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1、Unit 6Meet My Family! Part A (1)词汇 积累练一、开动脑筋,选一选。 (20分)1.2. () ()3. 4. () ()AuncleBfamilyCbabyDaunt二、选出与所给单词同类的一项。(25分)()eAgoBfriend()2.hi Adad Bhello()3.tallAthin Bhe()4.aunt Acome Buncle()5.myAyou Byour语句 应用练三、火眼金睛选一选。(35分)()1.Thats_dad.AAmyBAmys CAmy is()2._she a teacher?Yes,she is.AAm BAre CIs()

2、3._and meet my parents.Acome BGo CCome()4._tall and strong.AHe BHes CShe()5._my parents.AThey are BThis is CThat is 情景 交际练四、想一想,选一选。(20分)()1.当你想向别人介绍你的妈妈时,你应说:_AThis is my family. BThis is my mother.()2.当你想说“来见见我的朋友们”时,你应说:_ACome and meet my friend. BCome and meet my friends.答案一、1.D2.B3.A4.C二、1.A2.B

3、3.A4.B5.B三、1.B2.C3.C4.B5.A四、1.B2.BUnit 6Meet My Family!Part A (2)词汇 积累练一、你认识这些单词吗?(15分)1people_2.member_3baby_ 4.puppy_5only_语句 应用练二、火眼金睛选一选。(35分)()1.There_three books on the desk.Aam Bis Care()2.Who_they?Aam Bis Care()3.How many_are there in your family?Apeoples Bpeople Cpeoples()4.My_has four memb

4、ers.Afamily Buncle Caunt()5.There_a shelf in the study.Aam Bis Care()6.I like beef,_ my sister likes vegetables.Abut Bor Cand()7._ is that man?Hes my uncle.AWhen BWho CWhat三、连词成句。(25分)1how,you,pens,many,have,do(?)2.family,six,has,her,members(.)3.my,tall,strong,is,dad,and(.)4.who,they,are(?)5.there,b

5、ag,on,is,a,desk,the(.)情景 交际练四、给句子选择恰当的答语。(25分)()1.How many apples are there on the tree?()2.Who are they?()3.Whats your aunt?()4.Wheres my pen?()5.Is this your uncle?AThey are my parents.BShes a teacher.CNo,he isnt.DTwenty.EIts on the chair.答案一、1.人2.成员3.婴儿4.小狗5.仅仅,只有二、1.C2.C3.B4.A5.B6.C7.B三、1.How ma

6、ny pens do you have?2Her family has six members.3My dad is tall and strong.4Who are they?5There is a bag on the desk.四、1.D2.A3.B4.E5.CUnit 6Meet My Family! Part A (3)词汇 积累练一、开动脑筋,你来写。(28分)1. (父亲)2. (母亲) 3. (兄弟) 4. (姐妹) 二、选出不同类的一项。(20分)()1.A.father BuncleCman()2.A.teacher Bwe CI ()3.A.aunt Bsister Cf

7、amily()4.A.brother Btall Cmother()5.A.boy Bhe Cshe语句 应用练三、选出错误的选项并在横线上改正。(20分)()1.My six ._()2.Can you ?_()3. is ._()4.They ._()5. ?_四、根据图片,选择正确的句子。(20分)()1.A.My sister is a student.BShe is my mother.()2.A.Johns brother likes sports.BJohns father likes sports.竞赛 提升练五、你会称呼他们吗?(12分)1fathers father _2m

8、others mother _3fathers brother _4mothers sister _答案一、1.father2.mother3.brother4.sister二、1.C2.A3.C4.B5.A三、1.Bhave改为has 2Bthese改为this或C word改为words3BI 改为my4Ais改为are5Bmuch改为many四、1.A2.A五、1.grandpa(grandfather)2grandma(grandmother)3uncle4.auntUnit 6Meet My Family!Part B (1)词汇 积累练一、开动脑筋,你一定能填上。(20分)1.2.

9、n_ _se farm_ _3. 4.dr_ver d_ct_r 语句 应用练二、你会搭配吗?(词图一致。)(30分)()1.Act like a teacher.()2.Act like a farmer. ()3.Act like a driver. ()4.Act like a doctor. ()5.Act like a nurse.()6.Act like a baseball player.A.B.C. D.E. F.情景 交际练三、想一想,选一选。(30分)()1.当你想问别人的妈妈的职业是什么时,你应说:_AWhat is your mother? BWhere is your

10、 mother?()2.当你向别人介绍你姐姐的爱好时,你应说:_AMy sister like music. BMy sister likes science.()3.当你想说“像医生一样表演”时,你应说:_AAct like a driver. BAct like a doctor.竞赛 提升练四、小练笔。(20分)介绍一下你的家庭,至少5句话。(男)司机学生(女)护士strong thin quietMy FamilyThere are 3 people in my family.Theyre my parents and me.My_He_My _She _I _I _I love my

11、 family.答案全析全解一、1.u,r2.e,r3.i4.o,o二、1.D2.B3.A4.F5.C6.E三、1.A2.B3.B四、My FamilyThere are 3 people in my family.Theyre my parents and me.My father is a driver.Hes strong.My mother is a nurse.Shes quiet.I am a student.I am thin.I love my family.Unit 6Meet My Family!Part B (2)词汇 积累练一、对应词、反义词牵牵手。(20分)1heAs

12、hort2tall Bwrong3young Cshe4right Dold语句 应用练二、火眼金睛选一选。(15分)()1.Who_this man?Mr Li.AamBisCare()2.He_ young.Alook Blooking Clooks()3.Is_a nurse?Ashe BherCyou三、你会翻译吗?(15分)()1.他们是农民吗?AAre they farmer? BThey are farmers. CAre they farmers?()2.你说对了。AYou are right. BYou are all right.CYou are tall.()3.这是你的

13、哥哥吗?AIs this your aunt? BIs this your brother?CThis is your brother.情景 交际练四、根据图片,选择合适的词补全句子,并译成汉语。(单词可重复,注意大小写。)(50分) nurseisshewholikesyour2.He is a baseball player.1. this man?_2He my uncle._3. this aunt?_4She a ._5. music.答案一、1C2A3D4B二、1.B2.C3.A三、1.C2.A3.B四、1.Who;is这个男人是谁?2is他是我的叔叔。3Is;your这是你的姑姑

14、吗?4is;nurse她是一名护士。5She;likes她喜欢音乐。Unit 6Meet My Family!Part B (3)一、开动脑筋,你来写。(20分)1.2. 3. 4. 5.语句 应用练二、连词成句。(35分)1come,my,meet,and,family(.)2.they,drivers,are(?)3.like,a,nurse,act(.)4.who,woman,that,is(?)5.do,a,sister,have,you(?)阅读 理解练三、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(25分)My name is John.I am a boy.There are four p

15、eople in my family.They are my father, my mother,my sister and me.My mother is a nurse.She likes music.My father is strong.He likes sports.My sister is a student.She likes computer games.I love my family.()1.John is a girl.()2.There are four people in Johns family.()3.Johns mother is a teacher.()4.J

16、ohn has a sister.()5.Johns father likes computer games. C部分 拓展练四、你来填。(20分)grandpagrandma1f_ 2.m_ uncle aunt3b_ 4.s_meMy Family Tree答案一、1.doctor2.farmer3.nurse 4driver5.teacher二、1.Come and meet my family.2Are they drivers?3Act like a nurse.4Who is that woman?5Do you have a sister?三、1.F2.T3.F4.T5.F四、1.father2.mother3.brother4.sister

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