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1、 第一单元1. 当今中国社会非常缺少蓝领工人。(shortage)In todays Chinese society is very shortage of blue collar workers.2. 本市蓝领工人月平均工资在3000元左右。(average)Average monthly salary of blue collar workers is 3000 yuan or so.3. 杰克是以一位富有经验的机械工,当机器出现故障时能保持冷静。(break down)Jack is an experienced mechanic who can keep calm when the m

2、achine is break down.4. 学徒往往是在工作中学习的。(on the job) An apprentice often learns on the job.5. 许多机械操作如今靠计算机程序来实现。(program)Now computer programs can realize many mechanical operations .6. 那个水管工的年收入在十万以上。(annual)Annual income of the plumber is above one hundred thousand.7. 这家社区学院在过去的五年中一直在扩大规模。(expand)The

3、 community college has been expanding in size over the past five years.8. 安装这台机器需要多人协作。(install)Installing the machine requires a lot of people to work together. 第二单元1. 那个地方的人对保护环境没有给予足够关注。(inadequate)People in that place dont show enough in adequate for environmental protection. 2. 政府要求关闭那家工厂以确保这一旅

4、游胜地不受污染。(make sure that)The government caller for demand closing of the factory to make sure that the tourist destination was free of pollution.3. 他们尽可能避免发出噪音,真的很体贴人。(considerate)It is considerate of they to try to avoid making noise, really considerate.4. 小明想到一个处理废水的好办法。(hit on)XiaoMing hits on a s

5、ollution to dispose the waste water.5. 该工厂努力将污染控制在最低的限度内。(at a minimum)The factory tries to limit pollution at a minimum.6. 使用高科技产品对环境会产生某些意想不到的副作用。(side effect)The use of high-tech products will cause unexpected side effects for the environment.7. 这个城市的卫生环境增添了他的吸引力。(add to)The citys health environm

6、ent has added to his appeal.8. 我们倾力于在街道的两边种植一些花和树。(be inclined to)We are inclinedto planting some flowers and trees on both sides of the street。 第三单元1. 这家小店供应的饮料有茶、可乐、雪碧、矿泉水,等等。(and so on)This shop supplies to drink tea, cola, Sprite, mineral water, and so on.2. 就西式快餐而言,我最喜欢汉堡。(when it comes to)When

7、 it comes to western-style fast food,my favourite is hamburger.3. 顾客在点菜时就该明白无误地告诉服务员自己需要什么。(loud and clear)Customers should be loud and clear about what they need when they order.4. 那家饭馆十分重视菜肴的质量。(place emphasis on)That restaurant especially places emphasis on the quality of dishes.5. 本店的特色菜就是香酥鸭。(s

8、pecial)This specialty is fried duck.6. 我儿子不喜欢吃辣的食物。(be unused to)My son doesnt unused to eat spicy food.7. 学生对于这种类型的饭菜很感兴趣。(type)Students are very interested in this type of food.8. 这道菜看上去像一盆花。(look like)The dish looks like. 第四单元1. 网上购物对我来说是一种新的体验。(online)Shopping online is a new experience for me.2

9、. 最低消费达到200者可以获得优惠卷。(minimum)Minimum consumption reached 200 can get preferential volume.3. 这款品牌的手机很受年轻人的欢迎。(brand)This brand of mobile phone is very popular with young people.4. 我终于说服我爸给我买了一台中等大小的笔记本电脑。(medium)I finally managed to persuade my father to buy me a medium sized notebook.5. 购买冰箱者可以享受免费送

10、货。(delivery)To buy a refrigerator can enjoy free delivery6. 付账时我忘了索要收据。(receipt)I forgot to ask for a receipt when paying the bill.7. 那家超市有很多商品在打折销售。(on sale)The supermarket has a lot of goods on sale.8. 我去超市买东西总共花去150元。(total)I went to the supermarket to buy things for a total of 150 yuan. 第五单元1. 手

11、机的发明为我们提供了各种方便。(convenience)The invention of the mobile phone provides us with all kinds of convenience.2. 人们现在已经意识到使用手机也有一些弊端。(aware)People have been awared that using cell has some disadvertage.3. 有关张东的电话号码,你可以查询他所在学校的网页。(refer)Referring to ZhangDongs phone number ,you can look. 4. 拒绝使用现代通讯技术的人会在竞

12、争中落伍。(fall behind)People who refuse to use modern communication technologies can fall behind in competing.5. 互联网对社会管理部门带来了很多挑战。(challenge)The Internet has brought a lot of challenges to the social management department.6. 本市的因特网用户比去年增加了一倍。(double)The citys Internet users have doubled over last year.

13、7. 我们不能指望因特网告诉我们一切。(rely on)We cant depend on the Internet to tell us everything.8. 除了打电话外,我们还可以使用电子邮件保持联系。(apart from)Apart from calling,we can also use E-mail to keep in touch. 第六单元1. 年轻人在与他们的父母之间在用钱问题的看法上经常存在某种差距。(gap)There is always a gap between the young people and their parents in the money p

14、roblem.2. 对于年长者来说,年轻人是否尊重他们这一点很重要。(mean)As for older people ,they much mean wether yong people respect them or not. 3. 对于许多年长者来说,健康是首要考虑。(concern)As for older people,health is a first concern.4. 有些父母对孩子缺乏足够的信心。(confidence)Some parents lack enough confidence in their children.5. 他担心自己的选择会遭到父母的反对。(fea

15、r)He was fearthat his choice would be opposed by his parents.6. 代沟形成的主要原因是父母与孩子缺乏足够的沟通。(major)The major reason of generation gaps formation is why parents and children lack enough communication.7. 两代人在许多重要问题上优先考虑的问题不一样。(perority)The two generation is not the same as a priority on many important issues.8. 年轻人在与父母发生意见分歧的时候要注意使用一些策略。(strategy)Young people should pay attention to the use of some strategies when they disagree with their parents.8 / 8

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