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1、第1页.seas1onwindy.jpg15Its usually_I usually wear _.I often can _.Sometimes I can_.Sometimes its_,so I can wear my _.第2页Favourite fruitI can eat _in spring.loquatsmangoeslycheesplumspineapplecherries第3页Favourite seasonWhen is your birthday?Spring,spring,Mar.Apr.May,Summer,summer,June,July,Aug.Fall,fa

2、ll,Sept.Oct.Nov.Winter,winter,Dec.Jan.Feb.That makes a year.第4页Whats your hobby?I like playing_.I like going_.I like _.第5页DreamI like_.I hope I can _well.I have a dream of being a _.swimmingswimmerswim第6页DreamI have a dream of being_._is my idol.pianistdirectordancer第7页Amys dream Whats Amys dream?Wh

3、os Amys Idol?第8页Remember Me I am Amy.Its the end of my primary school.Its time to say goodbye to my friends.I hope my classmates can rememer me.My birthday is Dec.25th,its Christmas Day,its in winter.Its my favourite season.So my favourite colour is white,I like eating turkeys very much.In winter,I

4、often skate with my father.I like it so much,thats my hobby and I can skate very well.I have a dream of being a figure skater(花样滑冰运动员)one day.My idol is Shen xun and Zhao hongbo.These are my informations,you must rem-ember that I have such a girl who likes skating.第9页Read and answer Whats Amys dream

5、?She has a dream of being a figure skater.Whos Amys idol?Shenxue and Zhao Hongbo.第10页NameBirthdayFavourite seasonFavourite colourHobbyDreamIdolSeason:Season:Name:Name:Birthday:Colour:Food:Hobby:Dream:Idol:AmyDec.25th WhiteGoing Ice-skatingTurkeysbeing a figure skater Shen XueZhao Hongbo Name:第11页Sho

6、w yourself.一级一级:You can write a page of the class book to the teacher.二级二级:You can write a letter about yourself to your best friend.Then make it and send it to your friend.第12页1、Make a small classbook and send it to your best friend.2、Read some passages then guess.第13页Whos he/she?(1)Hello,everyone,

7、its time to say goodbye to my classmates.Let me introduce something about me,please remember me.I am a quiet girl.Im 13 years old.My birthday is in Oct.13th,its a nice month.My favorite season is winter,its very cold,but I like it very much.Beacause I can make a snowman.Its so funny.And I can go ice

8、-skating.Its cold outside,so I often stay at home.My favorite colour is blue,I like blue very much.Beacause the sky is blue,l like blue sky too.My favorite fruit is apple.Its sweet and tasty.I like sweet food very much.I like listening to music.I often do something with music.Sometimes I play games

9、too.I want to be a singer in the future,thats my dream.My idol is ZhaoWei.I want to be her fans.Dont forget me!第14页Whos he/she?(2)I am a helpful girl.Im 13 years old.My birthday is Mar.6th,its a good month of planting trees.My favourite season is spring,its sunny and warm,sometimes I can wear my swe

10、ater,sometimes I can wear my dress.I can fly kites and have a picnic outside.My favourite colour is pink,my favourite fruit is peach,its sweet and yummy.I like listening to music,I often listen to music with my friends.But sometimes I read books.I want to be a singer one day.My idol is Xu Song.I wis

11、h you are happy every day.第15页Whos he/she?(3)I am a quiet boy.I am 13 years old,I am 160cm tall and 48 kg.My birthday is June 24th.its a nice month.My favourite season is spring,its sunny and warm.I can wear my shirt,I can fly kites and climb mountains.I like to eat watermelons very much,I like reading books,I often read books,sometimes I play football with my friends.I like reading books,because I want to be a writer in the future,thats my dream.My idol is Bin Xin.Wish youre happy all the time.第16页 Good luck,everyone.第17页

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