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1、指指示示语语Deixis11.What 1.What is is DeixisDeixis?1)Knowledge is power.2)I am the British Prime Minister.3)The President met the British Prime Minister there yesterday.Q.Can truth-conditional semantics account for these three sentences equally well?If not,where are the differences between them?21.2 Defi

2、ning Deixis1.2 Defining DeixisA technical term from Greek,meaning“pointing”via language.Any linguistic form used to accomplish this“pointing”is called a deictic expression,which is also called an indexical.A deictic expression is used to indicate something in the immediate context.So a deictic expre

3、ssion encodes information in context(Yule,1996)3Deictics are expressions whose interpretations make essential reference to certain aspects of their contexts of utterance,including the role of participants in the speech event and their spatio-temporal and social location.To put it simply,those expres

4、sions whose meaning cannot be fully understood without reference to the context in which they are uttered,or whose references depend critically on the context in which they are uttered(Levinson,1983)4 classification classificationPerson deixis:me,you,etc.人称指示人称指示spatial/place deixis:here,there地点指示地点

5、指示Temporal/time deixis:now,then时间指示时间指示Others termed discourse deixis(that,this)Social deixis(tu,vous)篇章指示篇章指示社交指示社交指示5vDeictic expressions include definite noun phrases,personal pronouns,demonstratives,adverbs,tenses,etc.v表空间位置的副词:表空间位置的副词:Johnny lives upstairs.Harry lives nearby.62.Pragmatic descr

6、iption2.1 categories used to describe deixisPerson deixis:the role of participants1st person:the speaker2nd person:the hearer3rd person:third party(neither the speaker nor the hearer)7学生:学生:“病了,今天不能去上课了,病了,今天不能去上课了,他让我跟您请个假。他让我跟您请个假。”教授:教授:“好的,我知道了。那么,好的,我知道了。那么,你是谁?你是谁?”学生:学生:“是我的同屋。是我的同屋。”(Levinso

7、n,1983)人称指示是以发话人作基准的,受话人称指示是以发话人作基准的,受话人理解话语时自然要对人称指示作相人理解话语时自然要对人称指示作相应的变换。这已成为一条交际的准则。应的变换。这已成为一条交际的准则。8第一人称指示语第一人称指示语(1)Lets go to the cinema.(2)?Lets go to see you tomorrow.根据夸克等人(根据夸克等人(Quirk et.al)合著的)合著的当代英语语法当代英语语法(1973),),lets在非在非常通俗的口语中有时也可用作单数,这常通俗的口语中有时也可用作单数,这就是说它可以不包括谈话的对方,而只就是说它可以不包括谈

8、话的对方,而只借指单数的借指单数的“让我让我”,相当于,相当于let me:Lets give you a hand.(Let me give you a hand.)汉语?我们我?汉语?我们我?9第一人称复数代词借指单数的第一人称复数代词借指单数的功能在汉语中是常见的。功能在汉语中是常见的。(1)经过观察和分析,我们认)经过观察和分析,我们认为为(2)本文只对乔姆斯基的转换)本文只对乔姆斯基的转换生成语法作一概述,有关它的生成语法作一概述,有关它的近期发展我们准备另文介绍。近期发展我们准备另文介绍。(3)咱们(我)是个计算机)咱们(我)是个计算机盲,不会拨弄那玩意儿盲,不会拨弄那玩意儿。10

9、2nd personv1.We should not do it,Tom.v2.You should not do it,Tom.vStyle:intimatev汉语汉语第二人称指示语?第二人称指示语?v第二人称指示信息有时可以通过第一人称指第二人称指示信息有时可以通过第一人称指示语表达。示语表达。(1)我相信,我们(你们)每个青年同志一定)我相信,我们(你们)每个青年同志一定不会辜负党和国家对我们(你们)的期望。不会辜负党和国家对我们(你们)的期望。(2)你要记住,我们(你)是学生,我们()你要记住,我们(你)是学生,我们(你)的主要任务是你)的主要任务是学习。学习。11(3)同志,咱们(你


11、服。(3)这个人性格内向,不善表达,)这个人性格内向,不善表达,你你问问他十句,他才答你一句。他十句,他才答你一句。13vPlace deixis:vThe encoding of temporal points or spans relative to the location of the speakervProximal:herevDistal:therevQ.从语用学的角度看从语用学的角度看“这那这那”的指示用法的指示用法?v从语用学的角度看从语用学的角度看“来去来去”的指示用法的指示用法?v汉语中哪些成分可以表示地点指示汉语中哪些成分可以表示地点指示?14vTime deixis:v

12、The encoding of temporal points or spans relative to the time of speaking(the coding time as opposed to the receiving time)vProximal:nowvDistal:thenvProximal:present tensesvDistal:past tenses15v时间指示中的时间单位概念可以分为历法时间指示中的时间单位概念可以分为历法时间单位(时间单位(calendric time units)和非历)和非历法时间单位(法时间单位(non-calendric time u

13、nits)。)。v历法时间单位都是固定的、绝对的时间历法时间单位都是固定的、绝对的时间1987年年(1月月1日日12月月31日)日)历法时历法时间间我在北京住了一我在北京住了一年年,从,从1987年年9月月1日到日到1988年年9月月1日。日。非历法时间非历法时间16vDiscourse deixis:vthe encoding of reference to portions of the unfolding discoursevE.g.That is what I want to know.vSocial deixis:v语言结构中能反映出语言使用者的身分和相语言结构中能反映出语言使用者的

14、身分和相对社会地位的那些词语和语法范畴对社会地位的那些词语和语法范畴vtu/vous distinction in French,Chinese counterparts?vNi/nin 17社交指示(社会指示社交指示(社会指示)v语言中的社交指示信息,根据菲尔默(语言中的社交指示信息,根据菲尔默(Fillmore)的意见,可以在下面几个方面得到反映:的意见,可以在下面几个方面得到反映:A 人称标记,如语言中的代词等的应用。人称标记,如语言中的代词等的应用。B 不同的言语平面(不同的言语平面(speech levels),如坦率或礼貌),如坦率或礼貌的言谈、敬语或谦语等的认别。的言谈、敬语或谦

15、语等的认别。C 谈话场合,如正式与非正式场合、严肃与随便场谈话场合,如正式与非正式场合、严肃与随便场合的区别。合的区别。D 人名、职务和亲属的称谓,如根据说话人、听话人名、职务和亲属的称谓,如根据说话人、听话人和第三者的关系反映出不同的称谓表达方式。人和第三者的关系反映出不同的称谓表达方式。E 作为社交行为的言语表现方式,如问候、道谢等作为社交行为的言语表现方式,如问候、道谢等 F 配合其他社交行为而使用的言语表现方式。配合其他社交行为而使用的言语表现方式。G 说话人运用言语手段向听话人发出的种种指示信说话人运用言语手段向听话人发出的种种指示信息。息。18v称呼语:称呼语:v一个名叫王薇的姑娘

16、,其男友热烈追求她时称一个名叫王薇的姑娘,其男友热烈追求她时称呼她呼她“薇薇”或或“小薇小薇”;后来随着二人感情的;后来随着二人感情的变化,他开始称她变化,他开始称她“王薇王薇”;当男友称她;当男友称她“小小王王”时,她知道他的感情已经离去。时,她知道他的感情已经离去。v敬谦语:敬谦语:称自己:愚、仆、臣、妾、鄙人、下官、小生称自己:愚、仆、臣、妾、鄙人、下官、小生 不才不才 称别人:君、公、子、卿、阁下、先生称别人:君、公、子、卿、阁下、先生 称妻子:内人、荆妇、山妻称妻子:内人、荆妇、山妻 称儿子:小儿、犬子称儿子:小儿、犬子 称别人的儿女:令郎、令嗣、令爱、令媛称别人的儿女:令郎、令嗣、

17、令爱、令媛 谦:寒舍、敝姓谦:寒舍、敝姓 尊:贵姓、贵体尊:贵姓、贵体192.2 characteristics of deixis2.2 characteristics of deixisvAll deictic expressions depend,for their interpretation,on the speaker and the hearer who share the same context.vIn face to face expression is more tied to the speaker/hearers context?SpeakerThe speaker

18、expresses his ideas about the world from his personal point of view.20vTherefore,deictic expressions have basic distinctions between being“near speaker”and“distant from speaker”or“away from speaker”.21vThe deictic centervDeixis has to be interpreted in terms of the speakers location,or the deictic c

19、enter which means that the speaker organizes messages from his personal point of view.This can be understood as egocentric22deictic center()the central person the speaker ()the central time the time at which speaker produces the utterance.()the central place the speakers location at utterance time o

20、r CT.()the discourse center the point which the speaker is currently at in the production of his utterance.()the social center the speakers social status and rank,to which the status or rank of addressees or referents is relative.23vThe deictic system:vA:the coding timevB:in connection with the codi

21、ng timevC:not in connection with the coding time24vThe deictic projection vThe speaker speaks as if the central person were the hearer,the central time were the time the hearer received the utterance and the central place were the hearers location rather than the speakers location.25When it is not a

22、 face-to-face conversation,when the speaker and the addressee are not in the same place at the time of speaking,thenthe the egocentricity may be violated.egocentricity may be violated.It means that sometimes deictic expressions are used in ways that shift the deictic center to other participants in

23、narratives.Lyons called this deictic projection.Fillmore(1975)called it shifts in point of view.26vHow to realize deitic projection?1.说话人把指示中心从说话人把指示中心从“自我自我”转移到他转移到他人身上:人身上:addressee-centered,or non-addressed participant-centered,or home-basedvI am not here now.(notice left to others)v(Some one kno

24、cks at the door)Im coming.vI came over several times to your place,but you were out.27v2.在叙述文中在叙述文中,指示中心从话语生产者指示中心从话语生产者(作作者本人者本人)转移到故事中的某个角色身上或者转移到故事中的某个角色身上或者转移到隐藏在幕后虚构的叙述者身上。转移到隐藏在幕后虚构的叙述者身上。vI was looking at this little puppy in a cage with such a sad look on its face.It was like,“Oh,I am so unh

25、appy here,will you set me free?”28Examples for analysisExamples for analysisvDad will play with you.(talking to his baby)vIve gone to the post office and will be back soon.(the left message on the door)29vWhy does deitic projection appear in language use?vPragmatic empathy;for the empathy effectvEmp

26、athy:the power of understanding and imaginatively entering into another persons feelings.30v从语用学的角度出发,虽然违背了指示从语用学的角度出发,虽然违背了指示语以语以说话人为中心说话人为中心的属性,但说话人不的属性,但说话人不以自身为指示中心以自身为指示中心,而把参照点转移到而把参照点转移到听人或其他听众身上,在这个过程中听人或其他听众身上,在这个过程中说说话人以话人以对方为指示照对方为指示照,从对方的角度说,从对方的角度说话话,从而产生了从而产生了语用移情语用移情。v移情在语用学上指交际双方情感相通

27、移情在语用学上指交际双方情感相通,能设想和理解方用意能设想和理解方用意,涉及说话人如何涉及说话人如何刻意对听话人吐露心声刻意对听话人吐露心声,表达意图表达意图,听听话人如何设身处地来理解说话人言谈的话人如何设身处地来理解说话人言谈的心态和意思。心态和意思。31vLyons called this phenomenon empathetic deixis(移情指示现象移情指示现象)(P677)vFor example:1.First person pronouns may be used to refer to the second and third persons(Doctor to Pat

28、ient)How are we feeling today?(Mum to Dad)Were in a bad mood today.(the kid)2.space deixis:come/go;here/there;this/that32v发发话话人人常常常常通通过过选选择择不不同同的的移移动动动动词词come,come,gogo及及指指示示代代词词this,this,thatthat等等,自自觉觉、不不自自觉觉地地违违反反指指示示语语的的自自我我中中心心特特性性,来来缩缩短短或或拉拉开开自自己己和和受受话话者者之之间间的的心心理理距距离离或感情距离或感情距离,以示友好或冷漠。以示友好或冷

29、漠。v从从礼礼貌貌的的角角度度讲讲,在在交交谈谈中中发发话话者者选选择择表表示示近近指指的的comecome、thisthis、herehere比比选选择择表表示示远远指的指的gogo、thatthat、therethere显得友好和亲切显得友好和亲切vCondition for empathetic deixis?33Condition for empathetic deixis:v移情是指示语映射现象这一非常规选择所移情是指示语映射现象这一非常规选择所产生的最基本的语用效果。产生的最基本的语用效果。v移情的产生需有两个必要的条件移情的产生需有两个必要的条件:一是意识到或了解自己的感受一是意

30、识到或了解自己的感受,二是将自己与别人等同起来二是将自己与别人等同起来 (王初明,王初明,P112)34context and deictic context and deictic projection:projection:v语境是会话含义产生的寓所语境是会话含义产生的寓所,要研究指示要研究指示语映射现象所凸现的语用含义和效果语映射现象所凸现的语用含义和效果,不不能离开其所依附的语境。能离开其所依附的语境。v在不同的语境中在不同的语境中,指示语映射除了产生指示语映射除了产生“移情移情”的语用效果外的语用效果外,由于说话人和听话由于说话人和听话人之间特殊的关系人之间特殊的关系,还能产生更为复

31、杂的还能产生更为复杂的语用效果语用效果,如幽默滑稽、羞辱贬斥、嘲讽如幽默滑稽、羞辱贬斥、嘲讽和诱骗等等。和诱骗等等。35Why is deixis ego-centric in nature?Why is deixis ego-centric in nature?36vTwo points:vThe role of the encoder and the decoder,especially the role of the encoder(encoding from his perspective);vThe relation established between ego and non-e

32、go in the organization of the message at different dimensions.37vDeictic and non-deictic usagesvExamples:v1 You can vacuum while you wash the dishes,and keep your hat on Ill get the groceries.v2 I have been monitoring activities on Earth for some time,and have sent an invasion force disguised as tru

33、cks there to control widespread corruption.v3 Were supposed to see Dr.Gesundheit today,but Sandy refuses to go there unless she gets a balloon.38vDeictic usage:revolving a relation between an object in the world and a linguistic form with no semantically determined reference(the form X is used to re

34、fer to A,the reference is determined in the discourse)vNon-deictic usage:involving relations between such a form and some other linguistic expression(the form X is used to the same thing as its antecedent;coreferential relations)39v同一词语可以既具有指示性的用同一词语可以既具有指示性的用法,又具有非指示性的用法。指示法,又具有非指示性的用法。指示语的理解依赖于语境,



37、1v4 Ok,this will prove that Eks is irresponsible:when we were on a committee together,he felt asleep during every meeting that he managed to attend.v5 Put that in the wastebasket,please.v6 The dean expelled John because he discovered his secret.v7 Before he got out of bed,James decided that today wo

38、uld be a good day to leave for Crisfield.v8 How did you enjoy your trip?v9 I cut finger:this one.v10 I am enjoying life here in Nottingham.v11 Sandy wants to go to the park,but doesnt know now to get there.42deictic and non-deictic deictic and non-deictic distinctiondistinctionvDeictic:gestural/symb

39、olicvNon-deictic:anaphoric/non-anaphoric43v指示语有两种指示用法,一种是身势用法指示语有两种指示用法,一种是身势用法(gestural usage),一种是象征用法),一种是象征用法(symbolic usage)。这一对术语是菲尔默)。这一对术语是菲尔默(Fillmore)在)在1971年的一篇论文中首先使年的一篇论文中首先使用的。用的。(1)身势用法:指示词语身势用法:指示词语通常伴随副语言特通常伴随副语言特征征一起使用。一起使用。with reference to an audio-visual-tactile and a physical,mo

40、nitoring of the speech event e.ge.g.This one is genuine,but this one is fake.那辆自行车是我的。那辆自行车是我的。把钢琴放这儿,不,不是这儿,是这儿。把钢琴放这儿,不,不是这儿,是这儿。44(2)象征用法:只需知道言语事件的基本象征用法:只需知道言语事件的基本时间空间参数就可以理解。时间空间参数就可以理解。require the knowledge of the basic spatio-temporal parameters of the speech event,and on occasion participan

41、t-role and discourse and social parameters.这座城市真美。这座城市真美。你们要是愿意都可以跟我来。你们要是愿意都可以跟我来。you can all come with me if you like.45v人称指示:指示用法人称指示:指示用法 v.s非指示用法?非指示用法?v第一、第二人称的用法基本上是指示性第一、第二人称的用法基本上是指示性的,而第三人称基本上是用于文内照应的,而第三人称基本上是用于文内照应的。的。46non-deictic usage anaphoric usage i.e.it is where term picks out as

42、referent the same entity that some prior term in the discourse picked out.e.g.John came in and he sang a song.non-anaphoric usage i.e.context-free expressions which in general refer to people.e.g.You can never predict what would happen next.47vAttributive and referential usesvAttributive use:refer t

43、o an entity that is known to the speaker only in terms of its descriptive properties as in He wants to marry a woman with lots of money.vReferential use:refer to an entity that the speaker actually has in mind as in There is a man waiting for you.vAmbiguity:Smiths murderer is insane.(attributive or referential?)48课后阅读课后阅读课后阅读课后阅读奥田宽著,周刚译奥田宽著,周刚译.汉语的任意性指示词汉语的任意性指示词“这这”J.汉语学习,汉语学习,1998,(,(2).王志王志.篇章代词篇章代词“它它”用法探析用法探析J.世界汉语教世界汉语教学,学,1998,(,(3).49

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