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1、7A Unit1 错题集一、用所给词的正确形式填空1. This pair of shoes for Bob. The shoes white.(be)2. The girls in our class (not be) members of the Football Club.3. The old man is telling interesting (hero) stories to the students.4. Our school is (real) beautiful. We like it very much.5. -Whose room is this? -Its my two

2、 (friend)6. Jack with his classmates often (play) football after school.二、单项选择( ) 7. - your name Millie? - .A. Are ; Yes, I am B. Is; Yes, it is C. Is; Yes, I am D. Are; Yes, it is.( ) 8. - you Millie? - .A. Are ; Yes, I am B. Is; Yes, it is C. Is; Yes, I am D. Are; Yes, it is.( ) 9. -Mary , are the

3、se your bags? - .A. Yes, there are B. Yes, theyre C. Yes, they are D. Yes, therere( ) 10. - Lily come from America?-No, she from America. She is English.A. Does;isnt B. Does; doesnt C. Is; doesnt D.Is; isnt( ) 11.- Nick come from Australia?-No, He from Australia. He is English.A. Does; is B. Does; D

4、oesnt C.Is; isnt D. Does; isnt( ) 12.Lucy is good at .A. Chinese B. study Chinese C. studying Chinese D. A and C( ) 13. - everyone here today? -Yes, we . .A. Is; is all here B. Are; are all here C. Is; all are here D. Is; are all here( ) 14. My friends and I .A. are all love tennis B. all are love t

5、ennis C. all love tennis D. love all tennis( ) 15. Jerry is a good student at school. He likes .A. all the subject B. the all subjects C. all subject D. all the subjects( ) 16. My aunts hair black and beautiful.A. are B. is C. have D. has( ) 17. -How do you do?- .A. Fine, thank you B. How do you do?

6、 C. How do you do, too D. The same to you( ) 18. Sandy is at Chinese than Math?A. good B. better C. well D. best( ) 19. Kitty is 11-year-old girl.A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 20. There is “u” and “n ” in the word “around”.A. a, a B. an, a C. a, an D. an, an( ) 21. -Is everyone here today?- - . .A, Yes,

7、 please B. No, Jack isnt here C.Yes, it is D. Lets go( ) 22. -The girl glasses is my sister. Do you know her? -No, I dont.A. wear B. in C. with D. wears( ) 23. The boy a pair of glasses has poor eyesight.A. with B. has C. wears D. wear( ) 24. Jack, other boys, playing basketball very much.A. like; l

8、ike B. like; likes C. likes; likes D. likes; like( ) 25. Helen is talking her parents the phone.A. to, about B. about, in C. with, for D. with, on( ) 26. -What five and six?It eleven.A. are; is B. are; are C. is; is D. is; are( ) 27. there are 10 in 7 in my school.A. class; grade B. classes; Grade C

9、. class; Grade D. Classes; Grades( ) 28. Amy home after school?A. walk to B. walks to C. walk D. walks 7A Unit2 错题集一 、词汇(根据提示,写出单词适当形式)1. One of my _(业余爱好) is swimming.2. Lucy often tells me _ (listen) to the teacher carefully.3. Lets go _(跑步) Ok? No, lets go out for a _.(散步)4. What about_(have) a f

10、arewell (告别) party after the exam?5. Would you like _ (wake) me up at 5:30 a.m.?6. I hope_(visit) Beijing again.7. Li Qiang _(hope) that he can study in Peking University.8. Your English teacher is _(真的) young.9. Marys sister often _ (购物) on Sunday morning.10. Simon with his friends often _ (walk) h

11、ome.11. Many students in our class like English a _ (许多)。12. One of my friends _ (study) English well. She often helps me.13. James is a _ (swim) of the _ Club.二 、单选1. 单词辨音:( )A. after B. glasses C. have D. answer( )A. walk B. always C. tall D. football( )A. read B. really C. teach D. each2. My frie

12、nd _ to swim in summer.A. enjoys B. love C. likes D. like3. The tomatoes look _ and make me _. A. good, well B. good, luck C. well, happy D. good, feel happy4. Can you tell me something _ your family? A. about B. on C. in D. to5. I like to talk _ my friend _ football. A. about; with B. with; about C

13、. with; with D. about; about6. Hu Weidong _ the Nangang Basketball Team. A. play for B. plays at C. plays with D. plays for7. _the boys want _ in the next World Cup. A. Does, to play B. Do, to play C. Do, playing D. Dose, playing8. He goes to school by bus, but he walks _ after school. A. to home B.

14、 home C. his home D. the home9. _you in the English club? Yes, I _. A. Do, do B. Can, can C. Are, am D. Dose, dose10. -_ they happy at the club? -No, they_. A. Are; arent B. Do dont C. Do; do D. Are; do11. -_ your father free on Sundays? -Yes, he doesnt work on Sundays. A. Dose B. Is C. Do D. Are12.

15、 -Ann, I always eat vegetables. _?-Im just like you. I always eat vegetables too.A. What do you drink B. How old are youC. Where are you D. What about you13. -Can you come_ play football with me, Jack? -Id like to, _ I cant now. Im busy with my homework. A. or; but B. and; so C. or; so D. and; but14

16、. Lily, _ open the window, please. Its so cold. A. isnt B. arent C. dont D. doesnt15. -Mr. Lee is very nice _ students. -Yes. And all the students like _. A. for his; him B. to him; him C. for his; he D. to his; him16. Look at Kevin Durant and Stephen Curry. They are now _ heroes. A. many people B.

17、many peoples C. many peoples D. much peoples17. -_ dose Toms father look? -He is tall and very strong. A. How B. Where C. What D. Who三 、完成句子。1. Sometimes Tom dose homework at school. (否定句)Sometimes Tom _ _ homework at school.2. -她隔多久回家一次? - 一周一次。-_ _ dose she _ _? -_ a week.3. Sandy is not good at E

18、nglish. (改为同义句) Sandy _ _ _ in English.4. 你们的梦想是什么?希望你么的梦想成真。What are your _? I hope your dreams will _ _.5. 李军看起来很强壮,足球踢得非常好。 Li Jun _ _ and _ football _ _.6. Tom and David like playing computer games. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Tom and David _ _?7. 在早晨读英语是件有趣的事。_.四 、 首字母填空 (其他)I like s_. My f_ sport is b_. Play

19、ing it m_ me s_ and happy. I like Stephen Curry(斯蒂芬库里) b_. He plays f_ the Warriors(勇士队). Simon is my friend, and he a_ likes basketball. He is a m_ of the school basketball team. He often w_ basketball m_ on TV. He h_ he can be a good player like Stephen Curry.7A Unit3 错题集1. Tomorrow is our _(家长会).

20、2. Mr Wu asks his students to keep _ (diary) every day.3. Which do you like _(good), Chinese, English or Maths?4. _ is your uncle? The man on the black bike. (划线部分提问)5. _ It is October 1. (划线部分提问)6. He looks young. _ does he_? (划线部分提问)7. There is a music room at my school. (同义句)_8. The parents meeti

21、ng begins at two oclock. (划线部分提问)9. _ does the parents meeting begin?10. Let me show you around our library.11. Who is that girl _ red shirt?12. We _(开会)in the school hall.13. _ does your school _,Emily? It is big and beautiful! I like it very much.14. Is your classroom _ that building? Yes, it is_

22、the second floor.15. _ the building over there? It is the school hall. (划线部分提问)16. Daniel with his family _(live)on Sunshine Road, Beijing.17. I like apples _ (good) of all the fruits.18. _ your school_ two libraries? No, _.19. We can watch_ (各种各样)shows on TV.20. It_ (take) me about an hour _ (get)

23、to school.21. I spend about an hour _ (get) school.22. I have many friends. Some of _ (they) are good at English.23. My friends will go to the zoo morning except _ (I).24. One of _ (you) is a member of the club.25. He cant hear you _ (good).26. They often talk on the phone. (划线部分提问)_27. I like Biolo

24、gy best. (划线部分提问)_28. It takes Amy one hour to walk to school every day. (划线部分提问)_29. _are you going to London? By air.30. May I _ (借) your CD player? Certainly, but you cant _ (借) it to others.31. Do you have a playground at school? Yes, we have _ (代词).32. We are _ (确信) there are all kinds of anima

25、ls in the reserve.33. This book is_ (real) interesting.34. Jim _ (do) his homework after dinner. (否定句)35. The bookshop _ (开门) from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.36. _ do you sleep every night? About eight hours. (划线部分提问)37. There is no places for _ (parent) cars in front of our school.38. Thank you for _ (h

26、elp)me _ my English.7A Unit4 (错题)一、根据句意及中英文提示,写出相应的单词。1. Do you do morning (锻炼)every day?2. Does David do afterschool (活动)in the English Club?3. Lets play the game (one), we should sit round the table.4. We should (练习)speaking English every day.5. There are (少数的,几乎没有) people in the room.6. Millie is

27、 late for school. She is a good student.7. My father is ( not in ). He isnt at home. 8. There is a ( not much ) milk in the bottle .9. I often have a with my classmates about our class meeting on Monday afternoon.10. I you have a good time at the party.二、用in, on 或at 填空1. My father often reads newspa

28、pers breakfast.2. We usually have a party for the New Years Day the night of December 31st.3. Children in China star school the age of 6.4. The boy was born a cold winter morning. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. What your brother (do)this weekend?2. Sally wants ( be )a teacher when she grows up (长大).3. We often (s

29、wim)in the swimming pool in summer.4. Wednesday (come)after Tuesday.5. We all know how (do)the work.6. You can drink some water after eat some bread.7. That girl practises ( read ) English every morning. 8. Its time for you (walk) home now. Dont stay out too late.9. It takes Millie about ten minutes

30、 (walk) to school every morning.10. Their first class ( start ) at 8:00 in the morning.11. After supper, my father and I go (walk) for an hour.12. Millie begins (class ) at 2:00 p.m.13. Sandy is from England . She is my (good ) friend.14. Mike is a happy man. He has ( happy )all his life.15-How many

31、 ( lesson ) do you have in the afternoon? -We have three.16.Does a snake( 蛇 )have ( foot ) .17. I am very busy and I dont have much time ( write ) to my penfriend . 18. George, (open) the door, please. 四、 选择填空。( )1. David often practises English songs under the tree. A. sing B. to sing C. singing D.

32、 sings( )2. the morning of the weekends, many people go dancing by the lake. A. On B. In C. At D. Of( )3. We clean our room every Sunday morning. A. on B. in C. / D. at ( )4. Monday can not help people, but we can not do anything without (没有) it. A. always ; 不填 B. always ; usually C. 不填 ; sometimes

33、D. never ; only( )5. This shop is from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. It at 9:00 p.m.A. opens ; closes B. open ; closes C. opened ; close D. close ; open( )6. We have seven lessons every day. And Maths my favourite subject.A. are B. is C. does D. do ( )7. -Can you on time? -No problem, Nancy. A. wake up me B. wa

34、ke up C. wake me up D. wakes me up( )8. Ill see a doctor two the afternoon October 12.A. at ; on ; of B. at ; on ; on C. in ; on ; of D. both A and B( )9. Day is on June 1.A. Childs B. childrens C. Childrens D. Childrens( )10. March 8 is Day. A. womans B. womens C. Womens D. Womens( )11. -When is Ch

35、ristmas Day? -Its on .A. October 31 B. October 1 C. December 25 D. January 1( )12. I often get up eight Sunday morning. A. at ; at B. at ; in C. at ; on D. in ; on( )13Is it time have lunch? A. to B. in C. for D. at ( )14. She is a polite girl. She often says thanks others. A. to B. with C. about D.

36、 for ( )15. You like English very much. What about ? A. his B. he C. her D. she ( )16. She is a polite girl. She often says thanks others. A. to B. with C. about D. for 五、句型转换1Lucy helps me and I help Lucy,too.(同义句)Lucy and I . 2. We help Kitty clean the windows every week.(划线部分提问) Kitty clean the w

37、indows every week.(划线部分提问)3. Our school library is usually open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (划线部分提问) School library usually open?4. I would like to say hello to my grandpa.(划线部分提问) like to say to your grandpa?5. Get up, Jim. (改否定句) .Jim.6. The boy on the bike is my classmate. (划线提问) your classmate?7. He does his homework every evening. ( 划线提问 ) he his homework?六、 汉译英 1我不知道今天做什么。I today.2我弟弟每天下午四点半进行课外活动。My brother every day.3我妈妈每天早上六点半叫醒我。My mother every morning.4. 你们每天几点钟做早操?What time every day?5 我很喜欢上学。I enjoy studying in

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