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1、7AUnit5知识点归纳1、go shopping = do some/the shopping 去购物 2、want (sb) to do sth = would like (sb) to do sth 想要(某人)做某事3、be free = have time = be not busy 有空 4、need sb to do sth 需要某人做某事 5、come with me 跟我来 6、a photo album 一本相册7、come up 到来、发生、出现 8、buy sth for sb = buy sb sth 为某人买某物 9、look for/find寻找(强调过程)/找到

2、 (强调结果)10、just a minute = wait a moment = wait for a short time 稍等片刻11、take/have a look(at)看一看 12、quite expensive /dear 太贵了.13、last years cards 去年的卡片 14、a discount on sth 在上打折 15、at a 20% discount 打8折 16、 many kinds of hair clips 许多种发夹17、be sure 确信 18、find sth for sb 为某人找到某物19、match sth (well) = go

3、well with sth 与很搭配 20、enough money/ tall enough 足够的钱/足够的高21、have enough money to do sth 有足够的钱做某事 22、Never mind 不要紧,没关系 23、as much as you want 想要多少有多少 24 the same +名词 + as 和一样的东西25、 a sports shop / shoe shop 一个体育用品店/鞋店 26、an electrical shop/clothes shop一个家电商场/服装店27、different kinds of (books) 不同种类的(书)

4、 28、something good = some good things一些好的东西 29、four Walkmans 4个随身听 30、write (a letter ) to sb = write sb a letter 写信给某人 31、invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 32、 come to ones birthday party 参加某人的生日聚会33、at present = at the moment = now = right now 此刻、现在、目前 34、wait for sb 等待某人35、wait for ones turn = take tur

5、ns 等候轮到某人/依次 36、 Its ones turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事 37、(sb) pay for sth (某人) 付钱买某物 38、carry lots of shopping bags提许多购物袋 39、stay out too late呆在外面太晚 40、 see you later 回头见/呆会儿见 41、have a birthday party开生日派对 42、at ones party 在某人的聚会上 43、stand at the table站在桌旁 44、 play with sb/sth 与一起玩 45、chat with sb about

6、sth 和某人聊某事或某物 46、 Here comes Mr Wu 吴老师来了(倒装句) 47、make a wish / make wishes许愿 48、(spend ones) pocket money (花)零用钱 49、an ad in the newspaper报纸上的一则广告50、help the children from poor areas 帮助来自贫困地区的孩子们 51、children in need需要帮助的孩子们 52、 writing paper书写纸、稿纸53、donate some money(to sb)捐款(给某人) 54、 call sb on + 电

7、话号码 给某人打电话55、send sb sth = send sth to sb 送给某人某物 56、raise some money for sb 为某人募集钱57、try ( it /them) on 试穿(代词放中间) 58、 a pair of football boots 一双足球靴59、what size 多大尺码 60、 fit(sb)very well 很适合(某人)61、a cheaper pair较便宜的一双 62、 write down 记下,写下63、 on the top floor 在顶楼 64、near the bus stop 在公共汽车站附近 65、a co

8、mputer games centre 电脑游戏中心 66、5 floors of shops五层的商店 67、be easy to find 容易找到 68、a fun place to go 一个有趣的好去处 69、 a good place to meet friends 约见朋友的好地方70、too many people/too much food 太多的人/食物 71、need some more (数字/some + more 再、又) 还/再需要一些 72、stand outside a toy shop 站在玩具店外面 73、 inside the shop next doo

9、r 在隔壁的商店里面 74、call 110 for help 打110求助 重点句子1.I want you to go shopping with me 我想要你和我一起去购物2.Im not free today = Im busy today = I have no time today 今天我没有空3.I dont have any money = I have no money 我没有钱4.I need you to carry all the bags 我需要你提所有的包5.Simons birthday is coming up 西蒙的生日快到了6.Theres a disco

10、unt on last years cards 去年的卡片上有折扣7.I dont have enough money to buy a CD for her 我没有足够的钱买CD给她9.Ill buy them = Ill take them 我就买他们10.Are you playing the game with him now ? 你现在正和他玩游戏吗? No,Im not.I am waiting for my turn 不,我正在等着轮到我11.Are you studying at the moment ? 此刻你在学习吗?12.He always does so 他总是如此做1

11、3.What size are your feet ? = What size shoes do you wear ? 你穿多大尺码? I am a size eight = I am Size 8/Eight 我穿8码14.The new shopping mall is easy to find 这个新购物中心很容易找到16.Could I try them on ,please? Yes,of course 我可以试穿吗?是的,当然可以17.询问价格 Whats the price of ?= How much is it/are they ? = How much does it /d

12、o they cost ?How much is the book ?= How much does the book cost ? 这本书多少钱=How much do you spend on the book?= How much do you spend(in)buying the book ?=Whats the price of the book ? = How much do you pay for the book ?18.He is inviting Mr Wu to come to the party 他正在邀请吴先生来参加聚会19.花费种种 1.sb spend time

13、 /money on sth (spend-spent) 某人花费多少时间/金钱在上 2.sb spend time /money (in)doing sth 某人花费多少时间/金钱在做某事上3.sb pay + money for sth (pay-paid) 某人花多少钱买某物 4.sb pay for sth某人付钱买某物5.sth cost(s) sb + money (cost-cost) 某物花费某人多少钱 6.It takes(sb) some time to do sth (take-took) 花费某人一段时间做某事 20. Its my turn to clean the

14、blackboard 轮到我擦黑板了21.购物时服务员通常说:Can /May I help you ?= What can I do for you ? = What are you looking for ?= Is there anything I can do for you ?22.I like watching a film before I go shopping 我喜欢在购物前看一部电影 =I like watching a film before going shopping ( before 的反义词为 after)23.We would like to help the

15、children in poor areas in our country我们想帮助我国贫困地区的儿童24.We are raising some money for the children in poor areas 我们正在为贫困地区的儿童募集钱25.This pair of shoes fits me very well 这双鞋子很适合我26. I dont want to buy the same things as Amy did 我不想买跟Amy一样的东西27.The shopping mall is a good place to meet friends 购物中心是一个约见朋友的好地方28.The girl is looking for her mother,but she cant find her 这个小女孩在找妈妈,但是找不到她29.I m sure you can find some nice clips for your friend 我确信你能为你的朋友找到一些好的发夹30.They are ¥200 = They cost ¥200 他们价格是200元31.I think the mall needs some more shops for boys 我认为购物中心还需要一些适合男孩子的店

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