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1、古希腊、罗马神话课程教学大纲课程编码:30615022 学分: 2 总学时:36 说 明【课程性质】古希腊、罗马神话是全日制大学本科教育英语专业高年级开设的专业选修课。【教学目的】使学生了解西方文化渊源,从文化的角度学习英语词汇,培养和提高其文化素养、鉴赏能力和对异域文化的敏感度。【教学任务】以古希腊、罗马神话的重要神祗、英雄的轶事为主线,分析现代英语中源于神话的词语与典故及以古希腊、罗马神话为题材的英美文学作品、雕塑、绘画、建筑等艺术作品,提高学生的文化能力和鉴赏水平。【教学内容】 古希腊、罗马神话简介,旧神谱系与天地的起源,奥林匹斯山新神,普罗米修斯与人类,次神的故事,英雄的故事【教学原则

2、和方法】教学原则:以培养具有文化能力和鉴赏水平的学生为原则教学方法:采用多媒体课件教学,辅以影视欣赏和学生讨论促进教学 【先修课程要求】本课程是在学生完成了精读、泛读、英美文学、影视欣赏、英美文化概况等课程,并掌握了一定的专业知识和技能基础上开设的专业选修课。【学时分配】序号内 容学 时 安 排小计理论课时实验课时习题课时上机课时1第一部分2 22旧神谱系与天地的起源2 23奥林匹斯山新神10 104普罗米修斯与人类4 45次神的故事6 66英雄的故事8 87影视欣赏4 4总 计 36 36【教材与主要参考书】教 材:常耀信 希腊罗马神话 外语教学与研究出版社,1981年。参考书:廖光蓉 英语

3、词汇与希腊罗马神话 湖南师范大学出版社,1999年。徐国萍 希腊罗马神话及典故成语 海洋出版社,2001年。陶 洁 希腊罗马神话一百篇 中国对外翻译出版公司,1989年。大纲内容第一部分 古希腊、罗马神话简介【教学目的和要求】教学目的:了解希腊述神话的起源、形成、和发展教学要求:掌握学习古希腊、罗马神话的意义、目的,重要性和方法【内容提要】第一节 什么是神话第二节 神话的起源和发展第三节 神话故事与神话学的区别第四节 神话的分类第五节 学习神话的原因、意义和方法【教学重点与难点问题】教学重点:神话的分类 教学难点:神话的起源和发展【复习思考题】1. 什么是神话?2. 神话故事与神话学的区别是什

4、么?第二部分 天地的起源【教学目的和要求】教学目的:讲述天地的起源教学要求:掌握旧神谱系中主要的神及由此派生出来的英语词汇【内容提要】第一节 天地的起源第二节 旧神谱系:地神盖娅、天神乌拉诺斯,十二提坦巨神第三节 以cosmos、chron为词根的派生单词【教学重点与难点问题】教学重点:天地如何起源的教学难点:旧神谱系中诸神之间的关系及名称【复习思考题】1天地是如何起源的?2试论述旧神谱系中诸神的关系。第三部分 奥林匹斯山新神【教学目的和要求】教学目的:讲述奥林匹斯山新神谱系中诸神的职能、地位及轶事教学要求:掌握诸神的名称、地位及由此派生出来的英语单词【内容提要】第一节 宙斯:天神之父,地上万

5、物的最高统治者第二节 赫拉:宙斯的正妻,女性的代表第三节 雅典娜:智慧女神、雅典城的守护女神第四节 阿波罗:太阳神 第五节 阿尔忒弥斯:月神 第六节 狄俄倪索斯:酒神与狂饮欢乐之神第七节 阿拂洛狄特:爱情之神第八节 波塞东:海神第九节 哈台斯:冥王第十节 赫斐斯托司:火神与工匠神第十一节 阿瑞司:战神第十二节 赫尔墨斯:宙斯的信使【教学重点与难点问题】教学重点:十二主神的名称、职能、地位及代表物教学难点:诸神的名称及关系【复习思考题】1列出奥林匹斯山十二主神的名称、职能及代表物。2奥林匹斯山十二主神的特点有什么?3试述大小熊星座的来历。4举例说明宙斯的风流成性。5试述阿波罗与达芙尼的爱情故事。

6、第四部分 普罗米修斯与人类【教学目的和要求】教学目的:讲述普罗米修斯如何创造了人类教学要求:掌握普罗米修斯的英雄事迹、人类的四个时代及潘多拉的故事【内容提要】第一节 普罗米修斯与人类的起源第二节 以普罗米修斯的故事为题材的文学作品第三节 人类的不同时代第四节 潘多拉的盒子【教学重点与难点问题】教学重点:普罗米修斯与人类的起源,人类的四个时代教学难点:普罗米修斯的象征意义【复习思考题】1.人类是如何被创造的?2.宙斯是如何惩罚普罗米修斯的?3.人类经历了哪几个时代?这几个时代分别有什么特点?4.潘多拉的盒子有什么寓意?第五部分 次神的故事【教学目的和要求】教学目的:了解希腊神话中一些重要次神的故

7、事教学要求:掌握相对重要的一些轶事和源于此的典故【内容提要】第一节 冥王哈德斯与珀耳塞福涅的故事第二节 西西弗斯及相关典故第三节 坦塔罗斯及相关典故第四节 俄耳普斯与欧律狄克的故事第五节 潘神一、潘神的象征意义二、以pan为词根的单词和词组第六节 酒神狄俄倪索斯一、酒神及其跟随者二、狄俄倪索斯与希腊悲剧三、酒神崇拜及仪式特点四、源于酒神的词语【教学重点与难点问题】教学重点:西西弗斯及相关典故坦塔罗斯及相关典故以pan为词根的单词和词组教学难点:潘神的象征意义狄俄倪索斯与希腊悲剧酒神崇拜及仪式特点【复习思考题】1.西西弗斯的故事有什么寓意?2.试讲述冥王哈德斯与珀耳塞福涅的爱情故事。3.试论述潘

8、神的象征意义。4.酒神崇拜有什么特点?5.试论述狄俄倪索斯与希腊悲剧的关系。第六部分 英雄的故事【教学目的和要求】教学目的:讲述英雄的故事教学要求:掌握英雄的主要业绩【内容提要】第一节 赫拉克勒斯的十二业绩第二节 伊阿宋与金羊毛一、阿尔戈的英雄们二、伊阿宋与美地亚第三节 俄狄浦斯与恋母情结第四节 特洛伊战争一、不和的苹果二、特洛伊主要人物三、特洛伊战争中重要事件四、阿客琉斯的脚跟五、特洛伊木马六、奥德修斯之旅【教学重点与难点问题】教学重点:特洛伊战争及与其有关的典故 俄狄浦斯与恋母情结教学难点:特洛伊战争中的相关人物、人物关系及事件 【复习思考题】1.赫拉克勒斯是怎样完成了十二项英雄业绩晋升为

9、神的?2.伊阿宋是如何克服了重重困难找到金羊毛的?3.试述特洛伊战争的起因。4.阿客琉斯的脚跟有什么寓意?5.什么是恋母情结?6.讲述特洛伊木马的故事及其寓意。7.试述奥德修斯是如何克服千难万险重返家园的? 执笔人:姜艳 审核人:龚柏岩古希腊、罗马神话课程考核大纲【考核目的】 了解学生对经典希腊罗马神话故事的掌握情况,帮助学生加深对神话的定义、意义的理解,提高英语语言水平;考核学生对以神话故事为题材的文学作品的分析和鉴赏能力,为更好的理解西方文明及文化打好基础。【课程学习的基础】本课程是在学生完成了精读、泛读、英美文学、影视欣赏、英美文化概况等课程,并掌握了一定的专业知识和技能基础上开设的专业

10、选修课。先修课程不在考核范围内。【考核的内容范围】本课程主要考核学生对神话中主要神祗和英雄的名称、事件的熟悉程度,现代英语中源于此的词汇和典故的掌握及以神话为主题的文学作品的了解。【考核方法】期末开卷考试,占,平时考核如出勤、作业、课堂表现占【对试题的要求】对试题的要求:题型比例:客观性试题占,包括单选题、判断题、匹配题、填空题、辨识题等主观性试题占,包括翻译题、论述题等难度等级:分为较易、中等、较难三个等级,大致比例为:【考核的具体内容】第一部分 古希腊、罗马神话简介知识点:什么是神话 神话的起源和发展神话故事与神话学的区别神话的分类学习神话的原因、意义和方法考核目标:识记:神话的起源与发展

11、理解:神话的定义,神话故事与神话学的区别运用:神话的分类第二部分 天地的起源知识点:1天地的起源 2旧神谱系:地神盖娅、天神乌拉诺斯,十二提坦巨神3以cosmos、chron为词根的派生单词考核目标:1识记:旧神谱系中重要的神明2理解:天地是如何起源的3运用:以cosmos、chron为词根的派生单词第三部分奥林匹斯山新神知识点:1奥林匹斯山新神谱系中诸神的名称、职能、地位及轶事2由此派生出来的英语单词考核目标:识记:奥林匹斯山新神名称理解:奥林匹斯山新神职能、地位及轶事运用:奥林匹斯山主神的职能、地位、重要轶事及源于此的英语单词第四部分 普罗米修斯与人类知识点:普罗米修斯是如何创造了人类普罗

12、米修斯的英雄事迹人类的不同时代潘多拉的盒子考核目标:1识记:普罗米修斯 潘多拉2理解:普罗米修斯是怎样成为人类的缔造者3运用:普罗米修斯创造人类的故事,人类的不同时代,潘多拉的盒子的故事及寓意第五部分次神的故事知识点:冥王哈德斯与珀耳塞福涅的故事西西弗斯及相关典故 坦塔罗斯及相关典故俄耳普斯与欧律狄克的故事潘神酒神狄俄倪索斯考核目标:1识记:(1)冥王哈德斯 (2)珀耳塞福涅 (3)坦塔罗斯(4)俄耳普斯与欧律狄克(5) 潘神(6)酒神2理解:(1)冥王哈德斯与珀耳塞福涅的故事 (2) 俄耳普斯与欧律狄克的故事 (3) 狄俄倪索斯与希腊悲剧(4)酒神崇拜及仪式特点 (5) 潘神的象征意义3运用

13、:(1) 西西弗斯及相关典故(2) 坦塔罗斯及相关典故(3) 潘神及酒神在神话中的地位第六部分 英雄的故事知识点:1赫拉克勒斯的十二业绩 2 伊阿宋与金羊毛3俄狄浦斯与恋母情结4特洛伊战争考核目标:1识记:(1)赫拉克勒斯(2)伊阿宋(3)俄狄浦斯(4)海伦(5)帕里斯(6)墨涅拉俄斯(7)阿伽门农(8)阿客琉斯(9)奥德修斯2理解:(1)赫拉克勒斯的十二业绩(2) 伊阿宋与金羊毛 (3)奥德修斯之旅3运用:(1)特洛伊木马(2)俄狄浦斯与恋母情结 (3)阿客琉斯的脚跟【样题】I. Fill in the following blanks with proper names or words

14、in Greco-Roman myths.(每小题2分,共20分)1.In the ancient Greek myth of creation , before earth ,sea and heavens became known, there was only_ which is the dark and silent abyss.2.By the end of the war between Zeus and Cronus, a titan called _was singled out to hold up the world on his back as a punishment

15、for his supporting Cronus against Zeus.3._, was bathed in bliss and brightness the home of the gods, where Zeus ruled as thefather of gods and men.4. In the Olympian Gods, _is the god in charge of the sea.5. The _ , the second epic of Homer, narrates the tribulations and feats of Odysseus from the t

16、ime he left Troy with his fleet and the moment when he set foot again on the soil of Ithaca.6. As a messenger god, _is naturally the god of roads and door ways.7. In Greek myths, the apple of a goddess_caused a ten-year war8. The riddle “what is that which has one voice and yet becomes four-footed a

17、nd two-footed and three-footed was given by Sphinx and later was solved by _.9. In the palace of Hades ,the king of Corinth _ had to push up a hill a huge stone constantly ,but the stone would roll back down again before it reached the top.10._was turned into a Laurel tree when she was trying to esc

18、ape from Apollos pursuit.II. Multiple choice.(每小题1分,共10分)1._was not only the god of prophecy but the god of health and healing.A. Zeus B. Hermes C. Apollo D. Mars2. Prometheus was finally saved by_?A. Apollo B. Poseidon C. Heracles D. Hermes3. During the age of _,men further degenerated ,ruthless an

19、d ferocious. They delighted in war and perished in ceaseless strife.A. Golden B. Silver C. Bronze D. Iron4.In all accounts of Greek myths, _ is known as the protector and benefactor of man, for he gave mankind a number of gifts including fire.A. Uranus B. Prometheus C. Epimetheus D. Zeus5. _was a ha

20、ndsome youth who was so vain that he thought no one but himself was worthy to see his youthful beauty.A. Nereus B. Proteus C. Persephone D. Narcissus6._ performed twelve stupendous labors, which ultimately won his way to heaven.A. Hephaestus B. Hermes C. Heracles D. Hades 7. One of Zeus mistresses _

21、 and her son were transformed to bears and have remained to this day, known as the constellation of the Great and Little Bear.A. Io B. Niobe C. Philemon D. Callisto8._ was dipped by his mother in the waters of Styx which could render the human body immune to sword and fire.A. Agamemnon B. Achilles C

22、. Oedipus D. Sisyphus 9.Who is the god of theatre?A. Pan B. Satyr C. Dionysus D. Apollo10.With the help of Medea, _emerged safe and sound , and finally brought the golden fleece back.A. Oedipus B. Menelaus C. Odysseus D. JasonIII.Write out the concerning names or characters in Greek myths from which

23、 the following words are derived.(每小题1分,共10分)1. Junoesque ( )2. gorgon ( )3. panic ( )4. venereal ( )5. cereal ( )6. bacchanalian ( )7. volcano ( ) 8. Atlantic ( )9. martial ( )10. hector ( )IV. Write out the names relative to the description below.(每小题2分,共10分)1._ It was the weapon of Zeus and Athen

24、a. It possessed the power to terrify and disperse the enemy or to protect friends. 2._ Sea-nymphs, whose singing charmed mariners to leap into the sea passing their island. 3._ The leader of the Achaeans in the Trojan war, the king of Mycene. 4._ Monsters with brazen claws, protruding teeth and coil

25、ing snakes round their heads and necks. 5._ His name signifies all, he came to be considered a symbol of the universe and personification of Nature. V. Complete the following idioms by using the names in Greco-Roman myths according to the implication of each idiom in current English . (每小题3分,共15分)1.

26、_ the prediction that is true but is not believed.2._the fountainhead of all evils3._chosen by Sigmund Freud to designate a sons feeling of love toward his mother and jealous hatred toward his father.4._a trap intended to undermine an enemy, or subversion from inside.5._the mystical person or thing

27、that is hard to be understood.VI. Fragment identification. (每小题4分,共20分) Read the following poem fragments, each is about a character in Greek myths. Write out the related names according to the following fragments . Titan! to whose immortal eyes The sufferings of mortality, Seen in their sad reality

28、, Were not as things that gods despise; What was thy pitys recompense? A silent suffering, and intense; The rock, the vulture, and the chain; All that the proud can feel of pain; The agony they do not show; The suffocating sense of woe. Thy godlike crime was to be kind; To render with thy precepts l

29、ess The sum of human wretchedness, And strengthen man with his own mind. And, baffled as thou were from high, Still, in thy patient energy In the endurance and repulse Of thine impenetrable spirit, Which earth and heaven could not convulse, A mighty lesson we inherit. - From Byron2.More lovely than

30、her, whom the gods Endowed with all their gifts; and O, too like In sad event, when to the unwiser son Of Japhet brought by Hermes, she insnared Mankind with her fair looks, to be avenged On him who had stole Joves authentic fire. - from Milton3. When the world is puddle-wonderful the queerold ballo

31、onman whistlesfar and weeand bettyandisbel come dancingfrom hop-scotch and jump-rope and its springand the goat-footed balloon Man whistles far and wee - from In Just4“Lord of Thebes, do not sow a furrow of children against the will f the gods for if you beget a son, that child will kill you, and al

32、l your house shall wade through blood.” - from Eruipides5. As I bent down to look, just oppositeA shape within the watery gleam appearedBending to look on me. I started back;It started back; but pleased I soon returned,Pleased it returned as soon with answering looksOf sympathy and love. There had I

33、 fixedMine eyes till now, and pined with vain desire,Had not a voice thus warned me; “What thou seest,What there thou seest, fair creature, fair creature, is thyself;” - From MiltonVII. Translation. (每小题3分,共15分)1. If a public relation officer is as shy as Daphne, how can she carry out her duty?2. How could they refuse the siren song of the land to adventurers?3. He dared his fathers Olympian fury.4. Students studying for final examinations yearn for the Elysian idleness of the summer vacation.5. What an Arcadia you live in! 执笔人:姜艳 审核人:龚柏岩

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