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1、商务英语翻译商务英语翻译第二讲 翻译技巧第1页一.英汉句子结构差异英语:形合型(hypotaxis)语言,以主谓结构为主干,经过大量反应形式关系动词不定式、分词、介词、连词、关系代词、关系副词等把句子其它成份架起来,展现出由中心向外扩展空间图式。汉语:意合型(parataxis)语言,通过多个动词连用或“流水句”,按时间次序,一件一件事情叙述,展现是一个时间次序流水图式。英语句子结构是语法,汉语句子结构是语义。第一节第一节 英汉句子结构差异与翻译英汉句子结构差异与翻译第2页1.英语重形合,汉语重意合。It was quite late when the sales representative

2、s got back,nearly eleven oclock in the evening.销售人员回来时已经很晚,快要晚上十一点了。Why waste breath on them,who have turned such an unwilling ear?(既然)他们不愿意听,何须对其白费口舌呢?第3页例:Monetarists,led by University of Chicago Professor Emeritus Friedman armed themselves with evidence showing that free markets on their own prod

3、uce as much growth and employment as an economy can sustain.以芝加哥大学荣誉教授弗里德曼为首货币学派找出证据,支持自己论点。他们证据是:自由市场本身就能创造经济增加和就业机会,其高低多寡则视国民经济所能承受幅度而定。(分析:带有显著聚合特点英语长句,汉语译文理清各层意思脉络,将“evidence”(证据)重复翻译两遍,从而把各从句分离出去独立成句,用多个离散句清楚地表示原文意思,符合汉语表示方式。)第4页 英语句子结构:主语突出、惯用虚主语、叙述呈静态、句式成树式结构、思维重逻辑、句式严谨规范。汉语句子结构:主题突出、惯用实主语、叙述

4、呈动态、句式成竹式结构、思维重语感、句式灵活多变。第5页It is not difficult to ensure high-speed growth of the national economy through expanded investment on a large scale,but it is difficult to realize effective economic growth and raise the enterprises capital profit rate and productivity.It is better to change investment s

5、tructure and orient the investment to infrastructure industries of the national economy such as agriculture,energy,and communications than to blindly channel capital into real estate and securities;however,investment in the infrastructure industry will not(at least in the short term)bring high econo

6、mic benefits.It is imperative to orient the investment to enterprises with better economic benefits,but in China,enterprises with better economic benefits,State-owned enterprises in particular,have been concentrated on the highly monopolized industries such as tobacco,petrochemicals and telecommunic

7、ations,and the high speed development of these enterprises will play a limited role in promoting the whole of society.第6页译文:要经过大规模地扩大投资来确保国民经济高速增加并不难,难就难在要实现经济有效增加以及提升企业资本利润率和生产力。最好是改变投资结构,将投资转向国民经济中诸如农业、能源、通信等基础结构工业,而不是盲目地将资本投资到房地产和有价证券中。然而,对基础结构工业投资不会(最少在短期内)带来较高经济效益,所以,有必要将投资转向含有很好经济效益企业中。不过在中国,含

8、有很好经济效益企业,尤其是国有企业,一直只集中于如烟草、石化、通讯等高度垄断行业,而这些企业高速发展在促进整个国家经济发展方面只起着非常有限作用。第7页1.拆句法 汉语强调意合,简单句较多;英语强调形合,长句较多。英语长句中主语或主句与修饰词关系较为涣散时,假如按原文翻译,会使译文结构涣散,意义不明确。这时能够按照汉语多短句习惯,把英语长句中从句或短语转化成短句分开来叙述。为了使语义连贯,有时需将句子结构打乱,重新组合,甚至在译文中适当增加表示逻辑关系词语,以此顺应当代汉语中长短句交替、单复句相间句法修辞标准。可以拆分句子通常带有从句、较多短语或较多并列成份。有时意义比较复杂形容词或副词也可被

9、译为短句,甚至拆分成独立句子。句子英汉翻译技巧句子英汉翻译技巧第8页例:If a Party breaches any of the representations or warranties given by it in Article 18.1,then in addition to any other remedies available to the other Party under this contract or under Applicable Laws,it shall indemnify the other Party and the company against any

10、 losses,damages,costs,expenses,liabilities and claims that such Party or the Company may suffer as a result of such breach.第9页假如一方违反任何其根据第18.1条所作陈述或担保,则另一方除根据本合同或使用法律寻求任何可能其他救济之外,违约方应该赔偿另一方或合营企业所以种违约行为而招致任何损失、损害、费用、开支、责任或索赔。(分析:英语合同文本中长句首先要仔细分析句子内部结构,判断句子是简单句、并列句、复合句,还是并列复合句。其次是找出句中主要成分,即主语和谓语动词。)第1

11、0页例:And confidence is growing in the debt-restructuring process,the infuriatingly slow and untidy effort that puts debtor nations on the International Monetary Funds stringent diet of hard-nosed monetary policy,curtailed government spending,and fewer imports.人们对一下诸方面信心正在增加:重新确定债务偿还期限进程;债务国在执行国际货币基金组

12、织严厉货币紧缩政策时所持令人生气拖拉疲沓作风有所改变削减政府开支;降低进口。第11页(翻译技巧分析:1,句子主干:2,四个并列状语 3,定语从句 这个主从复合句假如照普通习惯先翻译状语“在方面”,重复四遍,则太烦琐,反而忽略了原句意中关键部分。不如将其拆分为一个总说加四个分说短句进行翻译,这么意义更清楚。)第12页2.词性转换法。商务英语中最常见是名词、介词、形容词、副词及动词间转换。英语名词在词汇中占绝对优势,惯用名词来表示汉语中动词表示概念(如抽象行为名词),而汉语中却是动词占优势,而且一个句子不限于用一个动词,能够几个动词连用。所以,英译汉时许多名词可译成汉语动词。英语中含有抽象动作意义

13、名词汉译时经常译成动词。英语中介词短语作表语时,汉译时经常能够转换为动词。第13页例1:An increase in business requires an increase in the amount of money coming into general circulation.译文:交易增加,要求流通货币量也增加。第14页例2:And we would recommend subsidies,consistent with GATT,only for a demonstrably competitive industry whose products are used in a va

14、riety of manufactured goods.译文:我们提议在进行补助时,要符合关贸总协定要求,并只限于显著有竞争力,其产品用于加工各种制成品产业。第15页例3:We shall advise you to get in touch with them for your requirements.提议你方与他们取得联络,洽购所需商品。例4:Such materials are characterized by good insulation and high resistance to wear.这些材料特点是:绝缘性好,耐磨性强。第16页例5:Before the payment

15、of these tariffs,the imported goods will be in the custody of the customs and storage charges are for the importers account.交关税前,进口货物由海关保管,存放费由进口商负担。第17页3.必定否定转换译法 汉语中否定标志比较显著,惯用“无、非、莫、否”等否定词;而英语中否定方式较多,否定词、表示否定意义特殊动词、前缀、后缀、短语、结构等均可表示否定。例1:Please withhold the Letter of Credit for the time being.请暂时不

16、要发这份信用证。(withhold:扣下)第18页例2:Online culture thinks highly of the notion that the information flowing onto the screen come there by specific request.在线文化赞赏这么主张:不经用户尤其请求,别把广告发到用户屏幕上。例4:We should stop treating the sea as dump for human and industrial effluent.我们不应该再(应该停顿)把海洋当成人类排放生活污水和工业污水垃圾场了。第19页例5:Th

17、e inflation distorts our economic decisions,penalizes thrift and crushes the struggling young and the fixed-income elderly alike.通货膨胀使我们在经济方面决定不能顺利执行,使节俭人反而受到处罚,而且使挣扎年轻人和靠固定收入老年人都受到严重打击。(distorts:扭曲、歪曲,“歪曲了我们经济决定”汉语不通顺,艰涩难懂)第20页4.语序重组法英语语篇中,一些句子主语经常能够省略,有些主语难以辨识,因而在英译汉过程中需要确定主语,调整语序。其次,英译汉时为了突出信息焦点而

18、重组语序。第21页英语前重心,汉语后重心。Anyone involved could not escape from the net.任何有牵连人都无法漏网。揭穿这种老八股、老教条丑态给人民看,号召人民起来反对老八股、老教条,这就是五四运动时期一个极大功劳。A tremendous achievement of the May 4th Movement was its public exposure of the ugliness of old stereotype and the old dogma and its call to the people to rise against the

19、m.第22页例1:I believe strongly that it is in the interest of my countrymen that Britain should remain an active and energetic member of the European Community.我坚信,英国依然应该是欧共体中一个主动和充满活力组员,这是符合我国人民利益。第23页例2:Some companies are limiting the risk by conducting online transactions only with established busine

20、ss partners who are given access to the companys private intranet.译文:为了限制风险,有些企业只跟向他们开发企业内部局域网老交易搭档在网上做生意。(分析:原句中are limiting the risk 是谓语,by conducting是状语,译成汉语时,将原来谓语译成状语,而将状语译成谓语)。第24页例3:Until now the U.S.school bus market has been dominated by the reassuring shape of John Lloyds yellow buses whic

21、h have been made familiar to many all over the world through appearances in countless Hollywood films and American T.V.series.迄今为止,美国校车市场一直由约翰.劳埃德企业一统天下,那黄颜色汽车外形令人感到信赖可靠,经过不计其数好莱坞电影和美国电视连续剧,已经为世界上很多人所熟知。第25页例4:Such is a human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice

22、 higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.许多人宁愿牺牲比较高工资以换取成为白领工人社会地位,这在西方倒是人之常情。第26页用拆句法翻译以下句子。1.The great difficulty of introducing radically new computer architectures which requires customers to rewrite most of their software excluded the possibility these techniques to find t

23、heir way to the commercial marketplace.2.The work hereof shall be commenced in compliance with the construction work of Party As plant,and shall be completed within thirty days after the completion of Party As plant including the completion on inner part of the plant when the plant be in the conditi

24、on that trial run for air conditioning mechanism is possible.作业:作业:第27页利用词类转换翻译以下句子。1.Extremely keen competition between American and German vehicle manufacturers in the European market has compelled us to change our investment plan.(动词)2.The export trade is subject to many risks.Ships may sink or c

25、onsignments be damaged in transit,exchange rates may alter,buyers default or governments suddenly impose an embargo.(动词)第28页翻译以下句子,将划线部分用必定否定转换译法:1.In the absence of a settlement through negotiation,the case under dispute can be submitted to arbitration.2.Though carefully selected from among many ap

26、plicants,the women were volunteers and pay was barely above the minimum wage.第29页 请打破原文语序,按照汉语规律翻译以下句子。1.One difficulty is that almost all of what is called behavioral science continues to trace behavior to states of mind,feelings,traits of character,human nature,and so on.2.In the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization-with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed-was spread over nearly a century,whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so.第30页

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