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1、【六1】Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to major in science or humanities at college, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.The heated discussion about the best choice in selecting the major:humanities or

2、 science has never stopped in the past few years. Opinions on the topic vary greatly among people. Some believe that it is a better choice to acquire knowledge in science, but others consider it better to dig into the humanities.As for me, I totally agree with the former choice with the following re

3、asons presented below. Initially, one of the most important reasons cited by people is that to major in science can not only improve ones logical thinking ability but also sharpen ones insight in daily routine, which is of great importance in ones growth. Additionally, acquiring scientific knowledge

4、 contributes greatly to ones success in this world with rapid development of science and technology.From my perspective, it is crucial that modern education should encourage people to be practitioners. Whats more, one of the most critical factors we should take into consideration is that people shou

5、ld understand the meaning and value of scientific knowledge. Only in this way can we achieve greater success.解析:这是一篇无提纲式议论文-大学选择文科专业还是理科专业,这是六级中常见的二择一的议论文属于校园题材,因此写起来并不难。一方面要开宗明义,表白观点,但是重点在第二段论证自己的观点上,此段可以给出两方面论证选择哪科的因素。最后,在结尾段自然总结观点或者升华主题。【分解练习】逻辑框架如下:段落句子内 容逻辑框架模板第一段开题第1句如今,选择文科专业还是理科专业这个话题一直都是热议的

6、话题。引出讨论的话题。第2,3句人们对这个话题意见不一。一些人认为理科是好的选择,而有些人认为文科是好选择。存在争议第二段重要性第4句对于我而言,我选择理科,有以下理由个人评价第5.句一方面,人们想到的选择理科最为重要的因素为,理科不仅可以提高一个人的逻辑能力,还可以提高自身在平常生活中的洞察力,这是非常有助于学生的成长的。论据1第6句并且,学习理科知识可以极大的帮助学生在这个科技快速发展的世界中获得成功。论据2第三段结论第 7,8句从我的角度出发,现代教育鼓励学生成为实践者是非常关键的。并且,我们应当考虑到的重要因素之一是人们需要理解科学知识的重要意义。只有这样,我们才可以更好的获得成功。结

7、尾段重申观点,给出建议。【六2】Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend a vocational college or a university, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.Nowadays, there is a prevalent debate over whether to attend a voc

8、ational college or a university. Those who choose to attend a vocational college claim that it is just a waste of money and energy to go to university because what the college students learn from books is theoretical but not practical while others believe that the value of going to university should

9、 be stressed. I support the latter for the following reasons.To begin with, many a person benefits economically from university because it equips them with the necessary expertise and innovative ideas for their career life. Moreover, university also gives us mental satisfaction because we can get al

10、ong with our peers, pursuing friendship as well as love. Last but not least, the benefits of college education will last for a lifetime or even for generations because well-educated people tend to be competent both in their work and in raising their offspring.In conclusion, even though university ed

11、ucation may not assure instant economic return, it is rewarding in the long run. Just as the famous saying goes, knowledge is power. If one spend his college years constructively, he will lead a happier life in the future.解析:这是一篇无提纲式议论文-选择职业院校还是综合大学,这是六级中常见的二择一的议论文属于教育题材,因此写起来并不难。一方面要开宗明义,表白观点,但是重点在

12、第二段论证自己的观点上,此段可以给出两方面论证选择职业院校或者综合大学的因素。最后,在结尾段自然总结观点或者升华主题。【分解练习】逻辑框架如下:段落句子内 容逻辑框架模板第一段开题第1句现在,关于是否要上一所职业学院或大学的争论一直很剧烈引出讨论的话题。第2句那些选择上一所职业学院的人声称,上大学只是浪费金钱和精力由于大学生们学到的理论而非实践,而有人则认为上大学的价值很重要。 二选一的争论第3句我选择后者。个人评价第二段重要性第4句一方面,很多人在大学里学会了以后职业生涯中必备的专业知识和创新思维,从而受益匪浅。论据1第5.句此外,大学也给了我们精神上的满足,由于我们可以和我们的同龄人相处,

13、追求友谊和爱情。论据2第6,句最后,大学教育的好处将会连续一生甚至几代人,由于受过良好教育的人往往既能胜任工作,又能养育子女。论据3第三段结论第 7句总之,尽管大学教育也许不能保证即时的经济回报,但从长远来看,这是值得的。总结价值第8句正如一句名言所说,知识就是力量。升华第9句假如一个人以建设性的态度度过他的大学时光,他将在未来过上更幸福的生活。主题升华【六3】Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend college at home or abroad, write an essay to sta

14、te your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.范文: Inrecentyears,anincreasingnumberofstudentschoosetoattendcollegeabroad,whilesome,financiallychallengingornot,stillregardgoingtoschoolathomeastheirfirstchoice.Itisobviousthatthisphenomenonhasbeentheconcernofma

15、nypeople.Frommyperspectiveofview,tostudyabroadhasbothbenefitsanddrawbacks. Thereisnodoubtthatstudentsarebenefitingtremendouslyfromattendingcollegeabroad.Thosewhostudyataworldfamousuniversitycannotonlybroadentheirhorizonsbutalsogainbetterjobopportunities.Asexposedtoforeignculturesandcustoms,overseass


17、cultureshockinthealienenvironmentasaresultofunfamiliarityandmaladjustment. Allinall,inordertoachieveacolorfulaswellasmeaningfulexperienceinyourlife,studentshavingtheideaofstudyingabroadmustbewellpreparedforallthepossibilitiestheymayencounterbeforemakingfinaldecisions.解析:这是一篇无提纲式议论文-选择出国留学还是国内读大学,这是六

18、级中常见的二择一的议论文属于教育题材,因此写起来并不难。一方面要开宗明义,表白观点,但是重点在第二段论证自己的观点上,此段可以给出两方面论证选择出国留学或者国内留学的因素。最后,在结尾段自然总结观点或者升华主题。【分解练习】逻辑框架如下:段落句子内 容逻辑框架模板第一段开题第1句近年来,越来越多的学生选择出国留学,然而,不管经济条件如何,一些学生仍然把在国内上大学作为首选。引出讨论的话题。第2,3句很明显,这种现象一直受到人们的关注。在我看来,出国留学有利有弊。个人评价第二段重要性第4句毫无疑问,出国留学让学生受益匪浅。那些在世界名校读书的学生不仅可以开阔眼界,并且可以获得更好的工作机会论据1第5.句由于接触国外的文化和习俗,留学生可以让自己融入该国语言。论据1进一步第6,句当然,关于出国留学,也存在一定的弊端论据2第7.8句一方面,从某种限度上来说,远离家乡是具有一定的挑战性的,甚至是令人沮丧的。对于语言技能不够好的学生,语言障碍也也许导致一定的困难。此外,在陌生的环境,由于不熟悉和不适应,一些学生甚至经历了文化冲击。论据2进一步第三段结论第 9句总的来说,为了获得人生中一段丰富多彩并且故意义的经历,有出国留学想法的学生在做出最终的决定之前一定要做好也许遭遇各种也许性的准备。结尾段重申观点,给出建议。

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