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1、模拟情景Do you have the reading glasses.I want to change my frame into a black oneThe lens doesntfit me.第1页源培眼镜行业英语源培眼镜行业英语 VIP班班 展示课专业眼镜知识无法表示?听不懂老外讲什么?不会用英语作产品介绍?怎么学都学不会?2个月后,这些不再是问题!决心是改变一切开始!第2页眼镜行业英语眼镜行业英语 VIP班班 legleg/templetempl 腿framefreim 眼镜架眼镜结构图:screwsskru:s第3页规格specificationspec.眼镜行业英语眼镜行业英语

2、 VIP班班 bridge 鼻梁lens 镜片 第4页washwOS/cleankli:n清洁the lenses.changetSeindZ更换 the leg/lenses/frameFastenfa:sEn 拧实the screws.loose lu:s 松垮I d like.我要。ok,no problem.Just dZVstwaitweit a momentmEumEnt请稍等WhichwitS leg/lens/screw哪一个。leftleft左边,rightrait 右边第5页眼镜行业英语眼镜行业英语 VIP班班 第6页pupilpju:pl 瞳孔distancedistEn

3、spupil to pupil distance 瞳距hingehindZ 铰链Hinge to hinge width铰链距离Head sizehed saizspring spriN hinge弹簧铰链句型:How long is the.多长?how high is the.多高?How wide is the.多宽the frame width is 数字加单位.Is there.有没有.?there is.有。第7页眼镜行业英语眼镜行业英语 VIP班班 眼镜分类:近视眼镜 防辐射眼镜shortsighted SO:tsaitidglassesanti-radiation glasse

4、sQnti-reidieiSEn gla:siz第8页眼镜行业英语眼镜行业英语 VIP班班 眼镜材料分类:钛架板材胶架/PCtitanium tatenm;the lightest 轻便 panel pQnlIt doesnt peel offpi:lIts not easy to be scratchedskrQtS不掉色,不易花plasticplQstik hard 坚实low price 廉价第9页眼镜行业英语眼镜行业英语 VIP班班 镜片分类:渐进镜片玻璃镜片尼龙镜片glass lensprogressive prEgresivfilmnylon lens第10页眼镜行业英语眼镜行业英

5、语 VIP班班 眼镜盒分类拉链盒皮盒塑料盒chain caseleather boxplastic box第11页眼镜行业英语眼镜行业英语 VIP班班 运动镜太阳镜老花镜按性质分:sports glassessunglassesreading glasses第12页怎样推荐货第13页第14页推荐货惯用语主动问询意见Do you like/How do you think of.?你要。吗?Would you like to have a look?要看吗?主动说出优点They are in fashion他们很时尚They are 100%genuinednjn他们百分百真货They newl

6、y arrivedErivd 他们新到 给出优惠If you really like it,I will give you disccountdiskVnt I see you like it very much,I will give you 10%off.第15页眼镜行业英语眼镜行业英语 VIP班班 档口实用金句:We have a factory.Different quality,different price.Its imported material.Only we have this style.This price is only for you.I want to start

7、 our business,so I give you the last price.They are made in Shenzhen.我们有工厂。一分钱一分货。它是进口料。只有我们有这个款。这个价格只给你一个人。他们深圳制造。我要开始我们生意,所以给你最低价格。第16页眼镜行业英语眼镜行业英语 VIP班班 销售对话:This is the last price 这是最低价A:How much is this?这个多少钱?B:How many?你要多少对?A:500 pairs.500对。B:30yuan.30元。A:Too high,give me the last price.太高了,给

8、最低价。B:This is the last price,only we can give you this price.If you dont believe,you can check.这是最低价,只有我们能够给你这个价;假如你不信,能够确认。A:Can you make it cheaper?能再廉价点吗?B:You know,my friend,if I give you high price,you will not buy from me,right?你也知道,老朋友,假如我给你开高价,你也不会跟我买,对不对?A:But please give me a discount.不过请给

9、个折扣。B:Im sorry sir,if I can,I did it,little profit for this price.对不起,要是能给早给了,这个价格没什么利润可言了。A:Ok,when can you give me?好吧,何时出货?B:I need 4 days.我需要四天。A:No problem,call me when you finish.没问题,弄好打我电话。B:All right.please give me some deposit.好,请给我写订金。A:Here is 200 yuan.这是200元。B:Ok,see you.好,再见。第17页/10/10 T

10、o dream what you want to dream!To do what you want to do!To trust yourself,to test your limits,that is the courage to succeed.梦想你所梦想!做你想做!相信自己,测试自己极限,这是成功勇气!第18页 My oath 我誓言Today I truly believeWhat I am doing today will totally change my life.Today I truly believeI will devote all my energy and pas

11、sion into English.Today I truly believeEnglish will be a powerful weapon in my life.Today I truly believeI will speak good English!I will because I think I will!Right here!Right now!Action!今天我坚信!今天所做将彻底改变我一生!今天我坚信!今天我坚信!我将把全部经精力和激情投入到英语中!英语将成为我人生强有力武器!今天我坚信!我一定能讲一口漂亮英文!我能够是因为我认为我一定行!就在这里!就在此刻!马上行动!第19页

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