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1、中英文对照检讨报告1成品平均肉厚为0.82左右.The average thickness is about 0.82mm.2成品平均肉厚为0.6mm.The average thickness of part is 0.6mm.3成品内厚均匀.The thickness of part is even.4此处肉厚不均,成品易缩水.共六处.请修改.As the figure shows, the thickness is uneven, so it is easy to shrink. Please modify it, 6 areas in total.5成品太薄,成型比较困难,请修改成品.

2、The thickness of part is too thin, so it is difficult to be molded, please modify it.6如图所示,塑件太薄请修改成品,厚度至少0.80mmAs the figure shows, the thickness is too thin, please modify it to 0.8mm at least.7如图所示,塑件太薄,不易充填,请将此处肉厚从0.40mm增加至0.50mm.As the figure shows, the thickness of part is too thin to fill enou

3、gh, please adding material from 0.4mm to 0.5mm. 8如图所示肉厚过厚,容易导致成品缩水.As the figure shows, the thickness is too thick that cause shrinking easily.9此处可能缩水,因此处肉厚较厚.There may be shrinkage, because the thickness is too thick.10平均肉厚0.53mm,最薄处仅0.2mm,有可能滞流,不易成型.The average thickness is 0.53mm, but the thinnes

4、t area is only 0.2mm, where the hesitation would exist and the part cant be molded easily.11请将周围红色面向公模侧拔模2.0度.Please draft the red surface 2.0 degrees along the core.12为防止成品粘母模,请将图示红色面向公模方向增加拔模到3度.As the figure shows, please draft the red surface 3-degree along the core side to prevent it (from) sti

5、cking to the cavity.13以红色线为基准,黄色面向母模侧3度拔模,蓝色面向公模侧2度拔模.Keep the red line as datum, please draft the yellow surface 3-degree along the cavity, and the blue surface 2 degrees along the core.14建议将红色面以蓝色线为基准做公模2度拔模.Keep the blue line as datum, suggest drafting the red surface 2 degrees along the core sid

6、e.15.请将绿色面向母模侧拔模3度Please draft the green surface 3 degrees along the cavity side.16请将红色面做公模侧拔模!Please draft the red face along the cavity side.17如图:图中红色面,请沿斜销后退方向做3度拔模.As the figure shows, please draft the red surface 3 degrees along the backward direction of the lifter (using the arrow as the direc

7、tion of lifter)18如图所示,请将红色面拔模在公模侧(全周),以防止粘母模.As the figure shows, please draft the red surface along the core side to prevent the product sticking to the cavity.19请将图示绿色面沿滑块后退方向3度拔模,用红色箭头表示其后退方向.As the figure shows, please draft the green surface 3 degrees along the releasing direction of the slider

8、. ( using the red arrow as the releasing direction of slider.)20请将红色面向公模侧增加拔模,从0.5度加大到2.0度.Please increase the draft angle of the red surface from 0.5 to 2 degrees along the core21如图所示:请将红色面沿滑块后退方向拔模3度!As the figure shows, please draft the red surface 3 degrees along the releasing direction of slide

9、r.22为避免模仁尖角,请修改红色面拔模至公模侧.Please draft the red surface along the core side to avoid sharp corner.23请将此处拔模3.0度,因角度太小会粘滑块. (左右共二处)Because the draft angle is too small, the part would stick to slider, so please draft this surface 3 degrees. (both sides).24红色框内区域必须沿斜销方向拔模0.51.0度,以防铲胶.To prevent cutting p

10、lastic , the area as the red frame shown must be drafted 0.51.0 degree along the lifters direction.25请将红色面拔模角度增加至4度以增加模仁插破角度!To increase the shut- off angle between cavity and core, please draft the red surface 4 degrees. 26将红色面向母模侧拔模3度(第二次指出)Draft the red surface 3-degree along the cavity side (poi

11、nt out again)27绿色面未拔模,请确认是否以0度抛光,否则向母模侧增加拔模角5度.As the figure shows, please check whether the green surface must be on zero draft for good polishing , otherwise add 5 degrees on the cavity side.28.绿色面在公模侧未拔模,建议将其做公模2度拔模.The green surface hasnt been drafted along the core side. Suggest drafting it by

12、2-degree.29.如图所示,红色面为母模侧.As the figure shows, the red surface is in cavity side.30.如图所示,此处均为铁件与模仁插破封胶,易跑毛边,请将此处插破角增加至5度以上.As the figure shows, it is easy to occur flash, please add drafting angle to 5 degrees.31.建议将红色面公模拔模8度,以便于斜销成型.Suggest drafting the red surface 8 degrees along the core side for

13、being molded by the lifter easily.32.请将图示绿色面沿斜销后退方向2度拔模,用红色箭头表示其后退方向.Please draft the green surface 2 degrees along the backward direction of lifter (using the red arrow as the direction of lifter)33.请将桔色面作斜销后退方向拔模5度.Please draft the orange surface 5 degrees along the backward direction of lifter.34

14、.如图:现有成品外观面在红线处有分模线痕迹.建议将蓝色公模面向母模侧拔模3.0度,这样PL线下移到圆角处.As the figure shows, there will be visible mark on the appearance surfaces, suggest drafting blue surface 3.0 degrees along the cavity side (both sides) to change the PL to the place of radius.35.产品一周红色面在母模侧未拔模,建议将其做母模3度拔模.The red surface around p

15、roduct hasnt been drafted on the cavity side, suggest drafting it by three degrees.36.红色面在公模侧未拔模,建议将其做公模3度拔模.The red surface hasnt been drafted on the core side, suggest drafting it by 3- degree.37.请取消断差!Please cancel this step.38.请去掉此断差,避免模仁此处插破!Please delete the step to avoid the shut-off between

16、the cavity and core.39.请照右图取消C角Please modify model according to the right figure.40.方案1: 取消全周R角Proposal 1:Cancel the R(all round)41.方案2: 全周增加断差Proposal 2:add the step(all around)42.建议此边倒圆角Suggestion: blend the edge43.请将红色线倒圆角0.20mm!Please round 0.2mm at the red line.44.如图所示: 请照右图修改!As the figure sho

17、ws, please modify the model according to the right picture.45.滑块后退方向the releasing direction of slider46.如图示,用红色箭头表示滑块后退方向As the figure shows, use the red arrow as the releasing direction of slider.47.滑块分模线如图所示,箭头所示方向为滑块后退方向The parting line of slider is as the figure shown, the red arrow shows the di

18、rection of the sliders movement.48.成品采用牛角进胶,胶口位置如图所示.Banana-gate is adopted as the figure shown.49.成品采用边式浇口进胶,浇口位置如图所示.To adopt the side gate, and the gate location is as the figure shown50.成品采用边浇口进胶, 浇口位置如图所示.请确认!Gate type is edge gate and the location is as the figure shown, please confirm it. 51.

19、其效果见模流分析,建议采用阀胶口,省料头!Suggest adopting the valve gate to save the material, and refer to the mold flow analysis to see its effect.52.成品采用潜进胶,胶口位置如图所示.Gating type is submarine gate, and the gate location is as the figure shown.53.采用阀针浇口,位置如上图红色圈所示,该方案需修改成品.As the figure shows, to adopt valve gate, ple

20、ase confirm it.54.建议在成品上做于此类似的肋利于进胶,且牛角胶口如图所示.For injecting fluently, suggest adding a rib like this, and using banana gate as shown.55.浇口在成品厚度方向的中间不会影响成品外观.The gate is in the middle of the thickness, which will not affect the appearance of the product.57.成品采用点进浇(进胶位置如图),建议取消胶口处肋,并在浇口处做一小凹坑.To adopt

21、 pin gate as the figure shows, suggest canceling the rib in the area of the gate and adding a concave.58.如图示采用点进浇,请确认,如果采用此方案,请照图示修改成品Adopt pin gate as the figure shows, please confirm it. If accept, please t modify the product as shown.59.成品采用边进胶,建议在成品上做5.02.0凹槽.To adopt side gate, suggest adding a

22、 concave by 5.0mm2.0mm.60.7支套筒顶针,其余圆顶针和扁销Seven sleeves as the highlighted yellow areas shows, others are ejector pins and flat pins.61.为了保证成品的外观,PL线修改方案取消一周的红色圆角The first solution is to cancel the red round for getting a good appearance of the product.62.为了保证成品的外观,PL线修改方案二是从最大轮廓减胶产生一个0.03mm的断差.The s

23、econd solution is adding a step (0.03mm) along the circle of the red round for getting a good appearance of the product.63.采用隧道滑块成型,滑块的分模线如图示.Adopt tunnel slider molding, and the sliders parting line is as shown.64.由于分模线都在一周的圆角上会影响成品外观,建议修改的二种方案详见P12和P13.The parting lines will affect appearance of t

24、he product, there are two methods in P12 and P13.65.如图所示;此处为铁件与模仁插破封胶,易跑毛边,请个修改如右图所示.As the figure shows, it is easy to occur flash, please modify model.66.如图所示;此处铁件与塑件两连接孔错位,请修改As the figure shows, the holes on the steel dont align with the holes on the plastic, please modify model.67.如图所示;因铁片加铁,此处

25、边接孔需移位(共两处),请修改.As the figure shows, move the holes (two places), please modify model.68.成品此处间隙太小,建议将红色所示特征单边加大0.85mm,以便用斜销成型.The gap is too small, suggest enlarging the red feature by 0.85mm per side for molding by angular lifter.69.成品此处分线不顺滑,建议修改.The parting line here is not smooth, suggest modify

26、ing it.70.如图所示,红线处孔用于定位,需精确加工.建议将铁件2的定位孔尺寸做得比铁件1的定位孔大(以免1和2焊接后有微动的错位导致铁位定位不准).The hole of the red zone is precision-machined for locating, suggest enlarging orientation holes of the steel 2, and it is bigger than the steel 1 as shown.71.为避免注射时铁件变形,建议修改成品,如图所示.Suggest modifying the model as shown to

27、reduce warp during injecting process.72.为避免注射时铁件变形,建议修改塑件( 前后加二对应的定位孔),如图所示.Suggest modifying the model as shown to reduce warp during injecting process.73.铁件蓝色面太长侧壁无法定位,建议修改铁件使蓝色面不得超出铁件红色面的延伸面,如图所示.The blue surface is too long to locate, suggest modifying the blue surface of the steel not to overst

28、ep the extend surface of the red as shown.74.成品如图所示部位空间太小,所拆滑块强度太弱,请加大到至少1.5mm以上并在上图中圆圈处倒R角.As the figure shows, the space is too small, so intension of the slider will be infirm, please add the dimension to 1.5mmt at least, and add the round in the circle marked.75.请在图示位置加两肋使其强度增加,以免被滑块拉伤.As the fi

29、gure shows, to avoid dragging the part, please add two ribs on the product to be stronger.76.如图红色面,分模时在模仁上会有倒勾.As the figure shows, there will occur undercut in the red surface of the cavity.77.成品修改尺寸参考Reference of modification78.沿开模方向的拔模分析.Drafting analysis of mold opening directing.79.建议用成品上蓝色面取代红

30、色面.Suggest replacing the red surface with the blue surface.80.利于封胶.The convenience of sealing.81.此处将采用母模入子.Cavity insert will be adopted here.82.此处分模线为曲线,较复杂,请修改成直线.The parting line as shown is curved line, please change it to a straight line.83.为避免模仁尖角,请参照右图修改成品分模线.To avoid the weak-steel, please m

31、odify the parting line according to the right figure.84.为避免模仁尖角,请修改如右图所示.The area shown is weak steels in the core. Please modify the model.85.成品此处太穿孔,有尖角,请修改,共2处.The product has the large bore and tine. Please check it, 2 areas in total.86.如图所示,成品此处有尖角,请修改.As the figure shows, there is sharp corner

32、 on the product, please modify it.87.红色箭头为斜销运动方向.The red arrow shows the direction of the lifter.88.顶针位置如图所示.The location of the ejectors is as shown.89.产品顶出位置如上图所示。Please confirm that whether the ejector marks is acceptable or not.90.请确认顶针位置。Check the position of the ejector pin.91.分模线如图红色线所示。The p

33、arting lines are as the red line shown.92.红色线为产品分模线。As the figure shows, the red line is the parting line.93.请根据拔模分析及咬花规格表确定成品咬花规格.Confirm the texture specification according to the draft checks and texture specification table.94.请根据拔模分析示意图及咬花规格表确认成品咬花规格及咬花区域。Please confirm the texture specification

34、 and area according to the drafting analysis diagram and the table.95.请确认表面处理,如需咬花请根据拔模分析示意图及咬花规格表确认成品咬花格及咬花区域。Please confirm the surface finish. If it needs texture, please confirm product appearance texture specification and areas according to the data in the left table.96.请将黄色面拔模角增加到3度以满足咬花要求。Ple

35、ase add the draft to 3 degrees in the yellow surface to satisfy the texture.97.请确认图中红色的抛光等级规格,并根据不同的规格选择不同的加工要求。Please confirm the request of manufacture according to the polish specification.98.如红色面抛光规格为A-1,此处需用滑块或入子单独抛光处理。The red faces polish specification A-1,which is molded by slider or insert.9

36、9.如红色面为其它(非A-1)抛光规格此处只需在模仁上直接抛光处理即可。The red face which is not the A-1 polish specification could be polished on cavity directly.*由于放电失误,因此我们须重做母模仁.Due to EDM mistake, we have to re-build cavity block.由于此产品将使用新原料,因此我们在设计模具之前须先查到它的收缩率是多少.Due to the part will use a new material, we have to find its shr

37、inkage rate before design the tool. 排气槽应尽可能宽一些,让空气容易排出.The venting slot should be as wide as possible for air easy vent out. 排气槽的最大深度不要超过0.01mm. The maximum depth of venting slot should not be over 0.01mm. 1.M客户确认了模具配置图. M customer confirmed the tooling layout. 嵌入螺丝,于箭头所示处Insert screw at arrow area.

38、 建议此两处螺柱向左移2-3mm,避免潜伏式浇口与Core Pin过近Suggest moving these 2 bosses 23mm toward left to prevent too close between tunnel gate & core pins.减少热融柱,建议取消此三处bossSuggest to delete these 3 bosses to reduce heat staking boss.此面减肉后可加大靠破角度避免咬伤.(双侧)Shutoff angle will be increased by reducing material of this surfa

39、ce to prevent galling. ( both sides)Rib与lifter干涉,建议RIB取消The rib interfere with lifter. Recommend canceling the rib.滑块与顶针干涉 The sliders interfere with ejector pin.为了让Lifter有足够空间作动, 建议卡勾宽度由4.0mm改到3.5mmWe suggest to change the clip width from 4.0mm to 3.5mm in order to have enough distance for lifter m

40、ovement.前壳与后壳之间组装后有间隙。There is a gap between front housing and rear housing after assembly.箭头所示处,组装干涉Assembly interference at arrow area.箭头所示处,孔位偏位The holes are not concentric at arrow area.建议的顶针配置如图,以取得顶出平衡Suggest the ejector pins layout as figure to get ejection balance.此处建议使用顶出套筒Suggest ejector s

41、leeve at these areas.此处空间太小,无法置放顶针.建议用扁梢This area is too small to put ejector. Suggest ejector blade.此处空间太小,无法置放顶针.建议加肉以放顶针This area is too small to put ejector. Suggest increase material for ejector pin.顶针直径很细(1.0mm),需用二段式顶针The ejector pin diameter is very small ( 1.0mm only). Shoulder ejector pins

42、 are required.使用一段顶出Use single ejector system.使用二段顶出Use two stage ejector system.使用脱料板顶出Use stripper plate ejector system.顶出的回退使用弹簧系统The return of ejector plate assembly drives by spring.使用强迫回退进行顶出回位The ejector plate assembly drives back by forced puller.须要配置早回系统Early return system is required.须要注道(

43、竖胶道)抓梢Spure puller pin is necessary.成品料号须要放在凹槽中,字高不得超过0.15mm.The part number has to be put in a recess, and the height of letters should not be over 0.15mm.刻字区会有一个凹槽,字会凸出成品面0.1mm.There will be a recess at engraving area. The letters will protrude 0.1 mm from the part surface.所有刻字区域皆凸出成品0.1MM ,刻字高为1.

44、5MM.ALL characters at stamp area should be raised in 0.1mm and height in 1.5mm.Cav No 建议在母模电铸片上制作Suggest to make cavity no on cavity electric forming plate.所有刻字不得高于成品表面All engraving letters have to remain below part surface plane.母模侧表面处理为MT11060, 建议最小脱模角为5度The surface texture on the cavity side is M

45、T11060. Recommend at least 5 degree draft angle.母模侧表面处理建议为SPI-A3Recommend SPI-A3 for the surface texture on cavity side.公模侧平面表面处理建议Ra 2.2mRecommend Ra 2.2m for the texture of plane surface on core side.侧璧表面处理建议为SPI-B2Recommend SPI-B2 for surface texture of side wall.外观表面处理为何?其影响脱模角之建议。What is the re

46、quirement of surface finish? Offer draft angle suggestion per requirement.公模按键孔单边加大0.05mm,避免毛边段差产生影响外观。Recommend to enlarge the dimension of button holes at 0.05 mm on each side in order to prevent miss match.表面粗糙度的要求依照 SPI 标准. The requirement of surface roughness has to follow SPI standards.在公模使用 S

47、PI-B2 的目的是避免成品黏母模.The purpose of applying SPI-B2 on core side is to prevent part sticking on cavity side.表面处理参考 VDI-30 标准.The surface finish refer to VDI-30 standard.若母模咬花为MT-11070,则箭头所示处之拔模角度不足.建议两方案If cavity texture is MT-11070, then the draft angle at arrow area is not sufficient. 2 options:(1) 请增加至4.5度.(2)若无法变更成品设计.则须制作四面滑块)(1) Increase draft to 4.5 degree. (2) 4 slides will be required if the par

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