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1、DiabetesDiabetes(糖尿病) is a condition where the body is unable to automatically regulate blood glucose levels, resulting in too much glucose in the blood.糖尿病是一个条件,身体无法自动调节血糖水平,导致血液中过多的葡萄糖。Glucose(葡萄糖) comes from foods that contain carbohydrate(碳水化合物),for example, breads and cereals(谷物,谷类) , milk and

2、dairy foods, fruits and some vegetables. Glucose travels in the bIood stream to the muscles and other organs where it is used as fuel. Excess glucose is detoured(绕道) to the liver where it is stored for future use. Glucose is the bodys preferred(首选的) source of energy and our bodies need it to work ef

3、ficiently , just like a car need petrol to run.葡萄糖来自于含有碳水化合物的食物,例如,面包和谷类食品,牛奶和乳制品的食品,水果和一些蔬菜。葡萄糖在救护车流到肌肉和其他器官,用作燃料。多余的葡萄糖是遭遇肝脏存储以供将来使用。葡萄糖是身体的首选源的能量,我们的身体需要有效地工作,就像汽车需要汽油。The blood glucose level is regulated with the help of insulin, a hormone(or chemical messenger) made in the pancreas(胰腺) . Insuli

4、n is the key that glucose needs to enter the bodys cells so that it can be used as fuel. Diabetes develops when the pancreas stops producing insulin or when the body does not respond properly to insulin. There are two major types of diabetes: Type 1 , a disease in which the body does not produce any

5、 insulin, most often occurs in children and young adults. People with Type1 diabetes must take daily insulin injection to stay alive. Type 1 diabetes accounts for 5 to 10 percent of diabetes. Type2,a metabolic disorder resulting from the bodys inability to make enough or properly use of insulin. It

6、is the most common form of the disease. Type2 diabetes accounts for 90 to 95 percent of diabetes. Type2 diabetes is nearing epidemic(流行的) proportions, due to an increased number of older people, and a greater prevalence of obesity and sedentary lifestyles. Insulin injections are necessary to treat T

7、ypel diabetes. Type2 diabetes can usually be controlled in the first instance by regular exercise and diet. Tablets(药片) and eventually(最终) insulin injections may be needed as the disease prognsses. 血糖水平的调节胰岛素的帮助下,一种激素(或化学信使)胰腺。胰岛素是关键,葡萄糖需要进入人体细胞,以便它可以作为燃料。糖尿病发展当胰腺停止生产胰岛素或当身体不正确地响应胰岛素。糖尿病的主要有两种类型:1型,

8、一种疾病的身体不会产生任何胰岛素,最常发生在儿童和年轻人。1型糖尿病患者必须每天注射胰岛素。1型糖尿病占5 - 10%的糖尿病。类型2,造成代谢紊乱身体无法赚到足够的或正确使用胰岛素。这是最常见的疾病。类型2型糖尿病占90 - 95%的糖尿病。类型2糖尿病是接近流行,由于老年人数量的增加,和一个更大的普遍肥胖和久坐不动的生活方式。胰岛素注射治疗Typel糖尿病是必要的。类型2糖尿病通常可以首先通过有规律的锻炼和控制饮食。平板电脑和最终疾病prognsses可能需要注射胰岛素。The normal blood glucose level ranges between 3.5-7.8 mmol/L

9、. Over time, high blood glucose levels may damage blood vessels and nerves. These complications of diabetes can cause damage to eyes, nerves and kidneys and increase the risk of heart attack(心脏病发作) , stroke, impotence(阳痿) and foot problems. This damage can happen before an individual knowsif the has

10、 diabetes or if diabetes is undetected for a long time. Studies have shown that if blood glucose and cholesterol(胆固醇) levels, and blood pressure are kept within normal limits, the risk of damage to the body isreduced. Therefore, it is important to know if you have diabetes. The symptoms of diabetes

11、include: thirst, frequent urination(排尿) , tiredness or lack of energy, blurred(模糊不清的) vision, infection (e.g. thrush), weight loss. However, the symptoms of diabetes may not appear until blood glucose levels are above approximately 15mmol/L or higher. So, it is common to have diabetes without knowin

12、g about it. In Australia, one adult in twelve has diabetes and the prevalence is increasing, Research has shown that for every person with known diabetes, there is another who has it but has not yet been diagnosed.正常血糖范围3.5-7.8 mmol/L之间随着时间的推移,高血糖会损害血管和神经。这些糖尿病并发症会造成对眼睛的伤害,神经和肾脏,增加心脏病发作,中风的危险,阳痿和足部问

13、题。这种损伤可以在一个人知道如果有糖尿病或者糖尿病被发现很长一段时间。有研究表明,如果血糖和胆固醇水平,血压保持在正常范围内,减少对身体的损害风险。因此,它是要知道如果你有糖尿病,重要的。糖尿病的症状包括:口渴,尿频,疲劳或乏力,视力模糊,感染(如鹅口疮),减肥。然而,糖尿病症状可能直到血糖水平高于约15mmol/L以上出现。因此,它是常见的有糖尿病,不知道它。在澳大利亚,十二个成年人糖尿病的患病率不断增加,研究表明一个人与已知的糖尿病,还有一个谁拥有它但尚未确诊。The development of diabetes is influenced by our lifestyle and ou

14、r genes. We can identify some factors that predispose(使偏向于) people to developing Type2 diabetes. Having one or more of the following risk factors, increases the risk of developing diabetes or of having undiagnosed Type2 diabetes. One factor is age. As we get older,we become less active, and may gain

15、 excess weight. This weight tends to he stored around the abdomen(腹部) and upper body. Less activity and weight gain resuft in the bodys insulin becoming less effective. a term called insmin resistance. over the age of 65. the incidence of Type2 diabetes affects 1 in 5 people. Anothor risking factor

16、is the weight and body mass index ( BMI ). which is also anindication of whether your weight is in the healthy weight range in relation to yourheight. In Caucasian people. a BMI of 20-25 indicates a healthy weight range. Over 25 indicatcs the overweight range. Some people, e.g. Asian, AsianIndian an

17、d Indigenous Australians,arc healthy at a lower BMI range. 19-23 is the ideal range for people from these backrounds. However. weight is only part of the equation. Of greater significance is body composition, i.e. the amount of muscle compared to fat in the body. and where fat is stored in the body.

18、 Fat that is stored around the upper body or abdomen is less healthy than fat that is stored on the hips(臀部) and thighs. Abdominal fat is associated with an increased risk of high blood prcssure, high blood fats(cholesterol and triglycerides甘油三酯) and diabetes.糖尿病的发展是由我们的生活方式和基因的影响。我们可以找出一些因素,使人容易发生2

19、型糖尿病。有以下一个或多个危险因素,增加患糖尿病或有未确诊的糖尿病风险。一个因素是年龄。当我们长大了,我们变得不那么积极,可以获得多余的重量。这个重量往往他囤积在腹部和上半身。在体内的胰岛素越来越少,体重增加,具有很强的有效活动。一项被称为insmin阻力。65岁以上的。2型糖尿病发病率的影响1 5人。还有一个风险因素是体重和身体质量指数(BMI)。这也正是无论你的体重在健康体重范围的身高一。在白种人。BMI 20-25表示一个健康的体重范围。25伴随着超重的范围。有些人,例如亚洲,亚洲的印度和澳大利亚土著人,在一个较低的BMI范围弧健康。19-23是从这些家庭背景人的理想范围。然而。重量只是

20、问题的一部分。更重要的是身体成分,即肌肉量比脂肪在体内。和储存在身体内的脂肪。脂肪在身体上部或腹部比脂肪储存在臀部和大腿的不健康。腹部脂肪与高血压的风险增加有关,高血脂(胆固醇和甘油三酯甘油三酯)和糖尿病。People with type2 diabetes have insulin resistance,where the cell of the body dont respond properly to insulin,inorder to take up glucose,Insulin resistance is associated with high blood pressure,h

21、igh blood fats and the tendency to gain wight around the abdomen. these are all risk factors for devloping heart disease,so there is a close association between diabetes an cardiovascular(心绞痛) disease,i .e.heart attacks, angina(绞痛), stroke and poor circulation in the legs.2型糖尿病胰岛素抵抗的人,身体的细胞对胰岛素的反应不好

22、,为了把葡萄糖,胰岛素抵抗伴高血压,高血脂和增加在腹部怀特趋势。这些都是发展心脏疾病的危险因素,因此有密切的关联,糖尿病,心血管疾病,与我。e.heart攻击,心绞痛,在腿中风和血液循环不良。Type2diabetesismorecommoninpeoplefromsomeethnicgroups and may develop genes. which are responsible for many aspects of regulating blood glucose control, and problems with these genes or how they work unde

23、r certain conditions( for example. stress. inactivity or overweight) may be responsible for Type2 diabetes. Close family relatives share these genes so may indicate you are at greater risk. There is still much to be learnt about the role of genes in Type2 diabetes. 2型糖尿病是更共同在人从一些民族组和可能发展的基因。这是负责调节血糖控制的许多方面的问题,以及这些基因如何工作在一定条件下(例如。应力。闲置或超重)可能是导致糖尿病。家人亲戚分享这些基因很可能表明你有更大的风险。仍有很多需要了解基因在糖尿病中的作用。Diabetes may be prevented, or at least delayed. by weight loss, a healthy lifestyle. in particular regular physical activity. 糖尿病是可以预防的,或至少推迟。减肥,健康的生活方式。特别是有规律的体育活动。4 / 4

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