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1、Individual Report International Marketing: An introduction Outcome 1 and 2 Candidate Name: Candidate Class: Candidate SCN:Table of contents1 Introduction32 Findings32.1 Explain Wildhorse Automobile entering international markets reasons32.2 Two sources of information that Wildhorse Automobile42.3 Ke

2、y opportunities and threats associated with entry international market52.4 Wildhorse Automobile would use to select which markets to enter72.5 The modes of market entry available to Wildhores Automobile82.6 The most appropriate method for Wildhorse Automobile to entry market113 Conclusion124 Referen

3、ce131 IntroductionThis report describes the Wildhorse Automobile to enter the overseas market. This report consists of six parts. Reported the contents of the package wild horse why enter the international market. Wild horse company identified two markets to enter the source of information. Of the w

4、ild horses. What methods of automobile companies to enter the overseas market. Select the appropriate methods to enter the overseas market and evaluate the criteria you use in marketing. Wild horse car companies choose the right way to enter the overseas market. The wild horse of the car to assess t

5、he standard of your marketing in the market.2 Findings2.1 Explain Wildhorse Automobile entering international markets reasonsInternational marketing is the application of marketing principles in more than one country, by companies overseas or across national borders. International marketing is based

6、 on an extension of a companys local marketing strategy, with special attention paid to marketing identification, targeting, and decisions internationally.Chinas production costs rise, the price of the Wildhorse Automobiles car prices will lead to a decline in sales. Therefore, the wild horse car co

7、mpanies should look for the production of low-cost overseas countries.National policy restrictions on the countrys resources. Company responds to the governments policy. So Wildhorse Automobile company to build factories in overseas countries.The Wildhorse Automobile company products due to ecologic

8、al causes of poor sales. Ecological factors influence the production efficiency of the company. So companys products are sold overseas.The Wildhorse Automobile Company in order to compete with rivals. Wildhorse Automobile Company to increase the share of overseas markets and enhance the companys inf

9、luence. Wildhorse Automobile Company to expand overseas markets.2.2 Two sources of information that Wildhorse AutomobileCompany research methods include primary research and secondary research. Companies can use secondary research ways to gather information. The advantages of secondary research incl

10、udes convenient save money and research staff do not need to have too much experience. But secondly research information with uncertainty.Companies can be used through two international organizations to do secondary research. The European Union was founded in November 1, 1993. EU to set up Brussels.

11、 EU official website: Europa.eu The EUs aim is the establishment of internal borders by a space, strengthen coordination to develop and establish the eventual introduction of a unified currency Economic and Monetary Union economic, social, and promote balanced economic and social development of Memb

12、er States through the implementation of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. EU car emissions has strict criteria. European Emissions Directive certification stands for non-road mobile machinery emissions certification, the English translation of Emissions From Non-road Mobile Machinery, referred

13、 to as NRMM. Chinas auto exports to Europe need to reduce automobile exhaust emissions. Chinas auto exports emissions must comply with EU vehicle emission standardsInternational Organization for Standardization be called for short is ISO. ISO was founded in 1946. ISO official website: www.iso.org/is

14、o/home.html. ISOs purpose is: to promote worldwide development of standardization to facilitate international exchange of goods and mutual assistance and to expand cooperation in intellectual, scientific, technological and economic aspects. ISOs headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. ISO / TS16949-200

15、2 the International Automotive Task Group (IATF) in ISO9001: 2000 quality management system based on the combination of the requirements of the international automotive industry, automotive production, enacted in 2002, the service member organization of international quality system requirements stan

16、dard. Chinas automobile companies supporting plant requirements more stringent, requiring high quality, but also requires the supplier to strictly control costs and improve efficiency. TS16949 provides a unified can develop quality management system model for the automotive industry. Chinese auto co

17、mpanies continue to deepen the implementation of continuous improvement, strengthen defect prevention, reduction of variation and waste, will make the management system more optimized, so that auto companies in the market competition continued to maintain a competitive advantage.The overseas car web

18、site includes C. The overseas magazines includes is from Germany and is from America. Wildhorse Automobile Company can include information from foreign website and magazines.2.3 Key opportunities and threats associated with entry international marketPrimary research should pay attention includes:Pri

19、mary research includes local policy local economy and local culture, Companies should be familiar with the culture of the target country is conducive to the acquisition of the target country information. It is convenient for the company to understand the local culture and communicate with the local

20、people. The government policy of the target country can affect the development of the enterprise. To understand local policies can avoid the loss of enterprises. The target countrys economy will directly affect the income of the residents of the target country. The company produces the car that is s

21、uitable for the target country through the local economic level. The companys cars go more smoothly into the target country.The wildhorse automobile company can obtain the information in these 3 public places. For example, the office of the parking lot, car wash shops, toll stations. Companies from

22、the office of the parking lot to get information, the company can understand the popular car models and the use of. Get information from the car wash shop, the company can get the popular car price information to record. Companies produce the most attractive cars through the acquisition of informati

23、on. Companies can collect information from the toll station, the company can know the different car charges, speed and performance of a car running, you can find a long-distance car running models, which is conducive to the companys car sales.External environment includes six factors, divide into po

24、litical, legal, social, natural, technological and economic.Politics, including the governments energy conservation and emission reduction policies, foreign policy and vehicle control policy.Economy includes per capita income, unemployment, consumption level.Society, including population, local educ

25、ation level and the proportion of local population age.Technology includes technical workers, technical optimization and updating of traditional technologies.Nature, including air pollution, natural disasters and waste of resources.The law includes local laws to protect local car companies.The oppor

26、tunity of Wildhorse Automobile Company in the overseas market includes:Technological: Target countrys government requires imported cars meet the standards of energy conservation. So target country has high demand for new energy vehicles. Chinese auto companies have great development in the new energ

27、y. Chinas auto can exports to target countries. Technology can help Wildhorse Automobile company increase sales.Economy: the target countrys economic recovery, the target countrys employment rate rises, the target countrys public demand for the car increases. So the public demand for cars is working

28、 in the target country. Chinese cars have price advantage, which is conducive to the sale of the target country.The technical threat of Wildhorse Automobile Company to enter the overseas market includes:Social: Developed countries car brand is good in target country publics heart. But, Chinese car b

29、rand has bad impression in target country publics heart. Bad impression of brand can influence Chinese automobile efficiency in target country. Made in China in a part of the foreign market impression is inferior, China needs to change the impression of the brand. Promotion of brand image can promot

30、e the sales of Chinese automobile brand.2.4 Wildhorse Automobile would use to select which markets to enter1. When a company to overseas market need do market research. The research includes primary research and secondary research. Secondary researchs way includes collect information from a variety

31、of reliable sources. At this stage such techniques can be used.2. Screen the collected information using set criteria, e.g. as in the Business Environmental Risk Intelligence (BERI) index.3. Select top-scoring countries or region4. Apply secondary screening criteria using data from markets and the b

32、usiness, e.g. market attractiveness/competitive advantage(GE matrix)5. Select best country (ies) and region(s) to enter.6. Prepare an international marketing plan/strategy6.1 The selection of the most appropriate entry mode6.2 The selection of the most appropriate target markets6.3 The selection of

33、an appropriate marketing mix suited to the country and target market.2.5 The modes of market entry available to Wildhores Automobile1) The InternetThe popularity of Internet computers and mobile phones has shortened the distance between people and improve peoples working efficiency, which is good fo

34、r international marketing. Internet makes international payments more convenient. The advantages of the international network of the buyer and the seller including security and fast. The Internet can monitor logistics, make logistics more secure, and promote trade between countries.2) Exporting (Dir

35、ect and Indirect)Direct exports can enable enterprises to quickly sell their products in the international market at a very small start-up cost, in terms of fixed assets does not require or requires only a small amount of investment, so there is little risk. In the initial exploratory export, on the

36、 basis of previous success, the enterprise by increasing the export volume of export lines and enter the new international market, so as to gradually increase the export volume. Direct export can enable enterprises to accumulate a lot of international experience, so that enterprises in the process o

37、f internationalization of the more far away.Indirect export may be a good way for enterprises to enter the international market for the first time. Manufacturers need only a little knowledge of foreign or foreign markets, but also because of this, it has separated the manufacturers from foreign mark

38、ets. Indirect exports reduce the risk.3) Contractual AgreementContract mode is a non-equity contract signed between the enterprise and the target country, the former patent, technology, experience, management, human resources and other intangible assets for the latter to use, and from the latter to

39、obtain economic benefits to share. Contract is a way to enter the foreign market through the output of knowledge and technology. Contract mode mainly includes: license mode, franchise mode and project contracting mode, etc.Entry modes of international marketingWays to enter the international market

40、include international agent, licensing, franchising, joint venture, turnkey projects, and strategic alliance. Detailed three ways to enter the overseas market. Three ways includes international agent, licensing, and franchising. International agent: International export agency is a method for a comp

41、any to employ overseas agents to promote international sales. Agents have no title to the goods. Agents only charge a commission. International agent take less investment and get less money.The advantages of international agent includes international agent have expensive knowledge and experience of

42、market. Little investment required and low political risk. The disadvantage of international agent includes international agent may lack commitment and motivation. International agent may be too small to exploit the whole market. And this method may be inefficient for large markets.Franchising: Fran

43、chising is the owner of the franchise is in the form of contractual agreement, which allows the franchisee to use its name, trademark, proprietary technology, product and operation management experience to engage in business activities. Franchising Take less capital investment, and get the amount of

44、 money earned moderate.The advantages of franchising includes high level of control, highly motivated business contact with market knowledge, money. And franchising can give protection of patents. The disadvantage of franchising includes problems with local legislation, high cost of marketing packag

45、e to support franchisees. Cost and time involved in finding good franchisees.Licensing: Licensing is authorized to operate, charge to allow others to use their own brand of commercial operation mode in the specified time. Licensing in international market take less investment and get less return. Th

46、e advantages of licensing includes a prolonged depreciation of a target countrys currency may also swing a manufacturer from export to licensing. Licensing overcomes the problem of high transportation cost, which make the export of some products non-competitive in target markets. Political risk is l

47、ower than with equity investments. Many host government favour licensing over foreign investment as a way to get technology. The disadvantage of licensing includes lack of control by the licensor over the marketing plan and programme in the target country. Risk of creating a competitor in third mark

48、ets or even in the manfacturers home market. Armed with the licensors technology, the licenses may become a formidable competitor in world markets. Absolute size of income from a licensing arrangement as compared to that from exporting to, or investing in, the target country.2.6 The most appropriate method for Wildhorse Automobile to entry marketWildhorse Automobile Company have chosen the Malaysian market. Wildhorse can chose India market. Indias politic

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