1、目录2012年杭州电子科技大学外国语学院801英汉互译考研真题及详解2013年杭州电子科技大学外国语学院801英汉互译考研真题及详解2014年杭州电子科技大学外国语学院801英汉互译考研真题及详解2015年杭州电子科技大学外国语学院801英汉互译考研真题及详解2016年杭州电子科技大学外国语学院801英汉互译考研真题及详解2017年杭州电子科技大学外国语学院801英汉互译考研真题及详解2018年杭州电子科技大学外国语学院801英汉互译考研真题及详解2012年杭州电子科技大学外国语学院801英汉互译考研真题及详解一、英译汉(本大题共1小题,每小题75分,本大题共75分)The idea“happ
2、iness”,to be sure,will not sit still for easy definition:the bestone can do is to try to set some extremes to the idea and then work in towardthe middle.To think of happiness as acquisitive and competitive will do toset the materialistic extreme.To think of it as the idea one senses in,say,aholy man
3、 of India will do to set the spiritual extreme.The holy mans idea ofhappiness is in needing nothing from outside himself.In wanting nothing,helacks nothing.He sits immobile,rapt in contemplation,free even of his ownbody.Or nearly free of it.If devout admirers bring him food he eats it;if not,he star
4、ves indifferently.Why be concerned?What is physical is an illusion tohim.Contemplation is his joy and he achieves it through a fantasticallydemanding discipline,the accomplishment of which is itself a joy within him.Is he a happy man?Perhaps his happiness is only another sort of illusion.Butwho can
5、take it from him?And who will dare say it is more illusory thanhappiness on the installment plan?But,perhaps because I am Western,I doubt such catatonic happiness,as Idoubt the dreams of the happiness-market.What is certain is that his way ofhappiness would be torture to almost any Western man.Yet t
6、hese extremeswill still serve to frame the area within all of us and must find some sort ofbalance.Thoreaua creature of both Eastern and Western thoughthad hisown firm sense of that balance.His aim was to save on the low levels in orderto spend on the high.Possession for its own sake or in competiti
7、on with the rest of theneighborhood would have been Thoreaus idea of the low levels.The activediscipline of heightening ones perception of what is enduring in naturewould have been his idea of the high.What he saved from the low was timeand effort he could spend on the high.Thoreau certainly disappr
8、oved ofstarvation,but he would put into feeding himself only as much effort aswould keep him functioning for more important efforts.Effort is the gist of it.There is no happiness except as we take on life-engaging difficulties.Short of the impossible,as Yeats put it,the satisfactionswe get from a li
9、fetime depend on how high we choose our difficulties.RobertFrost was thinking in something like the same terms when he spoke of“Thepleasure of taking pains.”The mortal flaw in the advertised version ofhappiness is in the fact that it purports to be effortless.【参考译文】诚然,给“幸福”这一概念下定义远非易事:最好是尽量为这一概念确立一些
13、护,而今已经从这种专业束缚中解脱出来的缘故吧。如今,哲学的范围早已不像以前那样无所不包。人们日益认识到哲学和宗教及社会遗产的深层联系。人类经验的种种因素很少能够脱逃哲学家批判的眼光。从柏拉图到马克思以及更近,我们珍视的大多数信念和希望,都在受到质疑和挑战。这样做的前提是:人之所以为人,就在于人类的哲学思考能力,舍此则无以区别人和其他动物。【参考译文】Philosophy is the discipline facing the graved crisis today.Fields,which usedto be considered most suitable for philosophy,h
14、ave already been taken overby science that has succeeded in explaining human experience in variousareas.Philosophy seems to have been defeated in a world dominated byinformation technology.At least,it is unable to cut wisdom into measurablesmall pieces and then offer them to the people.In the 20th c
15、entury numerousphilosophers satirized the discipline they were engaged in,saying that it wasonly a distant illusion that philosophical activities,after 3000 years since itfirst started,could ever lead us to the truth.However philosophy is still likedmore by people than ever before maybe because that
16、 philosophy has thrownoff the professional shackles of constantly seeking protection from scienceand other disciplines for nearly 20 years.Nowadays,philosophy is not as inclusive as before.People are growing moreand more aware of the deep relation between philosophy and religion and thatbetween phil
17、osophy and social heritages.Few of the various factors of humanexperience can ever escape from the critical eyes of philosophers.FromPlatonism to Marxism to even more recent philosophers,most of ourcherished beliefs and hopes are being questioned and challenged.Theprerequisite of so doing is that it
18、 is the ability of philosophical thinking that isparticular to human being that makes us human,and besides that abilitynothing can distinguish men from other animals.2013年杭州电子科技大学外国语学院801英汉互译考研真题及详解一、英译汉(本大题共1小题,每小题75分,本大题共75分)Optimism and pessimism are both powerful forces,and each of us mustchoose
19、 which we want to shape our outlook and our expectations.There isenough good and bad in everyones lifeample sorrow and happiness,sufficient joy and painto find a rational basis for either optimism orpessimism.We can choose to laugh or cry,bless or curse.Its our decision:From which perspective do we
20、want to view life?Will we look up in hope ordown in despair?I choose to highlight the positive and slip right over thenegative.I am an optimist by choice as much as by nature.Sure,I know thatsorrow exists,but I find that the good in life far outweighs the bad.An optimistic attitude is not a luxury;i
21、ts a necessity.The way you look atlife will determine how you feel,how you perform,and how well you getalong with other people.Conversely,negative thoughts,attitudes,andexpectations feed on themselves;they become a self-fulfilling prophecy.Pessimism creates a dismal place where no one wants to live.
22、The only thing more powerful than negativism is a positive affirmation,aword of optimism and hope.One of the things I am most thankful for is thefact that I have grown up in a nation with a grand tradition of optimism.When a whole culture adopts an upward look,incredible things can beaccomplished.Wh
23、en the world is seen as a hopeful,positive place,people areempowered to attempt and to achieve.Optimism doesnt need to be naive.You can be an optimist and still recognize that problems exist and that someof them are not dealt with easily.But what a difference optimism makes inthe attitude of the pro
24、blem solver!For example,through the years Ive heardsome people say that“instead of spending$455 million to put a man on themoon,why not spend that money here on earth on the poverty problem?”“But when you ask them exactly how they would spend that money to solvethe poverty problem,most of them dont
25、have an answer.“Give me asolution,”I tell them,“and Ill raise you the money.”Think in positive termsabout how to address the issue rather than criticizing money spent on anotherprogram,such as Americas space program,which resulted in many positivediscoveries that have benefited mankind.Optimism dive
26、rts our attentionaway from negativism and channels it into positive,constructive thinking.When you are an optimist,youre more concerned with problem-solving thanwith useless carping about issues.In fact,without optimism,issues as big andongoing as poverty have no hope of solution.It takes a dreamers
27、omeonewith hopelessly optimistic ideas,great persistence,and unlimited confidenceto tackle a problem that big.Its your choice.【参考译文】乐观和悲观都是强大的力量,我们每个人都必须在这两者之间做出选择,从而给我们对未来的展望和预期染上或明或暗的色彩。每个人的生命中都有足够多的幸与不幸数不清的哀伤和喜悦,欢欣与痛苦给我们乐观或悲观的理由。我们可以选择哭或是笑,祝福或是诅咒。我们可以选择用什么样的眼光去看待生活是昂首去寻找希望抑或垂头在绝望中逡巡。我会把注意力集中在生活中光
31、从学者中选择朝廷官员,唐朝延续了这种考试制度。因此,许多人,尤其是地主子弟,努力学习,为的是应付这种要求作诗的考试。除此以外,从一定程度上来说,人民思想比较自由,学者们研究讨论儒、道哲学和佛教。国家的统一使得学者们可以游历南北,增长阅历,扩大视野。外国艺术,尤其是西亚和中亚艺术引入中原,丰富了汉族人民的文化生活。最后,由于从西周到南北朝时期中国诗歌不断发展,内容与形式不断丰富。这一悠久的历史也为唐诗的兴盛提供了条件。唐诗确实是丰富无比的宝库。无论从哪个方面讲,都是中国诗歌发展的巅峰。中国人民为拥有这一无法比拟的遗产而无比自豪。【参考译文】Chinese poetry boasts a long
32、 history.As in the golden age of Chinese poetry,Tang poetry surpasses the previous poetry in terms of quantity,variety,beauty of images and wide range of themes.The Complete Tang Poemscompiled by the Tang Dynasty collected nearly 50,000 poems from 2200poets,which means that in the past 300 years,the
33、 poems that poets in TangDynasty wrote are more than the sum of poems in the past 2000 years.There are reasons.The governors of the Sui Dynasty carried out the imperialexamination system and selected officials from scholars of the imperialexamination system.Then the Tang Dynasty kept utilizing this
34、method.Therefore,many people,especially the landlords children,studied hard inorder to cope with the examination of poetry.In addition,to a certain extent,peoples mind was relatively free.Scholars discussed books of Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhism.The unification of the country enabled scholars tot
35、ravel north and south,which fulfills their experience and broadens theirhorizons.Foreign art,especially in West and Central Asia,was introducedinto the mainland of China,enriching the cultural life of the Han people.Finally,the content and form of Chinese poetry were constantly enriched dueto its co
36、ntinuous development from the Western Zhou Dynasty to theSouthern and Northern Dynasties.This long history is also served asconditions for the prosperity of Tang poetry.Tang poetry is indeed an affluent treasure house.In any way,it is the peak ofChinese poetry.Chinese people are proud of this incomp
37、arable heritage.2014年杭州电子科技大学外国语学院801英汉互译考研真题及详解(试题共二大题,共2页,总分150分)一、第一题:英译汉(本题共75分)Anyone with a passion for hanging labels on people or things should havelittle difficulty in recognizing that all apt tag for our time is the UnkemptGeneration.I am not referring solely to college kids.The sloppiness
38、 virus hasspread to all sectors of society People go to all sorts of trouble and expense tolook uncombed,unshaved,unpressed.The symbol of the times is blue jeansnot just blue jeans in good conditionbut jeans that are flayed,torn,discolored.They dont get that way naturally.No one wants blue jeans tha
39、t are crisply clean or spanking new.Manufacturers recognize a big market when they see it And they competewith one another to offer jeans that are made to look as though theyre justbeen discarded by clumsy house painters after ten years of wear The morefaded and seemingly ancient the garment,the hig
40、her the cost.Disheveled isin fashion;neatness is obsolete.Nothing is wrong with comfortable clothing.Its just that current usage ismore reflective of a slavish conformity than a desire for ease.No generationhas strained harder than ours to affect a casual,relaxed,cool look;none hassucceeded more spe
41、ctacularly in looking as though it had been stamped outby cookie cutters.The attempt to avoid any appearance of being wellgroomed or even neat has a quality of desperation about it and suggests acalculated and phony deprivation.We shun conventionality,but we put on auniform to do it.An appearance of
42、 alienation is the triumphant goal,to bepursued in oversize sweaters and muddy sneakers.Slovenly speech comes off the same spool.Vocabulary,like blue jeans,isbeing drained of color and distinction.A complete sentence in everydayspeech is as rare as a mans tie in the swank Polo Lounge of the Beverly
43、HillsHotel.People communicate in chopped-up phrases,relying on grunts andchants of“you know”or“I mean”to cover up a damnable incoherenceNeatness should be no less important in language than it is in dress.But spewand sprawl are taking over.The English language is one of the greatestsources of wealth
44、 in the world.In the midst of accessible riches,we arelinguistic paupers.Violence in language has become almost as casual as the possession ofhandguns.The curious notion has taken hold that emphasis in communicationis impossible without the incessant use of four-letter words.Somescreenwriters openly
45、 admit that they are careful not to turn in scripts that aredevoid of foul language lest the classification office impose the curse of a(general)rating.Motion-picture exhibitors have a strong preference for theR(Restricted)rating,probably on the theory of forbidden fruit.Hence writersand producers h
46、ave every incentive to employ tasteless language and goryscenes.(473 words)【参考译文】任何一个喜欢给别人或事物贴标签的人应该不难发现我们这个时代合适的标签是“邋遢的一代”。我说这话不仅仅是针对大学生。邋遢这种病毒已经蔓延到社会各个部分。人们刻意呈现一幅蓬头散发、边幅不修、衣着不整的形象。如今时代潮流的象征是穿蓝色牛仔裤不是完好的牛仔裤,而是打磨过的,撕裂开的,和褪色了的牛仔裤。正常穿着磨损很难达到上述效果。没有人喜欢穿干净崭新的牛仔裤。生产商意识到这将是个潜力巨大的市场,于是展开了激烈地竞争,生产出的牛仔裤好像是笨拙的