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1、北 京 中 医 药 大 学学 士 毕 业 论 文题 目A Study on the Love Tragedy in The Lady of the Camellias from Freuds Tripartite Structure of Personality从弗洛伊德的三重人格结构理论分析茶花女的爱情悲剧系 别 人文学院 英语(医学)专业 姓 名 _ 导 师_定稿日期 2016 年 5 月 3日13 / 20北京中医药大学人文学院学士学位论文诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已

2、发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全了解本声明的法律结果将由本人承担。学士论文作者签名: 日 期: 年 月 日 A Study on the Love Tragedy in The Lady of the Camellias from Freuds Tripartite Structure of PersonalityA Thesis SubmittedBySong Xiaohui ToThe School of HumanitiesIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the D

3、egree of Bachelor of ArtsSupervised byAssociate Professor Kong XiangguoBeijing University of Chinese MedicineBeijing, ChinaMay 2016AcknowledgementsI would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Associate Professor Kong Xiangguo for his constructive suggestions and supervision during the deve

4、lopment of the thesis and this paper. And I would show my gratitude to my classmate for her advice on grammar. I am also grateful to other respectable teachers at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.AbstractIn 1898, Chinese translator Lin Shu translated the novel The Lady of the Camellias into Ch

5、inese. The distinctive love tragedy shocked the Chinese society. Since then, Chinese people have been reading and studying this novel from several perspectives. Sigmund Freud put forward several theories: sub-consciousness, psychoanalysis, theory of Instinct, theory of structure of personality. This

6、 thesis studies the cause of this love tragedy from the perspective of Freudian Theory of Tripartite Structure of Personality: id, ego and superego. It will discuss main characters id, ego and superego and demonstrate the relation between individuals and the society. The id of Marguerite is love, Pr

7、udences id is money. At the beginning Armands id is the sexual interest to Marguerite then his id became love. The superego of Marguerite is sacrifice which was stimulated by the societys superego (reputation). Armands superego was distrust and it changed to lament to Marguerite after she died. The

8、society is the collection of all or most of people. Therefore the id of the society is the collection most individuals. The id of society is and money and will attack Marguerites id because she gave up money for love. After analyzing the novel, a conclusion is made that there were external and inter

9、nal causes. The external activated her superego and repressed her id. And the inhibition of desire led to sorrow but she would feel guilty if she did not obey the superego. The struggle between id and superego tormented her and to stop the suffering the instinct of death produced destructive behavio

10、rs (ignoring illness, unhealthy lifestyle and so on) and caused her death. Key words: The Lady of the Camellias, tragedy, the id, the superego, society中文摘要自1898中国文学家林纾将法国小说茶花女翻译称中文(巴黎茶花女遗事)以来,中国学者、学生便开始阅读、研究这篇小说,并且从各种角度进行解读。奥地利心理学家精神分析学派创始人弗洛伊德在其一生中发表了许多著作,也提出许多理论,如潜意识理论、精神分析、本能理论、人格结构理论。这篇文章将从弗洛伊德人


12、本能派生出了内向性毁灭行为,她无视疾病,寻欢作乐。这是她死亡以及这个爱情悲剧形成的原因。关键词:茶花女,悲剧,本我,超我,社会ContentsIntroduction1 Book Synopsis and Tripartite Structure of Personality.21.1 Book synopsis21.2The id, the ego and the superego.2 Analysis of Main Characters Id and superego.42.1 Id of main characters.42.1.1 Marguerites id: love.42.1.

13、2 Armands id: from sexual interest to true love62.2 Superego of main characters.72.2.1 Marguerites superego: sacrifice.72.2.2 Armands superego: from distrust to mourning.7Social Personalities and Individual Personalities83.1 The realistic significance of id and superego.9 3.2 The relations and inter

14、action103.3 The causes of the tragedy.11Conclusion.12ReferencesIntroduction Alexander Dumas published his first masterpiece La Dame aux Camlias in 1848 and the novel caused a great sensation. Since 1898, when the novel was translated into Chinese by Lin Shu, countless Chinese scholars and students h

15、ave been always studying it. They studied the love tragedy from several perspectives, such as religion, character analysis, sexology and many other methods. Su Yifengs study showed that the cause of the tragedy is the oppression to female in the male-dominated society (Su, 2006). Zhang Shuqins study

16、 made a conclusion that the misshapen society shaped Marguerites fate and gave rise to her death (Zhang,2004). Zhou Rongs study thought that the capitalist society morals led to Marguerites tragedy (Zhou, 2011). And Zhao Ying analyzed the tragedy from the perspective of Jungs Prototype Theory and fo

17、und that prostitute was Marguerites persona and her animus caused her death to some extent (Zhao, 2010). These studies have read the novel and the tragedy well and help people understand the story better. However, as is indicated by the database CNKI, no thesis studies the tragedy from the Freudian

18、Theory of Tripartite Structure of Personality: id, ego and superego. Theory of Tripartite Structure of Personality is concept of the psychology and it can describe mental changes and reveal the relations between individuals and society. Therefore, in this thesis, the love tragedy will be analyzed fr

19、om the perspective of id, ego and superego. In chapter one, the story will be briefly reviewed and Sigmund Freud and his theory of Structure of Personality will be introduced. In chapter two, the main characters id and superego and the interaction between them will be analyzed. Chapter three will de

20、monstrate the realistic meaning in the Orleanist Monarchy and show the relation between society and individuals and societys influence on individuals. Chapter four will conclude the cause of the tragedy from individual and social perspectives. The significance will be described in this chapter, too.

21、 . Book Synopsis and Tripartite Structure of Personality1.1 Book synopsisMarguerite Gautier is a kept woman in Paris. She is beautiful, charming, hot and pure. A lot of playboys became her lovers and then went bankrupt. She was popular in one day in the theater, Marguerite got to know a young man, s

22、on of a District Collector of Taxes, Armand Duval. Having fallen in love with her, Armand expressed his love to Marguerite and asked her to be his lover. She accepted his love and agreed. In order to be together with Armand, Marguerite moved to countryside with him. Whats more, Marguerite sold her h

23、orses, jewelry and Indian shawls and pawned her carriage. Anything was nice and peaceful, until Armands father Mr. Duval came. Mr. Duval visited Marguerite and persuaded her to leave Armand in the name of love. Marguerite returned to Paris and continued her life of being kept. Armand went back to hi

24、s home with father, misunderstanding that Marguerite betrayed their love and was not worthy to be loved. However, he couldnt help loving and missing Marguerite so he returned to Paris but found that she had become earl Ns lover. Armand was extremely wrathful and he found another lover to revenge upo

25、n Marguerite. He insulted her in words and behaviors ignoring her serious disease. At last, Marguerite died with the desire to see her true love again, but Armand was hundreds of miles away because of misunderstanding. After her death, Armand knew the reason she left but it had been too late to regr

26、et. The Lady of the Camellias was the first masterpiece of Alexandre Dumas. Though the love between two protagonists was disapproved by the rank and fashion, the love tragedy moved and shocked French and later spread to the world.1.2 The id, the ego and the superego Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was a p

27、sychiatrist and psychologist of Austria and the founder of psychoanalysis. In 1895, he came up with the concept of psychoanalysis. The Ego and the Id was published in 1923(English version in 1927) and in this book he presented the conceptions of the id, the ego and the superego which constitute the

28、three parts of his Tripartite Structure of Personality.His personality theory includes two parts: tripartite structure of personality and personality development. In this thesis, tripartite structure of personality: the id (das Es), the ego (das Ich) and the superego (das Uber-Ich). (Berg 2003,p. 69

29、) will be applied in the analysis of the love tragedy in The Lady of the Camellias. The id refers to the original human, contains the basic desire, impulse and vitality which is necessary to survive like desire of eating, drinking and sex. It is original and the only integration of personality when

30、a baby is born. The id is also the foundation of personality establishment. (Hall, 1954, p.19) The id obeys the pleasure principle and ignores the social morality and external behavior rules. The only requirement of id is to obtain happiness and avoid pain and its aim is to gain individual comfort,

31、survival and reproduction. (Freud, 1961, p.92) Besides, it is unconscious and not be perceived by the individual. However, when somebody behaves impetuously, he/she is under the control of the id. The id is immorally and the embodiment of instinct and desire. In other words, the id is more likely th

32、e part of animal in human. If a person is totally controlled by the id, he is more an animal than a human. The ego is conscious and is the junctional complex between the id and external world. The role of ego is to make individual be aware of his ability and restrain and depress the id in order to a

33、dapt to the real world. In the book The Ego and the Id, Freud described the relation between the id and the ego as the relation between the knight and horse(Freud,2004,126). Horse provides energy to the knight and the knight controls the direction. Similarly, the id is the foundation and provides en

34、ergy, and the ego regulates and controls the id and behavior to respond to the external world.Freud thought that the main goals of superego are to comply with the social morality and to restrain the id. Superego not only contains principles, morality but also ideal. But it was not equal to intuitive

35、 knowledge. (Berg, 2003, p.70) It could good and could be bad, too. Morality is the requirement of deferring to the society. And ideal is to be better. The superego constantly uses guilt to punish the person when he could not reach the requirement of ideal behavior. Superego tends to pursue moral pe

36、rfection by any kind of means, which is similar with the id pursuing sexual pleasure (Berg, 2003, p.70). Like the id, the superego has the effect of criticizing and braking on the ego. In addition, the superego is also irrational. They both distort and tamper with the reality. The superego knows thi

37、ngs according to subjective. A conclusion can be made that the superego is the product of socialization and the carrier of traditional culture. Whats more, the superego is essentially the compulsion from the external world and pays more attention on obeying morality and depressing desires. Actually,

38、 superego always gives rise to destructive consequences. Analysis of Main Characters Id and SuperegoMarguerite and Armand were the protagonists and analysis on them can reveal the tragedy better so their personalities will be analyzed. Besides, due to the id and the superego have greater influence o

39、n humans mental state, the main characters id and superego will be analyzed in this chapter. 2.1 Id of main characters2.1.1 Marguerites id: love The first chapter of the novel The Lady of the Camellias reveals that Marguerite was a kept woman. In the novel, Marguerites sister came from a village and

40、 had never been away from her hometown. This indicates that Marguerites family was poor and this view was proved in Chapter 25:“My mother died of consumption, and the way I have always lived could but increase the only heritage she ever left me.” (Dumas,2011, p. 179).But in chapter one of the book,

41、the description of her room and the jewelry, furniture and china indicates that her life was supported by a lot of money, and also shows that she had no lack of money, regardless of the source. Then the desire for money can be eliminated which is the base of basic survival during the period of being

42、 kept. She had a lot of lovers so she did not have the desire for sex. This can be proved in the chapter two of the book (Dumas,2011,p. 8):I knew that Marguerite had lived with some of the most fashionable young men in society, that she spoke of it openly, and that they themselves boasted of it, so

43、that all seemed equally pleased with one another. Her desire of sex had been fulfilled. Thus the desire for sex can be eliminated. This sentence also proved that Marguerite cared about nothing. She didnt mind her identity as a prostitute and her action living with many men. Therefore she can “spoke

44、of it openly and boast of it”. She also said that “if I took care of myself I should die” (Dumas,2011,p. 64). It means that she had to forget her conditions and diseases and was indulged in the distorted life to escape from sorrows in the real world as if reflected in chapter ten (Dumas,2011,p. 64):

45、Then as for taking care of oneself, that is all very well for women with families and friends; as for us, from moment we can no longer serve the vanity or pleasure of our lovers, they leave us, and long nights follow long days. I was in bed for two months, and after three weeks no one came to see me

46、.When she spoke of the experience, she was sad because no one truly cared about her. Though she behaved as caring about nothing, she indeed long for concern from others. Her basic life standard had been insured but her heart was lonely. Fortunately, human have the instinct of love. To Marguerite, sh

47、e desired love and desired to be a common or normal woman. On one hand, she must rely on her life of being kept. however,on the other hand, she admired a normal womens right to love. Therefore, when Armand showed his concern and love, Marguerite accepted his love. The behavior of love made her satisfied in mortal and pleased in body. Hence, love was most obviously expressed in Marguerites id and when she decided to love Armand, she was under the control of love, ignoring the hypocritical social morality. 2.1.2Armand

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