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1、国际商业管理杂志 2004.12现代管理会计技术应用的一个实证研究:印度工业摘要本文从管理会计的作用出发,介绍了管理会计的发展,简述了管理会计分配间接费用的技术,并研究了此技术在印度工业的应用。而目前,世界经济行业已从制造业开始转向服务业,这对于管理会计是一种新的尝试,随着竞争加剧,对更好会计信息的需求也在增加。管理会计必须提供更详细的信息,才能使企业生存和发展。关键词:管理会计;技术;成本1、管理会计识别,收集,计算并报告信息。这对正在规划,控制和决策的管理人员是有益的。管理会计关注的是提供信息,给这些负责管理企业和其他经济组织的人,以帮助他们做出更好的决策,对未来的组织和控制的执行情况做出





6、成本,基于活动的管理,生命周期成本相对于非用户除目标成本外有更大的业务规模。这一调查结果与文献是一致的。约73.3的受访执行或使用基于活动的成本计算时指出,必须有准确的成本信息,产品定价是最重要的原因。研究结果发现了一个积极的连接,这个连接是在ABC法的采用与公司理念,如一定程度的定制,压力竞争,企业规模和比例的开销费用总额这两者之间的。但是,10的水平没有任何分歧被认为是重要的。在印度公司,产品成本的决定是最流行的基于活动的成本核算。约80的人广泛或频繁地使用它。百分之六十的使用ABC法的用户表示,在投资回报率(ROI) 上有重大或明显的改善,其次是营业收入(46.7)。4、研究结果显示,当



9、在全球经济中保持竞争力就必须作出变革。 近年来,公司产品、服务的生产和营销方式的变革导致了管理层对会计信息需求的改变。例如,国外竞争增加导致美国企业更加重视产品和服务的质量。对质量的重视和商业复杂程度的提高导致对及时、精确信息的需求增加,从而改变了管理会计的角色。 竞争正在驱使许多制造业和服务业公司对其营销和运营进行重新设计,以更好地满足日新月异的市场需求。这些变革的例子有适时制造、时间管理和全面质量管理。管理会计系统正在被重新设计,以适应产品、服务的创造和传送方式的变革引起的信息需要的变革。 企业要想在这个新的竞争环境里取胜,管理会计必须在两个方面做出变革。首先,管理会计师必须参与到公司的产

10、品决策及创造、营销、传送这些产品的过程决策中来。通过参与决策,管理会计师能够辨认出其他决策者的关键会计信息需要。其次,整个公司的决策者们必须能够恰当地使用会计信息。这意味着决策者必须具备管理会计概念和方法的知识,还意味着他们必须了解会计信息潜在的不准确性。不能在其管理会计系统中作出这些变革的公司很有可能因缺乏足够信息而导致决策失误。 由于美国经济已经成熟,所以它已从主要是制造业经济转变为服务业经济,这意味着提供服务的公司比提供货物的公司更多。这一转变对管理会计的应用有着深刻影响。有形产品的生产使得制造业公司和服务业公司内产品的成本追溯过程有所不同。例如,制造业公司有原材料和产成品存货,而服务业

11、公司没有。 正如制造业公司一样,服务业公司为了做出明智决策同样需要相关、及时和精确的会计信息。但是,服务业公司的管理会计应用往往落后于制造业公司,也许在一定程度上是因为很多服务业公司(如航空、铁路和银行)一直受到管制。管制可能使得服务业公司不如制造业公司那样在乎成本,因为管制往往限制了公司所能够提供的服务并决定了它所能收取的价格。近年来,许多服务行业已经解除了管制,如航空与银行业。解除管制意味着这些公司将在一个更具竞争性的环境里经营。随着竞争加剧,对更好会计信息的需求也在增加。公司要求更加精确地了解其服务的成本,要求能够更好地预测营销与运营变动的财务结果。没有相关、及时和精确的会计信息,服务业

12、公司不大可能兴旺发达。Applications of contemporary management accounting techniques in Indian industry: An empirical studyInternational Journal of Business and Management October, 2004AbstractIn this paper, the role of management accounting paper introduces the development of management accounting, outlining t

13、he allocation of indirect costs of management accounting techniques, and studied the application of technology in the Indian industry. At present, the world economy from the manufacturing industry began to shift towards services, which for management accounting is a new attempt, as competition inten

14、sify, the demand for better accounting information is also increasing. More detailed management accounting information must be provided to enable enterprises to survive and develop.Keywords:management accounting;technology;cost1. Management accounting identifies, collects, measures, and reports info

15、rmation that is useful to managers in planning, controlling and decision-making. Management accounting is concerned with the provision of information to those responsible for managing businesses and other economic organisations to help them in making better decisions about the future of organisation

16、 and in controlling the implementation of decisions they make. Management accounting has a variety of techniques and tools, including traditional volume-based costing system, budgeting, variance analysis and responsibility accounting, to meet the needs of managers in traditional manufacturing enviro

17、nments. The management accounting systems have played a vital role in the affairs of large corporations such as Du Pont and GeneralMotors in the early part of twentieth century. However, the effectiveness of these tools in more contemporary settings has been questioned. In a series of articles, Coop

18、er and Kaplan have also drawn attention to the limitations of traditional product cost systems. One of the main criticisms of management accounting during 1980s was the techniques used to allocate overheads to products/services. Conventional product costing systems use volume based measures such as

19、labour hours or labour dollar to allocate indirect costs. The direct labour-based measures that were suitable to the allocation of overheads in the 1920s were not found suitable to the advanced manufacturing environment of 1980s. Advanced manufacturing techniques dramatically changed the manufacturi

20、ng processes in many organizations. The companies produce a wide range of products, direct labour cost represent only a small portion of total manufacturing cost in such organisations, and overheads are of considerable importance. Further intense global competition of the 1980s created a need by man

21、agers for more accurate information on how product mix, introduction and abandonment decisions affect their organisations profitability.2. Traditional cost systems also provide inadequate information to support organizational continuous learning and improvement. The new competitive environment requi

22、res that managers and operators have timely and accurate information to help them make processes more efficient and more customer focused. Traditional standard cost/flexible cost systems prepare and issue summary financial information according to the cycle of the organizations financial reporting p

23、rocess, typically monthly or every four weeks. This financial information has some serious limitations to support the organizational continuous learning and improvement. The information on variances against standards promotes a controlling not learning view. The variances are not easily understandab

24、le by frontline employees and do not promote an integrated process view of the organization. Employees need an appropriate mixture of financial and non-financial measurements. Japanese have developed innovative cost management systems such as Kaizen costing and pseudo-profit centers for their front-

25、line employees to enhance their ability to develop efficient and cost effective processes. In response to these criticisms, a number of innovative management accounting techniques have been developed across a range of industries. These include activity based costing, target costing, strategic perfor

26、mance measurement systems, benchmarking and value chain analysis. The survey of related literature provides the systematic evidence regarding the usage of contemporary management accounting techniques in many countries. There is lack of knowledge concerning the current state of management accounting

27、 practices in developing countries like India. It is argued that due to cultural factors, Indian manufacturing companies are slow in adopting new management accounting practices. The existing literature on the subject brings home the fact that there is a need for conducting a study to examine the ex

28、tent to which contemporary management accounting practices have been used in India. There is also a need to study the association between the use of contemporary management accountingtechniques and financial performance.3. This study makes a major attempt to find evidence on how widely traditional a

29、nd contemporary management accounting practices have been adopted by the Indian industry. Empirical Findings of the Study: The results of the study found that the needs to improve overall profitability and cost reduction are the major priorities for management accounting in Indian companies. Budgeti

30、ng for planning and control is the most widely used tool of management accounting. About 97% respondents use it moderately or extensively. However, findings of the study showed that current usage level for newly developed management accounting techniques is comparatively more as compared surveys on

31、Indian manufacturing firms. Results indicate that the firms using or implementing contemporary management accounting techniques such as activity based costing, activity based management, life cycle costing have greater business size vis-vis non-users, except target costing. This finding is consisten

32、t with literature. Around 73.3% of respondents implementing/using activity-based costing indicated that the need to have accurate cost information for product pricing is the most important reason. Results of the study found a positive association between the adoption of ABC and company characteristi

33、cs such as degree of customisation, pressure of competition, business size, and proportion of overhead to total cost. However, none of the differences was found to be significant at 10% level. Product costing decisions are the most popular application of activity based costing in Indian companies as

34、 about 80.0% are using it extensively or frequently. Sixty per cent of the ABC user respondents indicated a significant or somewhat significant improvement in the Return-on-Investment (ROI) followed by operating income (46.7%).4. Results of the study indicate that companies exposed to low pressure o

35、f competition have significantly different and greater priorities for automating processes as compared to the companies having high pressure of competition, Whereas companies exposed to high pressure of competition had significantly greater priorities for developing a more profitable product mix as

36、compared to companies having low pressure of competition. Further, results show that that the companies exposed to high pressure of competition have significantly different and greater importance for the need to have improved processes as compared to the companies having low pressure of competition.

37、 The extent of usage of ABC for product launch decisions, product redesigns, and process redesign, choice of marketing channel decisions was significantly different and greater in case of companies exposed to high pressure of competition as compared to the companies having low pressure of competitio

38、n.From this research, we can conclude that Indian companies use various management accounting techniques and practices. However, this research provides less insight into precise nature and details of these practices, and the organizational processes and actions that precede or are initiated by these

39、 techniques. Using alternative approaches (e.g., case study research, and interview method), one may attempt to investigate why and how companies implement various contemporary management accounting techniques, pitfalls in implementing and their success in achieving intended goals. Also one could st

40、udy, whether adoption of these practices was designed to improve performance or to give external appearance of being modern, rational and efficient. Before World War II, the United States the total output of goods and services account for about one-fourth of the world. After World War II, the world

41、outside the United States have been the main war-devastated economy, and the United States because of the war need to increase production capacity, labor, veterans due to the rapid expansion of the return. The result is the post-war U.S. output of goods and services accounted for approximately one-h

42、alf of the worlds total, most of the United States consumer products from China, in such an environment, the United States even if the business activities can not be the most optimized survival. The sixties and seventies as the 20th century in Western Europe and Asia, economic growth, the situation

43、began to change. Foreign competitors in high-quality, high-tech products to the United States challenges enterprises. U.S. firms in the global economy to remain competitive we must make changes. In recent years, the company products, services, production and marketing has led to the change in the ac

44、counting information needs of management change. For example, increased foreign competition led to U.S. firms pay more attention to the quality of products and services. The importance of quality and business improvement in the level of complexity lead to a timely, accurate information on demand, th

45、us changing the role of management accounting. Competition is driven by many manufacturing and service companies for their marketing and operations re-engineering to better meet the changing demands of the market. Examples of these changes to create a timely manner, time management and total quality

46、 management. Management accounting system is being redesigned to suit the product, service creation and delivery of the changes caused by changes in information needs. Enterprises to compete in this new environment to win, management accounting must make changes in two aspects. First of all, managem

47、ent accountants must participate in decision-making to the companys products and creating, marketing, to send these products to the process of decision-making. Through participation in decision-making, management accountants can identify other key decision-makers the need for accounting information.

48、 Secondly, the decision-makers throughout the company must be able to use appropriate accounting information. This means that policy makers must have the management accounting concepts and methods of knowledge, but also means that they must understand the potential of accounting information inaccura

49、cy. Not in its management accounting system to make these changes because of the company is likely to lead to a lack of adequate information and decision-making errors. Because the U.S. economy has matured, it has been primarily manufacturing economy to service economy, which means that the companies providing the services of the company than the provision of goo

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