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1、BUSINESS PLANcaelum information caelum information technology co.,ltdtechnology co.,ltd第1页CONTENTSCompany Overview-企业概述企业概述1Products&services-产品产品&服务服务2Market Research-市场调研市场调研3Corporate Finance-企业融资企业融资4第2页Company OverviewProfile-企业介绍Vision-愿景Organization structure-组织结构第3页ProfileThe company mainly

2、engage in online business for the second-hand transactions(二手交易),meanwhile we provide a platform including leisure time information for college students。企业主要从事二手交易网上业务企业主要从事二手交易网上业务,同时我同时我们提供一个平台包含大学生闲暇时间信们提供一个平台包含大学生闲暇时间信息。息。第4页 Profile Caelum Information Technology Corporation will build a trading

3、 market in the form of designing a network called“pineapple network”for college students,establish a real-name trading platform for sellers and buyers,introduce leisure time information regularly。In the early period we will raise some fund with the help of business incubator(孵化器)and shareholders con

4、tribution.Later,we will make profits through charging Intermediary fee(中介费)and advertising costs.雕具星座信息技术企业将建立一个交易市场设计一个网络形式被称为“菠萝网络”大学生,为买卖双方建立实名交易平台,定时引入休闲时间信息。早期,我们将提出一些基金帮助下业务孵化器和股东贡献。稍后,我们将经过收取中介费用和广告费用赚取利润。第5页Vision愿景Pineapple network in intent on realizing the Information Intercommunication f

5、or College Students,broadening users social relationship,providing services in a convenient way。Being based on second-hand transactions,but we are not merely limited to it.We will create a more convenient life for college students.在专注于实现菠萝网络内部通信为大学生信息在专注于实现菠萝网络内部通信为大学生信息,扩大用户社会关系扩大用户社会关系,在一个方便在一个方便方

6、式提供服务。方式提供服务。基于二手交易基于二手交易,不过我们不但仅局限于它。我们将创建一个更方便大学生生活。不过我们不但仅局限于它。我们将创建一个更方便大学生生活。第6页Organizationstructure组织结构Share holders meeting-股东大会Executive Director-执行董事Sales department-销售部Supervisors-监事Financial advisor-财务顾问财务顾问Legal adviser-法律顾问Technique department-技术部General department-综合部第7页Products and s

7、ervices 产品和服务Product introduction产品介绍commercial value 商业价值Characteristic advantages 特色优势market positioning 市场定位第8页Product introduction产品介绍 Products and services-产品和服务Second-hand trading platform-二手交易平台Transfer the second-hand goods转让二手货Purchase second-hand goods购置二手货academic information-学术信息All kind

8、s of lectures,subject competition-各类讲座,学科竞赛Entertainment information娱乐信息Introduce entertainment venue which are Cost-effective介绍娱乐场所,哪些是成本有效Businesses promote by themselves企业本身推进othersLost and found,query results失物招领失物招领,查询结果查询结果第9页Market positioning市场定位Pineapple networkss target customer groups are

9、 college students,which provides them with second-hand goods transactions,information concerning learning and entertainment,etc.With the widespread use of smart phones,the company will carry out business through the app and WeChat public numbers.菠萝网络目标客户群体是大学生菠萝网络目标客户群体是大学生,为他为他们提供二手物品交易们提供二手物品交易,信息

10、关于学习和信息关于学习和娱乐等。娱乐等。伴随智能手机广泛使用伴随智能手机广泛使用,企业将开展业企业将开展业务应用和微信公共数据。务应用和微信公共数据。第10页Commercial value商业价值With”reliable credit as a business philosophy,Pioneering and leading college students commonly used second-hand goods market.Promote second hand trades,saving social resources.以以“可靠信誉可靠信誉”为经营理念为经营理念,开开

11、拓和引领大学生惯用二手商品拓和引领大学生惯用二手商品市场市场促进二手交易促进二手交易,节约社会节约社会资源。资源。第11页Characteristic advantages特色优势213The secondary market is still in the development stage of the campus,less competitive pressure,the pineapple network has a better space for developmentThe second hand commodity has a significant price advant

12、age compared with the one hand goods,which can meet the general needs of customersWith the help of modern science and technology,such as net work,free net can meet the shopping habits of college students and the current business trend.二级市场仍处于发展阶段校园二级市场仍处于发展阶段校园,更更少竞争压力少竞争压力,菠萝网络有更加好发菠萝网络有更加好发展空间展空间二

13、手商品有很大价格优势与首先二手商品有很大价格优势与首先商品相比商品相比,能够满足普通需求客户能够满足普通需求客户在当代科技帮助下在当代科技帮助下,如网络、如网络、“自由网络自由网络”能够满足大学生购物能够满足大学生购物习惯和当前业务趋势。习惯和当前业务趋势。第12页Micro&Macro environment微观和宏观环境Risks Management风险管理After-sales support售后支持Market Research市场研究市场研究第13页Micro environment微观环境Advantage优势优势Weakness劣势Opportunity机会机会Threats威

14、胁威胁Numerous colleges and universities connected,Online and offline combined,focusing on specific customer-许多学院和大学联络,线上和线下相结合,专注于特定客户Single profitiapproach,High financial risk,the cost of promotion in the early stage is high单一赢利方式单一赢利方式,高财务风险高财务风险,促进早促进早期成本很高期成本很高C2C model develops rapidly,the strong

15、 support of policy-C2C模式快速发展模式快速发展,政策有力支持政策有力支持The Instability of online business,the competition is fierce,homogeneity线上业务不稳定线上业务不稳定,竞竞争非常激烈争非常激烈,同质化同质化第14页Macro environment宏观环境“mass entrepreneurship and innovation”,In the context of Governments vigorous promoting,Many banks began cutting lending r

16、ates to small and micro enterprises。Students in the school often seek living necessitiesthrough the Internet.Meanwhile,the disposal of unused items has become a concern for them.Sold for money model will undoubtedly be welcomed by them.Per capita disposable income of Urban and rural residents has be

17、en increasing,(reached 1200¥,Beijing),Survey shows that college students living allowance increased more than ten times than 20 years ago。“Internet+”has come,related corporation is flooding,E-commerce platform continues to expand The above-mentioned situation means that the competition pressure of t

18、he enterprise is increasing,While the lag of technical level may make the company at a disadvantage.大规模创业大规模创业和创新和创新,在政在政府大力推进府大力推进,许多银行开许多银行开始降低贷款始降低贷款利率给小型利率给小型和微型企业。和微型企业。城市和农村居民人均可支配收入一直在增加,(到达1200¥,北京),调查显示,大学生生活津贴增加比前十倍。“互联网+”来了,相关企业是洪水、电子商务平台继续扩大上述情况意味着企业竞争压力增加,而落后技术水平可能会使企业处于劣势。学生在学校经常寻求生活必需

19、品经过互联网。与此同时,处置闲置物品已成为一个关心他们。“卖了换钱”模式无疑会受到他们欢迎。第15页Risks management风险管理 The technique department will employ four professional technician,who are in charge of the companys Web site and WeChat platform design,operation and maintenance.We ask that employees check the system and situation of the site at

20、 least once a month,report to us immediately when found any bug.The websites security 网站安全技术部门将采取四个专业技术人员,负责企业网站和微信平台设计、操作和维护。我们要求员工检验系统和网站情况最少每个月一次,马上汇报给我们当发觉任何错误。第16页After-sale service售后服务After-sale servicePineapple network will be in charge of auditing business qualification,setting up channels f

21、or feedback and ensuring customerslegal right.We will rank the users from great to poor according to their credit rating.Given the particularity of second hand goods transactions,we ask users to differentiate the quality and authenticity of goods by themself菠萝网络将负责审计业务资格,建立渠道反馈,确保客户法律正确。我们将把用户从优到差依据他们信用评级。鉴于二手商品交易特殊性,我们要求用户经过自己区分商品质量和真实性第17页THANK YOU第18页

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