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1、Module 6Unit 1 I bought a book for you.外研版(三起)六年级英语下册第1页Guessing gameHave you got a?第2页When can we get presents,too?第3页TaskWere going to go to middle school,lets exchange presents with our friends.(毕业之际,让我们和朋友们交换礼品吧。)第4页1.What present did Daming get?A.A pen B.A book2.What is it about?A.Space travel

2、B.Sports Listen and think第5页1.What present did Daming get?A.A pen B.A book2.What is it about?A.Space travel B.Sports Listen and think第6页1.What present did Daming get?A.A pen B.A book2.What is it about?A.Space travel B.Sports Listen and think第7页spacetravelm_ke t_ke c_ t _ppleaaaaIt is about space tra

3、vel.旅游旅游第8页Im very interested in that.感兴趣Because space travel is very interesting.有趣 第9页Im very interested in English.Because English is very_.interestinginterested-interesting第10页Well go for a space travel by spaceship.第11页Read and find how Simons mum and Daming to give and take present?Simons mum:

4、_ Daming:_ I bought a book for you.Thank you.第12页Simon:_Daming:_Who gave it to you?Your mum gave it to me.Simon wants to know something about the present.第13页-bought -gavebuygive第14页Simons mum:I bought a book for you.Daming:Thank you.Simon:Who gave it to you?Daming:Your mum gave it to me.第15页A:I bou

5、ght _for you.B:Thank you.C:Who gave it to you?B:_gave it to me.a penYour dad第16页A:I bought a_for you.B:Thank you.C:Who gave it to you?B:_gave it to me.Your brother第17页A:I bought a_for you.B:Thank you.C:Who gave it to you?B:_gave it to me.Your sister第18页A:I bought a_for you.B:Thank you.C:Who gave it

6、to you?B:_gave it to me.Your cousin第19页bagbookCDcomputer gamepeneraserdollhatjigsaw puzzleradioteddy bearkitepencilpencil-boxtoy carvedioruler0:15第20页A:I bought a_/_for you.B:Thank you.第21页bagbookCDcomputer gamepeneraserdollhatjigsaw puzzleradioteddy bearkitepencilpencil-boxtoy carvedioruler0:15第22页

7、bagbookCDcomputer gamepeneraserdollhatjigsaw puzzleradioteddy bearkitepencilpencil-boxtoy carvedioruler0:14第23页bagbookCDcomputer gamepeneraserdollhatjigsaw puzzleradioteddy bearkitepencilpencil-boxtoy carvedioruler0:13第24页bagbookCDcomputer gamepeneraserdollhatjigsaw puzzleradioteddy bearkitepencilpe

8、ncil-boxtoy carvedioruler0:12第25页bagbookCDcomputer gamepeneraserdollhatjigsaw puzzleradioteddy bearkitepencilpencil-boxtoy carvedioruler0:11第26页bagbookCDcomputer gamepeneraserdollhatjigsaw puzzleradioteddy bearkitepencilpencil-boxtoy carvedioruler0:10第27页bagbookCDcomputer gamepeneraserdollhatjigsaw

9、puzzleradioteddy bearkitepencilpencil-boxtoy carvedioruler0:09第28页bagbookCDcomputer gamepeneraserdollhatjigsaw puzzleradioteddy bearkitepencilpencil-boxtoy carvedioruler0:08第29页bagbookCDcomputer gamepeneraserdollhatjigsaw puzzleradioteddy bearkitepencilpencil-boxtoy carvedioruler0:07第30页bagbookCDcom

10、puter gamepeneraserdollhatjigsaw puzzleradioteddy bearkitepencilpencil-boxtoy carvedioruler0:06第31页bagbookCDcomputer gamepeneraserdollhatjigsaw puzzleradioteddy bearkitepencilpencil-boxtoy carvedioruler0:05第32页bagbookCDcomputer gamepeneraserdollhatjigsaw puzzleradioteddy bearkitepencilpencil-boxtoy

11、carvedioruler0:04第33页bagbookCDcomputer gamepeneraserdollhatjigsaw puzzleradioteddy bearkitepencilpencil-boxtoy carvedioruler0:03第34页bagbookCDcomputer gamepeneraserdollhatjigsaw puzzleradioteddy bearkitepencilpencil-boxtoy carvedioruler0:02第35页bagbookCDcomputer gamepeneraserdollhatjigsaw puzzleradiot

12、eddy bearkitepencilpencil-boxtoy carvedioruler0:01第36页bagbookCDcomputer gamepeneraserdollhatjigsaw puzzleradioteddy bearkitepencilpencil-boxtoy carvedioruler0:00第37页drewmadeI pictures(flowers)for you.I a card for you.第38页Card gameS1/2:On,I bought/made/drew a for you.S2/3:Thank you.S3/4:Who gave it t

13、o you?S2/3:X X gave it to me.Choose a card,read and talk.第39页Read and match.(AB P23)On New Years Day,Lingling gave a pencil to Amy.Amy bought a pen for MS Smart.MS Smart bought a hat for Lingling.Daming gave a car to Simon.Simon bought a magazine(杂志)for his mum.Simons mum gave a book to Daming.They

14、had a great time.第40页Repeat the text.第41页Fulfill the task Were going to go to middle school,lets exchange presents with friends.(毕业之际,让我们和朋友们交换礼品吧。)第42页Exchange presents(Pair work)A:Hello,X X!I bought a present for you.What is it?Guess!B:A pencil/?A:No!B:A bag/?A:Yes/No.Its a.Here you are.B:Thank yo

15、u.A:Youre welcome.A:Hello,X X!I made/drew a for you.Here are you.B:Thank you.A:Youre welcome.第43页To share what presents youve got and who gave?S:Ive got a.X X gave it to me.第44页Eg:Ive got a CD.Lucy gave it to me.第45页Sum upWhen we get gifts,we should say”Thank you.”When we give presents to others,please be reasonable(合理).第46页AssignmentRead the text 5 times.Do AB p22Write down what present youve got and who gave it to you.(2-4sentences)Eg:Ive got a CD.Lucy gave it to me.第47页GOODBYE!第48页

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