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1、1sunrise2lake3Blue sky4desert5How was your summer holiday?6Its good to see you again.Its adj.形容词形容词 to do动词不定式动词不定式做某事怎么样做某事怎么样7How was your summer holiday?is过去式过去式It wassummer holidaypast(过去的)Year 6 now(现在)8A plan for the new school year计划9A plan for the new school yearHave you got a plan for Year

2、6?Yes,I haveNo,I haventI am going to 将要做某事10Linda:Hello,Mark!Mark:Hi,Linda.Its good to see you again.Linda:Youre looking well.How was your sunmmer holiday?Mark:Its great.I was with my grandparents on the farm.It was green and pretty there.And there were many fruit trees and birds.It was so beautiful

3、.How about you,Linda?Linda:Er,it was OK.I was at home,in Foshan City.Mm,have you got a plan for Year 6?Mark:No,I havent.What are you going to do in Year 6?Linda:Im going to work harder at English.Mark:Me,too.I will do more listening and reading.11How was Marks holiday?Where was Mark during the summe

4、r holiday?Who was Mark with during the summer holiday?How was the farm?Are there many fruit trees?It was great.On the farm.His grandparents.It was green and pretty.Yes,there are.12A plan for the new school yearHe was with his grandparent on the farm.It wasgreen.gretty.beautiful.There were manyThere

5、was13A plan for the new school yearMarks holiday.Marks summer holiday_.He_with_grandparents_.The farm_and green._many fruit trees and birds.It was so_.as greatwashison the farmwas prettyThere werebeautiful14A plan for the new school yearWhat are you going to do in Year 6?I will do more listening and

6、 reading.I work harder at English.am going to将要更多15 eat healthy food and eat better16Drink more water17Exercise more18Laugh more often19Enjoy life20Get good grades21Learn something new22Study often23Read more books24Watch less television25Play few games26Take a trip27Get along better with people28Ma

7、ke new friends29Spend more time with family and friends.30Help others3132-Have you got a plan for Year 6?-Yes,I have.-What are you going to do in Year 6?-Im going to exercise more.-Has he/she got a plan for Year 6?-Yes,he/she has.-What is he/she going to do in Year 6?-He/She is going to exercise mor

8、e.33be going to练习:练习:用所给动词的用所给动词的正确形式正确形式填空。填空。1.I_(do)my homework tonight.2.We _(water)the flowers this afternoon.3.He _(buy)a CD next Saturday.4.You _(read)books on the weekend.5.They_(go)the cinema this evening.6.My parents _(fly)to Beijing tomorrow.am going to doare going to wateris going to buy

9、are going to readare going toare going to fly3435put on his shirtTake off his shirt36sunnycloudyraining37-Whats the weather like?-Its-Hows the weather?-Its38favouriteneverfriendlovewatchhatebuysturns onwantshave39 My best _ is Kate Lee.She likes to _ lots of TV.At quarter past five she _ the TV.She

10、_ to see Kevin Dee,her _ TV star.Kevin says on TV,“I _ these sweets,”and he eats and eats and eats.So Kate Lee also wants to _ sweets very much,and she goes out and _ lots of sweets.Then she eats and eats and eats.Soon she cries out,“Oh,my tummy,my tummy!”Then she _ eats them again.Kate Lee says to

11、me,“I _ these sweets and Kevin Dee.”neverwatchturns onwantsfavouritelovehavebuysfriendhate40tourist office41police station42post office43school44phone box45museum46church47park48bus stop49fruit shop50train station51hospital521 tourist office2 police station4 phone box8 hospital 5 church3 school6 bus stop7 fruit shop531 post office2 hospital3 church4 cinema54-Thank you.Bye-bye.-Sorry,but wheres the supermarket?-Excuse me,wheres the new cinema?-Bye-bye.-The new cinema?Thats easy.Its opposite the supermarket.-Turn left,then right.You can see it.3 5 1 6 2 455Thank you!56

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