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1、The Comparison of the Negotiating Style in Eastern and Western CountriesSupervisoNovember19, 201012AbstractWith international trade amounting to more than 1trillion a year, the playing filed for business is now the globe. As international business relations grow, so does the frequency of business ne

2、gotiations among people from different countries and cultures. And that can create considerable challenges for business representatives unfamiliar with the cultures of different groups. People from different countries have different values, different attitudes and different experience. They have dif

3、ferent strengths and different weaknesses from one another. During the negotiation, if both sides have dispute or conflict, the westerner can spend massive time and effort on communicating the special conflict and carrying on the direct and public discussion to different viewpoints. In their dispute

4、, they pay great attention to the emphasis of the fact data. They often appear quite stiff when they insist on their final standpoint. When the anticipated result cannot be realized, they are quite easy to display the bad mood.They thought the compromise was inevitablebut if they cannot reach the ag

5、reement quickly ,they would feel frustrated or defeated. So the relations on both sides which have been already established will lose it! The Asian people pay great attention to the harmony.They avoid the conflicts publicly as soon as possibleand also maintain the flexibility in the process of deali

6、ng with the conflicts. They put forward new proposals or the compromise plan to avoid the conflict promotion and maintain the relations which both sides have already established. Even if they encounter some difficulties in the solution of the conflict communication.they also avoid transmitting the n

7、on-language signal which destroys the harmony . They think that it is inproper of displaying the mood . In order to facilitate the success of the international marketing negotiations, it is important to understand the negotiating styles in differernt countries. Whats more, it is necessary to adjust

8、the negotiations strategy and the rhythm pertinently. A competent negotiator should develop a style appropriate for his own strengths including the strengths of his particular culture. He should not seek to follow the style of a different culture. He should not follow a style in which other people h

9、ave strengths, but he does not, as that would lead to displaying his natural weaknesses rather than his natural strengths. Keywords: negotiation, negotiating across culture , negotiating style, differences 内容摘要国际贸易的总值每年超过1万亿美元,随之而来的商业平台如今已经扩展到全球范围。由于国际商务关系呈现的增长势头,来自不同国家和文化背景的人进行商务谈判的频率也在增加。这向那些不熟悉不同


11、同的态度和经历。他们有各自的优点和缺点,为促成国际谈判的成功,要充分了解不同文化的价值观,并有针对性调整谈判策略和节奏,对不同观点进行直接和公开的讨论。合格的谈判人员应该十分清楚自己的特点,同时了解其他国家的谈判人员与自己不同的特点。在谈判中,应扬长避短,充分发挥自己的长处,利用对方的弱点,以取得最好的效果。关键词:谈判,跨文化谈判,谈判风格,差异ContentsAbstract (English).Abstract(Chinese).1.Introduction.12General introduction of negotiation.13.Negotiating style influe

12、nced by culture.23.1The negotiating style in Asia.33.1.1 The negotiating style in Japan.33.2The negotiating style in the west.33.2.1 The negotiating style in U.S.A.33.2.2 The negotiating style in German.43.2.3 The negotiating style in French.53.3The comparison of the negotiating style in eastern and

13、 western countries.54.Conclusion.8Works Cited. 101. IntroductionEverybody negotiates all the time, at work, at home, or as a consumer. For example, suppose you were a small child and you stood in the aisle of a store and plead with a parent for the purchase of a toy, a candy or a game, you were nego

14、tiating. You may have been be good; you may have been aticulating that the item was needed. Your persistence may have been the biggest bargaining chip you held in these dealings with grown-ups. You know that since the development of human language, there have been negotiations made amongst humans. A

15、s a significant social activity, negotiation is a means of dealing with human relationships and resolving conflicts and has never been non-exist. On the other hand, as a product of social competition, negotiation has got its different meaning and content with the development of the time. This chapte

16、r introduces some concepts,principles and characteristics of modern business negotiation. Steven P. Cohen, a Massachusetts negotiator and mediator, said that negotiation could help people reach decisions jointly “in a civilzed way.” What he said makes sense: If people dont negotiate, the option will

17、 be one person itimidating or dictating condition, or perhaps one party abdicating interest in any given situation. 2. General Introduction of NegotiationNegotiation is a basic human activity that most people do at some point every day, to sort out differences with other people, or to get what they

18、want. A housewife with a salesperson over the counter for the price of fruits, a girl with her parent for lifting the night curfew, a driver with a policeman for removing ticket over a traffic violation, a purchasing agent with a supplier for the quality of a product, so on and so forth, all of whic

19、h involve negotiation. As a matter of fact, negotiation plays an important role in our daily life.What then is negotiation? A modern definition of negotiation is two or more parties with common and conflicting interests who enter into a process of interaction with the goal of reaching an agreement N

20、egotiation is a decision-making process that provides opportunities for the parties to exchange commitments or promises through which they will resolve their disagreements and reach a settlement. In brief, a negotiation is two or more parties striving to agree when their objectives do not coincide.T

21、his definition indicates that negotiations take place within the context of the four common interest, conflicting interest, compromise, and criteria. Common interest considers the fact that each party in the negotiation shares, has, or wants something that the other party has or does. Without a comm

22、on goal, there would be no need for negotiation. Conflict occurs when people have separate but conflicting interests. For example, in international business negotiations, conflicting interests could include payment, distribution, profits, contractual responsibilities, and quality. Compromise involve

23、s resolving areas of disagreement. Although a win-win negotiated settlement would be best for both parties, the parties cannot avoid making compromises during negotiation. The criteria include the conditions under which the negotiations take place.3. Negotiating style influenced by culture With inte

24、rnational trade amounting to more than 1trillion a year, the playing field for business is now the globe. As international business relations grow, so does the frequency of business negotiations among people from different countries and cultures. And that can create considerable challenges for busin

25、ess representatives unfamiliar with the cultures of different groups. People from different countries have different view-points of values, different attitudes and different experience. They have different strengths and different weaknesses from one another. When two people from the same country are

26、 negotiating, it is possible to expedite communications by making cultural assumptions. The situation is reversed when two different cultures are involved. Making assumptions about another culture without a real knowledge of that culture is often counterproductive since it can lead to misunderstandi

27、ngs. Some people often mistake of seeing foreign cultural through their own habitual cultural lenses. Doing so can lead to many missteps that can make the company suffer losses in business. For example, the act of bargaining carries a variety of meanings in different cultures. If one does not bargai

28、n aggressively in some countries, one is considered native, in those cultures, haggling serves many functions, not the least of which is the opportunity for both developing a personal relationship. But in other countries, bargaining too can soon be a sign of untrustworthiness. And in still others, p

29、eople tend to be uncomfortable with the entire bargaining process. Thesedifferences must be understood and accepted prior entering into international business dealings. The negotiator in international business must be careful not to allow uninformed cultural stereotypes - as opposed to realistic ass

30、umptions based on an honest appreciation of the culture- determine his or her relations with local businesspersons. 3.1 The Negotiating Style in Asia 3.1.1 The Negotiating Style in Japan Individualism is not a characteristic of Japanese negotiators.They rarely come to the table in groups smaller tha

31、n three. The person doing the most taking for the Japanese side will most probably not be the person in charge of the negotiations. The Japanese will not discuss points that are not part of the prearranged agenda. Small talks will be kept to a minimum and inquires into personal lives will rarely be

32、made oraccepted. Japanese negotiations are famous for their ambiguous responses to proposals. They view vagueness as a form of protection from loss of face in case things go sour. To maintain surface harmony and prevent loss of face, Japanese rely on codes of behavior such as the ritual of the busin

33、ess cards. Japanese negotiators dress and behave formally and are more comfortable with visitors who do likewise. Many Japanese companies still make decisions by consensus. This is a time-consuming process, another reason to bring patience to the negotiating table. So quick answers to anyquestion or

34、 problem are almost impossible.The Japanese maintain harmony at all costs and will smile the most when they are the least comfortable at the negotiating table; if the proposal is unacceptable, “no”is not told in a direct manner. Postponements and requests for further research should be understood as

35、 a prelude to failure. 3.2 The Negotiating Style in the West 3.2.1 The Negotiating Style in U.S.A The American style is very direct and they try to demand the same from counterparts. Generally, Americans openly disagree and use aggressive persuasive tactics such as threats and warnings. Americans te

36、nd to the next. Thus the final agreement is a sequence of several smaller concessions. Within the American culture, great respect is attached to economic success. There is concern to acquire the symbols of material success. The American style of negotiating is possibly the most influential in the wo

37、rld. It is characterized first by personalities which are usually outgoing, and quickly convey sincerity. Personalities are confident and positive and readily flow into exuberant conversation. The negotiator enters the negotiating room confidently, talking assertively. An American negotiator appreci

38、ates the attitude of the search for economic gain. His strengths are particularly high in the bargaining phases of negotiation. He naturally moves quickly towards those phases. He is himself adept at using tactics to gain advantage, and experts others to have the same professionalism. Americans do p

39、refer speedy negotiations and get annoyed with too much extraneous socializing or postponement. They are used to cutting deals short just to save time. Americans make decisions based upon the bottom line and on cold, hard facts. They do not play favorites. Economics and performance count, not people

40、. Business is business. 3.2.2 The Negotiating Style in German German negotiators are known for very thorough preparation. In other words, in particular the German preparation for negotiations is superb. They are also well known for sticking steadfastly to their negotiating positions in the face of p

41、ressure tactics. They tend towards a factual approach when conducting business. Instructions and preliminaries are brief, so be prepared to get right to the point. The German negotiator will identify the deal he hopes to make. He will then prepare a reasonable bid, carefully covering each issue in t

42、he deal. When selling, make straightforward presentations. The Germans will be interested in the reasons for purchasing goods or services, rather than image that surround the purchase. Germany is a land of precision. Time schedules are strictly adhered to by the Germans. Punctual delivery means on t

43、he day precisely. Punctuality goes for meetings, payments and social gatherings as well. A lax attitude toward time is seen as an indication of general slovenliness. During the negotiation, they will put the issues and the bids clearly, firmly and assertively. He will not be significantly open to co

44、mpromise. The pattern of negotiating is surprisingly akin to some interpretations of the German character: thorough, systematic, highly, prepared, low in flexibility and compromise. Germans take their time to deliberate and to confer with responsible colleagues before making an important decision. D

45、ecisions are made after careful, thorough and precise analysis, so that risks are minimized. As to the time of negotiation, they take more time than Americans but perhaps less than the Japanese and most other Asians.The Germans frown on workaholics. Business is seen as means to enjoy the finer thing

46、s of life. Personal lives are kept separate from business. So, we should avoid personal inquiries or the volunteering of information about German home life. 3.2.3 The negotiating style in French French negotiators are reputed to have three main characteristics in international dealings: a great of f

47、irmness, an insistence on using French as the language for negotiation, and a decidedly lateral style in negotiating. That is, in contrast to the American piece-by-piece approach, they prefer to make an outline agreement, then an agreement in principle, and then headings of agreement, repeatedly covering the whole breadth of a deal. The French are verbally and nonverbally expressive. They love to argue, often engaging in spirited debate during business meetings. Negotiators from less con

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