten 10第54页第55页第56页第57页第58页第59页第60页第61页第62页第63页第64页第65页第66页第67页第68页第69页第70页第71页第72页第73页第74页第75页第76页第77页第78页第79页第80页第81页第82页第83页第84页第85页第86页第87页第88页第89页第90页第91页第92页第93页第94页第95页

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